Seduced By The Woman Next Door Ch. 06

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Charlotte tries to fix things with John but falls deeper.
3.5k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/12/2020
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The girls disappeared up to Debbie's bedroom, leaving me with a sense of growing unease. If Lyndsay knew would she tell Debbie? Did she have some sense of knowing? I remember reading in magazines about something called gaydar, a sense of knowing if somebody is it that how she knew, or worse could she smell my arousal so freshly returned from Brianna's place I probably still reeked of sex, her smell all over me. I poured a large glass of wine and flopped on the settee in the family room trying to calm my unease, as I contemplated, 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CHARLOTTE?'

Taking a large gulp, I sat back and closed my eyes. All I needed was a moment....I needed the world to stop spinning, just a moment to catch my breath.

I didn't get my moment because with my eyes shut for what seemed like mere seconds, Debbie and Lyndsay came running into the family room giggling and tittering like the silly teenage girls they were. Debbie squeaked, "Mum, is it OK if Lyndsay sleeps over? We asked her mum, and she said it was OK so long as you don't mind?"

It felt like somebody had just inserted a knife in my stomach and was twisting the silver blade. What could I say? "Yes, of course dear, just remember it's a weeknight."

Debbie leaned down and hugged me, "Thanks mum."

Lyndsay smiled, more a smirk really as they turned and ran back to Debbie's room. Damn it, Lyndsay had slept over a million times with Debbie before and I never cared, now it felt like I was throwing her to the wolves...

I wouldn't let her have a boy sleep over, but I was letting her sleep over and probably share a bed with what I now feared was a wolf in sheep's clothing.

My eyes closed as I tried to comprehend what happened to my life? Finishing my wine, I checked my phone, no messages, no missed calls from John. For all intents and purposes, he had vanished from my life. After all these years, he just walked away...did he not love me at all? Had he found somebody else?

I may have drifted off to sleep for a while. When my eyes opened I still felt tired, my neck ached as I stretched trying to ease the pain. God, I felt mentally exhausted, and I had work the next day as well. I trundled off to bed but as I snuck past Debbie's room I put my ear to the door, trying to hear something...anything...was Lyndsay seducing Debbie? Oh my god were they having sex?

Debbie and I had a good relationship, and normally I would have felt no misgivings about sticking my head in the door and asking if they were alright, but here... now... I was scared stiff about what I would find.

I stepped back and trudged off to bed.

It was a restless night for me, that look in Lyndsay's eyes as she held me... oh my god, I felt that blade give another twist as it slid insidiously up towards my heart. Was I condoning my daughter having sex?

Closing my eyes, I realised she is an adult in the eyes of the world, legally entitled to have sex, but she was still my little girl... my daughter.... my baby.

In the morning the girls wandered out and I tried to see some trace of guilt or embarrassment on Debbie's face but there was nothing. She was just her regular bubbly happy go lucky self. When I gazed at Lyndsay I saw something different, her eyes drilled into me, and I felt my cheeks burn, there was no mistaking the sexual energy that burned within. There was desire in her, that same attraction I sensed from Brianna.

I chased the girls out and headed to school myself.

The day passed slowly and it seemed late when I got home. Debbie disappeared into her room to study leaving me to prepare dinner. I fussed about in the kitchen, trying to enjoy a glass of wine to settle my tummy.

I was jolted from my moment of peace when I heard the front door open and John walked in. He walked straight into the kitchen, and his tightly drawn face hinted he wanted to talk, "Is Debbie home?" He asked, no hello, no how are you just straight to the point.

I nodded nervously, "Yes, she's in her room studying."

With both of us standing anxious glares going back and forth no words spoken but this building air of impending doom seemed to envelope us. To break the deafening silence I asked meekly, "Will you be staying for dinner?"

He glanced down at the table, rasping, "Yes, but then we need to talk, it might be best if Debbie wasn't here."

I flinched, she was probably dying to see John, "Well could you spend some time with her at least, and I'll see if she can go to mum's for the night."

He nodded and wandered off to talk to her. I heard her screech as he knocked on her bedroom door. At least Debbie enjoyed his visit. Mum was happy to have her, I guess it's one of the beauties of having parents living nearby.

With dinner served, I walked up the hall and knocked lightly on her door. I heard them talking softly with the occasional giggle. "Dinners up." I called.

I was seated as they came wandering out, Debbie with a huge grin on her face. Throughout dinner Debbie was like a non-stop record, John got the full rundown on what she had been up to. I thought John was going to choke when she announced her friend Lyndsay had come out as a lesbian. He had to drink a glass of water to clear his throat. He gave me a piercing angry glare as Debbie went on about Lyndsay and now all the kids at school thought she was cool because Debbie stood by her and was keeping her friendship.

John just shook his head and I could see the gears working, "Debbie, are you trying to tell us you are a lesbian?" He asked.

She shrieked giggling stupidly, "No dad, god no I was just saying, sheesh, don't flip out."

His face lightened, and the frown vanished as she went on about soccer practice and netball. I could see he was nervous, and I read his mind, he was already questioning whether I was coaxing or guiding Debbie into something. He was more than a little angry and he apparently thought little of me.

She wasn't happy when I announced that I had organised for her to go and stay with mum for the night. When I mentioned that her father and I needed some time to talk she sighed nodding her acceptance. She was a silly teenager, but she wasn't stupid.

After she was gone and I started the washing up, John came into the kitchen and stood beside me, "OK Charlotte, can you tell me what the hell's going on?"

I felt my cheeks blush, I had run through this conversation a million times in my head but now it was here I didn't know what to say, "John I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened, I don't know what came over me."

"Have you always felt this way? I mean, have you always been a lesbian and were just pretending all along? Was I just your ignorant stupid cove story?"

The tears started, it was just a trickle to begin with, but the flow increased so quickly I was soon bawling me eyes out. Between sniffles I blabbed, "No, you have to believe me... this thing with Brianna came out of nowhere. It was unexpected I never looked at a woman in my life?"

"Then what the hell happened? I thought we were good, one day our lives seem great, I have a loving wife and family, the next I'm living with a cheating lesbian slut."

My body jerked uncontrollably as the tears returned in a torrent of emotion, "John I don't know what happened, I can't explain it."

Angrily, intensely he snapped, "Do you love her?"

Shaking my head slowly, I mumbled, "No, I don't think so."

"So, what is it? Is it just some stupid girly infatuation because she's a famous writer?" I could see his anger overflowing, his arms waved frantically, his teeth were gritted and his face was contorted into an evil condescending snarl.

"I don't know..... can't you understand!" I screamed gripping the cup in my hand so tight I thought it might break. "Don't you understand, I'm embarrassed at what happened, I was as shocked as you."

"Are you still seeing her?"

Grimacing painfully, I wilted, whimpering like a mouse, "Yes."

"Fuck you Charlotte, just fuck you. What the hell am I supposed to do?" I fucking love you. What am I supposed to do?" He swept his hand sending the glasses and plates flying shattering into flying shards of broken dreams.

Furious, he grabbed a vase off the window ledge and flung it to the ground, more broken splinters of glass. We stood apart in a sea of broken fragments of our life.

Cold unrelenting anger filled the room, I felt physically scared. In our whole marriage, I never saw him like this. We both stood, staring, panting until he growled, "Are you going to keep seeing her? Or is it over?"

Courage...from god knows where flowed, and I lifted my head staring back determinedly at him, "I... I... I don't know, this is new to me."

"So you enjoy it? Fucking the slutty dyke is that it? You're a fucking rug munching dyke. Is that it you're cunt struck?"

"Bloody hell John there's no need to be coarse." His attack shocked me into action I stood tall, "I like Brianna, she arouses me. I'm learning about myself, things I never knew. And, yes, I'm embarrassed and ashamed, but I like her."

"So you're going to keep on sleeping with the fucking slag?"

"You didn't think she was a slag when you were ogling her arse at the party, you and every bloke there were like drooling kids."

"Yeah well that's before I found out she was a home wrecking fucking slut."

Leaning back against the bench there was a carton of eggs beside me, I reached quickly picked one up and hurled it at him, he saw it coming but as he reached his hand up to protect his face it broke covering him in egg yolk.

He snarled viciously, "You fucking bitch, I hoped we could find a way past this but I think I'm wasting my fucking time here aren't I?"

I sobbed reaching out for him, "No honey, please, I didn't mean it...not like that...please, if we could just talk...I'm sorry."

"Sorry my arse, you don't know the meaning of the word. What's there to talk about? You can keep the slimy cunt, Fuck you Charlotte, fuck you all the way to hell. This may come as a shock to you but there are women...real women interested in me, a man. You can go next door and stick your tongue up her slimy smelly cunt for all I care. I think I'll go and find a woman who likes cock, good old-fashioned cock."

He turned and stormed of leaving me in a sea of broken glass, broken dreams. I heard his car screaming out the driveway, the acrid smell of burning rubber drifting in through the open doorway.

The tears came rushing back, and I couldn't hold them in. I felt paralysed, mortified that I had driven away the person I loved and committed myself to. My marriage as perfect as it was appeared to be gone.

"Charlotte...Are you alright?" I heard Brianna calling worriedly from the doorway.

I squawked weakly, "Yes, I'm OK."

She walked in and when her head poked into the kitchen she cried out, "Oh my god, what happened?" She went to walk in but I yelled, "Careful, there's glass everywhere."

"Was it John?"

I nodded, "Yeah, Christ he was angry. I've never seen him like that. He called me such horrible names."

"Men... nothing but fucking testosterone fuelled idiots... every last one of them, and they wonder why we turn our backs on them." She picked up the broom and started sweeping, I got a bag and we filled it with broken fragments.

After we had finished, she opened the cupboard and pulled out a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses. She led me into the lounge and we sat together on the couch and she passed me my wine. We drank in silence, her arm draped around my shoulder holding me tight.

With the bottle drained she turned my face to hers and her full velvety lips fell onto mine in a gentle kiss, her mouth opening slowly inviting my tongue to play.

It was a sweet comforting kiss, her lips inviting, full, succulent, and juicy. As our bodies lurched together, I felt her heart beating, my breasts pulsing in time with hers. My cheeks wet with tears rubbed against hers our flesh caressing soothingly. My eyes closed floating in the sumptuous scintillating kiss giving me wings elevating me above the pain. Poor John, I hurt him so deeply in all our time together I had never heard him say a harsh word about anybody. Normally he was so cool and calm, but tonight he was enraged a fiery tempest. His ego bruised beyond recognition, his pride shattered.

Brianna's hand slipped over my breasts the lightest supporting caress, her finger and thumb tweaking my nipple and even although I tried to suppress it I felt my ardour rising. I returned her caress, her pointy nipple filling my palm as I mauled them hard twisting and crushing, rubbing squeezing as our kiss broke and her mouth fell upon my shoulder, my naked flesh falling to her devouring mouth as she sucked and bit her teeth gnawing voraciously.

I reciprocated following her lead as her breasts filled my mouth, my tongue pushing aside the lacy fabric of her bra, I pressed up with my hand her breasts spilled out of her struggling bra falling foul of my sucking mouth. "Oh god Charlotte you sexy, gorgeous little minx, your so beautiful."

Her hands pushed my dress down over my shoulder, then my bra strap as she struggled to free my beating bosom, my tits, my boob, she sucked wantonly her teeth pulling at my aching nipples. When I looked down at my flesh it was red, swollen, raw, and her teeth marks were everywhere.

We fell back, and she reached around lowering the zipper of my dress. I unbuttoned hers and soon we were naked to the waist in the lounge. Realizing the door wasn't even shut properly I cried forlornly, "Brianna, we can't do this, the door... it's not locked."

Her mouth closed over mine and her kiss no longer gentle assaulted my beating heart and I fell under her attack our breasts crushed together, our nipples grazing and caressing as we writhed and wriggled, "Please Brianna, not here, anybody could walk in... John might return."

She smiled, "Darling better he find us here than in your bed but god that sounds good, your bed."

She stood quickly and dragged me towards the hall. I freed my hand and rushed to lock the door.

When I got to the bedroom she was already naked laying sprawled on the bed, her hand between her legs, her fingers parting her juicy moist lips, "Hhhhmmmmm ooooohhhh fuck, you've made my pussy wet you minx."

She held out her fingers glistening wet with her dew, "Taste them...smell the aroma, my desire is everywhere."

I stood entranced watching her hand returning to play with her red open lips, her clit poking out from its little hood as her fingers delicately slid along her silken slit then into her vagina. I frantically pushed down my panties ogling like a perverted stalker.

She purred giggling, "Hhhhmmmmm c'mon baby I need your body."

Even with my mind swirling with gloomy thoughts I smiled she looked so gorgeous and sexy. I lay down beside her and our lips again eased into a luscious kiss. Her hands quickly found my breasts caressing them lovingly, rolling me onto my side she climbed atop her leg wedged tightly between mine crushing her mound against my thigh riding me with slow gyrating movements. Her wet kitty suctioned onto my thigh like a suction cup, a wet juicy squishy slippery suction cup. Reaching down, I caressed her back moving my hands lower until I managed to slide my hand between her quivering arse cheeks, her butt hole clenching as my finger slid inside.

Her mouth opened wide moaning loudly as she wriggled her arse sucking my finger deeper as I probed pushing more and more into her, "Oh fuck yes!" She sighed.

She sure did love me playing with her bum, I giggled as she clenched my finger tightly. I shoved it in and out adding a second one working it slowly a little deeper with every thrust, I felt so dirty so slutty but the feel of her body...oh god I loved it.

"You have become a sexy little bitch, fuck does that feel good." She whimpered, "Do you like that?"

God my kitty was wet and swollen, convulsing, gasping sucking wet, "Yes." I simpered weakly, "Yes I love it."

Grabbing my leg she twisted it pushing it up flat against my chest, my knee by my armpit , her hot squishy kitty rubbed on mine, god it was damn hot and slippery. Her mouth attacked mine and our kiss oh heavens the kiss, her lips soft yet firm, juicy wet her tongue probing forceful and her wet open hole kissed mine rubbing back and forth.

I shuddered as her slippery lips collided with my clit, "Oh fuck, yes do it....oh god Briannaaaaaaa, oh god yes."

Faster and faster she assaulted me her kitty rubbing mine, oh god sweet heaven, ecstasy joy. My body on fire I humped her back as hard as I could trapped in her vice like grip, her kitty pounding mine, it was like being fucked by John....oh sweet John...our vaginas so wet the colliding flesh echoed like an applauding crowd the slapping wet flesh.

Brianna cried out, "Charlotte you sexy bitch you dirty sexy little bitch, fuck I love your sexy pussy, your body...I love you."

My hands gripped her hair pulling violently, "Oh fuck Brianna, don't stop...fuck me...fuck me...I love you but don't stop."

There were no worries, she was close herself I clawed at her back, I pulled her hair and her body thrashed wildly wetly against mine a ravenous wild frenetic ride to heaven. I had never felt anything like it, I writhed I twisted trying to get more of her kitty on me, against me, oh god in me. The feeling began to bubble, to overflow from my insides as I panted wildly, I was going to cum. My body thrashed violently, and as I exploded, I felt it, like going to the toilet. Wave after wave of pleasure wracked my kitty in rapture as Brianna screamed like a hyena.

We crashed together our bodies limp, exhausted, contented. It took a long time before I could trust my lungs to control my breathing enough to do anything but suck in huge mouthfuls of air.

I rolled towards her and she giggled, "Oh my god...."

I kissed her cheek my fingernails trailing across her face, I kissed her nose, her eyes and of course her sexy beautiful lips that still tasted of me, "God Brianna, I have never...."

Her lips opened kissing me stopping my words before she purred, "Me to darling...oh god I think I love you."

I thought her words earlier were just said in passion, I needed answers, "" I sighed, knowing it was the truth, "I love you to."

She rolled me onto my back her body stretched out along mine, her hands in my hair, her eyes staring down into mine, small tears formed in the corners dripping slowly down on me, "Charlotte, I have never felt this way, I use women for pleasure, I have never said those words to anyone....ever."

I lifted my head so we could kiss, "Brianna I feel it as well, I have never experienced this before, you're all I think about, I masturbate at school in the loos thinking about you, walking through the supermarket all I can think about is kissing you, smelling you, touching you."

She giggled as the tears rolled down crashing wetly on my flesh, "I feel the same way, I can't write, I can't think, I sit in my living room waiting to see you get home, waiting like some crazy fucking stalker bitch, the way women used to wait for are an evil seductive witch and I am under your spell."

We slept the sleep of the contended. What the world had in store I didn't know and really I didn't care...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Really long winded, which wouldn't be so bad, except it's just gotten stupid. Just in a name repetition over and over of a woman who's just mentally incompetent. The definition of insane, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Or I guess maybe it's just selfishness, deep down, that's the ultimate problem with so many people like this.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

She should have backed down, foresworn homosexuality forever, and cut Brianna out of her life. Charlotte is a coward.

Jennifer182Jennifer182almost 2 years ago

Another fabulous chapter - thank you Cavigirl - 5 stars or more.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Bewitching - Nah - Just a Witch

(yip - yip - yip)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow 5 is strange as Brianna describes Charlotte as the bewitching one. We the reader see her through the eyes of Charlotte who from the start has been the submissive one lost in the innocence of her lack of experience in lesbian relationships. (SoundAbuse)

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Wow. Charlotte had an emotional episode because her marriage was falling apart and Brianna's solution is to have sex. Looks like she's the "nothing but fucking testosterone fueled idiot" - Brianna is evil.

groomleadergroomleaderalmost 3 years ago

Gets hotter and hotter! Superb!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Exactly as it should go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
One of the best stories I ever read

Thank you so much for this story - hopefully not already finished - it causes that it is the first time I put a comment but I cannot do otherwise.

This story is so sentimental, full of feeling, without becoming trivial in any way.

Many thanks for it!

Waiting impatiently for the next parts!

liz33ndliz33ndover 3 years ago

All of Johns friends are telling him he is the luckiest asshole alive, and get back home and enjoy it. His friends all wish they could be so lucky. John will see the up side and ask to come back home and watch. this will take a great turn when the Daughter gets to watch and cum with them also. such a talented writer.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Un winnable !

John doesn’t know how to fight against a lesbian marriage breaker. No man wants to take out his fury against a woman. The mystery of what two women are feeling is beyond his experience, and leaves him powerless to fight briannas hold on his wife.

All he can do is express his anger and outrage, his disappointment in his wife’s treasonist behavior, without any clue to what he did to deserve this. Maybe it is time for him to find a woman that wants a testosterone driven hetro male to restore his wounded male ego. His wife sounds lost to him and their marriage. This is not something that I would not be able to forgive.TNX. Jim T........

jazzharpjazzharpover 3 years ago
I won't know how I feel about this story until the end.

saccade makes some very astute observations. John isn't a homophobe. He isn't angry because of the lesbian love affair; he's angry about Charlotte's infidelity.

I've high fived several stories by this author. And she, he, it (still don't know) is currently a favorite of mine. I think Cagivagurl might be more than one person; some of the stories are so different, it's hard to see how they could have been written by the same person! I guess that praise for the skill of the author.

Brianna's saying "Men... nothing but fucking testosterone fuelled idiots... every last one of them, and they wonder why we turn our backs on them" could lead Anonymous to see that as man hating.

saccadesaccadeover 3 years ago

Honestly feel sorry for the husband, feel he's being painted as a hateful homophobe but to be fair a cheater is a cheater. She did him wrong, not only that but gave him no hope for the future when she refused to end it and defended her lover, of course he's angry and would say anything he could to hurt her. It's not a lack of understanding on his part, she made decisions without him that hurt him badly.

MigbirdMigbirdover 3 years ago

You have crafted a dramatic, highly erotic, poignant love story - captivating from page 1 of the first chapter. You can feel the tension as Charlotte wrestles with her feelings throughout, but especially in this chapter. You write well; thanks for sharing your rich imagination. Aside: surprised by the anonymous comment that your writing reflects a hatred toward men; not from my vantage point and have read most of your tales. Jon’s reaction was coarse, ugly and violent but exactly how some might respond. Looking forward to reading more of this story, not to mention any other future tales. 5 stars.

skruff101skruff101over 3 years ago

It’s all ok don’t panic, within the next few chapters all the women in this story including his daughter will start manipulating hubby and convince him that it’s all his fault and as a good cuckold he must accept the cheating as wifeys right being an independent and progressive female.

It is, sadly, this authors raison d'être that the female characters defined in all of her submissions put and keep the male protagonists of these stories under the their control, because, it seems, women know what’s best for their menfolk.

Don’t believe me? If you haven’t already done so, peruse the rest of Cagivagurl’s work to get clued in on the Fem/Dom bias. Not a single male protagonist rebels against their actions, if they do show a little gumption it is short lived, all meekly accepting their new roll in this female utopian matriarchy.

This series will end with hubby returning, tail between his legs begging forgiveness for being such an inconsiderate shit and please get the cockcage out.

Ain’t love grand.

WanttobefemmeWanttobefemmeover 3 years ago

Certainly as hot as your other works. Let the story continue...will Debbie discover mom's secret, or better yet....get involved?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Write what you feel

I have no problem with lesbians, gay men, transgenders. But this and many of your stories are full of hatred towards men. Write what you feel. But your audience is shrinking to others who share your hatred.

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