SG Atlantis: Redeeming Qualities

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Sam finds herself lacking clothes on the run with McKay.
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The Puddle Jumper bucked under another blast from the Wraith mothership.

"May Day. May Day. We're under attack." Rodney McKay screamed into communications.

"ETA is twenty seven minutes."

Lights flickered as another shot impacted the shields.

"Can't you ETA it a bit sooner?"

Colonel Samatha Carter run her eyes over the Heads Up Display as though it would give her an option that didn't exist.

"The Hive ship has the planet covered. I can't get us back to the gate."

"Can't you head for the Apollo. Maybe get our ETA down a bit. Like twenty six minutes and fifty-nine seconds?"

"Their weapons will have a clear shot as soon as I move away. Harder for them to target us closer in."

"Just a simple recon mission you said. A pleasant little planet. Those were your words."

"It would have been if the Wraith hadn't shown up." Sam started to regret asking McKay along.

"They always show up. That's what Wraith do.

Oh no." His voice trembled.

"No no no.

There's Darts coming right at us."

"I see them."

Sam banked sharply right and hugged the hull of the Hive ship that had dropped out of hyperdrive right on top of them. Three Darts closed around them forcing Sam into a tight circle. Each was marked out as a red dot on on the Tactical Display.

Pulse energy weapons buffeted the Puddle Jumper again and again.

"Shields are down."

"See what you can do to get them back up."

"Like what? The circuits are fried."

"We need shields."

"Oh really. Well perhaps you'd like to ask them to stop shooting at us for a few hours and I'll see what I can...

"Oh you got to be kidding me.

They have us in a tractor beam." Rodneys voice was full of panic.

Sam didn't have time to respond. She concentrated on trying to shake it, right up until the hull of the Wraith ship closed around them like the mouth of a giant prehistoric predator

"Sorry Rodney."

"Oh no. They're going to eat us aren't they."

Sam couldn't say they wouldn't. But she didn't intend offering herself up as the main course.

"Load up."

Sam was out of her seat snatching a P90 sub machine gun and spare ammo.

"Only take two clips. We'll need to move fast."

It was at times like this she missed her BDUs with all the little storage pockets. The Atlantis Team outfits were ideal for comfort in the city. Not so in a firefight.

Rodney followed Sams lead and moved to the hatch. In his mind it was a suicide mission. Moving didn't seem likely. When the hatch was forced open they would be surrounded. But surrendering wasn't an option when it was certain they'd be on the lunch menu.

"I hope I give them food poisoning." He muttered.

The lights flickered again and Jumper finally died. Sam readied herself. The Wraith would have the hatch forced open any moment.

Sam tossed a grenade at the first crack in the door. The blast rang in their ears like deafening thunder. Then the hatch dropped, exposing them to a second wave of waiting Wraith.

Rodney was as precise with his shooting as any soldier, taking down several of the bone masked Warriors rushing towards them. Sam opened fired joining the cacophony of rapid fire, but her eyes were searching out their leaders. The Wraith that would be controlling the drones psychically.

Rodney was off the ramp, using the Jumper for cover.

Sam found her target and fired. The black clad figure staggered back. It snarled, it's full attention turning to her. For moment she hesitated, seeing the holes in its flesh already healing. She raised her weapon to eye line again.

"Sam." Rodney shouted.

Sam saw it. The long sharp stem of a stun rifle swinging towards her. Before she could bring her weapon to bear on the immediate threat a blue electrifying beam caught her a glancing blow and she stumbled, dazed.


A hand gripped her ankle and she fell with a hard thud. She saw Rodney running. He looked back and his stride slowed. Indecision gripping him as he saw her wide blue eyes and the quivering lips of a mouth open in shock.

Sam felt weak from the stun and struggled to focus. She swallowed deep, duty and training kicking in.

"Keep going." She ordered as the full weight of a Wraith pinned her legs and she knew she was lost.

She saw Rodney disappear as the Wraith pulled her upright, delivering her into the rough hands of two Warriors.

The Wraith snarled as the effect of the stun weapon finally overcame her.

Sam felt groggy, like a hangover. It reminded her of one of the drinking sessions watching movies at Jacks with Daniel and Teal'c back in the days of SG1. Thankfully the light was dull when she opened her eyes. To her disappointment she wasn't met with a view of O'Neills living room. Nor did she feel as comfortable as waking on his couch.

It took a moment to focus on her surroundings, but it was instantly familiar. Wraith. Faint lights, pinpoints on Wraith control panels and a pervasive glow of background lightning from panels in the living walls. Wispy smoke drifted over the floor giving a creepy gothic look to her surroundings. It looked old, incredibly old. And now as her head began to clear she became aware of her own situation.

Sam was held in a glutinous wall, her hands and feet enclosed by the fleshy substance, stretching her into the shape of a star. She glanced down at herself to confirm what she already knew. She was naked.

"Oh please."

She lifted her head and let out a slow deep breath of despair. She couldn't be sure McKay had evaded his pursuers but if by some outside chance Rodney did actually come and rescue her it would be like a wet dream for him.

She decided she should rely on her own resources. Not that she saw many at this particular moment. For now all she could do was wait.

Sam didn't have to wait long. The sound of boots approaching echoed in the cavernous ship. Not so heavy, smaller strides. She already knew it was female before the Queen came into view. Tall and slender in a flowing black dress. The sharp elongated features of her face had the confidence of age and power.

"I know you.

You are the leader of the Atlantans."

She looked as though she was sniffing the air and finding it distasteful. Her finger, a sharp fingernail to be more precise, traced a line from Sam's throat, between her tits and down her belly. Stopping just above a vulva that twitched and swelled with confused embarrassment and unwanted arousal at the touch.

"Can't say I know you."

"I am Queen Eternal Ending."


The Wraith raised her feeding hand for her to look at. Sam focused on the long fingernails before letting her eyes slide to the palm where feeding organ sat ominously. A slit lined with tiny suckers that would grip her chest, while the mouth sucked the life force from her. Sam knew the mechanics. She knew the dried husk she would become at the end of the process.

"You fear death." The voice reverberated with menace.

"I smell it in you."

Sam raised her eyes to the Wraith Queen. Her silver hair hung dankly at the sides of a sunken blue tinged face and flowed down her back like a foaming river that contrasted against the black dress. The creature repulsed her but she didn't show it.

"Fear for us is a healthy virtue. But never mistake fear for weakness. Surely by now you've learnt humans will die rather than fall to the Wraith.

And from what I've learnt, since we arrived in the Pegasus galaxy, it's the Wraith that have done most of the dying. You want to carry on along that line?

Or you could let me out of this and we can talk about it."

Large black slitted pupils, key holes to a dark soul, studied Sam carefully.

"You have spirit.

I wonder how long that will last?"

"If you're going to feed on me, get on with it. I'd rather not be here when this ship gets ripped in two by the Apollo."

"I don't intend that to happen."

She held her hand up again.

"I showed you my feeding hand so that you might know what grips you when I begin the interrogation."

Sam felt her stomach churn but kept her face stoic.

"A Wraith feeding hand can do much more to a human than merely feed. It can also bring great pain and great pleasure. Or all three at once."

The Wraith gave that slightly sickening smile her kind did so well and turned her hand downwards. Sam braced herself for whatever was coming.

Sam cried out. The sound echoing around the room. Not a cry of pain. A cry of shock. A cry of sudden arousal.


The Wraith hand had closed over Sams vulva, the sucker mouth clamping firmly around her pussy. A long finger hocked under her and pushed with its sharp nail at her anal muscle. The feeder sucking open her pussy, electrifying every nerve ending. Sam bucked and twisted where she was held.

Her love button was on fire, sending wave after wave of sheer joy racing up her spine.

Sam came violently, jerking her pelvis forward as her thighs cramped. Her mind fogged almost to the point of passing out. She lost coherent thought, swallowed by a delirium of absolute joy.

It ended almost as quickly as it started and she hung with her head forward gasping for breath.

"Fuck. What was that?"

"The enzyme that strengthens the prey and keeps the heart beating when we feed can also impart great stamina. It heightens your life force. And also your sexual experience."

Sam was still suffering tiny aftershocks and doubted she wanted to try it a second time. The choice was taken from her. Again the hand gripped her sex. Again the never ending moment of intense orgasm gripped her body.


Sam screamed. Her head buzzed and she fought to remain in control as she sensed the Wraith probing at her thoughts with its psychic abilities.


She gasped for breath, burning her lungs as she slumped limply as soon as the Queen released her grip. She was exhausted, but at the same time the alien enzyme in her bloodstream left her feeling more alive than ever before.

"You are strong.

However. That was the pleasure. Shall we try pain next?"

"What do you want?" Sam asked still with no intention of giving it.

"The coordinates of Earth."

"I don't think so."

"I do think so.

Billions of humans. I can see them in your mind. What a feast that will be."

The ship rocked. A blast reverberated through the hull. The Wraith snarled, baring her teeth and flaring her nostrils.

"That's one ship. What do you think will greet you if you ever made it to Earth?"

"The Lanteans said something similar."

The Queen turned away more interested in her ship at that moment. Sam breathed a sigh of relief for the distraction. But now she faced dying with the Hives destruction at the hands of her own people.

On balance. It was preferable.

Again the Hive ship shuddered, it's superstructure creaking under the onslaught of the Apollo's Asgard beam weapons.

The dull lights flickered and the living ship seemed to cry out in pain.

Colonel Abraham Ellis repositioned himself in the Command Chair as he processed the scene on his viewer screen with the critical eye of a seasoned military man.

"Shields up." He commanded.

"Hyperspace bubble opening sir."

That ship does not enter hyperspace."

"Target engines. Continue firing.

Disable that ship."

He turned to his side.

"Can we get a lock and beam them out?"

His subordinate just shook his head.

Lt Colonel John Sheppard stood behind the command chair becoming agitated.

"Let me take a squadron of three-oh-twos..."

"Negative. If they get into hyperspace I don't want to waste time with a recovery operation."

The Apollo buffeted as incoming fire hit the shields.

"No damage."

On the view screen the telltale swirl of a hyperspace window formed ahead of the hulking Wraith ship and Sheppard swallowed back his protest.

More blasts came hurtling towards the Apollo as the Wraith manoeuvred to make an escape.

"Taking minor damage sir."

Sam had little choice but wait and try to work out the battle tactics. Ellis would have detected their Puddle Jumper being captured. The Apollo enhanced with Asgard technology was easily a match for one Hive ship in a straight fight. But he would be intent on disabling it. A rescue mission a much harder proposition than destruction. The Queen for her part would be trying to escape into hyperspace.

Again and again the ship shuddered. The creaking of the hull and sense of shifting orientation told her the Wraith were exceeding the operating parameters of their inertial dampers. Their ability to cushion the crew from the ships sharp manoeuvres was clearly compromised.

McKay stepped from the side appearing like a Jack in the box. The sweat of fear glistening on his forehead.

"Sam. You okay?"

Rodney froze to the spot. His eyes widened at the sight of Sams tits rising and falling in direct line to his eyesight with each agitated breath. She struggled against the restraints making them bounce. For a moment she'd felt a huge sense of relief. A tiny step towards freedom. Now her worst fears were being realised.

"Rodney. Stop staring and get me down."


Yes. Of course."

He took a knife from his pack and reached up to start cutting away the fleshy restraints until Sam could pull her hand free. She tore at the gel holding her other one as Rodney cut her feet free.

"This way."

Sam's bare feet padded on the floor and she had to put an arm across her tits to stop them bouncing uncomfortably as she ran after him. For the moment though her only concern was putting distance between her and the Wraith Queens lair.

Again the ship shuddered and echoed with blasts from the Apollo. This time though something changed. Almost imperceptibly Sam felt it in the tiny vibrations under her feet.

"We've just jumped into hyperspace."

Rodneys face showed he'd sensed it to. He stopped running and leant back against the wall.

"Then we're trapped."

"At least until they drop out."

The corridor looked clear. They had a moment to take stock and workout where they were she decided. Sam slid down the wall and sat to think. But something else drew her attention. She turned her head slowly to Rodney as she became aware of his eyes on her again.

"They didn't hurt you did they?" He saw her cheeks redden and interpreted it as embarrassment.

When she spoke he knew it was anger.

"Stop pretending you're checking me for injuries."

"Well. I was just..."


Give me your jacket."

"Why? It's not cold in here."

"I'm naked."

"Really. I hadn't noticed."

"Mckay. If you don't give me your jacket, when we get back, I'll see to it the canteen serves Lemon Chicken for every meal."


You wouldn't really do that would you?"

"Test me."

"Have you seen someone in anaphylactic shock?"

Sams eyes widened.


Rodney huffed as he surrendered his jacket and handed it over. As she put it on, McKay's eyes, to Sams rising indignation hovered on her tits, watching them bounce and swing with her movements. Finally as the zipper was pulled up with a defiant tug he looked away.

Sam quietly fumed and looked down in despair at where the thin grey and blue garment ended at the waist.

"I don't believe this.

You got anything in your pack?"

"It's a survival pack.

What did you expect, an evening gown?"

Sam shrugged. She knew he was right.

"Shush. Someone's coming."

Rodney went from leering to fear mode in an instant, peeking around the corner. Sam gripped his black tee shirt and held him back before he exposed them.

The sound of heavy boots echoed down the corridor and Rodney slinked back out of sight.

"Two Wraith warriors. And they've got those big stun guns."

Sam was on her feet. She felt energised.

"This way.

Stay behind me."

Rodney let his eyes drop to Sams peachy butt as she turned away.

"Shouldn't be too difficult."

Sam swallowed back her disgust and accepted her predicament. She couldn't let it distract her. She kept moving, looking around to pinpoint where they were inside the ship.

"Where are we going?"

"We need to find a transporter." Sam answered.

"Why? We're in hyperspace."

"Eventually they'll drop out near a planet."

"Well you're going the wrong way."

"You know where we are?"

"Of course. This isn't my first Wraith ship you know." He looked smug.

"This way."

Sam followed, happy to be behind him where he couldn't spend his time admiring parts only a lover should see. If only she had one she reflected.

They followed the long corridors through the organic vessel. A ship grown by Wraith biotech rather than constructed. Great frames reminiscent of bones arched over their heads every few yards. And underfoot layers of dust added to the drifting gases at each step.

The next doorway brought them face to face with a lone Warrior.

Sam hit out instantly as Rodney stood frozen with shock. Her fist hit the bone mask making little impact. Her knee followed an instant later again finding only Wraith strength. A hand gripped her jacket and she felt it tighten around her torso. Her feet left the ground.

"Rodney. A little help."

She found herself thrown back, crashing against a wall and falling to the floor. She looked up. The Warrior towered over her and she braced herself.

Nothing happened. The alien just hovered for a moment then toppled to the floor. Rodney stood behind looking flustered.

Sam breathed a sigh of relief and looked at his handiwork. The knife he'd used to free her protruded from the back of the creatures neck.


He held his hand out and pulled her to her feet.

"We need to go. They'll know we're here now."

"Hang on." Sam said.

She lifted the warriors leg and pulled at his footwear.

"Hurry up."

Sam felt the boot come away and busied herself on the other.

"More Wraith."

Sam heard them. Snatching the boots up she abandoned the idea of recovering the creatures lower garment and hurried after McKay.

"Do we have them yet?" Sheppard demanded.

Nearly an hour lost repairing damaged systems before they'd got sensors back on line. He hated the waiting around when his people were in trouble.

"Almost." Ellis looked to his sergeant and got the answer he was hoping for.

Got them. The Asgard sensors have a firm lock. Punching it through to navigation now."

"Pursuit course. Maximum speed."

Sheppard heaved a sigh of relief.

"Good I don't want to be late to the party."

Sam looked at the boots. They weren't a great fit, a little loose but they'd serve. Coming up to her knees and coupled with her bare crotch they did however make her look like some kind of fetish sex slave.

"My day is just getting worse."

She raised her head slowly, the look of annoyance spreading across her face as she saw Rodney watching her.

"Hot." He muttered.

"Don't you have something you should be doing?"

"I can't. The doors are sealed."

"Well unseal them."

"I would. If only I had a magical tool that overrode Wraith security protocols."

"Where's your pack?"

Rodneys lips moved but no sound came out."

"You left it didn't you?

Damn it McKay."

"They were chasing us."

"They hadn't even seen us and that pack had the only tools we have. And a knife."

"Well technically the knife wasn't in the pack anymore. I used it to save you remember."

She pulled her fingers through her hair making it look even wilder. Frustrated she stared at the door.

A moment later she tore at the fleshy wall to its left, and started ripping out its innards. Organically grown tubes in place of wires, a glowing fluid that oozed over her fingers.

"It's not that simple. You're just hacking at it." Rodney protested.

Sam ignored him, pushing the alien conduits together, trying different combinations. The doors cracked. It didn't open but there was space to get her fingers into.