Shadows from the House of Scent Ch. 01


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"Hello Amber," she said. "I'm so glad to meet you. I'm Lizzy."

As Dean maneuvered her luggage through the door, Lizzy reached out awkwardly for a handshake, not sure about the most appropriate greeting. However, Amber, brimming with excitement, swiftly closed the distance between them and enveloped Lizzy in a warm embrace.

"Hi Aunty Lizzy," Amber greeted her enthusiastically. "I'm so glad to finally know you."


Amber immediately started addressing Lizzy as "Aunty Lizzy."

Lizzy, slightly startled and pleasantly surprised, looked over at Dean and then back to Amber.

"I hope you don't mind if I call you Aunty", her expression softened. "It's just that I've never really had much family besides Dean. Do say it's okay!"

"Of course it's ok," Lizzy smiled. "I like it. A lot."

Dean watched this exchange, a look of amusement crossing his face. He could see Amber's genuine nature was already affecting Lizzy.

"Come, let me show you to your room," Lizzy said, leading Amber down the hallway. Amber followed, her luggage trailing behind her. Once in the room, she placed her bags down and quickly returned to the dining area.

The aroma of dinner drifted through the air as they sat down at the table. Lizzy had prepared a vegetarian meal.

"This smells amazing, Aunty Lizzy," Amber said, her eyes looking into the kitchen.


Amidst the flurry of Amber's arrival, Dean had almost forgotten about Kurst's announcement that afternoon. Somehow, it didn't feel as significant now that he had missed it. He logged onto the site and scanned the headline, quickly reading through the article.

"The announcement revealed that Kurst is launching a new website. He plans to publish the series online, adopting a vlog-style approach for a more interactive experience with fans."

Dean's anxieties resurfaced, filled with a renewed sense of urgency by the news. The color drained from his face as he contemplated the challenge of keeping up with the new content to maintain his status as the principal fan. There was also his film project to consider; if the content changed too rapidly, his project could become obsolete. Moreover, with Amber now living with them, he worried he wouldn't have the time to dedicate to the project with the intensity needed or be able to film Lizzy in the sex scenes.

He returned to the table to rejoin the others.


As they ate, they asked Amber many questions about her life in the past few years. They had some white wine, and it made Amber a bit lightheaded, but more relaxed.

Amber ate very little and mostly moved the food around the plate. She told her story between small bites.

"Well, you know Mom," she said. "We never stayed settled in the same place. First, we were in Nepal. It was ok. Kind of lonely. I was there for a while without her," she paused as if needing to think about it, "in....." she paused more, "a catholic mission school. Then we spent a few years in Thailand and after that in Hong Kong. We had been there for about four or five years until going to the States on the West Coast just last month."

"That sounds fascinating. What kind of work did your mom do there?" Lizzy inquired.

Amber offered a casual smile but was cagey. "Oh, you know, a bit of this and that," she paused. "Selling things," she added. Her smile seemed to carry a hope that this topic wouldn't continue and her response would suffice.

"And your Dad?"

With the mention of her father, the brightness in her face and her voice faltered slightly. "He's... well, he's sick. He was there in California. It's been tough for him. It's not his fault."

Lizzy and Dean exchanged a glance, choosing to change the subject.

"We are so happy that you are going to live with us," Lizzy interjected.

"Oh, but I won't be a burden and as soon as I find a job and can afford an apartment, I will leave," she said.

"That's not necessary, Amber," Lizzy said. "This is your home now and you can stay here as long as you want."

Amber beamed. "Thank you, Aunty and Uncle."

Lizzy found it strange. At that moment, it wasn't Amber but rather herself who suddenly felt as though she had found a family.


During the dinner, they continued to drink more wine and reminisce about Dean's family and when Amber had visited the previous time. Amber was already a little bit tipsy.

For these brief moments, something that had not occurred in a while, Dean found himself forgetting about the pressure of his obsessive film project. The frustrations of Amber coming to stay with them seemed to disappear completely.

He recounted the day he took Amber to the zoo during the time she came to visit.

"I think you were eight," he said.

Amber was pleased to remember. "Yeah, something like that. Or seven. Not sure. But, I remember it as if it were yesterday."

Well, we were standing there, and one of the monkeys suddenly started mimicking Amber's gestures. Every time she moved her hand, the monkey did the same." He turned to her smiling. "You loved that and said it was like watching a mirror!"

Amber, remembering the incident, laughed. "It was hilarious! I started waving, and the monkey waved back. Then I jumped, and so did the monkey! Then I tapped you on the head, and the monkey picked up a banana and threw it at you, hitting you on the forehead!"

They all laughed.

"I heard there are lots of macaques in Thailand," Lizzy said to Amber.

"Oh yes," she responded happily, giggling perhaps from the wine and with the recollection of her youth. "In Thailand, particularly in certain areas, it's not uncommon to see monkeys roaming the streets. They are all over the place! They go into the stores and temples and even into homes." She laughed. "But the foreigners don't like them at all."

Amid the effect of the wine and the comfortable feeling, perhaps too comfortable, Amber recounted an amusing anecdote. "I remember this one time, a couple of monkeys sneaked into the Thai girl's room next to mine. The poor British guy she was with ran out into the street still completely naked, with his clothes between his arms, screaming, as the monkeys got away with his wallet. Behind him, was Buppha, running after him completely naked because he hadn't paid her yet. All the rest of us came out and couldn't stop laughing. Poor Buppha, though!" she laughed.

In this story, both Dean and Lizzy laughed to mask the accidental reveal, but their amusement was cut short as they exchanged a knowing look, heavy with unspoken thoughts. Amber, still giggling, took another sip of her wine, oblivious to the silent communication between the two. She was perhaps also unaware of how much she had inadvertently disclosed. Their fleeting yet meaningful glance conveyed all the information that words couldn't express.

"My God," Lizzy thought. "It can't be. Damn it. Please, don't make it so. Could her mom -- Dean's sister -- have been driven to this?"

Lizzy exerted every effort to conceal it, but she suddenly felt faint. She sipped water, smiled, and couldn't even recall what she had just said. For a brief moment, time seemed to slow down infinitely, and every sound was magnified. Her own breathing sounded as loud as a hurricane.

Amber's past appeared to be far more opaque and dark than she described. Was she aware? Didn't she realize her small story revealed where she had lived and most probably been forced to work?

She was still so naive in so many ways, and at that moment, Lizzy wanted to take her in her arms and hold her. "This poor girl," she thought.

However, it didn't seem to have the impact on Dean that Lizzy would have expected. He seemed to transition into another topic as if he didn't understand or think twice about the implications of Amber's story.


Breaking a lull in the conversation, Amber spoke. "Uncle Dean, tell me about your film. Will it be ready soon?"

"I had this idea of putting the graphic novels of Daniel Kurst to film."

"What are they about?" Amber asked.

Dean slipped a glance toward Lizzy, making it clear that he wouldn't tell her that the novels were erotic.

"Well, they are based upon a noir detective in the 1940s of New York City."

Amber, intrigued, her face animated and she leaned in. "Oh, I love detective stories! Like the Big Sleep and Notorious. It's my favorite. Is it like that?"

"Well," Dean paused, "Yeah, sort of. Kurst has his own style. Well, kind of kinky and very raw. But he does it with good taste. He's brilliant."

"Oh, kinky. Wow, that sounds fun," she giggled. "But, it sounds like a big undertaking to film a movie," Amber said with interest. "And to have actors and actresses."

"I am doing concept pieces so that I can get financed for the main production. So, I have a bunch of scenes from the Kurst's previous series that I am now editing into a full work. It has become somewhat of an obsession for me."

"Wow! That sounds so interesting."

Dean was happy he had an audience. "Lizzy has acted in some of the scenes."

Amber looked at her. "I can imagine. Aunty Lizzy is so beautiful. She is like Lauren Bacall. Well, much prettier."

"Hardly," interjected Lizzy, suddenly blushing.

"Will your film be done soon?"

"We just filmed what was going to be the last scene two days ago. Now, I am not sure."


"I was following this announcement today. It's about Daniel Kurst's new project. He created an online, subscriber-only platform for his latest works. Today, however, he announced that the works will be constantly evolving, like a Vlog. Whenever new scenes are released on his page, I will adapt them into a movie."

Lizzy listened, a surprised look in her eyes. "This is new to me," she added.

Amber, intrigued, leaned in. "So, what's the new series about?"

Dean explained, "Nobody really knows yet. Up until now, he only had one scene. Kurst published the first scene of what was meant to be a series of ten novels. But then, suddenly, there were no more releases. So, there has been some speculation that maybe he had given up."

He took a sip of wine and continued, "The first scene is typical Kurst and based on the characters from his previous graphic novel series. It starts with a woman who is murdered and found in a Chinese restaurant with a black ribbon around her neck, strangled, as well as other signs. They receive an anonymous phone call and mention the 'House of Scent', but no other parts of the series have been published."

"It sounds so intriguing. And, it's not finished?"

"He said he'd finish it but never specified when," Dean continued. "Some think it's to build hype. His popularity has spiked. Well, there are critics too. But nobody knows why all of a sudden there aren't any new scenes. Maybe we will know soon."

Lizzy sat silent. She worried that this new sense of urgency for producing more films would begin to control her life even more.

It was as though Kurst was scripting and controlling her and Dean. Day by day, she was transforming into Kath.

She yearned to regain control and not let Kath be her destiny.

"Maybe Amber will be the change we need," she thought. "To bring balance back into our lives."


After dinner, Dean went and worked on his computer, while both Amber and Lizzy went to change into pajamas.

Lizzy in her nightgown, was sitting on the couch reading when Amber emerged from her room with a slightly oversized t-shirt, but that barely covered her. She came over and sat on the couch next to Lizzy. She brought her sketchbook with her. She pulled the t-shirt down, so it wouldn't ride up exposing her while sitting.

"I hope I won't bother you sitting here, Aunty Lizzy," she said.

"Of course not," Lizzy said. "I hope you don't mind the television. It is just for some background noise, so I could turn it off."

"No. It's fine."

Amber opened her book and wrote an entry of her thoughts, and her trip, and also made some sketches.

Lizzy occasionally would steal a glance, but didn't feel she should intrude. There would be enough time. She noticed that Amber had pulled up her legs, which had the effect of exposing her. Lizzy could see that Amber was not wearing panties and her pussy could be seen.

While they sat together, Dean busied himself organizing his books and arranging his makeshift office in the corner of the living room, situated near the window just behind them.

At one point, Amber closed her sketchbook and placed it on the coffee table in front of the sofa. The combination of the trip and the wine she had enjoyed during dinner had left her feeling tired, and she soon closed her eyes.

Gradually, her head drooped onto the pillow opposite Lizzy. Sensing this, Lizzy gently shifted towards the end of the sofa to give Amber more room to relax. Slowly and comfortably, Amber adjusted her position so that she was lying on the sofa and eventually drifted off to sleep.

However, now Amber's shirt had ridden up, completely exposing her. Lizzy looked over at her and saw Amber naked, with her pussy exposed. Her wispy pubic hair was the color of auburn, slightly lighter than her hair. Lizzy tried to pull the t-shirt down without waking her, however, Amber shifted her position and her pussy was uncovered again.

Just then, Dean came and sat on the wingback chair next to the sofa. He looked at the two of them. Noticing immediately that Amber was practically naked, he looked at Lizzy. In more earnest, Lizzy tried to pull the t-shirt down to at least cover her. However, from Dean's angle, he could easily see her pussy underneath the t-shirt.

"Dean," Lizzy whispers. "Stop looking!"

"I can't help it," is all he said. He looked at her pussy a final time and stood up. "OK, I will go to the computer."

Lizzy thought she detected a bulge in his pants. "He just got hard looking at his niece," she thought.

In her slumber state, Amber moved again, once again making the t-shirt ride up. This time, Lizzy looked at her pussy and noticed a mark on her body. It was underneath her thin pubic hair, but even though it was subtle it could be seen just above her clit.

Lizzy looked at Amber. She seemed to be sleeping, so she carefully reached over and touched Amber's pussy mound, trying to part her pubic hairs to see the mark. Although it was still covered with strands of hair, Lizzy could make out that it was a Chinese character. It wasn't a tattoo, but rather a branding mark that had been burnt into her skin. Suddenly, Amber moved and Lizzy retracted her hand.

When Amber stirred this time, she sat up. Lizzy thought that Amber might have realized that Lizzy had been touching her pussy mound. However, in her sleep, Amber shifted position, lying back down on the sofa but now with her head resting in Lizzy's lap. As she did so, her hair cascaded over her face.

Lizzy responded with affection, gently running her fingers through Amber's hair to brush it away from her eyes. She carefully pulled the strands back to make Amber more comfortable. In the process, Lizzy spotted a small tattoo hidden behind Amber's ear, usually concealed by her thick auburn hair. It contained the same Chinese character that was branded into her skin just above her pussy as well as some other Chinese characters.

After some time, Dean came back to the chair. It seemed that they both were enjoying this new addition to their lives. Lizzy had her eyes closed, so he sat and looked at Amber's exposed pussy without worrying that Lizzy would see him. At least for a few moments.

It was already late, and soon they would need to go to bed, as both had to be up early for work in the morning. But, Dean was so engrossed in the view of Amber's naked body that he was in no hurry to get up.

His cock was hard as a rock.

~~~~~~ : ~~~~~~

12. (House of Scent A1.S5) Love is blind, Kath

ACT 1: Scene 5: The scene is still in Chick's office. It follows the last scene. Guy asks what idea Chick has.

The camera angle is wide, including Chick, Kath, and Guy. It zooms in to Chick, as he flicks a match, igniting the end of his cigarette. He took a deep inhale and exhaled, filling the room with a thick swirl of smoke.

GUY: "So, what's your idea, Chick?"

Chick picked up the pack of cigarettes from his desk, giving it a gentle shake. With a skillful movement, he flips the pack so that a single cigarette protrudes slightly from the side opening. A movement that he has done hundreds of times. He then reached out, offering another cigarette to Guy with a subtle gesture.

The camera shifts to a frontal scene, focused on both Guy and Kath. Guy smokes the cigarette.

The camera shifts back to Chick.

CHICK: "We need someone to go deep undercover. Get on the inside."

The camera now pans out to include all of them. Kath listens, wishing for Guy to interject, to protect her from this dangerous and kinky proposition of her to be a prostitute again.

KATH (thinking): "Tell him not me, Guy. Not Kath. I'm not like that anymore."

But Guy remains silent, his gaze fixed on her.

KATH (thinking): "Say something. Tell me not to go. Tell me that you love me too much and you won't allow it."

Guy waits, hoping she will refuse.

CHICK: "Kath has to become one of the girls at the club. She'll go undercover, gain the underworld's trust."

Kath feels a mix of anticipation and dread. She had hoped Guy would set boundaries, but he doesn't.

KATH (thinking): "I never thought it would mean returning to that life, especially for a situation so dangerous."

She looks at Guy, silently pleading with him to object.

Guy, deep down, hopes Kath will express her love for him, declaring it too much and that she won't do it.

KATH (feeling hurt and wanting to hurt Guy too): "Yeah. I'll do it." (She says this now to spite him, addressing Chick directly and making it clear that Guy's opinion does not influence her decision.)

Her agreement is also a test, a way to see if it affects Guy as deeply as it does her.

The camera focuses on a frontal shot of Guy and Kath. She looks at him.

During all this, Chick is unaware of the complex dynamic between Kath and Guy that is unfolding in front of his eyes.

KATH: "Love is blind." (She smiles. It is a brief nervous smile. She says this with some remorse but maintains her act.)

Guy looked at her. He wanted it to be different. He wanted her to refuse. A love test. It should be her decision. But, he immediately convinced himself that love doesn't change anyone.

KATH: "Isn't it Guy?"

GUY: "Skip it, kid."

Kath looks down and closes her purse. She prepares to stand up.

The camera focuses on Kath. A tear forms in her eyes.

The couple stand.

GUY: "We'll be in touch. So long."

CHICK: "Alright. Start with Chinatown."

The couple turns and leaves the office.

Chick looks at Kath's panties that are still on his desk. He picks them up and notices they are moist. He puts them to his nose, closing his eyes and savoring her scent. The scent of her pussy fills him and it clearly arouses him.

After a few moments, he rubs the ribbon over them to transfer some of the scents of the perfume and then slips them into the folder to return the items to the coroner's lab.

The camera pans out and then fades.

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