Sex And Susan Adams Ch. 01


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She had never told anyone about the party incident or about being spanked. Now not only had she divulged these things in detail, she had also exposed her own secret feelings and thoughts in a way she never had done, even to Don. And, rather than sympathizing and understanding, this little twit of a girl had the temerity to accuse her of indecent behavior and cowardice. For the last several months, Jean had looked the other way, ignoring uncharacteristic comments and snide remarks. She remembered when Don, after the disastrous evening with Susan and Jim, said he wanted more nothing to do with Susan if he could avoid it; she had defended her as being seriously troubled about something. But her insults now were just too much to be borne and she finally responded in kind.

"You may think that spanking is barbaric, you little bitch, but the best thing that could happen to you is for someone to put you over their knee and spank your ass until you cried for mercy!"

"No one will ever do anything like that to me and get away with it. If Jim tried anything like that I would see a lawyer after having him arrested for assault. No woman with any self-respect would do any anything else!"

That was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back. Jean, pushed beyond the bounds of restraint, reacted with fury. "Well, if no one else can give you what you need, I'll do it." With that, she reached for Susan md wrenched her down across her knee, brushed her robe aside and began slapping her bare bottom as hard as she could. Susan was stunned by Jean's move, and before she really comprehended what was happening, she felt as if her hips were on fire. Nothing like this had ever happened to her before and the combination of the pain of her bottom and the humiliation of actually being spanked filled her with rage. At that point her anger was greater than her pain, and she twisted violently trying to get away, while at the same time, shrieking demands that Jean let her up and threats and retribution if she didn't. The twisting and squirming were completely unavailing as the larger, stronger woman held her down without difficulty. The demands and threats literally fell on deaf ears because Jean was so angry that she didn't even hear them.

So, the blows continued to fall as regularly as if they were timed by a metronome. They hit alternately on first the right and then the left cheek, leaving hand prints indented and almost white as the hand hit and turning bright red as the blood flowed back into the area. What had been a lovely pink behind quickly became a mottled, discolored area of brilliant red. In addition, what had been a lovely expanse of unblemished cool skin became a furnace that radiated heat so as to almost burn the hand that spanked it. The pain and heat spread from the localized area in excruciating waves throughout Susan's body. As great as the pain was, however, the humiliation of being subjected to such punishment in such an undignified position was paramount in her mind, and even when that pain became almost more than she could bear, the sense of outrage and violation kept her defiantly ranting at her attacker. Even her tears, which were flowing copiously, were tears of rage. As the blows continued unceasingly, however, a change began to come over her. Her cries gradually became less defiant and more a litany of "ouches" and "ows," intermixed with moans and groans as she squirmed around trying to avoid the spanking hand.

Then, suddenly, her reaction changed. Afterwards, Susan described it as if something had broken inside her. Like the air gushing from a broken balloon, the anger built up in Susan over the last two months vanished, leaving only a small, defenseless woman bereft of the arrogance and fury that had sustained her defiance. The vituperation and warnings which had given way to cries of pain turned now into pitiful moans and pleas. "Please, Jean, stop. Ohoo! It hurts so bad! Please, please, please!" Even her squirming and twisting ended, and she just lay across Jean's legs, enduring the seemingly endless spanking her only defense her appeal for mercy.

Finally that appeal was answered. With all opposition gone, Jean found herself spanking an almost inert body and she suddenly became aware of the sobbing and the anguished pleas coming up to her. As her hand came down one last time with a resounding smack onto the quivering bottom, her anger, like Susan's, evaporated and she looked with dismay, almost with horror, at what she had done. As a result of the vigorous spanking combined with her thrashing around Susan's hips were crimson from her upper thighs to her lower back. The cheeks, themselves, were mottled red and purple, even retaining the imprint of Jean's hand in places.

Susan had been very thoroughly spanked and the blemishes, while not permanent, would be a long time fading.

As she came to herself, Jean was filled with remorse. Al1 she could say was, "Oh my heavens," over and over again as she helped Susan up. When on her feet, Susan slowly straightened and stood there, her head down, with one hand holding each burning cheek. Except for the two large breasts and the ample cunt hair revealed by her open robe, she could have been a small, chastised little girl standing before her mother. Tears were streaming down her face, and she presented such a pitiful picture that Jean began to cry too. They stood, facing each other, neither knowing quite what to do, when Susan suddenly threw herself at Jean, wrapped her arms around her, and cried out, "I'm so sorry! I never meant those things I said. I was just so sad and miserable that I said things I didn't mean. I'm sorry! I'm so, so sorry!" Jean couldn't believe that the woman she had just brutally spanked was apologizing to her and she gasped out through her own tears, "Oh, honey, I'm so sorry I hurt you. I just got so mad that I completely lost control." They stood there for several minutes, their arms around each other, holding each other tightly, and not saying anything. Finally, Susan pulled back and looked up with a tentative smile.

Jean's tears had been sliding down her cheeks and dropping onto Susan's shoulder, but as she pulled back, a large tear fell directly onto Jean's breast and flowed down to the nipple. "Oh, look," Susan said, and without thought or premeditation, she leaned forward and kissed the tear off of the nipple. It was like a shock of electricity to Jean's breast and the nipple grew very hard in Susan's lips as she kissed it. They both giggled and Jean said, "Wow!" That broke the ice between them, and she hugged Susan quickly, and said, "Your bottom must be killing you. Let me get something to put on it."

Jean hurried into the bathroom and returned with a white plastic bottle. "This really is for sunburn, but it has an anesthetic in it and I always use it when Don spanks me. It'll make it feel much cooler. Take off your robe and lie down and I'll spread it on you." Susan hesitated for just a second and then took off the robe and stood naked in front of Jean, something she had wanted to do for months. Even the burning sensation emanating from her behind couldn't keep her from a small rush of pleasure, but unfortunately, she couldn't take time to savor the moment. She just turned and lay down on the bed to await Jean's ministrations. Jean sat down and began to apply the soothing lotion to the reddened hips, gently spreading it on and lightly stroking the entire area. The heat was unbelievable at first, but gradually the lotion provided cooling and the anesthetic began to take effect. Susan sighed with relief and relaxed her tense muscles as the pain let up. Jean, however, had a different feeling as she lightly massaged Susan's bottom. She was startled, and a bit aroused, as she ran her fingers over the very soft yet, paradoxically, firm and resilient cheeks. Even with the harsh treatment it had received, Susan's skin was like silk – hot silk – but still extraordinarily soft to the touch. As she stroked the region where the hips ended and the thighs began, Jean almost involuntarily leaned down to look between those thighs at Susan's cunt. The legs were slightly parted but all she could see was a small amount of hair and the very beginning of the lips. Even that gave her a funny feeling since she had never seen even that much of another woman's cunt before. As she focused on that fascinating area, she continued to gently massage lotion over Susan's bottom cheeks and inadvertently her fingers slid into the crevice between them and over the anal opening. Susan jumped as that tender spot was touched, and Jean, contrite, asked, "Did I hurt you, honey?" Susan hesitantly replied, ", it felt nice. I was just startled."

At that, Jean said, "Well, if anything feels nice right now after the spanking you got, you're entitled to more of it." With that comment, she very gently used her index finger to slowly stroke between the cheeks several times, pausing as she passed the opening. "Does that feel good?" "Uh huh, very good." To Susan, the gentle caressing of one of the secret openings to her body was both exciting and frightening. As she relaxed even more, her hips began to undulate slowly and, unconsciously, her thighs spread apart and Jean was finally given a complete view of her open cunt. She was fascinated as her eyes traced the hair-lined lips to the vaginal opening between those lips. To one knowledgeable about such things, the open lips and visible hole indicated that Susan was even more aroused than she knew – certainly, in part, from the manipulation of her other hole but, also, unquestionably, from the spanking which had preceded it. Susan's movements became more pronounced and her sexual arousal now was obvious. Excited herself from spying on Susan's most intimate area Jean's finger stroked more rapidly than before, actually probing that other hole as her finger went over it. The additional pressure almost sent Susan over the edge into orgasm, but the natural censor in her mind prevented her from the release. The idea of being aroused to orgasm by another woman, even Jean, was just more than she was ready for, and embarrassed by her already obvious sexual excitement, Susan pulled away, closed her legs and turned over. Fortunately, Jean had enough empathy that she said nothing and just lay down beside Susan and put her arms around her. Actually, Jean was surprised at her own reaction, and she welcomed a cooling off period. She certainly had never had any lesbian desires and told herself that her acts were merely the result of natural curiosity – but she certainly had been excited!

The two women were lying side by side, with Susan slightly lower so that her head was on Jean's shoulder. They were half facing each other with their breasts lightly touching and with Susan's leg drawn up between Jean's. The position was, obviously, very intimate and each woman was very aware of the other's body. There was a warm feeling of closeness as they lay together, and Jean suddenly had a revelation. "My God!'" she thought, "This must be exactly the feeling that Don gets after he's spanked me! I felt strong and masterful after holding Susan down so easily and being able to do whatever I wanted to her. Then I felt remorseful when I realized how much I had hurt her, even if she deserved what she got. Now I feel protective and loving toward her and I want to cuddle and reassure her. Amazing! And, come to think of it, I'll bet she feels toward me the way I always feel toward Don after being spanked, chastened, humiliated and weak, but extremely affectionate and loving. No wonder I'm so hot, md I'll bet she is too. She certainly got excited when I was playing with her ass. I wish I could have put my finger right into her asshole! God, what thoughts!"

Putting her erotic musings aside for the moment, Jean asked Susan, "You said you were miserable and sad, honey. I knew something had to be wrong the way you've been acting the last few months. What's bothering you so much? Can I help?"

Susan always had been a quiet, private person who was unable or unwilling, to discuss her problems with others, even, sometimes, Jim. She never had considered discussing such an intimate personal matter with anyone, but suddenly she felt a desire, almost a compulsion, to reveal the cause of her recent behavior and to share her sorrow with her dear friend. As she thought of it, that sorrow descended on her again, and she burst into tears. Putting her head on Joan's shoulder, she began to pour out the entire story from the time she and Jim happily began trying to get her pregnant, to believing that she was infertile to, finally, discovering that the problem was Jim's sperm count. She described her own behavior without sparing herself. "I said things I didn't mean and felt awful as I said them. When we thought that the problem was me, Jim couldn't have been nicer or more supportive, but I acted like a shrew when we found out the real cause. Then I felt guilty for that and became even more vicious. Oh, I'm a mess!"

All this time, she was crying and it sounded like her heart would break. As she listened to Susan's recital, Jean could only murmur words of sympathy and hold her tighter. She and Don had no children of their own, but that was a matter of choice, not the whim of fate taking away a lifelong dream. She could feel the crushing burden that Susan had been under for so long, a burden that had changed her personality and damaged her marriage. More, she felt a tidal wave of guilt wash over her as she thought of her own explosion of rage that led to her almost brutal, spanking that had broken down Susan's defenses. At that thought Jean's own tears began to flow again and she embraced Susan even tighter. Oddly enough, as they cried together, the two women shared an emotional bonding that left them closer than most sisters – or lovers for that matter. They were not lovers, as yet, of course but as the tears finally began to dry up, they each became more aware of the other's nude body against theirs. Even so, the feeling engendered was one of warmth and affection, not passion, and they continued to hold each other in a very pleasant lassitude until suddenly Susan raised up, glanced at the clock and said, "Oh my heavens, look at the time! It's almost 11:30! I can't believe that so much time went by and we didn't even watch a movie. Jim will be coming over to see what happened to me!" The last was said humorously, but, perhaps as a reaction to the serious conversation and intense intimacy of the last couple of hours, the two women pretended to take the danger seriously. Like girls at a pajama party hiding some illicit activity, they scurried around getting their robes and making themselves presentable while laughing and talking as they did so.

Giggling, Jean said, "We had better not let him catch us like this – two naked

women in bed together!"

"No, particularly since we both have very red bottoms! I should have rubbed some of that lotion on you – it made me feel very good while you were fixing me."

"I think that would have felt good honey. Maybe we can do that tomorrow if it still burns. That is, if you think it's safe for us to be naked together after tonight!"

Susan surprised herself by saying, "I think I would like that very much, dear."

Suddenly the atmosphere was serious again for a minute and Joan said "I know I would like that." Then, lightly, "You had better get home to your husband."

They went downstairs to the door and said the usual, rather banal, parting statements. "Goodnight honey," Jean said, "See you tomorrow."

"Yes, dear, I'll look forward to it. Sleep well." However, the kiss goodnight was on the lips, and, while not really passionate, certainly was not a typical pro forma feminine gesture of friendship. It held considerable promise for the future.

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BC100000BC100000over 5 years ago

Excellent! Thanks for posting.

IwannadoitnowIwannadoitnowover 9 years ago
In fact...

If you'll forgive the pun, one of the reasons I like the word "cunt" is because it doesn't "pussyfoot" around!!

IwannadoitnowIwannadoitnowover 9 years ago
Well told and sexy

The writing of this story is of professional quality. And given the title of the series, this first chapter foreshadows things to come.

Personally, I completely disagree with comment that the word "cunt" is in any way inappropriate. To me, it is a very sexy word. I kept waiting for the women to advance the game, and at least one of the cunts to be invaded by a finger. "Pussy" has become almost socially acceptable. But a cunt is a cunt, and when we hear it, we know it will soon be used for its intended purpose!

If I were going to change anything, it might be too shorten the telling a bit. In places it seems almost padded. If all chapters are this long, it will be essentially a book. If the added length contained relevant content, it would be one thing. But it doesn't always.

I give it five stars, not only on its own but for what it promises in the future chapters. Bravo, and "cuntally" yours.


AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Good Friends

Good start.Can't wait to see where this goes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

This would be much more readerable if pussy was used instead of cunt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Ad nauseam scene descriptions infer the writer expects their readers to be devoid any experiences in life. I kept expecting you to mention thread barren carpets and the osmosis process of vining plants.

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