Shadow Dagger Ch. 20


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He easily avoided the night patrols and climbed up the seawall. Sanje would no doubt be waiting for him already. Best to get this business done and be gone. He didn't know what kind of state Marcus was in.

Jon knew something was wrong as soon as he started to walk down the wall. He could sense it in the subtle way the night whispered to him. He wasn't shocked when he spied a dark bundle on the top of the wall several yards away.

He approached cautiously but sensed no danger. There weren't any Magi anywhere nearby. His dagger would give him warning if there was. He knelt down by the form and shook his head when he recognized Sanje.

"This was bound to happen when you aligned yourself with Raynolt," Jon said sadly.

Sanje coughed weakly. Blood slowly dribbled past his chin. "I...knew that."

"Then why?"

"I had to do...what I save the...Magi Victus." He coughed again, his breath rattling in his throat.

"I can't heal you," Jon said. For some reason, he was feeling pity for Sanje. "Just another part of the curse. Only external magic can affect you."

"Don't care...about that. Listen to me...why do you"

"I don't hate you," Jon said quietly. "I just think the Magi Victus lost their way."

"So did I," Sanje gasped. "I tried...made deal win our freedom."

"You had to know that was a losing battle," Jon replied.

"I...didn't have...your help," Sanje said, his voice growing softer.

Jon bowed his head. "I...I didn't see clearly, Sanje. I just thought you were another cold-blooded killer who only cared about gold. I saw how you used Raynolt to secure your position and I despised you for it."

"Did...what I had to..."

"You truly only cared about the Magi Victus?" Pity reached Jon's voice. Sanje was so young. His face was pale and he looked scared.

"Just...wanted be free..." He coughed again, his eyes growing wide. He spit several times as he tried to breathe. " us...please..."

Jon reached out his hand and grasped Sanje's. He squeezed it tight. "I will," he promised.

Sanje's body relaxed as he let out his last breath. A single tear rolled down the side of his face and his eyes stilled. The hand in Jon's grip relaxed and dropped to the ground.

Jon reached out and closed Sanje's eyes. He bent down and kissed his forehead. "Be at peace, son," he prayed.

Jon stood up and said a spell. The wind howled in and lifted Sanje's body off the wall. Jon held on to the spell as Sanje's body was carried over the ocean. He released the spell and watched as Sanje's body splashed into the ocean.

He stood quietly on the wall and let the wind rush past him. The smell of the ocean was always so alive. He hoped Sanje would be at peace at there.

Jon turned away. He thought about how Sanje's Shadow Dagger was missing. He knew what that meant.

"Raynolt," Jon growled, and in his voice was death.


Sophina stirred slowly and opened her eyes. She wasn't surprised that Jon wasn't next to her. She knew he would do what he had to. Just as she would.

She dressed quickly, sheathed the sword on her hip, and made her way outside. Thankfully, it was still dark out. She could tell that the dawn was almost here. She made her way to the nearest sewer entrance and climbed down.

Somebody had marked on the walls with chalk what route to follow to come out by the palace. Sophina shook her head. Only Jon would go through that much trouble.

I can't believe he loves me. It feels like a dream. The night before had truly been magical for her. She had never before experienced something as beautiful as that. And especially not with a man!

Maybe it's not that Jon's a man. Maybe it's just because...well, because it's Jon.

She didn't know how to explain it to herself. All she knew was that she was in love and it didn't matter that Jon was a man or not. He was her love, simple as that.

Sorry Evelyn, Sophina thought, with a rueful shake of head. She recognized that the infatuation she had had for Evelyn was simply that; an infatuation. She now knew what love truly was. And it warmed her heart.

Ashford, I hope you don't think less of me for feeling this way right now.

But for some reason, she knew Ashford would be happy. He knew you had to embrace love when you had the chance and not give in to grief simply out of respect. He would want her to be happy.

Sophina reached her destination. The sewers ahead of her would crowded with Peron's men, Magi Victus, and Raynolt's Magi. Raynolt himself, for some reason, looked oddly pleased.

Sophina didn't let her disappointment show that Jon wasn't there. They would do without him. He would come when he was needed.

"Are we all here?" she asked the room.

All eyes turned toward her. "Sanje's not," one of the Magi Victus said.

Sophina tried not to let her worry show. Jon said he had to meet with Sanje. "Well, I'm sure he will show up when the fighting starts."

The Magi Victus who spoke merely grunted and returned to his preparations. She turned toward Raynolt. "Are you ready?"

Raynolt smirked. "Oh, I'm ready. My men are ready, too. I say it's about time to depose of a king."

Sophina ignored this and turned toward Peron. "Are your men ready?"

Peron smiled and winked at her. "The men are ready to tear down the palace brick by brick."

"Well, let's try to avoid that," Sophina said lightly. Peron laughed.

"Where's Jon?" he asked.

Sophina shrugged. "He'll show up, don't worry." She turned her attention to the room at large. "Okay, everyone, listen up. Remember the plan. Peron's men will engage the soldiers who pour through the breach in the wall surrounding the palace."

"The Magi Victus will accompany Peron's men and provide defense against the Magi's attacks. Raynolt and his Magi will accompany me as we make our way through the palace. Our goal is Evelyn's room on the tenth floor. She is giving birth as we speak."

"We must stop Reynar at all costs! He has done enough damage to this country! He has killed...too many people, many of whom were our friends." She bowed her head for a moment, the memory of Ashford choking her momentarily.

"This ends today. Before the sun has fully risen, there will be a new leader for this country. A strong leader. She will bring change. Her child will reshape this world and bring about peace. Reynar's reign ends today."

There was no raised fists and shouts of joy. Nobody rattled their weapons or beat their chests. Everyone knew what was at stake. They all nodded at her and finished their preparations.

It ends today, she thought fiercely. Her hand tightened painfully on the handle of her sword.

For you, Ashford. For you.


Evelyn groaned as another contraction made her convulse. She had never given birth before but she knew they weren't like this. She felt like she was giving birth to the God himself.

"Easy, easy," Reynar said soothingly. He wiped her forehead with a cloth and held her hand.

His touch revolted her but she couldn't do anything about it. The sick truth was that she needed him. This baby was too much for her. Besides, there was still a chance to change his mind.

"Reynar, please, don't do this," she panted. She tried to force all of her desperation into her voice.

He paused as he wiped her forehead. She forced open her eyes and looked into his own dark eyes. He must have seen the desperation in her eyes and heard it in her voice. He opened his mouth and hesitated.

"Don't listen to her, my liege," Sereph said, as he continued to peer beneath Evelyn's dress.

"Shut your mouth, snake!" Evelyn hissed. Her stomach clenched painfully and she cried out.

Reynar resumed wiping her forehead. "I'm sorry, Evelyn," he said, mournfully. "I wish there was another way. I really do."

"Just wait," she pleaded. "Just wait to see how the child turns out."

Reynar was already shaking his head. "Like I told you, this child will be more powerful than any of us within a few years. I can't take that chance."

Evelyn didn't know what else to say. She had been trying for hours to change his mind. Every time she thought she made progress, Sereph would remind Reynar why he was doing it.

"Who is that man?" she gasped as another contraction hit her. How long was this going to last? "Why do you listen to him?"

"Because he's my brother," Reynar said, quietly.

"Reynar!" Sereph snapped, his head popping up over her dress to stare angrily at him. "That's enough!"

"I don't care, Sereph! You tell me to be quiet one more time and I will end you! You got that?"

Evelyn gaped at them both as a deadly silence filled between them. Reynar stared hard at Sereph. Sereph growled under his breath and ducked back below Evelyn's dress.

"He's your brother?" she gasped.

Reynar nodded as he gently wiped her forehead again. "My mother wasn't the only price my father had to pay to end the first war against Raves. He had to sleep with the desert goddess so she could bear him a child."

"Your father slept with the desert goddess?" Evelyn was so amazed that she didn't even feel the next contraction.

Reynar smiled. "That's how I reacted when I found out. She raised Sereph until he was a young man and then sent him to me. I took him back with me after spending my year with the goddess."

"But why?"

"She said I needed somebody in a secret position to watch over me and protect me. I thought I already had all the protection I needed but she insisted. Besides, he's my brother."

"That's why he looked familiar," Evelyn said. She remembered back to when she first saw him. She thought then that something looked familiar about him. "Except for his light coloring, he looks a lot like you."

He squeezed her hand as another painful contraction hit her. Once she collapsed back to the bed, he continued. "Yes, I was always amazed nobody picked up on that. But I guess people only see what they expect to see."

"He speaks poison into your ear," Evelyn whispered.

Reynar looked back at Sereph to make sure he wasn't listening. "He speaks the truth," he whispered back. "He has been my most loyal supporter."

"The goddess must have wanted to make sure you go through with it," Evelyn reasoned. "So she must have planted him here."

Reynar stared at her, his face troubled. He opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "I said no interruptions!" Reynar growled, as he made his way over to the door.

He opened the door and swung it shut behind him. Evelyn grimaced as a minor contraction went through her.

"It won't work," Sereph said suddenly. His face popped up over her dress, his eyes flashing dangerously. "You can't turn him against me. I'm his brother. I'm blood."

"I will see you sent to the nine hells for this madness," she promised him.

Sereph smirked. "You and your child won't live out the night." He disappeared back below her dress.

Evelyn prayed. She prayed to the God and she prayed to Daminus. She prayed to whoever might be listening.

Please, save my child! Daminus, if you truly are a part of this child, then save us!

Reynar walked back into the room. He looked deeply troubled. "They're attacking the palace," he told Sereph. Evelyn felt her heart lift with hope.

"Bad timing," Sereph growled. "There's nothing we can do about it. The child is almost crowning. Soon you will have all the power you need to deal with them. For now, we have more than enough guards and Magi to handle them."

Hurry, Sophina! Please!


Sophina grunted as the aftershocks of the explosion rattled her teeth. The wall of the palace couldn't withstand the force of their Magi, runes of protection or no. Predictably, as soon as the smoke cleared, soldiers were already pouring out of the hole.

"The God be with you, Peron," she prayed, as Peron's men clashed head on with the palace soldiers.

"While they're distracted," Raynolt said, gesturing to the wall in front of them. "I already cast the spell on you."

Sophina couldn't help but shiver at that. Ignoring the feeling as best as she could, she put her hands on the wall and grunted in satisfaction as they stuck. She began to slowly climb hand over hand up the palace wall.

She and the rest of the Magi made it to the top of the wall without incident. Raynolt cast another spell and they all drifted down toward the ground as light as feathers. Sophina's boots touched down and she felt the spell lifted.

"This way," Raynolt said, pointing at the main door of the palace.

As soon as he spoke, the door swung open and more soldiers poured out. They seemed surprised to find themselves face to face with nearly seventy-five Magi. Raynolt and his men quickly washed aside the soldiers with various spells.

Sophina trailed behind Raynolt as they entered the palace. The entrance way was flanked by huge pillars and seemed to go on forever. As soon as they stepped in, a wall of fire covering the entire room flew at them.

"This is where it gets fun!" Raynolt said, smiling.


Reynar glanced at the door nervously as another huge explosion rocked the palace. The chandelier above them swung dangerously. "This is not good," he said to Sereph.

"The baby is coming," he growled, as he worked furiously beneath Evelyn's dress. "Only a few more minutes."

"They will kill you!" Evelyn gasped, as she strained to push the baby out.

"They can try," Sereph said.

Reynar could only hold Evelyn's hand. He didn't know what to say. Her friends seemed so intent on getting to her. Could he really have been fooled? Could the goddess have planned all of this? For what purpose?

Power. It was simple, really. The dagger he would use could be used by any magic user. Once it absorbed the essence of Evelyn's child, any Magi could wield it. But was he really being tricked?

"Get the dagger ready!" Sereph said excitedly. "The baby is coming!"

"No!" Evelyn gasped. She sat up, her face red with the strain, as she couldn't help but push. "Reynar, please!"

Reynar looked down at Sereph, at his brother. He looked up at Reynar, his eyes blazing with excitement. Why was his brother so excited? They were about to murder an innocent child.

"Sereph, did the goddess send you here to make sure I did this?" Reynar asked.

Sereph glanced up sharply. "No--what? No, of course not! Reynar, please, the baby's about to come. Grab the damn dagger!"

Reynar let go of Evelyn's hand and picked up the box at his feet. Now that the time had arrived, he felt curiously calm. His hand didn't shake as he lifted the lid. He gripped the dagger tightly and pulled it out.

"Noooo!" Evelyn howled as she saw the dagger. "NOOOOO!" she cried out, as she gave one last push.

"Here it comes!" Sereph said, his hands busy beneath her dress.

Reynar looked down at the dagger and then looked at his brother. Why was he so excited?


Sophina knew, deep in her gut, that they would be too late. The battle raging in the palace was taking too long. There were on the ninth floor but their group was already down to ten Magi.

"We've lost so many!" Sophina gasped.

"Duck!" Raynolt ordered, as a icicle the length of a spear flew at her. Sophina dropped to the floor. The icicle flew by and shattered against the wall.

Raynolt moved away from the corner of the wall and sent a fireball down the hall. He ducked back and leaned against the wall, panting. The other Magi took turns peering around the corner to fire spells.

"How many are left?" Sophina asked, as she got up.

"Three," Raynolt panted. "And they're being really stubborn."

Sophina shook her head. It was taking too long. Evelyn needed them. They were just one more staircase away. "I need to end this now! Cover me!"

"What? No, what are you--"

She heard Raynolt curse behind her as she took off down the hallway. The Magi taking cover behind the ruins of the palace wall popped out and gaped at her. One flung his hand at her.

She saw the arrow of flame coming at her and timed her swing perfectly. The fire died against her blade. The other two made throwing motions but she saw nothing. The air in front of her seemed to shimmer but then suddenly cleared.

Thank you, Raynolt, she thought, as she made up the ground between her and the three Magi. She dove head-first and rolled up back to her feet, her sword leading the way. She stuck it through the chest of one female Magi and quickly pulled it out.

She moved as fast as the wind, just like Jon taught her. She was on the other Magi before he could even blink. Her sword took his head off clean at the neck. She whirled to face the other Magi.

The last Magi, a woman with dark hair and eyes, cursed and shoved both arms out in front of her. Sophina spun around, her sword slicing randomly at the air. She might look ridiculous but it worked. The Magi's eyes widened in surprise.

Sophina cleared the distance between them with one jump and slashed down diagonally with her sword. The woman screamed as Sophina's sword cut her shoulder to hip.

"Unbelievable," Raynolt gasped, as he ran up behind her. The other Magi trailed behind him.

"The stairs!" Sophina said, pointing with her sword. She ran toward them and took them two at a time. The stairs led to a landing between floors. She grabbed the post on the railing and used it to help her turn quickly up the other flight of stairs.

She stopped at the next landing and waited for the Magi to catch up. "Which one is her room?" she asked Raynolt.

Raynolt had his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath. "Maybe it's the one with all those Magi guarding it!" he snapped.

Sophina ignored him and studied the hallway. She could see the door Raynolt referred to. It had ten Magi standing outside it, looking anxiously at the stairway where Sophina was hiding. They knew she was coming.

"We don't have time for this!" she hissed angrily.

"We have to distract them," Raynolt said, as he peered around the corner to study the hallway. He turned to his Magi. "Can you buy us time to get to the room?"

They all nodded at him. "We're with you all the way, Grand Master. We'll distract them enough."

Raynolt turned back to Sophina. "Is that good enough for you?"

Sophina nodded. "Let's do it."


Jon leaned against the wall, exhausted. He had hunted Marcus throughout the night but couldn't find him. Dawn was peaking over the horizon and he thought he heard a loud explosion in the distance.

So it has started. He shook his head. What was he doing? Marcus obviously didn't want to be found. Sophina needed him. Evelyn needed him.

What does your heart tell you? The thought seemed to come from the wind. He didn't know if he thought it or if it was a memory, but it was right all the same. He was needed elsewhere.

"Soon, Marcus, I promise," he whispered. He jumped to the next roof below and started to make his way back toward the palace.

He was halfway back when a huge explosion nearly knocked him off a roof. Startled, he looked back behind him.

Is that smoke? It looks like it's coming from...the Emporium! Marcus!

Marcus was apparently attacking the Emporium. His True-born mind must have decided to eliminate the Magi, as they tried to do back in the War of the Gods.

Jon hesitated. He was torn in two different directions. But which way should he go?

What does your heart tell you?

Grimacing, Jon continued on. He would help Sophina first. He just prayed Marcus didn't cause too much damage.

Why are there even Magi at the Emporium right now? Why aren't they at the palace?


"Damn!" Sophina cursed, as she ducked behind the corner. The lightning bolt nearly took her head off.

"So much for that plan," Raynolt growled, as he looked at the bodies of his Magi strewn across the floor.
