Sementing Love


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Looking around, and only picking Seniors for obvious reasons, I made a list. Looking around in my classes, I remembered most everyone's name well enough. I'd been in school with them for the past four years for sure, but since we had several junior high schools in the district, I'd only known maybe 20% of them since 1st grade.

Some I knew were smart, some not; some musical or artistic, some not, some athletic, some just quiet, and some I just didn't know much about.

What this called for was knowing everyone, knowing all this stuff, just off the cuff, or at least being able to easily ascertain facts. It'd be nice if at least one was seriously rich, or at least knew someone who was rich, maybe for a scholarship opportunity if they could be 'persuaded'.

I didn't like the idea of stealing from someone by going up to them, 'drugging' them, and then making them give me their money. That was definitely wrong, I thought. But, if I found someone who was filthy rich, and who could be persuaded to make the charity they gave to be college costs for our 'worthy' group of girls - plus - me, then, hey, that might work and still be ethical?

I really didn't want to steal, but at the same time, if there are people willing to donate to a good cause like helping college students, I was pretty sure I could help that along by making the target of their largesse be... my group... my hareeeeeem. My ... family?

Knowing everyone in my class, to figure out who was best? That was a tall order. It would be a lot of info to digest, including personality quirks and social attributes, and I wasn't that guy. For that matter, thinking of who that would be, it almost certainly wasn't any guy I knew.

Some of the girls, though, were Super Super social. They had that, as skills, as an inclination and a practiced habit, of being plugged into the grapevine. They knew all that mapping - spider web of connectedness between people. Who knew who, who did what, social hierarchies, etc., that was almost a computer thing, lines between places and faces. Maybe it wasn't exactly like cheerleaders in the states, but it seemed like the archetype for a Texan Head Cheerleader, if that made sense.

That person, it increasingly dawned on me, was Kelly Smothers. She was on the student council, volleyball team, newspaper, maybe... lots of stuff, totally plugged in. If I had a dump of her brainstem, I could find who I wanted to add to my dating-list.

Getting her might be hard, though, since I didn't have any classes with her, and I wasn't even sure that any of my friends knew her.

This was a job for Jessica, I thought. She was pretty outgoing, so she might know Kelly.

Trying to talk with Jessica at practice, though, was... troublesome. We had fartlek intervals on the track -- run 30 seconds fast, walk 90 seconds, repeat. I don't think anyone liked fartleks. But, they were supposed to do great things for running times, so, hey, whatever.

It was a comedy of errors. Every time I got close to Jess to talk with her, I'd just start saying something and the whistle would blow again. We'd both have to sprint. Needless to say, my sprint was faster than Jessica's. By the 3rd meetup that failed, we gave up, laughing at how impossible it was, and I just said, "meet up after this" and she huffed, "'Kay."

After we were done, I headed over.

"What's up?"

"You know Kelly? Smothers?"

"Yeah, but Jan knows her better." She looked over. Jan was already walking up to us, as was Jamie.

Everybody was all smiles, despite the hard workout.

When they were there, I asked, "Jan, you know Kelly Smothers?"


"I'd like to get her... I'd like to ... ask her some questions, and make sure she is utterly honest with me, you know? She knows everyone in school, and I want to be plugged into the social switchboard. Maybe, for parties, or whatever. I figure, she's that, right? Plugged in?"

Jan thought and said, "Sure. She's not friends with everyone, though. Mostly she just knows everyone, like, professionally. She's on student newspaper. Hell, she IS the newspaper. She's interviewed, like, every single person in school, over and again, knows what kind of classes everyone takes, clubs, all that. It's huge power, but she's pretty fair."

I hadn't thought of this. Jan's idea was solid. "Okay, great. How do we invite her to a party, then, if you know what I mean?"

Jan laughed, "Don't know about that..."

"Well, I don't have to make her ... like, a concubine or anything, maybe I could just pick her brain. I'd like to make a group of people, like, a club, or something, that we're all in, and it's too small of a club if it's just us 4 plus Dane and her sister."

They filed this away; Jamie asked, "So... Dane's ... sister?"

I laughed. "Yeah, well, she's hot, and she's older, sophomore at U Manitoba. I had to, she was being a pain about my sleeping over with Dane last night."

"And... did you? Sleep?"

I smiled and sighed appreciatively, "Oh, yeah! And then, some!"

They giggled and patted me on the back, then I got hugs from each of them, even if we were all sweaty. Jamie asked, "So, when's my turn?" Getting a glare from Jan, she turned back to me and corrected, "Or, should I say, OUR turns?"

Making a pretense of looking around at the football field behind us, populated with some people kicking the ball around in drills, I said, "Well, the grass looks good over there, soft enough..."

Jess fake-punched me and they laugh/giggled again. "Noooooooot a great plan. Tonight? Where are you sleeping?"

I said, "I've gotta be at home. I told my mom I was staying over at Dane's, and she let me - a huge miracle - but I should sleep in my own bed tonight."

They nodded, like it kind of made sense.

"Plus," I added, "I had beautiful soft skin next to mine all night. Woke me up. I'm not used to it, it's too delicious."

They laughed. Jan said, "Suck up."

I shook my head, "Truth!"

"Still, maybe one of you could come over. If we do this right, I can dose my sisters and my mom and then whoever could just stay over. I'd need some 'assistance' creating the dose."

Jamie said, "That's me. We decided already. When?"

"Anytime after dinner, maybe... 7? Bring clothes for tomorrow in a bag? I got caught without a clean pair of underwear today and I wished I'd packed for last night."

"Oh, I'm prepared."


Jamie turned to Jan. "Can I tell my mom I'm at your place?"

"Sure. Normal sleepover. I'll stop by your house and go into your room, then I'll sneak out."

Machinations all for the purpose of fooling parents / grown-ups. Soon there wouldn't be a need, once I'd gotten everyone under my spell.

It was getting cold, and you don't wear sweats to do intervals. "Let's go in."

== Chapter: Friday night ==

After I got home, I found my mom was going to be working until 8 at the paint store again (to help my sisters out with college money), so Tina made dinner. I mentioned to mom I was having someone come over to study, and not to freak.

This, of course, led to questions about who this girl was and was it the one I spent last night with. I laughed (in my best pretend-laugh) and said no, it was a girl from cross country and we were just gonna talk about some stuff. I couldn't tell if either she or Gina (my other nosy sister hanging around the kitchen and watching me like a hawk) really bought it.

It didn't matter anyway.

Jamie came over about 7, as promised, and I let her in to come downstairs to 'study'. Tina was watching TV, and I implored her to go watch somewhere else, but she wouldn't be moved.

The only option for me was to go into my room area with Jamie and stream some music 'to distract us from the TV sound' until finally Tina gave up and went upstairs.

This amused Jamie to no end.

After a quick bit of kissing and making out, we adjourned to my bed (with closed curtains) and she gave me a very, very nice blowjob. Her ability to deep-throat me was unequivocal and felt amazing.

I woke her up almost instantly after the cum hypnotized her, so she could make sure to get all the cum into a glass. She did, and we lay next to each other for a good 20 minutes relaxing before we decided it was time to get a move on and do the needful.

It was, after all, time to dose them up and read off instructions.

I had some of the ones that Dane had given Kris, and Jamie had the shared doc that they'd created for the others, so we combined them and I had a chance to add some things and do some editing.

There's an important point to be made here about incest.

I wasn't super-into the idea, but I wasn't totally opposed to it, either. I didn't want them to get pregnant, that'd be some bad genetic stuff, but on Jamie's insistence (on seeing how they were treating me), I did add some of the same things that I'd given to Kris about being okay with nudity around the house (including theirs), being encouraging of my liaisons, being laid back about sex in general, etc.

There were extra bits. I added some keywords that were special, random words ("Kinetic Argentina") that if any of my girlfriends or I said them, Tina or Gina would think it appropriate and normal to take off their clothes and hang around naked for a while. Doing this, regardless of the temperature, seemed like a fun idea, but I insisted they shouldn't do it if someone was on video chat or other non-girlfriends were at the house, or if it was life-threateningly cold.

Life-threatening cold is actually a consideration in Winnipeg, but I've compared it, and it looks like about the same deal in Minneapolis, so we were in good company.

Jamie's reasoning for adding this in the first place was her imagining that our family might go on a family vacation, then I wouldn't have to worry about masturbating quietly.

Talk about an edge case!

The instruction was, I could just ask one of my sisters to give me a good BJ and they'd be happy to and treat it like a no big deal situation, and even forget about it easily, but still keep it secret from their friends or others.

I liked the keeping-it-confidential thing. It seemed prudent. If they started telling their friends what was happening around me, bad rumors might start or something, we didn't want that.

Originally, I had intended to shift Tina and Gina's attitude about me quite a LOT, so they wouldn't insult me anymore, at all, ever. Plus, I could change how they thought about other stuff, too.

Jamie convinced me, and I think reasonably so, that if I did that, it wouldn't be fair to my sisters. It wouldn't allow them to be who they really were. I could tell them to make a small change in the way they thought about me, but big changes were probably a bad idea.

Of course, the way my sisters acted around the house, that could change a lot, but they had to believe whatever changes they were making were small so they didn't start questioning themselves or others too much.

That had happened to the Jays, and they'd figured out they were brainwashed.

The final draft told them to be respectful to me and, if they were going to tease me, only tease me a little. And, to respect and keep confidential my life choices since I was going to be having, like, several girlfriends at once, and maybe on an ongoing basis.

I caught an undertone in Jamie's writing of this that she was somehow presuming we (Jamie and I, and probably the other Jays, etc.) would be together for the long term. This wasn't something a normal high school girl would do, I thought, so it kind of stuck out in the implications. I didn't disagree, I was just surprised to hear it.

Once we'd gone over and minimized the script some more, I printed off the page so I wouldn't have to use my phone.

Tina was in the living room, a small room at the front of the house with an uncomfortable sofa and an easy chair that dented in the middle only after you put about half your weight on it. She was trying to read 'Wuthering Heights', apparently.

There wasn't any orange juice in the house, so we settled for apple juice, with a dollop of my spunk in it, mixed around. Jamie and I poured glasses for ourselves, but then I realized the ruse would work better if there were only the two glasses, one for each of us, and Tina would just be resolving a dispute.

Jamie could drink from the doctored glass without an effect, since she'd just been exposed and awoken. We were in the kitchen, chatting, and in a beautiful bit of utterly-normal seeming acting, she said, "Hey.... This apple juice tastes funny."

"No it doesn't, it tastes like normal apple juice."

"No... maybe... it kind of tastes weird."


Jamie rounded the corner from the kitchen and handed Tina the glass, "Here. Does this taste off to you? It's ... almost right, but...?"

My sister, for all her faults as a supportive person, took the glass and sipped out of it, and within about 3 seconds, her face went blank.

I was watching this from farther away, so I brought the piece of paper over. I said, "Tina. You will read this thing I wrote. You will read it through, twice. Doing this, you'll have it memorized. You will remember everything it says, and obey all it says, as coming from me, your brother. Everything about doing this will seem utterly normal, reasonable, expected, and even a little boring, like it's the only way it could be. When you've read it through the second time, you will hand it back to me, then wake up and tell us the apple juice tastes normal."

She took the paper, and her eyes went through the page, twice. We watched in silence as she did it.

Sure enough, at the end, her eyes finished it, handed it back and told us the apple juice tasted normal.

"Oh. Okay," Jamie said, and we went back to the kitchen.

"Time for sister number two."

"Think it will work?"

"If not, it's the toothbrush route."

She nodded and we went upstairs.

== ==

With both sisters and my mother dosed and instructed (at the same time, it turned out), Jamie and I sat in the basement and decided that we should probably test some of this, to ensure it took. That was the risky part, but we had to do some small tests so we didn't have surprises later.

The first test was to go upstairs and mention that Jamie was going to stay over for the night, to my mom. The reaction would establish if the instructions took.

They did.

My mom asked me if my bed (a double, which isn't very big) would hold two people well.

Jamie asked, more daringly than I would have, "Oh, Mrs. Cooper, I will need to shower, I think, so ... I'm wondering, would it be okay if I happened to be naked, walking from the bathroom to Kevin's room?"

My mom didn't bat an eye -- in fact she smiled -- and said, "No problem at all! Go right ahead. I may just strip down, too. I've been wearing these clothes too long today as it is."

We just said, "Oh," and I suddenly had to get something from the basement.

Cleaning up a little, I stopped when I heard more voices upstairs, so I went back up.

Gina was in the kitchen, too, getting some tea. Both my mom and Jamie were naked, their clothes folded on the table ('be tidy'). I hadn't seen my mother naked before. It was more than a little odd, but I tried to power through it and utterly ignore it, like my sister was.

My mom was having a great time, I think, because this was probably one of the few times I'd brought a girl over and where she could talk with them. My mom's a very social person, I think, so working at an auto parts place fit her personality, but then she got promoted to the regional call center and warehouse. The public, she liked, but some of the people in the warehouse varied between great folk and total scumbags.

Looking at her, I could see how age had taken a toll on her body. It wasn't bad, like with the Dodders, but apparently getting old meant having flab, and less muscle. Well, that would change, for sure. I was actually looking forward to seeing her healthier and more fit.

Though, 'seeing her' in that sense really just meant her face and the outlines, not her actual boobs, etc. I wasn't looking at her and lusting, I was kind of thinking in more abstract terms.

Reflecting on the change, it was a big difference in how I perceived them. Per the instructions, I could ask either of my sisters, even my mom, for a blowjob, and get it, easily and quickly. Then they would forget it, like handing me a nearby object.

But, that didn't mean I wanted it! My mother?!?!? ... Ew!

The loud laughter from the kitchen brought Tina in, so Jamie and they all chatted about which tea was best. I didn't really like tea -- I liked coffee a lot more -- so I stayed out of it.

Really, I was screwing up my nerve to try something. Since my mom and Jamie were naked, but I wasn't, I stood up and started taking my clothes off, piling them on the table, but faced away from them.

I'd showered before Jamie got there, so I wasn't nervous about being stinky, more about being naked in front of my sisters. In my entire life, I doubted I'd done that.

Getting my underwear off, I went and got a tea towel to put on the chair (I'd read enough about being a nudist to know this much).

Right after I sat down, though, Tina turned to me with a minor rapprochement in her expression and said, "Kevin. Don't be a slob." She walked over to me, then took my clothes that I'd put there and started folding them into a pile. "Tidy, kevin. Tidy. I've been cleaning my room for the past hour, and it's still a mess."

Gina agreed, "I know! Mine, too!"

Mom looked at them and sniffed and said, "Well, whoever did the dishes, thank you."

"Not too much longer in here, mom, we'll have it whipped into shape. I want to get an organizer for the spices, it's a mess in there."

Tina, finishing folding for me, was right next to me, leaned against the table. I tapped her on the arm, and when she looked at me, I said, very quietly, "Kinetic Argentina."

She nodded, and proceeded to do two things at once.

Firstly, she chimed in to her sister about how maybe they could work together to get the fridge out from the wall to clean behind there tomorrow.

Secondly, she started stripping, folding each item as she removed it onto a nice pile next to where she'd folded mine.

This just kept going, and no one really cared.


My sister, it turned out, had a small tattoo of a butterfly on her butt cheek! It was right next to me so I could look at it closely. A shapely butt it was, too, dented in on the side, but still having a bit of girth that she didn't need. I knew that would change. Or, at least I hoped it would.

Her boobs were faced away from me, so I couldn't see them, so I stood up to get a warm-up on my tea.

Tina's eyes were drawn to my penis, I think because after I stood I realized I was sporting at least a half-staff boner. As I walked back, she said, "Yo, Kevin. Better get a scabbard for that thing, you'll put someone's eye out."

They all laughed, and I did, too, even though with my sisters I was always wary of being insulted.

Jamie picked the response right up, "Oh, no, he's fine. It's not a poke in the eyes that's the problem, it's the back of the throat... [laughter] Or, more like, esophagus. Kinda bends as it goes down. [more laughter]"

I was fine with ribbing like this.

As I sat down, I realized how close to Tina's butt I was.

She must have realized it, too, so she moved a little farther away and said, "Sorry, you're right next to my butt. Might be a danger zone there -- beans last night. [laughter]"

Fart jokes, I could handle.

"Don't worry, Tina. You have a cute butt."

She turned and said, "Awwww, thanks, bro!"

Never in my life has she called me, 'bro'. I've been 'lil man', 'kevie', 'dick4brains', and any number of other things, but not before, 'bro'.

I accepted that. "Bro. I like it. Thank you."

Gina looked at Tina and said, "New nickname?"
