Second Chance


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Then Al had purchased me a package of boys size twelve wife-beater undershirts a long time ago to use in any number of ways. I took off my bra, squeezed into the shirt, pulled up the bottom of the shirt and knotted it so that it ended right under my tits and showed off my bare midriff. I had a pair of stylized cowboy boots with a three inch heel. They had a zipper on the inside aspect of each leg so that I could put them on and pull up the zipper and the boot clung to my calves. The were fully knee high. They were brown in color and I wore a dark brown cowboy hat.

When I got into the kitchen Al was there wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and black running shoes. Tucked into the jeans was a dress shirt, open to his navel, showing off a bit of his abs and his pecks. I was surprised that he owned jeans like that or could put together such an ensemble and look so hot.

He took one look at me and said, "You're fabulous!"

"You ready to go public with me?" I asked.

"Eager to," he replied.

I figured he would just take me to an ice cream parlor for dessert, or maybe a walk through a neighborhood park just so that he could say that he had been seen out in public with me looking hot. Instead we went downtown to a car and motorcycle show where there were hundreds of people if not over a thousand. We walked around with his hand around my bare midriff.

He had me pose in front of a few cars while he took pictures of me with his phone. But he didn't just take pictures of me at random. He waited until there was a bunch of guys looking at a car and then he would ask me to pose for him. Sure enough, a few of the other guys looking at the car asked me to pose for pictures for them, too. Some of the guys wanted to be in a picture with me. Al looked like the cat that ate the canary.

He kept checking with me, making sure my feet were okay. After all, I had been on my feet all morning at work. When I indicated that maybe they were getting a little tired, we headed back to the van. Shortly before we got to it, he started to redirect me with his arm that was around me. At the same time he was calling out, "Jerry! Hey, Jerry!" A man turned in our direction and came walking over saying something like, "It's not bad enough we see one another five days a week . . ." when he stopped what he was saying and just looked at me slack jawed.

"Jerry, I'd like you to meet my better half, Amy," he said. Then, looking to me, he said, "Amy this is Jerry. He owns the company I work for. Best boss in the whole world."

Jerry didn't know exactly how to respond to that, and simply said, "Thanks for the compliment, and I feel very fortunate to have you working for me." Then he gained a little more composure and said, "But I always thought it was the boss that was supposed to have the trophy wife. It seems that in your case its the employee." After a few more minutes of conversation about the cars, Jerry said, "It's been very nice meeting you," looking directly at my boobs, "but I must be on my way. I was supposed to meet someone here fifteen minutes ago."

We continued on to the service van and I thought that Al would be driving me straight home. But instead he pulled into the parking lot of a sports bar. "We won't stay long but I want to show you off a little more. The manager here and I are on great terms. His A/C broke down late on a Friday afternoon and by the time he called up he thought he would have to wait until Saturday before he got it fixed. He figured he'd have to close the place down Friday night because without A/C the place would have been unbearable. It was on my way home, so I stopped by and got him up and running in no time. Because the bank closes late on Friday, you didn't even know that I was late getting home.

"He has very attractive female bartenders and between a lot of well placed screens and those bartenders he gets good crowds of people in here. I know we usually don't drink much but we'll have a little something for a few minutes and be on our way." We worked our way up to the bar. When we got there Al asked me what I wanted. I asked for a glass of Muscato.

While he was waiting for a bartender a man came out of the back room and came right up to Al and asked in a booming voice, "And what will you have my friend?"

"Tom," said Al, "I'd like you to meet my wife Amy." Turning to me, he said, "Tom is the owner here and obviously he keeps his customers satisfied."

Tom replied, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Amy. What are you guys having? It's on the house. I'll never forget how you saved me from disaster."

Al ordered the glass of wine for me and a draft beer for himself. When Tom returned with our drinks, he said to me, "You wouldn't be interested in tending bar, would you? You've got the look that keeps customers coming here. I can teach you how to mix the drinks."

"I'm very happy with the job I have," I said, "but thank you for the offer and the compliment."

"As long as I'm here, the offer stands," he said. Turning to Al he said, "No wonder I don't see you in here except to fix my A/C. If I had a wife like that I'd stick close to home, too." Once again he turned to me and addressed my tits, "Al's a very lucky man and you have my permission to say so."

"We'll do a little walking around just so I can be seen with you and look at you and admire how hot you are today," said Al. We walked around a bit and I could not help but notice the attention I was getting even though there were plenty of other girls in the bar, the bartenders were very attractive and there were football games playing on all the screens. It wasn't long before he said to me, "I'm afraid that some of these guys have already imbibed on too much liquid courage and I am worried that you might get groped. Maybe we had better leave as soon as you're done with your drink."

"And my feet are beginning to get a little tired again as well. I'm not used to three inch heels," I said. As we set our glasses down on the bar Al waved to Tom and we walked out. When we got to the parking lot I said, "Your warning about being groped was a little late. I had at least three guys touch my bare ass and one tried to tweak a nipple through my shirt. But maybe I needed it today to confirm that I really am hot. All four guys were in their twenties and cute."

When we got home, we came in the back door and Dory was in the kitchen. "Mom!" she practically shrieked. Then she looked at her dad. "You guys look so hot! I've never seen you looking like that before. This is amazing!"

"You say that now in the middle of your kitchen, but would you want us to look like this with you in front of your friends?"

"Yeah, Sure, Why not?" she said at first.

"Think about it," I said.

"Well, maybe I'd like to discuss it with you on a case by case basis," she finally said. "The boys would love it, they would start calling you a MILF a Mother I'd Like to . . ."

"We know what it stands for," chimed in Al, "and just from my experience with men and boys, that could spill over into giving you some grief."

"Yeah, I think you're right," said Dory. "But some of my friends would probably love to have some fashion advice from you," she said turning to me. "The way you have pulled that outfit together you look hotter than steam. In fact, I'd love to go shopping with you some time to pick out clothes that make a girl look that good. I think we could get matching mother/daughter outfits.

"And I think you would be most welcome looking like that if I hosted a girls' night here at the house. I love this new look. Don't wear it to church, but do wear it more often than the once every eighteen years that I've seen you wear it." She paused briefly, then said, "Don't change. I'll be right back down."

Dory had been wearing a pair of sweat pants and a sweat shirt that she used for painting, which is part of what they were doing that afternoon. She came down wearing a pair of beach volleyball shorts and a tube top. She started working on supper.

I had to take my boots off at this point. We moved to the living room. As soon as my boots were off Al was there to massage my feet. "Is there any doubt left in your mind that you are still capable of looking like and being a very hot woman?" he asked.

"No," I said. "But I need you to be right there with me. The last time I was trying to look hot I was a school girl trying to attract boys -- and eventually the boy that would marry me. Now I am married. I discovered today that I still enjoy being hot -- the power of being hot -- like I have the world by its pony tail. But I'm not trying to attract some guy to marry me. I want to have fun with my husband. Can we do this? Together?"

"I'd love to," he said. He worked on my feet a little more. Then he took my boots up to our room and came back with a pair of running shoes which he put on my feet. He offered me his hand to help me up so we could go into the kitchen to help Dory prepare supper.

But as I stood up I pulled Al in to me and held him as tight as I ever have, looked intently into his eyes and whispered intensely, "And tonight I want you to fuck the shit out of me!"

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For those people who want a simple, "And they lived happily ever after," story, they may stop reading at this point. For those who prefer a story that breaks through the boundaries of the standard white Anglo-Saxon Protestant mores, (as many Literotica readers seem to want to do) you may want to read on.

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With three of us working on it, it was not long before supper was ready. We sat down to eat. As we ate we talked about our day. Dory told us about the National Honor Society service project. Al and I talked about going to the car show and meeting Al's boss, although we conveniently left out the parts about taking pictures of me and the trophy wife comment. We mentioned stopping in at the sports bar where her dad was greeted as the local hero. We left out the part about me being offered a job -- I think he was just kidding, anyway.

Al mentioned how work was progressing on the house as we continued to fix it up and told Dory not to bury her painting clothes too deeply because the bedroom on which he was working would be ready to paint in a matter of days.

Quite often after supper we would clean up, load the dishwasher, and go our separate ways. But tonight I wanted to talk with Al about a few things. Those of you who are parents know how that goes. If you hope to spend time with your spouse, that's the time when the children demand your attention. And when they demand your attention, you might as well give it to them right away or else things will deteriorate in one way or another.

So it was that as we were cleaning up after supper, Dory asked, "Mom, could we go for a walk?" I had enough good sense to say, "Sure." Besides, I had dressed more attractively than I had been in years and had worried that maybe my daughter might have judged what I was wearing as being inappropriate for a mom. Instead, she wanted to hang out with me and go for a walk. I took it as a sign of affirmation.

Al reminded us both to take out phones. He also wanted to know where, in general, we were going to be walking -- " . . . just to be on the safe side."

We started walking down the street. As we did so we passed the house of a person who had just moved in and who was at the side of her house watering a flower bed. We waved to her as we passed. She waved back.

As we were walking, I thanked Dory once again for getting supper started. She replied, "I was glad to do it," but then launched into the unexpected. "I was hoping that I could get your thoughts on body piercings and body jewelry," she said. "A number of girls are getting pierced and there's even some social pressure to do so, but I'm just not sure," she began.

I had the good sense to go into listen and reflect mode. Having nursed Dory when she was an infant, I was able to give a nursing mother's perspective about nipple jewelry. I never would have wanted to nurse her while the jewelry was in. I would have been too afraid that somehow it would become loose and the baby would have swallowed it.

The more we talked, the more I thought that maybe I might want to have a few piercings myself. I would have to do more research on the internet. We decided that maybe we should do that together and discuss the articles we were reading.

We even got to the topic of clitoral or labial piercings and mentioned that if we decided to go that far, it would be comforting to do it together.

As we returned to our house, the lady who had just moved in was sitting on her front porch. I decided that the neighborly thing to do would be to walk up to the front porch and introduce ourselves.

"Hi," I said, "My name is Amy and this is my daughter, Dory. We live just a few doors down from here. I'd say, 'Welcome to the neighborhood,' except for the fact that we just moved here not too long ago ourselves, so I can't really tell you too much about it." I went on to mention that I was married and my husband's name was Al and that he was at home fixing up the house. I also mentioned that he always drove the refrigeration service van because he serviced large commercial refrigerator units and so every once in a while he got called out for an emergency.

She introduced herself as, "Eve. That's short for Evangeline. My mother was an English teacher. What can I say? I took an early retirement and now I just work part-time. I worked in Las Vegas and I am glad to get out of that rat race."

I could have asked, "That sounds interesting, what did you do there?" I could have asked about her marital status. But I don't like to pry. What if she had been a hooker? What if an ex-husband had beaten her? I didn't know. "Well if you run into an emergency at your house some day, don't hesitate to call. Al can fix almost anything," I said. I didn't really want to say that. Al has plenty to do. I just didn't know what else to say and it seemed like a neighborly thing to offer. I decided to extricate myself from this. "Speaking of Al, we'd best be going home," I said. "We've been gone long enough he might be beginning to worry about us."

As we got home, Dory said to me, "Thanks, Mom. That was really helpful. And I hope we can get together and do more research on the internet. It's amazing how when it comes to real sensitive things like sex and piercings, girls spend so much time listening to the gossip from the girls around them. Yet, while we'll use the internet to find out all kinds of things, we forget to consult it for the facts. Most girls I know get a piercing because a friend got one, without doing their homework on the internet."

"How 'bout Monday night as soon as the kitchen is all squared away?" I asked.

"Sounds like a plan," she replied and went up to her room.

I went to find Al. I expected to find him in the bedroom he was working on but he was not there. I went to his/our office and there he was. I told him we were home, but he knew that already because he heard Dory go up to her room and heard me wandering around the house. He had been looking at something on the computer, but now closed it down and said, "Finished. I was just looking something up -- sort of refreshing my mind." Then he asked, "How was your walk?"

I told him that it turned out to be a very nice mother/daughter bonding time and that we had spent most of the time talking about body piercings. Then I asked, "What would you say if I said I wanted to get a piercing?"

He said, "You already have crossed that river. Both you and Dory have had your ears pierced. So what's one more piercing?"

"So you wouldn't care, one way or the other?" I asked.

"It would be your body and you would be the one feeling the pain. If you felt the piercing was worth the pain, I certainly wouldn't object. I will even go so far to say that I think some piercings are very attractive and some are very sexy. But you do not need a piercing for me to think you're attractive or sexy," he said.

"What piercings do you find attractive or sexy?" I asked.

"I won't answer that one. If you want to get a piercing, you have to get it for you and because you want it. I don't want there to be even the slightest hint that I wanted you to get a piercing of any kind. I am happy with you just the way you are.

"In fact I am absolutely delighted the way you look today. You are the beautiful, attractive and sexy girl I fell in love with and married. It's like a dream come true and I thank you from the bottom of my heart."

"I need you to tell me something," I said quietly as I held him tightly and looked him in the eyes. "I should not need you to tell me this. You have never done anything to me that would make me need you to tell me this. But I need it for me," I said.

He waited.

"It has been so long. Promise me you will not hurt me," I said.

"I will promise you that, if you will promise to let me know if anything I do or we do is beginning to make you afraid that you are going to get hurt. I will need to know that to be able to keep my promise," Al said.

"Fair enough," I said. In fact, as I thought about it a little more, his answer was much better than a simple promise not to hurt me. He was being very realistic and honest. I felt safe.

"Anything else?" he asked.

I shook my head. He ushered me into the living room. While we were gone he had not been working on the house. He had set up the living room for us. The room was lit with a few candles, one of them scented. Extending out from our sofa was a large futon so that we could sit on the sofa and stretch out our legs. Across from the sofa on the wall was the television.

There was a tray table that we could reach from the sofa and on that table sat a chilled bottle of wine and two wine glasses. We sat down and Al turned on the movie -- a romantic comedy. He will admit it: he's a sucker for them. So am I. We watched the movie and snuggled.

I'd like to say that we weren't more than twenty minutes into the movie and we were making out. And I'd like to say that because that was what was happening. We had seen the movie before. The pattern became making out until there was an especially good part in the movie, and we'd break it off for a few minutes and then we went back to making out.

Somewhere in our second glass of wine I found his hand on my breast. My cropped shirt was still on, but the material was thin and stretched tight and his hand felt good. I untied the knot that made the shirt a crop top. He reached under the shirt and ever so gently played with my tits. When he started tweaking my nipples the little jolts of electricity started shooting down to my clit and my love tunnel began to moisten.

Half way through the movie I nudged Al and told him to pause the movie at the next change of scene so that I could go take a leak. Yeah, I know, I had never used that term before. But it sounded more dirty or sexy than any other term I could think of at the time. When I was done, I washed myself off thoroughly and I put my shorts and panties in the hamper. I pulled the shirt down so that it covered a good part of my bottom and I went back to the living room.

Al was waiting for me. He had removed his pants. A number of years ago he had taken to wearing men's thong underwear. Normally I did not ask about such things. It was like not asking him what he was doing in his office because just maybe he was looking at porn and jacking off. But I made the mistake of asking him, so he told me. He said something like, "I would prefer to see you wearing thongs and revealing underwear. But since I am put in the position of taking care of myself, I thought I would wear sexy underwear myself rather than go entirely without."