Serpent Swarm

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A young guy becomes one with the serpents.
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(Back in Cold War, after the end of the second world war)

In the middle of the woods, the moon was shining upon Stiles' home. Stiles was a handsome, attractive, lean young man of medium stature who has pale skin, brown hair, and honey-brown eyes. Stiles lifted a hand in front of him, spreading his fingers, seeing them clearly enough, he could not sleep. For the past weeks, he had not been able to sleep; but even when he slept, his mind could not turn off from desires, filling his dreams with detail and lust. Stiles was readjusting his pillow again, his mind would not stop piling the wet thoughts, no matter how much he tried to quieten them.

Stiles sat up, staying still as his ears strained to hear something, anything. It had been odd, not breaking glass or something obvious, but a sense of unease crawled across his skin. Stiles advanced towards the door, holding his breath. He paused at the door, concentrating before licking his dry lips nervously. Stiles reached the hallway and it was dark, Stiles glanced around, suddenly feeling stupid. It was probably a mouse or something, but then a sudden darkness surrounded him and his mouth was covered forcefully, and he lost consciousness. The last thing he remembered was a head wrapped in tight leather, with fogged goggles and tubes emanating from all over its body.

In a secluded area, deep in the forest near the village, there was an underground laboratory. Theo blinked as his eyes awake, rubbing the sleep from them, as his internal alarm told him to wake up. Theo was a very attractive young man who had tan skin, blue gray eyes, and light brown hair, he was nude with tight jeans as he woke up. Theo was one specimen in the laboratory, he was the first chimera, as the doctors managed to complete his transformation without rejection, mixing his genome with one of a werewolf. Theo went to the bathroom, as he splashed his face clean. Theo smiled disarmingly as he let his fangs emerge and yellow eyes burning dangerously. However, there was a sound behind him, as he let his fangs and claws fade away when one of the doctors watched him wordlessly.

- "Sorry, is it time already?" Theo asked

- "Come" a voice came from the hallway.

Theo nodded and followed one of the three doctors that operated the facility: The Surgeon, The Pathologist, and The Geneticist. The Surgeon, originally known as Marcel, was the first Doctor and the creator of the trio, and as such was their leader. The Pathologist was the second male member who acted primarily as the muscle of the group, using his enhanced strength to hold down their test subjects so that The Surgeon could perform his experiments on them. The Geneticist was the last member, also male, and he seemed to work more on the materials the doctors used in their experiments more so than doing the experiments himself.

Theo and the doctors were walking down the basement, where they kept a new breed of creatures. The doctors have been researching based on the chimeras they had developed and combining them into a new breed of creatures. The creatures appeared to be serpents, they were covered with black scales, they were long reaching 5 feet, and they were thick like pythons. Their lengths were covered with spikes, and on their heads they had two distinctive eyes.

The serpents were highly vicious and feral, they fed them with animals they captured from the forest. In their meantime, they spend their time mating, coiling among themselves as they thrust into each other. Theo walked by the halls, and he saw them through a small window. There were roughly 20 of them, and the doctors were attempting on ways to communicate with them.

Serpents acted and behaved through a hivemind, their individual minds had supernaturally bonded into one to become a single, collective intelligence. Over time, the swarm of serpent learned to work together in more intelligent ways to achieve their goals, and it eventually evolved their cohesive mind. They now hunted their preys by precise coordination.

The serpents had a lethal cocktails of poisonous venom in their glands, and their spikes had the properties of discharging electricity voltage like eels. The doctors wanted to control them, so that they could weaponize them in their purposes for the Soviet Union.

Finally Theo and the doctors reached a different room, where they kept a dark haired teenager curled up, he was Stiles. Theo grinned, relieved and moistening his lips in anticipation. Theo reached out to touch the young man's bare arm, but the Surgeon raised his cane and rapped him across the knuckles, "No!"

- "Ah!" Theo shrunk back, head bowed submissively. "Sorry..."

- "You can have your fun later, if he lets you... This young male has been exposed to something extraordinarily rare," The Genetistic said.

- "What makes this guy so important?" Theo asked

- "You will see..."

The Doctors carefully removed Stiles' clothing, folding and placing them on a counter nearby, until he was lying on the metal slab with his body exposed. The three doctors stared at the naked teen in front of them, none of them moving. Suddenly, the Doctor invited Theo to come. The Doctors moved Theo's hand towards Stiles' heart, and Theo sensed it was his heart beat, the same rhythm of those erratic creatures. Stiles must have been bit before by serpents in the forest and his genetics made it so he survived, but more importantly, his genome has accepted it.

- "Yes, it is. He did not die, the venom is still in his bloodstream, it is unprecedented"

- "He will survive," The Geneticist said as he cut off any further discussion, and moved Stiles towards the distinct room.

- "To those snakes?" Theo wondered as he followed behind them.

- "He will survive..."

Through a special door, they let him on the floor in between two sets of heavy-duty doors that separate the specimens and the outside world. Suddenly, the Surgeon opened the interior door and twenty snakes came forward. Stiles woke up at the cold metal floor, when he then saw serpents slithering towards him. Stiles got up, trying to get away, but more were coming. The serpents were slithering and hissing with their forked tongue, their mouths were full of fangs but they had two distinctive long ones. Their black scales were moist with their own fluids, as they came closer, their four eyes were shining red at Stile's gaze.

- "Help!" Stiles yelled.

The smell inside the room was deep heady musk, salty and earthy. The whole room had dry resin from the serpent's fluids, heat and horny. However, for every specimen the Doctors threw, they were just devoured and consumed rapidly. However, Stiles appeared to be different. One of them coil around his foot, when the second one wrapped around his other leg. Stiles fell in the corner of the room. The first serpent one took wholly his member, the serpent used its tongue to stroke it, when Stiles was about to wake up. The second serpent prodded his ass, as it began to slide up and down.

- "Ahgg..." Stiles let out a pitiful moan when the serpent on his cock hungrily swallowed his whole rod before pulling back and releasing it, letting the tip of its fork tongue slither over his tip.

Stiles panted heavily, he tried to get up but two more serpents coiled around his arm with sufficient strength to keep him immobile. Three more serpents began sliding over his stomach, while one wrapped around his neck and squeezed gently. The other two wrapped around his torso just below his pectorals, until their tongues traced over his nipples. All the serpents were shuddering at his smell, at his arousal.

Stiles moaned in ecstasy as the third serpent coiled tightened around his throat when it approached his watery mouth. Even though he was scared, he opened his mouth, welcoming the serpent. The thick serpent slid into his mouth and moved down his throat, as he played with it using his tongue. This euphoric combination of pleasure brought Stiles over the edge as he came into the serpent. He groaned into the serpent in his mouth. Stiles' libido urged him for more, as he sucked the serpent greedily as a sign for more. More serpents came as they covered him completely, coiling around his head and his torso, when they released more of their fluids. They squeezed softly waiting for it to dry.

The serpent on his cock bobbed up and down, sucking the cock deep into its body, coiling its long forked tongue tightly against Stiles' rod, as the serpent continued to move its muscles up and down. Meanwhile, the serpent in his ass swelled after it spit out, filling fluids into him, giving it more ease to thrust until the serpent moved inside him, rushing into his intestines. Stiles cried out in a mixture of euphoria and pain as he felt the foreign object inside him. The serpent on his cock kept on rubbing his sensitive organ, as his eyes rolled into the back of his head as his mind was washed away in the vast ocean of depraved ecstasy.

On the other side, the Doctors could see how the serpents were sacrificing themselves for him, they were giving their whole pussy fluids and semen, spacing it out onto his skin. The Surgeon estimated that three serpents would reach into the human's body.

- "This is the first phase, they are taking in a sample of his genome and his vitality," The Geneticts stated.

- "How?" Theo said moaning as he was masturbating while watching.

- "The smell is very strong aphrodisiac, imagine what the specimen is experiencing," The Surgeon said as Theo realized why he had been so horny while feeding them.

- "The serpents are sucking all the semen he could offer, and then they will suck until they feed from their blood. His sexual organs will fit another purpose," The Pathalogist said in his study.

- "Another purpose?" Theo wondered.

- "The serpents are studying whether he is a good fit for the queen role, he will become much more than a male, he will a main purpose in their reproduction," The Pathologist explained.

Stiles' eyes rolled into the back of his head and his balls released his load, his human sperm rushing out to be met by the intruding serpent. The salty, musky liquid was a delicious surprise for the serpent that absorbed it quickly. Proteins, salts, moisture, all part of his most amazing host. The serpent rippled with pleasure until Stiles' collapsed. He could barely move, barely operate. The orgasm had been so good... although there was still something missing. Stiles felt alone even though he was surrounded by them.

The serpent that had taken Stiles' cock was releasing its muzzle from the member, the serpent pulled its muzzle off Stile's sock, there was a thick trail of saliva connected from its muzzle to the tip. Stiles' cock continued to release more blood, but suddenly another serpent took the cock back in.

{You shall be one with us} the hive mind echoed.

The serpent that released its cock, was coiling around itself, mixing the semen and now its own fluids, especially its own cum. The serpent was coming itself, sucking and filling its throat with a cocktail. Meanwhile, Stiles was coiled in the skin-tight membrane separating him from the outside world, there were only three instances that were exposed: his mouth, his puckhole and his cock.

Slowly the serpent with the thick fluids in its throat slithered on the body, Stiles was rocking his hips on the serpent tightly coiled around his waist and onto his cock. Suddenly, the serpent hissed as finally Stiles' mouth was freed, he yelled loudly in agony and pleasure, however, it was only for a couple of minutes until the other serpent plunged into his body, stretching his throat and jaw bones wider, wider than any human, breaking ligaments as it rushed into him. Suddenly the lava hot fluids were released into his core. The serpent's tail exposed outside was swishing side by side violently as it pushed further into him.

- "It is time for phase 2, it will be the turning," The Surgeon said as he placed on different screens to see the physiological changes and physical changes to the specimen inside.

The last serpents coiled around the membrane, placing their muzzle into the cloaca of those connected into Stiles, all serpents followed suit as the fluids began to transpose between them and into him. The large object was continuously moving as serpents were coiled above more coils, squeezing softly and moaning to share more into Stiles.

Through screens, the Doctors could see how Stiles' skin was flaking off to reveal deep obsidian scales, Stiles was still rocking his hips as he was facing the changes. Stiles was shuddering inside, feeling how every inch of his skin was shattered into a mass of tiny oval scales. Stiles cock surged in length as the mushroom shaped tip forgotten as it extended into a proud point inside the serpent throat. Bumps and ridges were forming along the shaft.

- "His rod is a extraordinary piece of his body," The Pathologist said as he pointed out the measurements.

- "His testicles would have to mutate completely, and here they are..." The Genecist pointed out.

Stiles felt a strange void inside his pelvis, as if a vacuum was opening up. His plump balls began to draw up in his sack, pulling through a tight ring of interior muscles before they were in their new home. Their testicles grew in size reaching down his legs, and ending near his knees, soon enough they began to grow eggs inside Stiles' sex. The individual spheres were large and void such that their shape dictates the slow grin towards his cock.

- "His cock is designed to be inside his body, in a tight sock keeping it humid and lubricated," The Surgeon recalled from his studies. "Specially, always erected and hard."

Stiles in contrast to the Doctors felt his cock was much larger, the base was deep inside his spine, where two large tubes connected it to his long testicles along his thighs. Slowly, Stiles cock was retracting back inside his tight walls, squeezing tighter and tighter within. Stiles moaned so loud as it was pleasurable at first but then almost painful given how wide his cock stretched him inside. His cock was taken into a hot, warm and wet embrace, many filaments quivered and wriggled against his cock inside. Stiles felt as he was constantly fucking something keeping his cock erected and dribbling pre constantly. Suddenly, his nipples tugged outwards as they grew rounder, plumper and stronger. The new mammaries added weight to his chest in tandem with new muscles rippling across his back.

Stiles moved his hands, as he fondled the flesh, probing at the new sensations with a rounding digit, it felt so sensitive, as he moaned so loudly that his tongue changed into a long black forked. So long it came out from the membrane, pushing the serpent in his throat fully inside him.

{Queen, can you hear us?} the serpents began talking into his mind, as this new sense came as a tsunami into his thoughts. Stiles hissed sharply whilst mentally impressing upon them the pleasure he felt, the snakes loved him, so much.

{Queen to all of us} they echoed.

The Doctors moved their camera right to the orifice where his mouth was, and then they witnessed his face was changing. Stiles' face pulled, jawing pressed forward, his flat teeth were leaving his thin lips clean and unblemished. Then, his fangs grew, as then the main grew larger, reaching five inch long and an inch thick. Stiles was moaning now that the serpent who quieted him down was gone.

"He will be unstoppable..." The Pathologist said.

"Not sure we can call him a he just yet," The Genocist said.

"What you mean?" Theo said as he could not remove his gaze from him.

The Genocist moved the camera and vision into his new breasts, they were filling with nutrients at the same time the eggs were forming in his thighs. The Genocist explained that most off spring will need to feed from him until they are fully mature.

Stiles' hand contracted and relaxed, his fingernails turned from white to brown, and then black as they extended into sharp claws. Stile's grew so much more muscular and larger, as then his hips were lifted up as something new slid down behind him, the start of a tail. The tail's base took most of his back, as the tail grew as thick as his torso and as long as 10 feet, coiling around the membrane, stretching the membrane tighter. Lastly, his toes seemed almost normal, capped by claws instead of toenails, but then his big toes had completely changed into huge curved raptor talons.

The heat that consumed Stiles' body is aggressive, instincts kicking in to suppress any of his humanity. Stiles could feel new thoughts weaving into his head from his serpents, new instincts: Serve, swarm, spread, survive, protect. So many new words and identifies being forced through every defense he had. It was hard to wrap his mind around, anything really. There was so much pulling him every way. Stiles felt the twinge inside of him, as eggs... He had to admit they were eggs, and the new instincts were apparent. Breed, make eggs, lay them. A gnawing hunger started to show up.

Stiles moaned in the dried membrane that covered him, he was still growing inside, changing, so many expectations...

(To be continued?)

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Amazing! Would love to see more of this and the Carrier of the Hive series!

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