Shadow Dagger Ch. 10


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"I heard them too, when I was a child," Evelyn admitted. She bit her lip to stop it from trembling. "When I bonded with Daminus, I thought nothing of those stories. Nobody had a clue how beautiful and how wonderful that bond was. But now I know better..."

"Do you regret it?" Sophina asked delicately.

"Never!" Evelyn replied quickly. She took a deep breath. "Never," she repeated softly. "It's still the most amazing experience in the entire world. I can't even describe it to you. No, I would never trade that experience for anything."

"Do you think killing Raynolt will give you peace?" Sophina fervently prayed it did. She couldn't imagine Evelyn suffering anymore.

"I don't know...I can't even think past that. My focus is solely on this plan. I...I'm afraid to think about afterwards."

"We will take it slowly. I will be here for you, ok?" Sophina longed to take this woman in her arms and protect her from everything.

"Thank you," Evelyn replied. She stopped in the road and smiled tremulously at Sophina. A fat tear fell from her eye and streaked down her cheek.

Sophina couldn't help it; she reached up and gently wiped it away with her thumb. Evelyn's face softened at the gentle touch. She closed her eyes and leaned her face against Sophina's palm.

Sophina could feel her heart thumping in her boots. Her mouth was suddenly dry. She prayed to the God to freeze her in this moment forever. But it was only a brief moment in time. Evelyn opened her eyes and nodded her head in thanks. She continued walking.

Sophina rubbed her palm and thought she could still feel the warmth of Evelyn's face on it. Against her wishes, she felt her heart open and she began to hope again

Maybe...maybe there is a chance. Can she really survive Daminus' death? Would she even be interested in a woman?

She shook her head. It was foolish to have these thoughts right before her very important mission. Still, her mind recalled the night when Evelyn had begged Sophina to pleasure her. She blushed as she looked over at Evelyn. Did she remember that? Or was her mind already gone by then?

"We're getting close," Evelyn said.

Sophina jumped and then cursed herself. She needed to focus. She hadn't even notice that the crowd had begun to slow down. She could barely see the statutes of the Order of Twelve over the head of the crowd. Those statutes always amazed her. How did somebody build twelve huge statutes out of solid gold? And how many guards must patrol the area to keep people from trying to break off pieces to sell?

"This way," Evelyn said, nodding at a nearby guard standing at attention by a closed storefront.

Sophina lowered her gaze in the off-chance that the guard might recognize her. Evelyn strode confidently over to him. The guard glanced at her clothing and then bowed his head. "My lady, can I help you?"

"I need a seat for two on the benches," she told him commandingly.

Sophina was impressed by the arrogance in her voice. She really knew how to act like she had power. Belatedly, Sophina realized that Evelyndid have power. She was a Magi, after all, and was well accustomed to the behavior of the upper-class.

The guards shook his head regretfully. "I'm afraid that's not possible."

Evelyn stuck out her hand. Several thick gold coins that Jon had given her sparkled in the early afternoon sun. "Oh, I'm sure you could find something," she told him, smiling sweetly.

The guard's eyes nearly fell from their sockets. He swallowed and said, "Yes...Yes I believe I can find you something."

He quickly snatched the coins from her hand and opened the doors of the store. "Follow me."

Evelyn smiled briefly at Sophina before returning the cool composure to her face. Sophina gripped her sword tight and followed Evelyn inside. Inside turned out to be a richly decorated tavern. Several well dressed people sat by the tables and drank wine or smoked pipes. There was a loud buzz of excited voices.

"Looks like you were just in time," the guard said, as the backdoor to the tavern opened.

A guard stepped inside and waited for the room to quiet. "Please line up in an orderly fashion. A servant will direct you to your benches."

Sophina escorted Evelyn to the line that was forming by the door. Most of the people here had bodyguards with them, too. One burly man with scars on his face looked at Sophina's sword before giving her a respectful nod of his head. Sophina beamed with pleasure and returned the nod.

"Is that sword what I think it is?" Evelyn whispered to her as they stood in line.

"What do you mean?"

Evelyn stared at the sword in wonder. "I...I can feel some power coming from it. It's a Magi sword, isn't it?"

Sophina paled. " can feel it? Evelyn, we're about to be surrounded by Magi! It's going to give me away!"

Evelyn grabbed Sophina's forearm. "Be calm, Sophina! It's me, ok? Ever since I woke up, I've been feeling differently. I've never heard of a Magi who could feel the power coming from a weapon forged by our blacksmiths. I have seen them before. I have even held one. I never felt anything like I do now."

Sophina let out a deep breath and felt her shoulders relax. "Don't scare me like that."

"Why can I feel it?" Evelyn asked nervously.

Sophina shrugged. "Jon said you were special. He talked about your soul-bond and how a certain gift is exchanged, like how you could protect Daminus during battle. I think he knows something."

Evelyn stared at Sophina. Her eyes were wide with shock. "My soul-bond? Of course--"

"Mask?" a woman asked, interrupting what Evelyn was about to say.

"What?" Evelyn asked, confused.

The woman held a large wooden tray out in front of her. "Would you like a mask in honor of the Summer Festival?"

Sophina suddenly realized that most of the people in line were wearing them. Sophina smiled widely. "My mistress would love one, as would I."

The woman smiled and handed Sophina two ceramic masks. She handed one to Evelyn. "What a nice surprise," she whispered, winking.

Evelyn shook her head and smiled distractedly. "Yes, it will help our disguise."

Sophina frowned. What was Evelyn about to say before they were interrupted? Shaking her head, Sophina glanced at the mask in her hands. It was supposed to be the face of Corana of the Order of Twelve. She was the mother of the two feuding warlords. Evelyn's mask was Tria, the whore. Sophina smirked at that and tied the mask over her face. The eyes and mouth were open.

The line began to move as people were escorted out. It was several more minutes before Sophina walked into the bright sunshine. She shields her eyes with her hand and looked around. A mass of people surrounded the benches, all the way down the roads and avenues. There wasn't one inch left to stand in the Courtyard.

A servant led her and Evelyn to a bench in the middle of the Courtyard. They had a perfect view of the podium. Sophina leaned close and whispered, "Is this a good spot?"

Evelyn nodded her head slightly. "Yes," she whispered.

Sophina sat back and tried to find her calm. She felt guilty for wishing the plan didn't go as smooth as Jon hoped. She really wanted to fight at least one guard. Jon told her that battle was in her blood. She couldn't disagree.

Before long all the benches were occupied. It was several minutes after that when the gates of the palace opened. The palace was located just a quarter of a mile past the Courtyard. A wide space had been kept clear of people so that the Magi could march in.

Raynolt led the procession and was surrounded by guardsmen. The people got their first glimpse of the new Grand Master and cheered wildly. Raynolt's grin stretched from ear to ear. He was a handsome man; Sophina had to give him that. His white and gold robes looked elegant and powerful at the same time.

He waved to the crowd as the rest of the Magi trailed behind him. He ascended the podium steps and stood in the center, basking in the warm glow of the crowd's adulation.

Soon King Reynar would arrive and then it would be time. Sophina smiled eagerly.


"This is where we part," Jon told them, as they stood in the shadow of a deserted alley in the Market Quarter.

Ashford nodded his head. The butterflies were flapping fiercely inside his stomach as Jon hunched his shoulders and walked out into the flow of foot traffic. Ashford glanced at Sophina nervously. She smiled reassuringly at him.

"Do you think it's going to work?" he asked her, perhaps for the hundredth time since they left Jon's house.

Evelyn sighed and looked toward the flow people walking past the alley. Sophina gave Ashford an apologetic look. "Yeah, it's going to be fine. Just try to have some faith in the plan."

He knew he was probably getting on their nerves but he was always this nervous before battle. The problem was, he couldn't bring himself to have as much faith in Jon as Sophina did. He had a feeling that assassinating Raynolt would not be as easy as Jon made it sound.

"It's time," Evelyn said. She turned and motioned to Sophina with her head. Sophina gave Ashford one last nod before joining Evelyn as they stepped out of the alley.

Ashford only had to wait a few more minutes before he could be seen leaving the alley. He doubted there were many people left in the Merchant Quarter anyway. But Jon kept stressing the importance of taking it safe.

As he suspected, very few people were still lingering in the Merchant Quarter when he stepped out of the alley. Most of the merchant stands were put away. Only a few people were haggling. He turned down the main avenue and joined the last stream of people as they made their way to the Royal Quarter.

It quickly became apparent that making it to the Courtyard would not be easy. The crowd of people was already clogging the main avenue half a mile away from the Courtyard. Ashford left a few angry shouts behind as he elbowed his way through the crowd. He only had to make it to the fringe of the Courtyard in order to have the view he needed.

I don't know why Jon wants me to back him up in this. His magic is still way more powerful than mine. Still, one did not argue with Jon Laurent. He turned sideways to get through the next row of people. One man angrily shoved him in the back as he bumped him out of the way.

The force of the push knocked Ashford into the backs of several people. A woman screamed as she tumbled to the ground, her skirt flying up over her head. Several people laughed and whistled lewdly. The woman's husband picked Ashford angrily off the ground and shoved him into several more people. A man turned and snarled as he threw a punch.

Ashford barely had time to duck. The man's fist connected loudly with the face of a woman behind Ashford. Ashford grimaced guiltily as the woman fell to her knees, trying to stem the gush of blood from her nose. A man, possibly her husband, yelled and punched the man in the face. Ashford scrambled further into the press of bodies ahead of him as a riot broke out behind him.

He made his way more easily as the crowd turned and ran back to watch the riot. He saw dozens of guards push their way through the crowd to quell the riot. Ashford slipped past the guards and found himself at the edge of the courtyard.

He squeezed between several more people before he found the spot he wanted. He leaned back against the wall behind him and let out a shaky breath. His part in the plan had almost been ruined before it had even started. He looked up and gathered himself as he saw Raynolt ascend the podium.

It was almost time.


Jon crouched low by the chimney on the tavern rooftop. It would be hard to spot him from below as the chimney continued to puff out smoke. He snapped his attention back down below as the crowd erupted in cheers.

King Reynar strode down the road from the palace, his personal guard setting a tight perimeter around him. It was the first time in a long time since Jon had seen him. A wide smile stretched Reynar's lips as he waved at the crowd. His dark skin was still wrinkle-free and he walked with a healthy vigor.

Jon frowned when his gaze caught on Reynar's clothing.That can't be... Jon squinted harder as he tried to make out the distant figure walking down the path. His clothes looked like silk but moved like...

It is! There was no mistaking it; King Reynar wore clothing made from a material from another time. The Magi who knew how to craft that material was long dead.Where did he get it? Did he discover some sort of hidden cache somewhere?

Jon put it from his mind; he would return to it when he had time. He scanned the assembly of Magi and did a quick calculation in his head. It appeared only half of the Magi were in attendance. Jon knew the other half were probably in the crowd, dressed as commoners. No doubt the Magi Victus were, too. The Magi council were arranged in a semi-circle behind the podium. Raynolt stood in front of them.

The King strode up the podium steps and stood next to Raynolt. Jon wasn't close enough to read facial expressions but he could make out bodily movements. Unless his eyes were mistaken, Raynolt had shrunk slightly back from Reynar, as though he was nervous of standing so close to him. Something didn't feel right.

Reynar moved with a confidence and ease that bespoke power. If Raynolt truly held Reynar under his power, then Reynar was a marvelous actor. But why would Raynolt not have power over him? Reynar must know that Raynolt was the one who had his best friends killed.

Jon continued to analyze these new developments as Reynar began to speak. Jon was too far away and the crowd was too loud for him to hear what was being said. Reynar frequently gestured toward Raynolt, which would elicit a cheer from the crowd. Reynar would wait until the crowd quieted before continuing.

Jon crouched closer to the chimney and opened himself to his magic. Silver filled his eyes. He manipulated the magic and enhanced his eyesight. The scene taking place on the podium appeared closer. He could now make out the shield that protected Reynar. It was tightly woven; to untrained eyes it would appear to be only one shield. But Jon easily saw the two separate shields that were woven together.

Ashford's shield was the first layer. Underneath that was the King's shield. The King's was much more powerful but still nothing compared to the shields from Jon's time. Jon could easily bypass both shields. If he were unable to eliminate Raynolt today, he would need the find the opportunity for Ashford to readjust his shield based on Jon's instructions.

It seemed that Reynar had finished his speech; the crowd roared as he stepped back and Raynolt stepped forward. Raynolt began gesturing and talking rapidly. He would pause periodically to let the crowd cheer. Jon tensed and began preparing his spell as Raynolt continued to talk.

Jon was at least a quarter of a mile away but distance mattered little when it came to magic. A Magi only need a line-of-sight on his target; anything a Magi could see he could hit with a spell. The Magi of the current time made poor assassins because they could only shoot a spell from their location. They had little understanding of the mathematical aspects of magic.

Jon quickly figured the precise calculations in his head, factoring in the angle from his rooftop and the distance of the target. He would have no need to shoot a fireball all the way from the roof; he could explode Raynolt right where he stood.

Perhaps I'm too hard on today's Magi. Not many Magi in my time quite understood the concept of mathematical magic, either. It was much easier for most Magi to shoot a spell than figure out the precise calculations. If Jon was one foot off in his calculations, he would miss Raynolt completely.

Raynolt raised his arms and the crowd roared. He smiled broadly as he finished his speech. Reynar clapped as he walked up next to him. Jon shifted his feet; the moment for their plan was almost upon them. He prayed that the others would not be needed.

Reynar began gesturing toward the council. Each council member stepped forward and shouted something. It appeared they were giving their consent for Raynolt to lead them as Grand Master. The 10th Tier Master gave his consent and stepped back. The crowd roared again.

Jon burned with the magic inside of him. It begged release. Reynar gestured Raynolt forward. Raynolt knelt at his feet. The crowd hushed as Reynar laid his hand on Raynolt's head. Jon's magic strained at its bonds, seeking escape. It was almost time. The spell was ready, the calculations were made. It would be instantaneous.

Reynar spoke and then fell silent. Raynolt responded. The pattern repeated itself several times as Reynar swore in Raynolt as the Grand Master of the Emporium of the Kingdom of Astuari.

At last, Reynar shouted and lifted his hand from Raynolt's head. Raynolt slowly rose from his knees, a huge smiling spreading across his face. The crowd noise thundered in the enclosed space.

Jon released his spell.

A gigantic ball of fire erupted from where Raynolt stood. The crowd roared in awe, thinking it a part of the ceremony. Jon froze where he was at. He couldn't seem to move. It was impossible.

The fire died away quickly. Raynolt stood, shaking with fear, but still very much alive.

An intricate shield covered his body. The shield was beyond anything the current Magi could cast. King Reynar turned his head and looked straight at Jon.

His eyes glowed silver. He raised a hand and waved it at him. A ball of light erupted ten feet over Jon's head, marking his position. Still, Jon could not move.

It's impossible!

A Magi councilor, a woman from the look of it, suddenly arched her back and shuddered. The crowd held its breath as the black tip of a dagger erupted out of her chest. Dozens of heavily booted-feet thudded onto the roof all around Jon.

And then all hell broke loose.


Ashford could barely stomach the smug look on Raynolt's face as the ceremony progressed. It was pure torment to watch the man who killed his best friends become the Grand Master of the Emporium. Ashford felt rage flood his veins. He clenched his hands and prayed that Jon failed so he could get a chance to wipe the smirk off that bastard's face.

The end of the ceremony came too slowly for Ashford's taste. He longed to run up to the podium and beat Raynolt to death with his bare hands. The only consolation he felt was that Reynar would finally be out from under the threat of assassination. He wanted a long talk with him so he could apologize for getting their friends killed.

Ashford embraced his magic as Raynolt knelt to the ground to be officially sworn in. He focused the spell Jon taught him in his mind. He would still have to do the finger movements as this spell was too complicated to perform both the manipulation and vocalization in his head.

Ashford tensed as Reynar neared the end of his oath. Jon's plan was to attack right when Raynolt thought he was safe. Ashford pushed away from the wall and stood on his toes to see more clearly over the heads in front of him. The moment had finally arrived.

A gigantic fireball erupted right when Raynolt rose from his knees. The crowd roared as though it were a fireworks display. Ashford tried his best to ignore the sinking feeling of disappointment. He wanted to kill Raynolt himself.

Then the fire quickly died out and Ashford no longer wished for that. He couldn't believe his eyes.What in the nine hells is that? Who cast that shield?

Then Safra Howe, the 2nd Tier Master, suddenly jerked as a black dagger erupted from out her chest. She convulsed and fell to the ground. A man in plain work clothes stood behind her, holding a Shadow Dagger.

All hell broke loose. The crowd screamed and began trying to run in all directions, pushing and shoving to get away. Ashford tried to fight through them so he could get to Raynolt. But the mass of bodies were too much. He was swept up in a sea of humanity and carried down the avenue, his feet barely touching the ground.