Sex Culture in the 23rd Century Ch. 05


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He was almost breathless when he had Roark Diversity Funnel look it over. "Very interesting," he said. "Very impressive. You did all this yourself?"

"Well, the computer helped, with the codes and such," said Manu.

"What a fantastic job," said Roark. He put a hand on Manu's shoulder, reaching up to him, since Roark was a good foot shorter than him. "We're all very proud of you, Manu."

"Thanks!" said Roark. "When will work start on the bridge?"


"To build it?"

Roark looked at him oddly. "I'm afraid you've gotten the wrong impression."

"You're not going to build the bridge?" said Manu.

Roark shook his head.

"But yew said I could design anything!"

"And you can," said Roark. "The choice is always yours."

Manu found himself relaxing at the sound of the phrase.

"But to build it, that's another matter," said Roark. "No, if you want something you design to actually be built, it has to conform to Community standards." He paused. "We could use a new Economy Dormitory for Normative Low Average Virtue Worker Units. Why don't you give that a try?"

"A dormitry." Somehow, it seemed much less glamorous than Manu's bridge. "Will you really build it, if yew lyke it?"

"If we like it, we will really build it, yes."

"All right," said Manu. He spend much of the rest of the day working on a design. He poured all his creativity and ingenuity into it. When he was ready, he showed it to Roark Diversity Funnel.

"Let's see, what do we have here?" said Roark. He studied the design. "Hm. Innovative! Creative! Definitely different!" He looked up at Manu. "So brilliant! But also totally unusable."

"Why?" said Manu.

"We have a certain distinct architectural style in the Community. It has been created over generations, honed to near perfection. We can't have something so different like this. It would be socially discordant. Here, let me help you." Roark called up the schematics of an existing dormitory on the screen. "Here's a dormitory that we built for the East African Youth Combine last year. Why don't you work off of that, and see what you can come up with?"

"All right," said Manu. He looked at the design. It looked boxy, and crude, and utilitarian, without any elegance or sense of aesthetics.

He spent the next day working on it, second guessing himself a lot. When he was ready, he called Roark over to look at his latest results.

"Hm... Hm... Hm....," said Roark, while Manu hovered anxiously over him. Then, finally, he said, "Sorry."

"What?" said Manu.

"It's too different," said Roark. "You made each room two feet wider. That totally disrupts the proportional look of the building. You laid out the lifts on the east side of the building when they should be on the west side."


"Because they always are on the west side, in dormitories. That's what people expect. If we give them something they don't expect, they will become confused, and Community Oneness will suffer. You wouldn't want that to happen, would you?"

"I guess not," said Manu.

"And look at this. You made the windows four inches wider than in the model I gave you. No, this simply won't do."

"I'll try again," said Manu wearily.

"Good," said Roark.

After Roark left, Manu eyed the boxy shaped building he was working from. How could he improve it while still getting Roark's approval?

Every so often as he worked, he glanced away. Often he saw holographic videos, the same as before, of two men and one women, doing activities together. He got distracted and stared at one of them. For some reason, he got the impression that one of the men was kissing the women while the other man watched! He couldn't figure out why, because that's not what the video was showing. Furthermore, it seemed to him that the woman being kissed was Rowenka! Manu rubbed his eyes and looked closely at the holo. The woman in the holovideo looked nothing like Rowenka. But that's the feeling Manu got whenever he stared at it.

His mind must be playing tricks on him. He turned back to the schematics, and got to work.

Finally, he called Roark over again.

"Ready to give it another try? How splendid!" said Roark. He looked at Manu's latest design. He studied it for a long time, longer than the last time, which might have been a good sign.

Finally, Manu couldn't resist. "Well?" he asked.

"It's good," said Roark. "It's very good. It's almost there, except for the extra floor you added and the rounded corners of the building." He punched a few buttons, and the image changed.

"But... those are the only features I changed from the original design!"

"Precisely," said Roark.

"What use is it being an architect if we aren't allowed to design anything new?"

"My dear Manu, 'new' is a term filled with both promise and danger. Something that is new can be positive or negative. That's why the Community has to carefully review anything that can be considered 'new' to be sure that it is not a threat to Oneness and social harmony."

"But how is my design a threat to Oneness?"

"It is different. And differences sometimes breeds individuality. Individuality, unchecked, can lead to threats to happiness and social instability." He looked at Manu's expression. "But don't feel sad. I have approved your design."

"Which is the exact same one you had me start with!"

"But you will have full credit for it! It will be known throughout OrgyFree as the first building designed by Manu Enterami!"

"But I didn't do it," said Manu.

"So? What does that matter?" said Roark. "Someone did it, just as someone else has to take the credit for it. Why does one always need to be the same as the other?"

He looked at Manu, genuinely puzzled for a moment, and then sighed. "Oh, very well." He started manipulating the image for a moment, and then said, "There."

"What?" said Manu, looking at the image. It didn't seem changed to him.

"I know you wanted bigger windows. I have increased the window sizes by four millimeters. It's totally irregular, but we want you to be happy."

"Happy," said Manu.

"This is your first project to be approved, Manu. You are happy, aren't you?"

"Yes," said Manu dully. "I am very happy."


Rowenka was having mixed feelings about her new job too. She was having real doubts about the science behind Temperature Change. Right now she was analyzing temperature readings from the 15th and 16th centuries. She didn't understand how anyone could possibly know what the global temperatures were during those times. She had been told that ice samples were taken from the North Pole dating back centuries, and those ice cores reliably told scientists exactly what temperatures were like, hundreds of years earlier.

She tried to put her doubts aside. This society was far advanced above her own. There was no way that she, Rowenka, an untrained person from a less developed society, could know more about science than the most advanced scientists in this Community. She just had to learn more to understand how it all worked.

Every time Rowenka took a break, she would see holovideos floating in the air of two men and one woman talking with each other. When she watched them long enough, she became convinced that she herself was in the videos, and she was being kissed by one of the men while the other watched! She didn't understand how she got this impression, since clearly the woman in these videos looked nothing like her. Could it be wishful thinking? Her sex life with Manu had been good, had always been good, but increasingly she had felt as if something were lacking.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a new voice behind her.

"You must be Rowenka."

Rowenka turned, and saw the handsomest man she had ever seen. He was tall, had broad, rugged shoulders, a muscular chest, and a broad smile. He was built like a football player. He looked part Hispanic, part White, and part something else.

"Hi, how are you, I'm fine," said the man. "My name is Dale Mastercard."

Rowenka looked at him. He looked incredibly attractive, but she wasn't sure why. She nodded dumbly, and realized she should say something. Anything.

"Yes," she said breathlessly. "Are yew... a scientist?"

"Me? No," said Dale, with a twinkle in his eye. "I'm an Advanced Character Reference Specialist on loan from the Department of Subjective Integrity."

"A who from a what?" said Rowenka, despite herself.

Dale smiled and walked closer to her. He had perfect teeth, she noted.

"I interview people who are being considered for promotions or virtue bonuses," said Dale. "To see if they're worthy."

"And yew can tell," Rowenka asked. "If they're worthy, I mean?"

Dale took another step closer, so that his big chest was only inches away from Rowenka's breasts. He looked her in the eye. "I can always tell, Rowenka," he said smiling.

Rowenka took a nervous step back. "It's nice to meet yew," she said, obviously flustered.


There was a change at dinner that night. As the rules began to take effect, they noticed gradual changes all around them. Fredrik and Laura noticed one at dinner.

Fredrik looked at the nearly endless menu for a long moment before deciding. "I'll have the Quick Blistered Cherry Tomato Spaghetti," he said.

"Invalid entry," said Ted.

"What do yew mean, invalid entry? It's right there on the menu," said Fredrik, pointing to the holoimage.

"You must select from one of the blue outlined items," said Ted. Fredrik looked again. Finally he saw some. Three, to be precise. The green tea infused sunroot soup, the braised fennel wedges with saffron & tomato, and the steak tacos with cilantro-radish salsa.

"What, that's all?" said Fredrik. "What if I don't want green tea infused sunroot soup, or braised fennel wedges with saffron & tomato, or the steak tacos with cilantro-radish salsa?"

"You must choose from one of the available selections," said Ted.

"Laura, yew try ordering."

But when she tried, she got the same result. She found she only had three choices as well, though her choices were different: chestnut tart with oyster mushrooms, curried quinoa chickpea burgers, and easy vegan gluten-free biscuits.

"What's going on hear?" she asked.

"You're being acclimated to normal feeding rules," said Janet Taco Bell, suddenly appearing behind them. She had been furtively checking out Fredrik's ass. It was simply splendid. She couldn't wait to see it move as he pumped in and out of her. They would have to Connect somewhere where there were holographic mirrors on the ceiling. She made a note to herself to find an Unrest room with such features.

"How do yew knauw when to show up?" said Fredrik, turning to face her.

"I knew the meal rules were taking effect tonight, and I thought there might be some confusion, so I dropped by to help," said Janet. Part of her job, actually, was to watch them constantly, via remote holofeeds.

"So why are we limited to three food options?"

"It is wasteful to have so many entrees available in so many combinations. Therefore, we ask most people to limit their choices to three."

"Ok, where do I goah to choose my three?"

"They are chosen for you," said Janet.

"For me?"

"It's for your own good," said Janet.

That phrase made Fredrik relax a little, but not much.

"I really would like to pick my own choices," said Fredrik.

"Of course," said Janet. "There are no rules, except the rules. You can always petition your Controller to change your menu options. Remember, the choice is always yours."

Fredrik felt himself relax some more. "Oll ryght. Let me think about what I want and I'll get back to yew."

"Me tew," said Laura. "Thank yew so much for letting us know this, Janet. We're so grateful to have the chance to select our own food."

A lever seemed to turn in Fredrik's head and suddenly he felt grateful too. "Yeah, thanks. Sorry I snapped at you. It's just that we come from a culchar where we're used to picking this sort of thing for ourselves. I hope this doesn't inconvenience yew." He felt it necessary to apologize for complaining about losing a fundamental right. Laura too, felt on the defensive.

"Nonsense," said Janet, putting a reassuring hand on Fredrik's right hand. The same right hand he had used to pleasure Laura between her legs last night, she noted. "We're here to help you. Let me know if I can be of further service to you." She stared at him with those green eyes suggestively.

And with a cheery "Be seeing you!" she turned and left.

"What a nyce person," said Laura, oblivious to nearly all of what had exchanged between them.

"Yeah," said Fredrik, thinking something else entirely.

"Well, we have to choose from what's available, what are we going to have?"

They made their choices and made their way to the end of the counter where Ted's "hand" was awaiting them.

"Identify," said Ted's voice.

"Fredrik Diem."

"You can approach, Fredrik Diem."

This was the part Fredrik still disliked. He always felt dirty touching the hand, which was silly. Every day his ass was being wiped by a mechanical hand that wiped the asses of countless other people. This was no different. And yet, it felt different.

Fredrik shook the mechanical hand, and it gripped him, momentarily trapping him. Then it said, "That will be six Malcolm X dollars and 44 Vladimir Lenin cents."As Ted shook his hand, he said, "Eat well, and eat nutritious, my dear friend. Nourish your body's cells for the Community, so someday you may join the Global Flesh."

"Thanks," said Fredrik, when his hand was released.

When it was Laura's turn, Ted shook her hand tightly, saying, "Eat hearty, sister. Fill your body with wholesome food, so your fertile ovaries can produce healthy and happy citizens who can enjoy Oneness with the Community."

"Thanks," said Laura, feeling yet again that she had been voice-raped.

"I still find that thing creepy," said Fredrik, as they made their way to a table.

"Me too," Laura whispered, giving a backwards glance.


Rowenka and Manu weren't at dinner. They had decided to go exploring downtown to look for a restaurant. Instead they settled on a bar.

They walked the slidewalks casually, feeling a cool, artificial breeze generated by one of the air towers. Since OrgyFree was an enclosed city, it didn't have any natural airflows, of course.

Manu and Rowenka passed an establishment with a sign that read "Connection Wednesdays."

"I wonder what that is," said Manu.

"It's group sex," Rowenka hissed.


"It's a place filled with couches in a big open space. Couples go to have sex and to watch other couples go at it. It's called a group Connection," said Rowenka.

"And how would yew know about that?" Manu asked.

Rowenka reddened. "My boss Liam told me about it." She hadn't told Manu about the incident in the unrest room. It seemed wiser not to burden him with it, and it seemed to have been a genuine misunderstanding. Liam didn't try to Connect with her again, but he did tell her at one point that he and his partner planned to go to a Group Connection yesterday, and then he had explained what that was.

"In front of all those people, yew and your... partner?" Rowenka had asked.

"Yeah," Liam had grinned.


"Why not?" Liam had grinned again. "It increases Oneness, and brings us closer to total bliss with the Global Flesh."

Rowenka was horrified by the idea of making love in front of a crowd. However, more and more she had been fantasizing about the idea of making love in front of exactly one other person. She wasn't sure why. She had never had any interest in such a thing before.

Even though they were looking for a restaurant, they found a bar that looked appealing and went in. Janet had warned her that there were "Connection Bars", but this didn't seem like one of them. People were acting normally and merely seemed to be enjoying their drinks and their companions in a nice, platonic way.

Rowenka and Manu went up to the bar. Immediately, the holographic images of dozens of drinks appeared.

"What beverages would you like to consume, my dear, dear, friends?" Ted asked.

"Look at oll these choices," Rowenka marveled. "Zimbabwean Justice Lager... Caracas Merlot... World Peace Zinfandel."

"That sounds good," said Manu. "I'll have the World Peace Zinfandel."

"And I'll have the Women's Equality Pilsner," said Rowenka.

They paid Ted for their drinks, and sipped them and talked. It was like the good old days. Manu told Rowenka how he was building a large apartment complex. She was really impressed with him.

She told him in turn about the important studies she was performing regarding Temperature Change.

"I don't get it. The temperature is always changing," said Manu.

"Noah, it's all man-made," said Rowenka. "And it's getting worse. Every day the temperature changes. Who knows what it will be tomorrow? It's so unpredictable! The Earth could be in big trouble, so I'm told."

"That sounds alarming," said Manu. He casually reached above him, pulled a Weed mask down, and took a drag. "Ahhhhhh," he said. He turned to Rowenka, who took the mask from him, and took a breath of her own.

"Oooohhhh," she said. Then she giggled. "Suddenly Ay'm not so worried about Temperature Change," she said. She gave him a kiss, which excited him.

Suddenly, Manu felt like he had to go to the bathroom. Only, he didn't, not really. It was an odd feeling. Nevertheless, he excused himself.

As soon as Manu left, a young man came up to Rowenka.

"Hi, how are you? I'm Juan Egg Feltcher, and I'm fine," said the man.

"Hi, how are yew? I'm Rowenka, and Ay'm fine," she said, and she giggled.

"What's so funny?" Juan asked.

"Oh, it's nothing. I just had some Weed," said Rowenka.

Juan reached up, grabbed the mask, and took a deep breath. He laughed. So did Rowenka, again.

"You're pretty," Juan said.

"So are you," said Rowenka. What was she doing? She was married to Manu, who was in the bathroom and would be coming back any moment! But the Weed seemed to let her float without worries. The Weed, and something else....

"What role do you fill in the Community?"

"I'm a human disease scientist," said Rowenka. "I study the stain caused by humanity's existence which is destroying the world."

"Oh, that's so impressive. You're not only good looking, but brilliant!"

Rowenka tittered.

Manu watched from the back of the bar. He had gone to the restroom for just a moment. When he had emerged, he saw a strange man talking to Rowenka. Under normal circumstances he would have felt jealous. He still felt jealous, but he also felt something... something else. Something that turned him on. Every time Rowenka laughed, and giggled with the man, he felt himself getting excited. Physically excited.

Manu actually let it go on for several minutes before he mustered the willpower to go back to her.

"Oh there yew are," said Rowenka, laughing. She didn't seem at all embarrassed to be flirting with Juan Egg Feltcher.

"You must be Manu," said Juan. "Rowenka was just telling me what a good guy you are."

"Thanks," said Manu.

"Well, it was nice meeting you both," said Juan. "Be seeing you," he added, walking away.

Rowenka turned to Manu. "That didn't bothar yew, did it? He just came by and started taulking."

"No," said Manu. "No, no," he added. "It...." he was at a loss for words. "It didn't bothar me at oll."

"Good," she said, giving him a big kiss.


"Oooh.. oooh... ooooh... oohhh!" Fredrik, his eyes locked on Laura, erupted sharply, squirting the essence of his love, deep inside her body. Normally, he would be at the height of ecstasy. And physically, he did enjoy it.

But something was bothering him about her breasts. He was starting to think he was no longer attracted to them. More and more he was thinking they were too small, like a little girl's. More and more he started to hunger for big, sagging breasts, like older women had. Like Madeline.