Sementing Love


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"I did tell her..."

"I know what you said, you don't have to repeat it. I know you told her that, like you said, on a lark, but I don't know if I want my mother giving you blowjobs." She paused to think, and said, "Actually, I guess that'd be okay. She's not going to steal you from me, it's just ... odd. I guess. Not the sort of thing I can talk about with my friends, though."

"Be careful or your sister will hear."

She bent down whispered very softly, "I got her toothbrush with the cum. She'll be ours in no time!"

"No time?"

"Well, minutes. She usually showers before me. She wakes up early."

"We kept her up last night."

"Doesn't matter. She's up, whether she's tired or not."

"So... what happens now?"

"I wait. I'm going into the bathroom to brush my teeth so I'm there first, but I'll have my phone. As soon as I have her dazed, I'll call, you can come in and read what I've written."

"...the other stuff first, then your stuff, I think, might be...?"


She got up, and I got up to sit on the side of the bed, waiting.

Not 10 minutes went by, and some sounds, then a text from Dane. "Here."


I heard low noises.

"Dumb questions."

Dane's voice called across the hallway in a loud whisper to me, "Come, now."

Going in, I found Kris with a toothbrush in her mouth, staring blankly at herself in the mirror. Her oversize t-shirt hid her pretty well, but the parts I saw were nice. I tried not to focus on that, though.

Opening my phone, I closed the door behind me so we had privacy in the bathroom -- all 3 of us.

It took about 3 minutes to read all the instructions I had written for parents, modified a little for siblings, the general ones about health and good habits and being laid back about nudity and sex in the house, and all that.

Finished with that, I saw I had a text from Dane. It was the text I was supposed to read.

Dane's words confused me greatly, but also delighted me a little, too. She wrote, and I narrated to Kris:

"You like me. You are open to loving me. You completely trust me. You are one of several people who love me. You have no jealousy. You are happy that I am able to have sex and be intimate with other people. You are now bisexual, both girls and guys can be a turn-on to you. You are not ashamed by sex. You enjoy sex with me and with any women I tell you to. You will have big orgasms every time we have sex. You will work towards having a family with me and whatever other women are with me in my family. You will help the others and accept help from them with love and without guilt. You will share the workload of the family, and happily respect whoever is in charge of the family."

As an afterthought, she added a second section: "Anytime I ask for sex or a blowjob, you will happily give it, or help out so someone else can give one, if needed. It is normal now and fun that we are all naked and sexual around each other. You will think you decided all these things by yourself, and that you agreed with other of my girls that it was a good idea. You will keep these facts and our living situation confidential and a family secret."

She had thought this through, it looked like!

I added the orgasm on command instruction, too. Given what was above, it seemed like a good idea.

Getting a nod from Dane, I was almost ready, and then I realized I'd missed something. "From now on, you are easily able to fall asleep whenever and wherever you want, and wake up whenever you want to, well rested."

Dane gave me a giant surprised, happy, and approving silent-nod.

We were done, then, so I said, "Wake up now, Kris." Right then, I stepped around her, my back to her, to get my toothbrush out and pasted-up. I was wearing underwear, I'd planned that far, but looking down I realized it didn't hide much since I was still semi-hard from the blowjob.

Dane focused on Kris, said, "Hey sis, you okay? You look kinda spacey."

Kris laughed and said, "God, I did! Where my mind goes in the morning. Oh, Hi Kevin. Sorry I interrupted you last night." Her hand went back up to her toothbrush.

"No problem." I started brushing my teeth, as a way to have something to do to explain why all 3 of us were in the bathroom at once.

Kris decided she was done and spat, though in reality she'd not brushed much. Her rinse of the toothbrush and of her mouth meant the 'evidence' was gone. Glancing at me, she said, "Can I shower first? I'm pretty quick."

I shrugged and said with a full-toothpaste-mouth, "G'Head."

She and Dane traded places, and Dane said with a sly smile, "Did you just say, 'Great Head?'"

Kris laughed, and as she pulled her shirt off over her head, "Yeah, I heard that." I was watching in the mirror as her clothes came off. Her breasts were closer to A or at most B cups, very pert and upturned with what I always thought was an 'optimistic boobs' idea.

"You know, I don't think I've ever been naked around you, Kevin, but it somehow seems okay. I hope you're not insulted."

I tried to say no, but it came out as, "HRmmm mnrnnnn." The shake of my head put a huge smile on her face. Shower on, she stepped in as quick as the water got warm, the coolness making her nipples stand way proud and her areolas puffing up a little, too. That part was new, I'd never seen a girl, live, that had puffy areolas, but, hey, first time for everything.

Dane pulled off her underwear, and sat down on the toilet. I didn't need to see that, and I was done with my brushing, so I put the brush away. There are some things I'm not interested in viewing. Apparently, girls go to the bathroom in front of each other all the time. I'm not in that group. Guys might pee, but we don't go staring at each other's dicks.

At least, I don't. I'm not begrudging people who are into that, but, hey, not me.

It had to be because girls can pee without showing anything. Sitting down, the pee is happening below them and out of sight, so it's almost secret anyway. With guys, well, peeing standing up mostly, yeah, if you're peeing, you've got your dick out in your hand and pointedly prominently visible to everyone in front or to the side of you.

Needing to put my eyes somewhere besides Dane on the toilet, I turned around; had their shower curtain been sheer or some kind of glass-enclosed thing, I'd have watched Kris. I think there might be a lot more of these glass shower things down in the states, certainly by the porn content online it's popular there. I don't think any of my friends had anything but a plastic shower curtain.

Kris was obviously fast. It made sense, her hair wasn't that long and it was mostly straight.

I'd overheard conversations in junior high where girls were talking about how long it took to wash their hair. I had made it into an equation:

HairWashingDifficulty => length * curliness * 1/diameter * OCD factor * 1/shampooQuality * frizzFactor * conditioner-regimine-factor

I wasn't sure what frizz factor was, but it had something to do with how long it'd been since your last good shampooing, something called a 'leave-in conditioner' (which just sounded dirty to me -- putting shampoo in and not washing it out!!), etc.

Regardless, Kris said, "Almost done. Who's next?"

Dane motioned to me, so I said, "Guess that's me."

She held the curtain aside, "Well, then, get in, I'm almost done brushing through."

Kind of shrugging, I dropped my underwear and carefully stepped in, not wanting to slip. Complicating factors was that Kris was just freakishly beautiful, like her sister, very naked, and dripping wet.


She smiled at me as I came in, backing up down the tub so I could have the water. "Gotta brush out my hair a little or it goes, 'Boing!'"

I looked down her body, not intending to, but it happened. Her breasts were shiny with glistening droplets cascading off them; water flowed down her flat stomach and onto the small blonde bush she had going as pubic hair, and even more amazing, her legs were far enough apart to balance and that meant the cleft of her lips showed through what tuft of pubic hair there was there.

My mouth may have made a sigh. Kris said, looking at me but tilting her head to show she was talking to Dane, "Kevin seems to like looking at my body, Dane."

I nodded, slowly, and smiled, the warm water hitting me in the back of the head.

I was getting cold in the front -- a sure sign I needed to turn around and get the warm water going all over me, so I did, leaving the vision of beauty behind me. As I did, though, letting the water flow over me, I felt a hand on my shoulder, and then full contact as Kris put an arm around my stomach in front to hug me, the other hand dipping the hairbrush into the water. "Excuse me a moment..."

I managed to squeak, "No problem."

She moved back, and I still had the sense memory of her breasts pressed up against my back.

Dane said, almost mischievously, "If you want, he might need his back washed."

Again, Kris pressed up against my back and said, loudly enough to Dane to hear, "I could slide around here, but he might want more soap than I have. Feels nice, though."

Her hand put the brush up on the shower shelf next to me, and her arm came around me to hug my front as she pressed against my back; her other hand up and down my chest, matching what the first one had started out doing.

She pulled on me and said, "Share the water a moment?"

Turning me to face her, we maneuvered carefully in the narrow tub to rotate sideways, getting the water to come down between us. At this point, my cock was definitely at least half-inflated and pressing into her abdomen.

She smiled and I could tell she was having fun with this, "Our family is from Denmark, and we have a hugging tradition as a greeting. So, consider yourself greeted."

Not knowing how to respond, I said, "I could do this every day no matter how long I know you."

She laughed, "Of course you could. I'm Kris!"

Leaning in, she pecked me on the cheek and said, "Welcome to the family. I'd better get out now or we'll use up all the hot water." Her hands, still roaming around my body, found my cock as she stepped back. Stiff in her hands, she lightly rubbed down my shaft and said, "I'll have to say hello more later."

All I could do was inhale.

She got out, pulling the curtain aside and stepping out. I arranged the curtain again and grabbed the soap, washing up quickly, but suddenly needing to pee, so I let loose. I always peed in the shower, though peeing through a boner isn't comfortable so that's why it didn't occur to me until later.

Just as I was going, I noticed that Dane was looking in. "Ahhh!" she said, "I've never watched a guy pee before. That thing is so handy."

I'd automatically stopped peeing when I saw her, and had to force myself to resume. "True."

They had odd shampoo, so I chose one and used it quickly and got out, smelling like raspberries for some reason.

Dane got in as I got out and she commented, "You seem to be all business in the shower. Most of the time."

I could tell this was a jab for my having enjoyed the rubs from her sister and she missed out. I just chose the path of least resistance, "Don't want to be late." A moment later, I 'fixed' it by saying, "And, if I get distracted by your beauty, I'm not going to move fast."

She called from the shower, "Suck up."

I laughed and said, "Would it have sounded better if I'd said, '... distracted by your boobs?'

She laughed back, "Certainly more honest, I'll give you that."

The second day on underwear wasn't preferred but it was okay, I thought, so I picked it up and went in to get dressed, holding it in front of me.

Mrs. Jergins was in Dane's room so when I walked in I was a little surprised. She was laying out some t-shirts and managed to avoid looking at me long enough to say, "These are for men. Might be better than clothes from yesterday. You are ready, then, breakfast downstairs."

I thanked her and she left, so I got dressed and checked my phone. I realized I'd have to stop by my house anyway since I hadn't brought my school backpack with me.

Between eating thin pancakes with fruit compote, OJ, yogurt, etc., and seeing Kris all dressed and eating with us, I was struck with how unusual this probably was. I never saw my sisters for breakfast anymore. It was usually just grab a bowl of cereal and go.

Seeing the time, I stood and started taking the dishes to the sink, but was warned off by Mrs. Jergins, so I thanked her, bent over and kissed Dane, and was about to go -- but was stopped by Kris, who stood and gave me a hug and said, "I would like to keep hugging you, I think. Bending in, she kissed me on the cheek quickly, too, which I thought was odd, but happy making, too.

== ==

School went normally most of the day, though I did get a chance to chat with Jamie and had several group texts as well about a sleepover at her house next.

I didn't know what to do about that. Negotiating who was going to sleep where and when seemed like something I'd want to make sure I kept straight and on the up-and-up so there weren't any hurt feelings, regardless of whether the girls had all been given 'no jealousy' instructions.

Walking around school, though, and sitting in classes, I couldn't help but think, hey, each of these people has their own life, they're all going to splay out into different cloudy futures of this-then-that. Maybe only for this moment do they live Here, in this classroom, near me.

It wasn't, in my mind, a given that I'd stick around Dane forever. I could just re-instruct her to do something different, to fall in love with a smart guy at a college somewhere and forget me. I was pretty sure I could do that. But, even if I couldn't, I could make it bearable for her to marry someone else and have a family that way, probably.

I thought back to the harem anime that I'd seen. Usually the girls fought over the guy, the guy was embarrassed like hell anytime there was any kind of nudity or appearance of a compromising situation, and the thing resolved somehow that they settled into a pattern where the guy was shared somehow between them.

Anime girls were usually over-the-top buxom and pretty, of course, which is not the normal look for most of the girls I was seeing around me. In my universe, girls were way more mundane and normal, even if they had odd girl habits. Anime girls, by contrast, would shout, scream bloody murder, or punch the hell out of a guy for making small mistakes or for accidentally seeing them in embarrassing situations. Anime was stupid about that kind of thing.

So it wasn't just that anime boobs were each bigger than the girl's head. This isn't reasonable or (in my book at least) even that desirable. Sure, it's fun to contemplate, but on a real person, looking at some of the girls around me and imagining their boobs were actually that size? It didn't make sense.

The social anxiety, as a Japanese construct, was that if someone ELSE had reason to be embarrassed, everyone around them would suffer. It seemed to me, it might be a group-suffering thing. If you caused someone to be naked, you were the one who should feel pain and regret, but the embarrassed person wouldn't, they were the victim.

It took me a while watching Anime to figure that part out.

Of course, anime's over-the-top overreactions (especially in harem comedies) to simplistic embarrassments or minor social mistakes were obviously part of the genre, but it was consistent among the animes.

Almost all of the harems had between 6 and 12 girls, with the average coming in at about 8.

My count, really, was the 3 Jays, Dane made four, and Kris made 5. I could add 3 to 7 more girls to this and I'd be about even with the genre, but I didn't want to complicate things too much.

Islam has a tradition that a man can have four wives, though I didn't know how many people actually had more than one. Besides that (in the 'Tales of 1001 Nights') there could be unlimited 'concubines', that is, women just for the sex (or for making kids?) but not for the 'relationship'.

The idea of having four seemed reasonable for a normal person, maybe, and even for me, but at the same time, I could resolve conflicts between the group members by adding instructions about reasonable compromise, fixing bad habits, etc.

This whole idea seemed very odd. How it was I had this power? I had ZERO ideas! Given that I had it, I wanted to be able to live with myself and act... not normally - for sure - but maybe 'reasonably' would be a good word. Whatever reasonable was, I didn't know.

I was certainly horny a lot of the time, and a few more people as part of a group might not be so bad? I didn't want to trap people into being subservient to me, but at the same time, I could give the side benefit of having free, happy, healthy living in the form of eating right and having great personal habits.

So even if I didn't really have much info on what it was like to date 4 girls at once, or, 5 counting Kris, I could sense it would probably be pretty fun. The side benefits were great! Blowjobs and sex anytime I wanted? It wasn't technically limited to girlfriends that way - I could even get Mrs. Jergins give me blow jobs, too, if I wanted, and that might be pretty cool to see if she was good at it. As someone who'd been married and was older, she could probably do it much better than her daughters, so the contrast might be interesting.

Looking around during class, I considered the girls around me, trying to decide what considerations I should have for new 'enlistees'. Smart? Pretty? Hard-working? Organized? Social? Quiet?

Probably a mix of these would be good for the group, to keep things on an even keel. If everyone was outgoing and extroverted, there would inevitably be conflict about that. Likewise if people were introverts. Something had to balance. I knew I didn't want everyone to have the same body type, so that'd be a thing, maybe someone with a different ethnicity or something.

Raising a kid, or a set of them, it'd probably be important to know that people came in different races, so in a group, maybe at least one should be Asian or Black or First Peoples (Americans use the term Indians). Frankly, it was a little exotic to think of dating someone non-white, like, there might be a surprise or something I couldn't predict. Beauty was everywhere - and what the hell did I know, anyway, as a guy from White-Bread-Winnipeg.

There were some Asian-looking girls in my classes, certainly more than there were dark-skinned people. I'd never really thought about dating a girl just because of her ethnicity, it was an odd idea, and kind of not-good, in a way? It seemed prejudiced, to be looking at someone because of that. At the same time, for reasons tied to my not dating that much in general, I hadn't considered non-whites just because I hadn't considered much of anyone in a realistic sense.

This thing might let me see what culture differences were like, maybe? I wasn't sure.

Then, there was the body-type issue. Height, bust size, weight, athleticism... Maybe, if I picked someone overweight, I could give them a longer lifespan with just the 'eat right' and 'exercise' compulsion-instructions? Would that even work? Were there parts of being-overweight that had nothing to do with exercise? I had to figure so - I wasn't a doctor, but it seemed like some part of that had to be medical and not motivational.

BUT, if I did that (date someone because they were larger), and even if they didn't know it was why I chose them -- I, myself would know. I'm not perfect. It might slip out at some point that I was only dating them so I could 'fix' them. That seemed wrong somehow, too, though less wrong, maybe, than having the power to help someone and not doing so. There's gotta be a balance.

Who should I pick?
