Secrets of Apple Grove Ch. 04


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One nice thing about being Commander is that I don't have to ask anyone if I want to go somewhere. I just told the Duty Desk that I would be out in my Police SUV, and to contact me on police radio should I be needed. I drove said Police SUV up to the new Cabin.

The foundations were in, piles driven into the side of the mountain to support the structure, and steel beams rising from the poured concrete of the base floor and deck. It was beginning to come together.

"Mr. Troy!" said the foreman of the group, coming over to me as I surveyed the work.

"Great job here, George." I said.

"Yes sir." George replied. "The hardest parts are done. I had two guys do the steps down to that little wine cellar dug into the mountain, and nobody else really knows about it. Now it's just a matter of putting up the walls and flooring onto the steel crossbeams. Unless we get deluged with a typhoon, we'll be done with the structure in three weeks, and the rest is just a matter of what you want to do with the insides of the house."

"That's great!" I said. "So why did you call me up here?"

"There's a man up there on top of the hill. Older man." said George. "He was watching us and I told him he needed to leave because of the dangers of the construction. He just said in this gravelly, formal voice to call you, and that he'd be up there on top of the hill."

"Shock of white hair?" I asked. George grinned and nodded. "Thanks." I said.

I ascended a little path that went up from my driveway. The very top of the ridgeline was just high enough that one would be able to see over the roof of the new Cabin once it was built. At the top I saw the man sitting, admiring the view to the west over my house as well as to the east. One could see Reservoir Lake and the golf course that Councilman McGhillie ran from here.

"Ah, if it isn't Monsieur Michaux." barked Dr. P. Harvey Eckhart, founder and leader of 'The Vision' self-help empire.

"I hope and trust your associate in the Apple Grove Police Department is safe and sound." I said.

"Oh yes," said Eckhart. "She's at 'The Vision' World Headquarters now. It's probably best that she did not remain in your old home town, n'est pas?"

"I do agree." I replied. "And I very much appreciate you burning that source to help me out. If it's any consolation, it was well worth it."

"Ah yes, but don't worry. She's only burned there, and she can go to other places. Also, I have many friends, happy friends in many places. Such as yourself." Eckhart said, and I realized he'd fully understood my use of 'Michaux'.

"So, my friend," said Eckhart, "have you considered what the payment is going to be for this favor?"

"Oh yes." I said, coming over and sitting next to Eckhart. "I suspect that you will ask for everything that I obtained while up there."

"As your colleagues are so fond of saying behind your back and to your face," said Eckhart, "not much gets by the Iron Crowbar."

I extended my hand and dropped a jump drive into Eckhart's palm. I said "I didn't give the FBI Deputy Director everything, but on this jump drive is everything I have. Your jump drive there has everything, I've left nothing out... and there is one document that I think you'll find of singular importance. "

"Care to give me the Cliff Notes now?" Eckhart said.

I dropped my voice to nearly a whisper as I said "A man's name was listed in connection with the 'Victory Christian Ministries' charity, which was and is being used by both the Oldeeds Group and the Superior Bloodlines group. I now have the first documentation of the existence of the Shadow Man in connection with what is going on around here and around the Nation. Oh, it wouldn't be crap for any trial or conviction, but it shows me I'm on the right track... and that particular document was what he wanted to destroy to keep me from seeing it."

"Ah, yes. Good work." said Eckhart. "And now your FBI friends are about to go after Henry Wargrave. Do watch out, my friend, Mr. Wargrave is not going to go down without a fight. And as I've said before... he hates your wife immeasurably."

"True." I said. "And I'll be watching. Fortunately, she is capable of taking care of herself, as well."

"Very much so." said Eckhart. "But all the same, may I recommend that you get and keep Mr. Wargrave's full, undivided attention upon yourself, to distract him from... 'annoying' your lovely wife."

"Yes, I was thinking the same thing." I said. "And if he is going to go after my wife, I need to let him know I'm capable of reciprocating in kind."

Eckhart grinned. "All the Troy men are the same... you, your nephew Todd, your nephew Ned when he was alive... only thinking about getting your root wet."

"What else is there to think about?" I asked with a grin. "And I wonder who else that family trait extends to..." Eckhart just grinned.

"Okay, I've got to go." I said. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you soon, Harvey."

"Likewise, young Donald. Likewise. Au revoir..."

Part 21 - Councils and Chiefs

The public auditorium where the Town & County Council met was packed to overflowing on the evening of Tuesday, April 14th, mostly with Media. Tonight was the night the Council would decide upon the next Chief of Police of the Town & County Police Force, and the curiosity was overwhelming. Hopes were somewhat dashed, however at the Mayor's words:

"There being no more public business for this evening," quoth Mayor Vaughan, the People's Choice, "the Council will now go into executive session for the discussion of personnel matters."

The Council members retired into the small meeting room, where Sheriff Allgood, Chief Griswold, and myself waited for them. Here we go, I thought as they filed into the room and took their seats at the table.

The Mayor called the meeting to order, and reminded everyone that they were bound to secrecy in this meeting. "Okay, nominations for the Police Chief position."

Malinda Adams started off: "I believe the only candidate we should even consider is Precinct Captain Susan Weston."

"Not only should we consider other candidates," said John 'Jack' Colby, "I believe there is a candidate much more qualified that Precinct Captain Weston... actually there are two, one of them being Commander Troy, but he won't budge out of that Commander chair. So I nominate Harold Bennett."

"Any others?" asked the Mayor. "Anyone want to seriously consider the two candidates from outside?"

There being no response, J.P. Goldman said "I move we close these nominations and make our choice." That was quickly seconded and passed by voice vote.

And the vote was an easy 9-1 for Harold Bennett. "Are you good with that, Chief Griswold?" asked the Mayor.

"Yes I am." said Griswold.

"Sheriff?" asked the Mayor.

"Absolutely." said Allgood. "He was my suggestion all along."

"True." said the Mayor. "Commander Troy, are you good with this nomination?"

"Yes, Mr. Mayor." I said.

"Will you be working for him?" asked Malinda Adams with a sneer, "Or will he be working for you?" The affront to my professionalism caused gasps at the table... but I was prepared.

"I will be working for him, Councilwoman Adams.," I said, then bore in on her: "just as all of the women on the Police Force are working for me."

That made Dagmar Schoen and Jack Colby burst out laughing, joined by Edward Steele, Thomas P. Cook, then others. Malinda Adams turned beet red with deep anger, but even Kelly Carnes couldn't keep from laughing. I was grinning myself as I made full eye contact with Malinda Adams. That was Iron Crowbar 1, Uber-Feminist Councilwoman 0.

"Okay, okay," said the laughing Mayor, trying to restore order. "Order, order please. Okay, it's settled. We'll have the second reading of the bill next Tuesday evening. Is there anything else we need to discuss? Sheriff?"

"Yes, Mr. Mayor." said Sheriff Allgood, standing up. "In addition to the budgetary items I've submitted, I believe we have a possible solution to the Brownlee problem. When Commander Troy first came to this Police Force as I.T. Supervisor and Detective, it was with a tacit understanding that he would report directly to Chief Griswold, bypassing Captain Malone. I believe that while Deputy Chief Brownlee is responsible overall for administrative matters, Physical Properties Captain Marc Aaron should have some autonomy, especially in the I.T. areas, and report directly to the Chief."

"Sheriff Allgood," asked Pastor Westboro, "if I may ask: has there been any recent problems with Commander Brownlee since our last meeting over that altercation with Commander Troy and Lieutenant Ross?"

"Not really, sir." said Daniel. "Deputy Chief Brownlee has been quiet the last few weeks. He mostly administrates from his office. He only came out of there three times during the few days Commander Troy was away this past weekend, and that was on visits to Personnel & Records. However, Captain Aaron has commented on a certain, shall we say 'deliberative process' on Brownlee's part in signing off on purchases and moving forward on things like server purchases and security upgrades. Giving Aaron some room to run, as well as letting him bypass Brownlee and go to the Chief would speed things up."

"I have to agree with the point behind Pastor Westboro's question." said Thomas P. Cook. "I can understand giving Commander Troy the autonomy; he was brought in to clean up some things, which happened to involve Captain Malone himself. But bypassing Brownlee, who as far as I can tell is doing a good job, may be unnecessary."

"Commander Troy, what's your advice?" asked the Mayor invitingly.

"Mr. Mayor, I must object." said Kelly Carnes. "This is not Commander Troy's business. He won't be Acting Chief after May 1st. His opinion is irrelevant with regard to what this Council does. He's an employee of the Police Force and is expected to follow his orders and the regulations as set by this Council."

"Mrs. Carnes," said Jack Colby, his voice cold with indignation, "in case you didn't notice, the Iron Crowbar went from Detective to Acting Chief in less than three years, and that was because he earned it every step of the way. His opinion would not only be one of experience and expertise, but of unbelievable ability. And I want to hear that opinion, also."

"There is no harm in hearing the Commander's opinion." said Edward R. Steele. "We can accept it or reject it, but I'd like to hear it also."

"Commander?" asked the Mayor, stopping further debate, meaning to hear my words.

"Thank you, Mr. Mayor." I said. "All I can say is that your duly elected Sheriff is seeking to resolve that situation in a good way, but I would also advise asking your new Chief of Police how he'd like to handle it. Chief Griswold didn't mind babysitting his Detective; I'm not sure what Chief Bennett would want to do, and it ultimately should be his call."

"Why don't we table that discussion until next month's meeting, Sheriff?" said the Mayor. The Sheriff agreed.

"Okay, if there is nothing else..." said the Mayor.

"Mr. Mayor," I said, standing up, "I do have one request of this Council, that will solve a large number of potential issues in the future." I looked at Malinda Adams and said "And I believe it is something Councilwoman Adams will heartily approve..."

Part 22 - Epilogue

"Ah, there you are." I said as Laura came into our home at 10:50pm. "Surely you were not meeting all day?"

"Mommy!" exclaimed Carole, who I was holding. Hearing Carole, Bowser barked happily also.

"Hi, baby!" Laura said to Carole first. "How's my girl?" She took Carole from me for a hug and kiss as Bowser looked on.

"C'mere, Bowser." I said. Bowser bounded over and received some 'skritchins'.

"Yes, we met all day, until ten minutes ago.." Laura said, finally answering my question. "And I'm absolutely starving."

"If you'll put Carole to bed, I'll fix you something in the kitchen." I said. I kissed Carole goodnight, and her mother took her upstairs... attended by her bodyguard, the redoubtable Bowser.

A few moments later, Laura came into the kitchen. I took my lovely wife in my arms and gave her a warm kiss. "I haven't seen you in way too many days." I said.

"I know." she said, wrapping her arms around me. After another kiss, she said "What's for dinner?"

"Some reheated chicken casserole." I said. The microwave beeped and I took out Laura's portion, and put a second one in for me.

As she ate, I said quietly "Laura, something came up when Jack and I went to Teresa's home town."

"Oh?" she said.

"Yes." I said, my voice quiet and severe. "Something big, and serious. Really serious..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Police Headquarters was almost empty at 11:00pm when Phyllis Troy, wearing her Auxiliary Policewoman uniform, came to the Duty Desk.

"Hello, Sergeant," she said cheerfully. "I am afraid I left my cell phone in my son's office today. Would you mind if I go back and retrieve it?"

"Certainly, Mrs. Troy." said the Duty Desk Sergeant. "Patrolman, this is Commander Troy's mother, would you escort her down the hall to his office to get her phone?"

"Yes, Sergeant." said the youngish Patrolman, who reminded Phyllis of Officer Pete Feeley in his early days with the Force. "Ma'am, this way please."

As they got to the door of the Commander's office, Phyllis said, "You know, I'm going to have to use the facilities down the hall, and at my age one should not wait. Would you excuse me? Or you can go back up to the desk, and I'll come back down."

"Yes ma'am." the young man said, eager to please. Phyllis went into the restroom. A moment later, seeing the young man had gone back down the corridor, she bolted for Don's office.

Once in the darkened room, she retrieved her phone, which she really had left intentionally, then went behind the desk. Using the phone's flashlight app, she went to the matchstick and wood Trojan Horse on the little bookshelf by Don's desk. She opened the little trap door in the horse's belly, then stuck her fingers inside and felt around.

She felt the capsule which was taped into the neck, and brought it out. It looked like a medicine capsule but was metal. She paused for a second, knowing that if she opened the capsule, things would irrevocably change. Then she steeled her resolve.

Opening the capsule, she unrolled the little scroll of paper. Upon reading it, many trains of thought in her mind boarded and left the station. Everything began falling into place. She understood all, and understood why Don knew what he was up against and had to be so careful about.

The words on the little scroll were a name... the real name of the arch-nemesis, the Shadow Man, the 'Moriarty' that was plaguing Don.

Phyllis hurriedly replaced the capsule in the neck of the matchstick Trojan Horse and quickly left the room.

Finis.... well, you know...

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chytownchytown7 months ago

*****This is so good. Great storytelling. Thanks for sharing.

Ravey19Ravey19over 2 years ago

Another enjoyable romp as Don and Co unearth more shenanigans. Hopefully things will work out in the home towns.

Firmhands5Firmhands5over 6 years ago
Such a tease

Thank you so much for continuing the pleasure, reading a great story (novel)!

Many_MemoriesMany_Memoriesalmost 8 years ago
Seems to me that a couple of letters have been left out --

"W" and "O" need to be added to the phrase "Shadow Man"... IMHO

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
left hanging

needed more of a wrap up. didnt feel anything got solved or resolved.

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