Secrets at the School Gate


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"You must be Laura," he said, standing back and beckoning her inside. "Do come in. Would you like some tea, or coffee?"

"A coffee would be lovely," replied Laura, her earlier apprehensions starting to drain away. First impressions were very favourable. He led her down a corridor and into a comfortable sitting room overlooking the back garden. She immediately noticed a generous-sized sofa along the middle of one wall facing the window and an old-fashioned escritoire with a high-backed chair in front of it.

"Take a seat and I will be back with some coffee," said Peter.

Laura looked around. The room was nicely furnished, well-chosen fabrics and some decent prints on the walls. Everything looked tidy; she assumed that Peter lived alone following the death of his wife. Children grown up and flown the nest probably?

Peter reappeared with a tray on which sat a cafetiere, two cups and a small milk jug. "Would you like milk?" he asked. "Yes please, just a splash", said Laura. Feeling bold she followed up with "It's a very nice place you have here, do you live alone?"

"Yes, ever since my wife died and the children headed off for university and then jobs."

"I'm so sorry to hear about your wife, Chrissie told me," confided Laura.

"Well. One of those things, nothing anyone could do about it," he mused.

"And are you still working, I mean separate to your er, hobby?"

Peter smiled slightly. "Yes, I am a financial analyst, I work for a major bank in the City but I can do my work from here just as easily, everything is on-line, I only go in to talk to colleagues and the like about once a week. Which leaves time for my little hobby, or should I call it 'service'."

"So is it all word of mouth?" asked Laura.

"Oh yes, as it was in your case evidently. I've got no interest in advertising on some website, I don't charge and I only want to see women who are genuinely interested in the subject. They get something from it and so do I, so everyone is happy. It's something I practised with my wife until she got ill and I found myself rather missing it once she had gone, so that's how it started."

He turned more business-like and regarded his guest keenly. "So Laura, what interests you about corporal punishment and what do you want to get from this session? I think it's best to be completely open and with luck you won't go away disappointed. Do you feel you need to make amends for a foolish act, do you find spanking a turn-on or do you just want to try it to see what it's like?"

Laura found herself blushing but managed to explain about the old boyfriend and the desire that had lain dormant for so long until Chrissie had provoked the subject.

"So you see, it's not something I am looking to try for the first time but I haven't done it for a long time and I just sort of, want to remind myself what it's like. It's that feeling of trepidation as you know what's about to happen, that you can't stop it and you're going to be vulnerable, or rather your bottom is. And yes, I do find it a turn-on."

"Excellent, well I am sure I can help. Now, do I take it that you can't afford to have any marks showing? Because I can certainly redden your bottom but that will fade away within a few hours. And do you have any preferences with regards to implements?"

"You are right about the marks. I thought you were just going to use your hand, but what else do you suggest that won't leave marks?"

Peter got up and went to a tall cupboard that was artfully concealed in a bookshelf. He pressed a panel and the door swung open to reveal a large collection of disciplinary implements.

"I have leather and wooden paddles, slippers, the reliable hairbrush, all sorts of leather straps, tawses and of course the cane. Oh and the riding-crop, but in your case I think we had better forget the canes, the riding-crop and the tawses. Basically anything with a narrow impact area is likely to leave marks, so apart from the hand we are left with paddles, the hairbrush and we could try one of the wider leather straps as long as I don't apply too much force. So far as position is concerned I very much favour the traditional over the knee position, but the strap -- and indeed the cane and the tawse - require you to be bending over the desk. And while I am very happy to warm you up with your knickers on, I do find that the punishment proper is best carried out on the bare bottom so that I can assess impact and effectiveness. So far as safewords are concerned, I will just ask you if you are green, amber or red. They are self-explanatory really, if you say green then everything is fine, if you say amber I will reduce intensity and if you say red, I will stop immediately. Now how does that sound?"

Laura found her mouth had gone very dry. In a quiet voice she said "I think you should put me over your knee for a good spanking, I will let you be the judge of when to take my knickers down and I think I would like to try the leather paddle and the hairbrush once you have warmed me up by hand."

"Very good, then I suggest that you take off your skirt and your jacket and bring the black oval paddle and the large Mason & Pearson over to me on the couch." With that Peter removed his own jacket and sat in the middle of the sofa. Laura went to the open cupboard, selected the items that Peter had requested and brought them to him. Standing straight in front of him she shrugged off the white jacket and then unzipped the floaty skirt and let it fall to the ground. She faced Peter in her purple shirt, stockings and suspenders and the court shoes.

"Very nice, stockings and suspenders always frame a woman's bottom nicely while offering absolutely no impediment to the action," commented Peter. On reflection Laura decided to dispense with the purple shirt too, and that soon joined her skirt on the floor, the black lace knickers now complemented by a bra of the same material. "I think I'm ready to start," she said.

Peter patted his lap and she draped herself over it, ensuring that her bottom was over his thighs in order to push it up. She turned her head to one side in the soft cushions of the sofa and found herself looking at a small floor level mirror she had not noticed before, that gave her a side view of her stocking-clad legs and bottom.

"You have a wonderful bottom, just made to be spanked," said Peter appreciatively.

"Well it's too big but I do keep it in shape with tennis and the gym," replied Laura from amongst the sofa cushions.

"All women think their bottoms are too big, trust me I am an expert, but yours is perfect," reassured Peter as he brought his hand down smartly on first the right cheek and then the left three times in succession. "Now we'll start up with a warm-up session by hand, gradually getting harder," he said as he methodically smacked each cheek in turn. He wasn't doing it very forcefully and Laura found it pleasantly stingy. "Are you on green?" asked Peter solicitously. "Oh definitely green," replied Laura but she noticed the tempo and the impact was increasing almost imperceptibly. It was definitely getting warm inside her knickers, both at front and back. She applied weight to her elbows and thrust her bottom up ever so slightly to meet each downward stroke, wriggling slightly from side to side. Peter recognised the signal instantly and slapped the lower reaches of her bottom, just below the knicker line, with greater intensity. Laura arched her back, took some weight on her knees and started to move her hips rhythmically over Peter's lap in time with the strokes.

"Still green?" asked Peter. "Very much so, I am just enjoying the warm-up," replied Laura coquettishly. "Well, we'll have to see what we can do about that," muttered Peter enjoying the sight of the shapely bottom still encased in the black silk knickers, gyrating over his lap. He distributed a dozen further firm smacks over both cheeks and then paused. "I think it's about time this naughty girl had her knickers taken down so that she can benefit from the spanking she so richly deserves, on her bare bottom," he announced. "You're in charge, it's your decision," came the muffled reply from the cushions as Laura lifted her hips to assist with the lowering of her underwear. Peter hooked his thumbs into the waistband on both sides and agonisingly slowly pulled them down over the suspender straps and down past the stocking tops. "Oh very nice, you've got quite a rosy bottom already, but we must improve on that, I want to see a nice crimson glow all over. Still green Laura?"

"Yes still green, please just get on with it," pleaded Laura.

"Oh, getting impatient are we, you might just regret that," smirked Peter as a volley of flat-handed smacks landed across the centre of both cheeks of the voluptuous bottom across his lap. I think you're going to find it stings a lot more on the bare bottom, my girl."

"Ooh, I do hope so," replied Laura suggestively as she ground her thighs together.

"Hmm, I can see it's time we moved up to the leather paddle," said David, noting the obvious signs of her arousal. "I think you will find this more to your liking."

With that Peter picked up the oval paddle lying beside him on the seat of the sofa and administered half a dozen rapid swats to each cheek in turn, producing a report like a series of loud cracks and causing the writhing hips to redouble their action.

"Mmm, stingier but still green," came the breathless voice from the cushions. Peter laid down the paddle and very gently stroked the backs and insides of her thighs. "Time for a little intermission while the endorphins get to work," he soothed. "I believe in the trade this is known as an extra. Just let me know if you are still comfortable." His fingertips traced up the insides of her thighs and probed very gently along the edge of her pussy, causing Laura to spread her legs slightly and arch her back a little more. "Yes very comfortable thanks," she murmured.

Peter's forefinger and middle finger continued to advance upward, finding the hot sticky wetness of her slit and moving rhythmically back and forth. Laura moaned softly and thrust her hips back more, inviting him to continue his explorations until he located her clitoris on which his fingertips started making circular motions.

"Well, I believe you when you say that you find spanking a turn-on," he whispered, "but it hasn't finished yet". A muffled groan came from the cushions as his fingers pressed harder. "In fact forward girls like you deserve a harder spanking, after the paddle you have the hairbrush so feared by generations of naughty schoolgirls, to look forward to."

With that Peter withdrew his fingers but burrowed his left hand under her hips from the side until his fingers on that hand located the spot so recently vacated by his right and began the same circular massaging action. He picked up the leather paddle again with his right hand and began a rhythmic spanking of the reddened bottom cheeks. The moans from Laura were getting louder now as his fingers continued the stimulation of her clitoris while he administered increasingly loud swats to her bare bottom with the paddle.

As Laura's breath came in increasingly short gasps and her wriggling increased Peter subtly slowed the work of the fingers of his left hand, while maintaining the power and tempo of his right. The massaging of her clitoris slowed to a snail's pace as he laid down the paddle.

"I think you are enjoying this, young lady, which is not the point of corporal punishment at all," he stated in a mock-serious tone. "It's time to move on to what I know you have been waiting for, the Mason & Pearson hairbrush, which might have been designed specifically for punishing naughty girls' bottoms."

"I don't care what you do with the hairbrush as long as you get on with it and don't stop what you are doing with your fingers," gasped Laura.

Peter brought down the hairbrush sharply on the lower portion of each cheek in turn causing an involuntary flinch from his subject. "You might regret that you little minx," he admonished, "amongst aficionados the hairbrush is held in almost as much awe as the cane or the tawse." He demonstrated this by applying half a dozen firm strokes, producing a most satisfying thwack, to the crimson cheeks in front of him.

"Yeeeeow, amber," shrieked Laura.

"See what I mean about the hairbrush," grinned Peter, "OK we'll tone it down a bit, but you should now be reaching the point where the endorphins mask the pain but still allow you to benefit from the heat. And this delicious bare bottom is certainly feeling warm."

"I can feel the heat alright," mumbled Laura, starting to move her hips back and forth over Peter's lap in search of more friction against her pussy. Peter recognised the signs and slowly increased the pressure of his fingers against her clit while applying gentler pats to the well punished bottom. As her breathing shortened again he subtly increased the firmness of the strokes in tune with the massaging of her clitoris until finally he spanked her to a shuddering, gasping climax. As her cries mounted and then gradually subsided he threw down the hairbrush and gently stroked her blazing cheeks.

It took Laura some time to regain her equilibrium as her hips twitched involuntarily over Peter's lap, but eventually she hauled herself unsteadily to her feet and faced her punisher through moist eyes streaked with mascara, her knickers still round her knees and her chest heaving.

"My God, that was extraordinary, I've never had an orgasm like it," she panted.

"The mixture of pleasure and pain can be very powerful," replied Peter, eyeing her sympathetically. "You certainly seemed to be enjoying it so I didn't hold back."

Laura turned her back to mirror to investigate the depredations inflicted on her backside. She stared at a glowing crimson bottom, but looking more carefully she could not see any signs of bruising or the outline of any of the implements Peter had applied to her bottom. Peter sensed her concern and reassured her. "It's all down to the width of the implement. As long as you distribute the force over a wide enough area you shouldn't get any bruising or marks, while you will certainly get a lot of reddening. That should largely have disappeared by the time you go to bed, but it might be safer to undress in the dark, or in a separate room, just in case."

"How thoughtful of you, Master," replied Laura in an ironic tone. She had regained proper control of her underwear and was sitting in the high-backed chair facing Peter, with her stocking-clad legs crossed. "Now what do you get out of all this? It's not for money so is it just for fun?"

"Certainly I enjoy spanking deserving girls on their naked bottoms," smiled Peter. It takes me back to my very happy married life.

"But what did your wife do for you after she had been spanked?" asked Laura with one eyebrow raised and glancing not too furtively at the crotch of Peter's trousers. "I expect at the very least she must have done this," breathed Laura as she left her seat and positioned herself next to Peter on the sofa, with her fingers busy first with his belt and then with his zip. She plunged one hand inside his trousers and pants and eased out his stiff cock.

"She will have known how much you got turned on by spanking her and wouldn't have just left you there with a straining penis and your balls turning blue. I expect she probably got well screwed from behind but that's not part of the deal today. She must at the very least have given you a relaxing hand job, probably while reliving her experiences over your knee." Laura was running her fingers in a fan shape over the head of his penis while cupping his balls in the other hand. She stared into his eyes. "Am I on the right track?" she asked wide-eyed. Peter nodded and inhaled loudly.

"Then I expect she told you how much she had enjoyed being ordered to strip to her underwear, perhaps she had to bend over that escritoire for a few strokes with one of your leather straps over her knickers, before she went over your knee for a good, long slow spanking on her bare bottom?"

Laura had her lips pressed close to Peter's ear as she fondled his penis steadily and firmly. "Did she get the hairbrush on the bare bottom, like me? Did she wear stockings and suspenders to be spanked in? Perhaps school uniform too? Did she get so turned on that you could bring her to a climax just through spanking her?"

Peter jerked and gasped as Laura deliberately slowed her handiwork. "Did she sometimes surprise you dressed in her "ready-to-be-spanked" outfit with one of your paddles in her hand and ask to be spanked there and then over your knee?" Peter could control himself no longer and ejaculated mightily into Laura's hand and over her lap. He slowly recovered his composure and grinned ruefully at her. "Yes, something like that," he admitted.

Laura found some tissues and cleaned herself and him up as best she could before stepping back into her discarded skirt and shirt. She regarded Peter fondly. "I thought this was going to be a one-off but I can see I might need a regular course of discipline to keep me on the straight and narrow. And if my husband is away on business for a couple of nights I might just have to bend over your escritoire to see what a few strokes of the tawse on my bottom feels like." Peter rose to his feet.

"It was delightful to see you Laura and do come again, if that is not too much of a double entendre. Like you I enjoyed it very much and thanks for the memories." She kissed him lightly and made her way to the front door. "See you again soon," she called and made her way to her car.

She saw Chrissie at the school gate a few days later. "You were right, wearing tight jeans just after a visit to Peter Carpenter isn't such a good idea," she whispered sotto voce.

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thorbetthorbet3 months ago

Great story, very erotic and well written. Perhaps some of the longer paragraphs could have been broken up a bit but it didn't retract from the overall content. I look forward to the next two chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This story is so great, so realistic, and it’s just one step on from going to a personal trainer or for a massage, right? The intimate bits might be a teensy bit unfaithful, but surely a spanking is only an extra firm massage? Do you think a busy husband would accept that? I get massages from a Thai masseuse which really hurt (although in my shoulders rather than my butt!) and I am wondering how many girls go to men like Peter in the story to get spanked in real life?!

If you are a mum (especially a London mum) and do this sort of thing please write in and tell us! I know lots of us read literotica!


EddieEnglishEddieEnglishover 1 year agoAuthor

Anonymous - glad you enjoyed it. Hope you have found the next two stories in the Carpenters' Upholstery trilogy. Send me a PM and you can be next!

EddieEnglishEddieEnglishover 1 year agoAuthor

Anonymous - glad you enjoyed it. Send me a PM and you can be next!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

What a lovely, sexy, realistic story. I loved it. Anonymous school mum! Me next please. x

JOHNKEY2222JOHNKEY2222over 1 year ago

Wonderful story, sexy and exciting, I love it...

Slowandeasy47Slowandeasy47almost 2 years ago

Nicely crafted spanking story which I enjoyed very much.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Part 2 The Husband takes over

Part 2 could have the husband catching-on and really keeping her bottom warmed for a week !!

EddieEnglishEddieEnglishabout 4 years agoAuthor
Reply to "Holly"

I put in place measures which would have allowed you to contact me directly if you were the real Holly. As you haven't, I have to conclude what I suspected all along which is that you are a fantasist.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Holly Willoughby

My bum and tits are waiting for your hands to punish them.My shaved cunt is wet as I imagine being thrashed by you,love Holly W x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Holly Willoughby

Hope you got my message re giving me a personal spanking,love,Holly W x

EddieEnglishEddieEnglishabout 4 years agoAuthor
Holly W

You've sent me a private message insisting you are who you say you are. You don't live far from me. You can prove it by hoisting a balloon up your flagpole at home. If I drive past and see it I will know it really is you.

EddieEnglishEddieEnglishabout 4 years agoAuthor
Holly W

You're right, I don't believe you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Holly W

You probably don’t believe me,but this is Holly Willoughby,and I occasionally read lit erotica ,especially spanking stories!Some authors have written stories on this site about me,but I would love to read one about 3 dirty old men giving me a good thrashing,and then obviously having sex with me,using my body for their own pleasure.They would humiliate me and abuse me and force me to enjoy it.Would you be kind enough to write a story about me using these ideas?If not,then no worries,I will still read your next spanking story.Love,Holly Willoughby x

JonTorLangJonTorLangabout 4 years ago

Tastefully warming story. I look forward to reading about her further adventures at Carpenter’s

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