Sex Slave's Enormous Problem Pt. 06


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My little ass felt empty and gaping for the next maid to fill as the stand I was on was rotated. I felt him hesitate for a second, then heard his cry of pain and a few seconds later he was forcing himself into me. The next hard length fought into my pussy and I shuddered. My hands clenched the air. I could feel them both working inside me. I heard Mira mumbling again and knew by her inflexion that this wouldn't be good.

A maid started to object, I felt something warm splash on my face against my closed eyes and hoped it wasn't blood. A screech and the sound of flesh hitting stone shook me. Don't think about it, I told myself, pain for the maid aching in my chest. The emotion passed in a blink as I realised what she'd told them to do. A second cock was trying to push its way into my pussy alongside the first. I forced myself to focus on the stretching sensation. Focus on the friction of two people moving in such a tight space, fighting for inches. The orgasm hit from nowhere, crashing over my exposed nerves like a balm, like a cool wind on a furiously hot day. I shuddered and shook, and the guy in my ass shook with me, cum squelching, running from my ass. I relinquished myself to double, rethink that, the triple invasion. I felt so full, more than I ever had. My heart was racing, frantic. It wanted to run but there was no way to escape the danger, the brutality. The cocks fought for space and eventually found a rhythm. The pain that had started in my pussy was nothing compared to the ache in my thighs from being at this angle. A cock pushed into my mouth, cum sprayed over my face, my breasts. I felt it hot and wet all over. As soon as I'd swallowed the cum of one, another was in my mouth. I almost choked from the barrage of sticky wet release. The men in my pussy came together, hard and filled me so much it spurted from the sides of my pussy, I was dizzy. Unfocused, dehydration setting in, yet the cocks kept coming. No break, no spaces, unrelenting. I had no idea was Kinsey nor Bren. I felt like a fuck machine, so much cum, so much unrelenting sex.

Minutes turned into hours. My lower half was numb, so slick with cum I could no longer feel what was happening. Eyes closed, I drifted in and out of consciousness, aching in places I hadn't in a long while. Someone was screaming, one of my friends. I tried to summon some inner strength but all I got was anxiety. My body was failing me. I couldn't summon the strength to fight the darkness as it crept in like an unwanted tide. Was this it, was I dying? Was this the end?


The noises that woke me were all wrong. It was darker than before. My body ached. Teams of women in tactical gear were storming Silver. The dark red of their uniform complemented the low red lighting well. Funny what the brain thinks of in times of crisis. I must be delirious.

Kinsey was moaning as one of them lifted her onto a stretcher that floated, glided along. Bren was lifted onto one further down the room.

They were silent and I wondered how they were communicating. I remembered reading something as a child on telepathy tech. Yep, I was delirious. My bonds were undone and I was lowered carefully onto my very own floating stretcher. The low ache of exhaustion swamped me and if I was in pain I couldn't tell. A voice in the back of my mind advised me that was bad.

It was like heaven, soft and warm. I felt a prick in my arm and a band covered my face, then darkness again.

Waking was hard, like swimming through mud but once I was there the room was warm, comfortable. The sheets covering me were soft, like nothing I'd ever felt. I thought silk but then dismissed it perplexed. Darkness filled the huge window.

I sat, my body not aching as much as I thought it should be given the memories. Had I been out longer than I'd assumed? The bed and surroundings were all muted shades, warm browns and greys. The furnishing screamed expense, luxury. I could see a bathroom and made my way there. Spare clothes and towels lined the marble side counter with a note to wash and change if I liked. My head felt a little light as if I'd been on heavy medication but my body felt rested and whole.

The shower looked divine and I was itching to be clean. Clearly, my nameless captors wished my comfort. I wanted to meet them refreshed, game face on. I worried as I luxuriated in the hot water and I didn't want to.

"Where was Kinsey? " I wanted a few minutes to be at peace and pushed it away. Avoiding the emotional consequences which had taken place was a decent strategy. Then it returned, "Was she okay?"

And Bren too, I couldn't ignore it. The more I thought about it the more I realised I had to find her, find them both. She was still my friend after all and Bren was innocent, caught up in all this by association. I felt safe now but I suppose anywhere I wasn't being tortured by a crazy person would feel safe? Maybe whoever had saved me could shed some light on everything? The women who rescued me had been wearing official gear, enforcement officers. The memory helped me remain calm. I wasn't being officially detained, this wasn't a prison. I could be at another house but this was nicer than even Mira's place and that made it unlikely. I became almost frantic after a few minutes in the shower overwhelmed by the need to get out and explore.

I dressed in the sweats and slippers provided; all my size like someone had been expecting me. Walking to the door, I opened it by pressing the door handle slowly. I was surprised to find it wasn't locked.

I peeked out into the hall. The luxury of the bedroom continued with lavish art and a window that framed an amazing view over the city. I hadn't seen anything like it in a very long time and I stood there staring much longer than I had planned. The sun was rising and the sky was alight with oranges and magentas, stunning. I took a deep breath, relieved to be here rather than where I had been. Wherever "here" was then I sighed as I admired the flooring, it was solid and dark. This place was something else, it really was.

I could hear the low hum of voices. The hallway ended at a T junction. An opening to the right led into a huge lounge area that boasted the same opulence as everywhere else. I crept in and spied four figures cuddling on the monstrosity that was the couch. Kinsey with Caleb and Bren with some guy I didn't know, very surfer boy all tanned and blonde. They both looked comfortable, not like prisoners at all.

"Kin's?" I exclaimed, shock running through me. The loose dress draped over her lithe frame, the blue silk shimmering in the light. If it wasn't for the lack of makeup and shoes I would have assumed she was going to a fancy party.

"Oh my god you're awake," she said, standing abruptly. There was shock and joy on her beautiful face as she rushed over to embrace me. There were no signs of her aches and pains either. The silk felt as soft as it looked as it caressed my skin. I hugged her tight, my worry for them both ebbing away and replaced by relief. Bren grasped me after I was released, pulling me into his arms. The urge to cry overcame me as a tear slid down my face. Happy tears, relieved tears. They were fine, we were fine.

"What's happening?" I stood stunned as Caleb motioned me over to the couch.

"We're at Luca's place. He rescued us," she informed me excitedly. Shock forced my eyes wide.

What? Could this day get any weirder?

"Luca's..." I trailed off, head spinning.

"Yeah, he'll be back in a moment," added Caleb,

"Are you okay?" Kinsey asked, looking concerned. I could feel my blood pressure rising at the thought of being in the same room with Luca.

"Yeah, I feel fine. You? Bren?" I asked, glancing at them both, hiding my blush as much as possible.

"Never better," Bren replied, his smile blinding. The green t-shirt he wore making made his chocolate eyes glow. I wondered about the man he was holding, he noticed.

"Dee, this is Oscar, we call him Oz." he introduced us,

"Pleasure," Oz said and nodded in my direction. "Nice to finally meet you, heard a lot about you from these two."

I felt my eyebrow raise and he laughed.

"He's my..." Bren started then but realised he didn't have a word for it.

"Partner," Oz finished for him.

Bren nodded and kissed his cheek.

"I feel like I've died and I'm in some weird alternate reality," I said, making everyone laugh.

"I'm so glad you're okay," Kinsey added.

"Come and sit down," Caleb prompted. I hadn't realised I was still standing.

I watched them for several moments, my brain starting to go over everything. Thoughts flowed through my mind like a deluge. I felt my breathing getting hard. Kinsey said something about Luca and as if summoned he walked through the front door. I sat stunned as he was followed in by his four huge brothers. They were an overwhelming sight altogether, all muscle, charm and perfect hair. I noticed Luca was a little taller than them. To my surprise, he walked straight over to me and knelt at my feet. Then taking my small hand in his he caressed the skin gently.

"Dee, how are you?" he said, his deep voice like melted chocolate, and I shivered. He reached for my cheek and without thinking I rose to my feet. All the rage, panic, and stress from the last day - or however long it had been - bubbled up. The scream startled everyone.

"How am I?" His eyes went wide, jaw slack.

"Are you kidding?" My breathing started to stagger as I hyperventilated.

"Just breathe Dee, breathe honey," Kinsey advised as she rubbed my back.

"And you, my so-called best friend, what the fuck?" The sharp and aggressive words had her shuffling back with an embarrassed frown. She grasped that blue silk in both hands. Don't do that because it will wrinkle, the thought triggered hysterics. The laughter consumed me.

Everyone looked concerned as I struggled to breathe. Luca's brothers propped up against walls and sat in various places, keeping out of the way. Bren's brow furrowed with worry and Oz had tension pulling at the corners of his eyes as if uncomfortable. Luca was calm but behind his eyes, I saw a flicker of pain. I tried to focus on the feel of Luca's hand on my shoulder. Breathe. Its okay, it's over.

A cup of something cold was placed into my hand and I sipped it without thinking. Luca whispered reassurance that he would explain and it calmed me. My heart slowed from hummingbird to somewhere more normal. The shaking of my hands dwindled enough so as I didn't spill my water over myself.

"I'm sorry, Dee," Kinsey offered, still sat next to Caleb yet more reserved than before, tears drying on her face. My rejection had hurt her and

that hurt me, too. I hadn't meant to shout like that.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean..." I started, shame filling me, but one of the brothers cut me off.

"Don't apologize. You deserve a breakdown. We've all been there." I glanced over at Zack his beautiful green eyes staring into mine like the first time I met him. I was entranced, so pretty.

A low growl filled the room when I didn't break eye contact. My focus snapped back to the gorgeous man at my feet.

"He's not that pretty." Luca teased as if reading my mind.

Everyone laughed and I felt myself come back a little. I observed the stunning room and thought this was exactly how I'd imagined Luca living. The space oozed opulence, class. He squeezed my hand as I took it all in and sat facing me looking perfectly at home on the floor. His brothers moved filling out the couch. I'd forgotten how huge he was and stared all that beautiful hair framing his handsome features. "May I?" he asked and I nodded, finally some answers.

"I want to apologise to you both for your ordeal; the Royal Guard was supposed to act faster. Red tape and well, I'm so sorry..." Luca began and I tried to relax my hands in his. His expression was full of regret. I noticed Bren nod from the corner of my eye and saw Kinsey move closer against Caleb. He kissed her forehead reassuringly.

"I don't really know how to say this, so I'll just-well, say it. Kinsey, you're not Mira's sister." My eyes went wide, as did Kinsey's, and we shared a look of confusion as he continued; "Your name is Laida Jessa De Vitro. You are our sister." He gestured to himself and his brothers.

I stared at him, as did Kinsey who was gaping at him like he'd grown another head.

"That' -they all said..." Kinsey stumbled over her words, her hand gripping Caleb's.

Caleb pulled her close but she pushed him away.

"You knew?" she whispered, her tone angry.

"Not until the day before we picked you up," Caleb replied. That reassured her that the secret-keeping was minimal.

Bren was still gaping in shock, Oz rubbed his back in a comforting gesture.

"But you knew?" I asked Luca. He nodded but added, "Not until very recently, just before I told Caleb."

I nodded myself, trying to process. Luca's brothers all looked at Kinsey and Kinsey looked at me. I shrugged; there was no way of knowing what to do with this information.

"How?" Kinsey asked. That seemed to be the only word either of us could summon. I settled back into the soft sofa, the cushions sucking me in and making me feel secure.

"Our mother was murdered; Mira's parents took you, and raised you. We had no idea that you were alive; there was no way we could have known." Luca took a deep breath, fighting overwhelming emotion.

"You're the head of our house, Kinsey," Zack added.

"You're our sister," Demi repeated in a whisper, his deep blue eyes glancing from Kinsey to the portrait over the fire. A stunning woman gazed back with the most beautiful hair and her eyes, oh gosh, they were Kinsey's eyes! The face shape was the same and everything. Wow, weird.

Kinsey's eyes were like were wide as saucers.

It hit me then with his final words, that we were free. Like, really free. Kinsey was the head of her own house; we were really truly free.

Kin's and I came to the understanding simultaneously and started to sob. Tears streamed down her face and she wrapped herself in Caleb.

As I watched them I felt sick and dashed out of the room like something was hunting me.

The room where I awoke became my sanctuary. I curled up in the corner to gaze at the view through the now - clear windows. The floor was warm and the sun was filling the sky with its light, the clear blue dotted with the odd wisp of white cloud. It was beautiful. What does this mean? Where will I go? I can't go home, I don't have a home.

The tears came in waves as a hollow ache in my chest started, I was crying so hard that it hurt everywhere. Strong, warm arms wrapped around me. I had no idea how long I was there expelling all my pent-up emotions from the last few days. All the rage, hopelessness, and relief rocked through my tiny frame.

"Dee," came a strong male voice in my ear.

"Please tell me you're okay?" He pulled me tighter. "This is killing me"

I voiced my fears between sobs. How I was scared that I didn't have anywhere to go. I had no home, no family.

"You're Laida's best friend, you don't think she'd leave you, do you?" he spoke softly, "I love you, you think I'd let you go now?"

At that, my head turned and my eyes were serious, guarded. Love? He loved me?

"You still want me?" I whispered and the fear in my voice was obvious. I felt pathetic for it.

"If you still want me?" he echoed, making me feel more in control yet confusion crossed my features. His dazzling smile answered.

"You're free. You can leave and find someone else. You don't really know me..." He trailed off, wary at my lack of response.

"I can stay here?" I asked. The enormity of what had happened sank in. He was asking me to live with him, here.

"Of course, or we could get a new place, somewhere green? Kinsey told Caleb that you love trees and hills, I have a country house you'd love." The trepidation and hope in his voice made my heart ache.

He didn't understand what he was saying.

"But, you could have anyone," I blurted out.

He grinned and it was blinding.

"I want you. I went to that house looking for my sister and I found her. I also discovered the woman I'd been looking for my whole life."

The words warmed something deep inside me.

I stared at him, his eyes were bright and his lips were full. More than anything I wanted to kiss him. So I did.

Before I knew it we were on the bed.

"Are you okay? Do you ache or anything?" He asked and it took a few moments to click.

"I feel fine?" It was a question as it came out but I realised I actually was and he smiled again.

"We had our best people fixing you all for three days." His fingers ran down my face, "I wish I could kill Mira for what she did."

At the bitch's name, I shuddered and pulled Luca closer. Then I remembered that he fucked her and I winced.

"What?" he asked.

"You and Mira..." I waited for a denial but it didn't come.

"It was the only way...biometric locks on her safe. I didn't want to, I tried to avoid was horrific," he added quickly, panic in his eyes.

I hated her for everything she did but I didn't hate him. I believed he had our safety at heart. In a way, he was as much a victim as we were. He'd lost his mother, his sister, and his choices along the way. Being a man in a woman's world, fighting to find his sister in a place that didn't want to help him, having to do unspeakable things... The barrage of thoughts swamped me and I asked myself if he looked like he had enjoyed it. The shadows behind his eyes said no. I wasn't going to let her take my happiness; it was a necessary sacrifice as my work had been. I would let it go. Moving forward was essential.

"It's okay," I reassured him, pulling his hand to my lips. Surprisingly I felt okay with this choice. The kiss, like his skin, was soft and reassuring but it ignited a frenzy in me. My body had waited what felt like an eternity for this.

Wide eyes stared at me looking for a catch and when they didn't find one he relaxed. I moved his hand to my body.

His large, strong fingers worked their way down to my breasts over my clothing. My nipples were hard and throbbing beneath the flimsy material. His suit was moulded to his body like he was born into it. My breath caught. I took a moment to watch his face, his stunning face, and still couldn't believe I was here. I tore at the jacket and it followed my shirt to the floor. He pressed his large body against me and I could feel his hard abs through his white shirt. My hands found his shoulders and I felt things low in my body tense. My heart was racing, a fire burned in my abdomen, my pussy dripping wet in anticipation. I wanted this man more than anything.

His fingers pulled at my trousers. I wasn't wearing underwear and I whimpered in need as I felt hands on my skin. I don't know where his clothes went because all at once we were naked. I was lying on his bed within supple sheets, in awe of this moment. His cock, with its massive length, pressed against my thigh. The anticipation made my heart pound. He kissed delicately down my face. I wanted him inside me so badly that my hand moved on its own to take all that meat and squeeze.

His eyes went wide.

"No foreplay, just fuck me," I said, breathless. I didn't think I'd ever been so brazen.

"I don't want to hurt you..." he replied, and I saw in his eyes he wanted me to enjoy it.

"You won't. Take it slow," I reassured him. Blinking at me, disbelieving but trusting my words, he moved over so that he was at my entrance. His fingers tested how slick I was. My walls throbbed at the touch.

My core clenched in suspense as his bulbous head started to stretch my tiny entrance; it was amazing.

I touched the edges of my sopping hole using the clear juices to make him slick. My name slipped from his lips like warm honey as the first inch pushed in. I was overcome with such intense, overwhelming pleasure. The stretch was perfect as my hands gripped his shoulders.