Sexual Secrets Ch. 04


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Logan had texted once from the airport in San Francisco, once when he landed in Portland, Maine and once when he was on the college shuttle heading back to campus. So, it was no surprised when at close to 9:00pm that night Logan came strolling in their dorm room. "Hey."

"Hey! There he is! Welcome back." Aidan stood up from his desk and walked over to give Logan a big hug. "I missed you buddy."

Plopping his suitcase on the floor and taking a seat on the edge of his bed, Logan smiled at his friend. "I missed you too. That was a long fucking week. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with a month off for semester break."

As they had kept in constant contact over the Thanksgiving holiday, they were both aware of what each of them had been up to over the course of the week. However, Aidan filled his friend in on all the particulars of his time at home and with Andrea, while Logan did the same and described his adventures at the beach. It was obvious that they were both glad to be back at college and excited to be in each other's company again.

When the boys had run out of things to say, Aidan rose from his bed, where he had been resting comfortably as he listened to his friend, and got to the heart of what he had wanted to say. "Look...Logan, I've been doing some thinking."

"Uh oh. Careful. The last time you did some thinking we ended up naked in bed together." Still seated on the edge of his bed, Logan smiled over at his roommate as Aidan laughed out loud.

"Funny. Good point." Aidan walked over to take a seat on the hard chair by his desk. After a few seconds had passed, he turned and looked directly at Logan before continuing. "I was thinking about our situation."

"Oh?" Logan answered tentatively as his face dropped. He had always assumed that at some point everything would stop. And, when he was honest with himself, he was ok with that. They were having a lot of fun, maybe too much fun together, and perhaps it was time to move on. Logan was thinking that after Aidan had sex with Andrea, his friend was ready to go back to girls.

"Yeah," Aidan answered frankly. "I was thinking that maybe we need to fool around with other people, just to see what it's like."

Logan swallowed hard but continued to stare over at his friend. Even though he understood where Aidan was coming from, and actually agreed with him, it would still be a change. "I see."

Aidan continued speaking, but what he said next altered Logan's attitude completely. "I've been trying to figure out whether I like guys, or I'm just attracted to you. I think that maybe playing around with some other guys would help me figure that out."

A smile spread slowly across Logan's face. It couldn't be helped and, truthfully, he felt relieved. "Jesus Aidan, like usual we are on the same wavelength. I've been trying to sort the same thing out for myself. I've been wondering what might have happened if I had stayed at the beach and hung out with those guys."

"Exactly." Aidan stood up and started walking back and forth across their tiny room. "I think it would do us some good to find out. You know...when Andrea and I had sex...I was good was different somehow. I don't know if it was me or her -- or both of us, I guess. Maybe I just need to figure out which team I'm playing on, I don't know."

"What if you're playing on both teams?" Logan asked sincerely. He had been wondering the same thing about himself for a while now.

Aidan stopped pacing abruptly and turned to look at him. "Well...I don't know." After they stared at each other in silence for a few seconds, Aidan resumed. "Maybe that's it. I've been trying to sort myself out when maybe there's nothing to sort. It is what it is. Does that make any sense?"

"Yeah," Logan answered. He knew exactly what Aidan meant.

"I mean," Aidan continued. "There is nothing like sliding my dick into a nice wet pussy. Especially Andrea's nice wet pussy. It feels fucking awesome." He turned to look at his roommate.

Logan had fucked three girls in his life and knew precisely what Aidan was saying, not that it surprised him because, like usually, he and Aidan were of the same mind. It was scary sometimes just how alike they were on so many things. "Yeah, that is definitely a great feeling."

"However," Aidan went on as he began to walk back and forth again. "I really like what we have been doing together too. I...I don't want to stop that, do you?" He halted again and looked down where his roommate was sitting on the edge of the bed.

"No." Logan said. "I like what we have a lot." He paused, wanting to be very clear about what he was thinking and how he felt. "I am very attracted to you Aidan, and we have gotten so close. I don't want any of that to stop."

"Me neither," his friend answered immediately. "We got too much of a good thing going on here. So, maybe we can...I don't know...experiment with other guys together. See if we like it as much as we like what we have."

Logan nodded his head as this sounded great to him. He was equally curious to know if his physical attraction to Aidan was a solitary thing, or if he liked guys in general. "Ok. That sounds fun. Let's do it."

Aidan walked over and took a seat next to Logan on the bed. "Does it ever bother you that we think so much alike about everything?"

Looking at his friend and smiling, Logan answered honestly. "No. It's weird sometimes but...I love it." The two boys stared at one another so long that it grew uncomfortable. Logan continued. "Now, what did you have in mind? I'm sure you've got a plan, so let's hear it."

Once again Aidan cackled loudly. "You're the best Logan." He stood up and started pacing the floor. "Actually, I thought of a couple things." He stopped in front of Logan and looked down at him. "First, I thought maybe we could have a circle jerk with a couple guys. See what that's like. At least give us a chance to look at some different penises and see if that does anything."

"Ok, that would be fun," his roommate agreed. "You have anybody in mind for that."

"Well...actually, I do." Aidan snickered started walking around again. "What about Derek and Cam?"

"Up on the third floor?" Logan inquired. Aidan grinned and nodded his head. "What makes you think they would do that?"

"Ah -- I'm glad you asked me that," Aidan said and took another seat on the bed directly across from his roommate. "Derek said something about a circle jerk once. I can't remember when, and I can't remember where, but I do remember thinking at the time that he seemed to know what it was all about. Maybe he and Cam have done it together."

"You think so?" Logan wondered.

"Look...I bet there are a lot of roommates that mess around together. We can't be the only ones, can we? I mean -- okay, maybe they don't all mess around like we do, but they probably at least jerk off together or something. That's no big deal."

"Ok, good point," Logan acknowledged. "So, how do we find out?"

Aidan stared at his friend for a bit before responding. "We invite them down to our room to hang out. We haven't had anybody in here for a while -- not that I'm complaining because we've been having fun on our own. But, let's invite them over, have some drinks and see what happens."

"I'm in," Logan said, growing increasingly excited at the prospect.

"Excellent," Aidan answered definitively.

"And the second thing you thought of..." Logan was curious to know what else his friend had come up with.

"Ah..." Aidan began, then stood up and began walking around the room again. "That may be a bit more complicated, I don't know." When Logan just stared up at him he continued. "What about the Diversity Club?"

"That what?" The puzzled look on his roommate's face said everything.

"The Diversity Club. From what I understand, it's a group that is open to people of all genders and sexualities. I thought maybe we could go to a meeting and see what that's all about. It might help us figure things out."

The perplexed look on Logan's face slowly became one of bemusement. "Ok, why not? That might be very interesting."

"That's what I thought!" Aidan said succinctly, stopping right in front of Logan. "Now, let me in your bed. I missed sleeping next to you."

The two roommates stripped naked and crawled into bed together. However, unlike usual, there was no playing. They wrapped their bare bodies around one another, feeling secure and comfortable in each other's arms, and quickly drifted off to sleep.

A few days later, when Aidan came back to their dorm after class one afternoon, Logan was at his desk working on a history assignment. "Dude, it's all set. Derek and Cam are coming over tonight to hang out and party a little bit."

Turning to face his excited roommate, Logan smiled. "That's great. What did you tell them?"

"I just invited them down. I saw them eating lunch together and went over to chat for a bit. Told them we hadn't hung out in a while and we really needed to party." Aidan threw his backpack on the bed and stood in front of Logan looking very proud of himself.

"Well done maestro," Logan told him.

Aidan knew he was being teased, so he walked over and yanked Logan out of his chair. The two of them began to wrestle on the floor. It wasn't much of a wrestle as the boys playfully tickled and grabbed at each other, but they were having fun and laughing uproariously.

When Aidan pinned Logan down on the floor, he lowered his head and kissed him on the mouth. As always, that led to more touching, then grabbing at each other's clothes until they were both naked. They had time for one quick round before dinner and they moved sideways on the floor into a sixty-nine position where they could suck each other off.

Logan lifted his left leg high in the air as Aidan moved in and swallowed his manhood. Aidan licked and slurped on his friend's cock as Logan reciprocated. Soon, they both started pumping each other's face and before long Aidan grunted as his spunk erupted inside Logan's mouth. Almost as soon as Aidan ejaculated, and perhaps because of the feeling of his hot cum hitting the inside of his mouth, Logan spewed his own seed down his roommate's throat.

When they were finished and putting their clothes back on, Aidan said, "I'm glad we did that. Not just because I wanted to but also because we've busted a nut before tonight. You know, just in case anything happens. I don't want to cum too fast."

Logan slid into his pair of Keds and brushed a hand threw his sandy-colored hair. "Yeah, good point." He turned to face Aidan who was directly in front of him and the boys embraced and kissed each other affectionately before heading out the door to dinner.

Later that night, after alcohol had been procured from a very reliable source -- a senior who charged exorbitant rates to go into town and buy it for underage freshmen -- four boys sat in a dorm room playing computer games, drinking beer and having a wonderful time.

Along with Aidan and Logan were their friends from the third floor. Derek was the tallest in the room, standing well over six feet and was a beautiful bronze color, like caramel, with dark brown eyes and two dimples that seemed to always be present. His roommate Cam, short for Cameron, was shorter and heavier than Derek with piercing blue eyes and white, almost pasty, skin. They seemed practically mirror opposites of each other in appearance but had an easy and great friendship and were exceptionally funny together.

As the night wore on, with more and more alcohol being consumed, all the boys seemed to loosen up and laughter filled the room. When they were done with computer games, mostly because their sight and reflexes became impaired, Derek and Logan sat together on Logan's bed while Aidan and Cam sat on the opposite bed.

Backs against the wall, with drinks in hand, talk naturally turned to sex. It always does, especially among boys and particularly in college where sex is still the primary form of entertainment. They chatted about which girls in the dorm they thought were good looking, which ones put out more than others and their own sexual history in the art of fucking.

When there was a lull in the conversation, Aidan piped up. "Anybody up for some porn?"

Derek nearly leaped off Logan's bed. "Hell yeah -- I am!"

Aidan got off the bed and opened up the laptop on his desk as the other boys crowded around him. Soon, they were watching one video after another with plenty of pussy and swinging dicks on full display. It was obvious the boys were enjoying themselves. Each of them were chubbing in their pants, and they kept adjusting their stances and repositioning themselves as their peckers sprouted.

When the current video ended, Aidan switched to another tab and pulled up a screen he had deliberately opened hours before that showed a circle jerk. The boys stood around Aidan's desk watching and drinking their beer as the five guys on the computer screen pulled on their meat.

When several minutes had gone by, Aidan asked in a very nonchalant manner, "Any of you ever done a circle jerk?"

Responding almost immediately, Derek said, "Yeah -- I have. A couple times actually. It's fun."

"I haven't," said Logan, solely for the benefit of his guests.

"No, me neither," Cam announced. "Have you Aidan?"

"Um...well, yeah. A few times. At camp. It's and fun way to entertain yourself when you're stuck some place in the middle of nowhere."

Logan had already heard all of Aidan's stories but knew he was also sharing this information strictly for Derek and Cam.

Derek laughed out loud. "Same could be said of this place." And all the boys chuckled while nodding their heads in agreement. A small, liberal arts college in central Maine definitely counted as the middle of nowhere, especially on a cold night in early December.

Cam gave a sideways glance at Derek, something neither Aidan nor Logan missed, and that was enough for both of them to know that something had happened between their guests. It might have been nothing major, but it was enough for Aidan to press on. "You wanna do it?"

"I'm up for it -- literally," Derek announced as everyone laughed.

Cam seemed a bit unsure until Logan agreed. "Sure, why not?"

"Um...okay," Cam said at last, and with that the boys started undressing.

Logan backed up toward his bed where he kicked off his Keds and dropped his Bahama shorts. Aidan pulled off his shirt while Derek walked to the middle of the room and began undressing as Cam stood where he was and slowly began pulling off his clothes.

Not surprisingly, Aidan was the first to be naked and he stood in front of everyone sporting a nice hard-on that was over seven inches in length, thick with two large balls below and surrounded in course, black pubic hair.

Derek was next, unleashing the biggest dick Aidan and Logan had ever seen. The damn thing seemed to hang down to his knees. It was not only long, certainly over eight inches, but thick as well with short, dark pubic hair and large balls tucked neatly underneath his meat.

"Holy. Fuck." Aidan exclaimed. "That's the biggest one I've ever seen."

Derek chuckled and winked at Aidan. "Ah, dude -- if I had a nickel..." Everyone erupted with laughter.

Logan was the next to stand naked in the group and Derek gave him a playful punch in the arm. "You've got a nice piece of equipment as well." Logan's dick was eight inches when hard, more slender than either Derek's or Aidan's, and capped with a nice, rounded head at the end and pubes the same dirty blond color as his hair.

"Thanks," Logan answered as the three boys checked each other out while forming a semi-circle in the middle of the room as they waited for Cam to get naked.

Cam had already taken off everything except his briefs and seemed slightly nervous. He looked over at Derek who winked at him and gave a head nod to encourage him. Cam smiled awkwardly and yanked down his underwear to expose a pretty decent sized boner, although smaller than anyone else's -- which might have been why he was nervous.

Cam's penis was maybe five inches hard with a nice slender head at the tip. His balls hung down lower than everyone else's and, most surprising, he was completely shaved. Cam had no pubic hair at all, which was cool except that he appeared to be one large white mass.

When everyone was naked and pulling on their stiff pricks, they gathered in a circle in the center of the room to watch each other. All eyes seemed to be on Derek as his enormous cock thrusted out in front almost like a third arm.

Aidan opened his stance a little by spreading his legs while he tugged on his cock and rubbed a hand over his chest.

Cam cupped his balls and fondled them as his stroked his dick.

Logan kept switching his gaze from boy to boy as he pumped and pulled on his prick.

For a long time, nobody said a word. They just looked at each other as they satisfied themselves. The effects of the alcohol, combined with being completely naked and jerking off, allowed each of the boys to relax and just have some fun.

At last, unable to resist any longer, Aidan looked at Derek. "Can I touch that thing?"

Derek took a step closer to Aidan. "Go ahead, man. It's all yours."

Reaching out with his right hand, Aidan grabbed Derek's thick tool and began stroking it back and forth as the other two boys watched. "Jesus Christ. You've got a great dick."

"And you've got nice, soft hands," Derek answered as, once again, everyone started laughing out loud. Then, not knowing what to do with his hands, Derek reached over and took hold of Logan's dick. As he began jerking it back and forth, Logan reached next to him to grip Cam's pecker and do the same to him. Following everyone else's example, Cam reached next to him and started pumping Aidan's woody.

For the next five minutes or so, all four boys stood in a circle and beat each other off. The only sounds in the room was heavy breathing and the noise of hands slapping against penises and testicles. The occasional "Ah -- yeah" was thrown in for good measure.

Eventually, the four boys resumed jerking their own meat and what a display that was. In the course of beating off, they had formed a tight little circle where their dicks were practically touching each other.

Aidan watched everyone closely as they jerked off and was loving every minute. It was so much fun to see how each person masturbated just a little differently, and it was even more fun to see the various expressions of pleasure that crossed their faces as they satisfied themselves. At one point, he and Logan exchanged glances and smiled at each other. Clearly, Logan was having just as much fun.

Stepping even closer together as the boys neared climax, they stood with their feet touching while they grunted and moaned and sighed heavily in anticipation.

All at once, with a look of surprise, Cam groaned, "I'm cumming," as the first of his seed spilled out the tip of his cock. He pumped his dick harder as semen shot out in every direction. "OH...oh...shit..." Cam said as some landed on Derek's leg, who was standing directly across from him.

Seeing this, Aidan's body reacted immediately and his dick erupted with spurts of white junk. "Aww...fuck, yeah," he called out. He thrust his hips outward, practically bumping his cock into Logan's as his fluid shot out, and hitting his roommate's belly as everyone started laughing. "Oh...shit, dude...I'm sorry," Aidan panted breathlessly.

Logan couldn't respond as he was too close to popping off himself after watching the first two boys ejaculate. He only had time to inform everyone, "Here it comes," before he blew his load in thick chunks of cum that squirted out of his cock to land in all directions.

As Cam, Aidan and Logan continued to stroke their shrinking appendages and tried to regulate their breathing, Derek was pumping his dick for all it was worth. His moaning grew louder and louder as his face took on a new strangeness that sometimes precedes an ejaculation. "Someone touch my balls."