Shari Takes a Wife


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Velma got as far as the library when she spotted Shari sitting on a bench outside waiting for her. She parked the car and walked over to the girl, stopping just a few feet away from the bench where she sat.

"Well, hello there, beautiful!" Velma said. "You sure you don't mind going out in public with a rough old tomboy like me?"

Shari answered with a shy giggle. It was true. Shari was looking forward to tonight, so she wanted to wear something nice. She chose a light colored blouse and a matching skirt that complimented the waves of thick blond hair that tumbled past her shoulders. The girl stood up now and wrapped her arms around the strapping older woman.

"I couldn't wait for you to get here, Velma." Shari said.

"Glad to hear that, Shari berry!" Velma said. She lightly tapped the girl's shoulder, and the two of them headed towards the car. " I don't know about you, but I'm pretty hungry. Let's grab something to eat, shall we?"

They had dinner at Fiorini's, this nice little steak and seafood restaurant downtown. While they ate, the two discussed plans for Shari to move in with Velma during winter break. Shari liked the idea very much. Her roommate, Becky, was already planning on renting an apartment near the campus. Two of Shari's other classmates planned to share the apartment. Although living off campus with her friends sounded fun, she wasn't too keen on having to share such a small space with three other girls. And Shari was very much in love with Velma even if she knew she had to hide it from everyone.

As Shari excused herself to use the bathroom, Velma paid the waitress. When Shari came out, Velma was already waiting for her by the door.

"Ready to head over to the church?" She asked. Shari nodded, and a soft smile spread across her gorgeous full lips.

They drove pretty much in silence for the next several minutes with the exception of Velma's whistling. The strapping gym teacher was whistling the tune to "Cracklin' Rosie" again. Ever since she was in high school, Shari thought Velma's whistling was very strange. She never whistled like most women. Instead, her whistling sounded a lot like Mr. Borland, her old Social Studies' teacher—or old Mr. Williams, the head custodian. After several minutes passed, the car turned down a street lined with older two-story houses.

"We're here!" Velma called. "You ready, honey?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." Shari said softly.

The car pulled into a parking lot outside a prim white church. Shari visited this church a few times with Velma in the past. One of those times was when Velma brought her to meet the other members of her Bible study group. Shari remembered how shocked she was that day. She could barely speak! The Bible study group consisted of several middle aged women like Velma. Most of them were teachers from different schools around Thatcher Blake. She remembered meeting a few girls her own age a couple of other times. They were students at Blake College, and like her, were guests of some of the other members of the group. By now it was dark outside. As Shari looked around, she noticed the soft glow of golden light pouring from the basement windows of the church. A solitary street light illuminated the end of the darkened parking lot.

"Here; take hold of my arm, honey." Velma said as she opened the door to let Shari out. "Don't want you to trip and ruin that pretty little outfit!"

Shari held Velma's arm as they walked over to the side entrance of the church. Once inside, they walked down a flight of stairs leading to the church basement. Shari could just hear the din of female voices on the other side of those double doors. She wondered how big the group would be tonight. Either way, one thing was certain: There would be no men here.

The basement was decorated modestly with bunches of colorful flowers and paper streamers. Immediately Shari recognized some of the women in the crowd. There was Miss Jude Horst, the gym teacher from Kent Junior High, and Miss Lusby, one of the other gym teachers at Talcott. Miss Lusby is Velma's colleague and one of her best friends. There was another woman there, standing near a punch bowl with a neat little cluster of glasses surrounding it. Shari had never seen her here before. She was wearing some sort of robe with a stole—like church vestments. Before she could form any more thoughts on the subject, Miss Horst came over to greet them.

"Oh, you finally made it, Vel! So, you're really ready to settle down, huh?"

Miss Horst gave Shari a quick hug and offered them a glass of punch.

"Uh—not for me, sorry. Not thirsty." Velma said. A loud guffaw burst from Miss Horst's mouth, and she slapped Velma's arm playfully.

"You not thirsty? Will wonders never cease?" Miss Horst turned to Shari. "I think Vel might be a little nervous. What do you think?"

"Look, can we just get on with the ceremony?" Velma was pushing the words through her teeth. "Maybe after we're done I'll feel a little more festive, okay?"

Now Miss Horst brought them over to the punch bowl and told them to wait a minute. She exchanged a few words with the woman in the robe, and then she turned around and started clapping her hands loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Ladies, can I have everyone's attention? Our guests of honor have arrived! If everyone would please take a seat, we'll begin shortly. Afterwards I want to remind everyone that there's cake and punch at the refreshment table. If you haven't helped yourself already, please do so after the ceremony!"

Shari felt a fluttering in the pit of her stomach, and by the looks of things, Velma was feeling the same way. The towering middle aged butch patted the girl's shoulder. The corners of her mouth twitched noticeably for a second or two when she tried to smile.

The commitment ceremony began with the introduction of the Reverend Nellie Kling, Head Chaplain of Blake College. Of course, Shari thought. She never attended chapel services at Blake. She didn't recognize Reverend Kling because she thought she was a professor in the Fine Arts building. Reverend Kling never wore her vestments around campus. After the introduction, the ceremony began as Reverend Kling addressed the group of women seated around them:

"Ladies, we are gathered here this evening to celebrate the love of Shari Keefer and Velma Blount, who are so wonderfully suited to one another that it is a pure delight for the rest of us to see how happy two of God's children can be..."

Velma was looking down, staring intently at the floor. Her eyelids fluttered and she blinked hard a few times. From Shari's perspective, it looked like she was fighting back tears. Shari felt the old dyke squeezing her hand, and she squeezed back.

Reverend Kling recited a passage from first Samuel:

"When David had finished speaking to Saul, the son of Jonathan was bound to the soul of David, and Jonathan loved him as his own soul. Saul took him that day and would not let him return to his father's house. Then Jonathan made a covenant with David, because he loved him as his own soul. Jonathan stripped himself of the robe he was wearing, and gave it to David, and his armor, and even his sword and his bow and his belt."

Shari and Velma turned now and faced each other. Velma held both of Shari's hands in hers. God, Shari looked so beautiful, Velma thought. She wanted to fold the girl up in her arms and kiss her right then and there, but Reverend Kling was still speaking.

"When we commit ourselves to one another, we commit our willingness to witness and withstand the ongoing growth of another human being, a sister of Christ. When we commit, we say not only 'I love you today,' but also 'I promise to love you tomorrow, the next day...always.' Do you, Velma Blount, take Shari Keefer as your committed partner, knowing in your heart that you will always be a faithful friend, and a loving companion? Do you give your sacred vow that you will always be with Shari and support her, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow?"

Velma swallowed hard. "I do." She said. And with all her heart, she meant it.

"And do you, Shari Keefer, take Velma Blount as your committed partner, knowing in your heart that you will always be a faithful friend, and a loving companion? Do you give your sacred vow that you will always be with Velma and support her, in times of sickness and in times of health, in times of joy and in times of sorrow?"

Shari looked up and gazed into Velma's eyes. "Yes, I do." Shari said, and she saw Velma trying her best to fight off the urge to grin back at her.

After what seemed to Velma like an eternity, Reverend Kling told them both to turn and face the group of women.

"May the Lord bless this happy couple, and may you ever live in harmony, unity, love, and happiness from this day forward. You may now kiss!"

Now Velma grasped the girl's chin and tilted her head up to face her. The two came together and exchanged a tender, heartfelt kiss while the basement erupted in a din of clapping and cheers. As several of the guests got up to grab some refreshments, Miss Horst asked Velma if she wanted that glass of punch now.

"Sure, why not?" She replied. "It's a celebration, isn't it?"


After spending another hour or so at the church, the newly committed couple went back to Velma's house. When they sat on the sofa, Velma was startled by Shari's sudden outburst of giggles. "Oh, the yearbook..." It was still there on the far cushion where she'd tossed it aside earlier. Shari reached for it and started casually flipping through the pages. "Guess I forgot to put that back on the bookshelf."

Shari paused on a group photo. "Oh God...the Student Commission Dance!" She rolled her eyes and chuckled. "I hated that dress!"

"Here, let me see." Velma shifted closer to Shari and put an arm around her small frame. "I don't think I've ever seen you in that dress before." She said. "I bet you were the prettiest girl at the dance." She gently tugged the book out of Shari's hands. "Never mind. I know you were the prettiest girl at the dance—the whole school even." The butch woman got up and put the yearbook back with the others.

Shari was blushing now. "Want a beer or something?" Velma offered.

Shari replied with a shy nod. "Yeah, sounds good."

"I'll be right back." Now Velma stopped at the small stereo cabinet by the kitchen doorway. The slender butch woman opened it and pulled out a small stack of record albums. After a few seconds, she found the one she wanted. She slid the vinyl disc from the sleeve and put it on the turntable. Shari sat there, waiting, and after a minute or so, Velma returned from the kitchen with two beer bottles.

The beautiful young blond gazed back at Velma, and her heart fluttered. Velma always looked so self-assured, so butch. Although her choice of attire was arguably a little more formal than usual, the sweater and slacks combination she chose really suited her. Shari always thought her former teacher dressed nicely, even when she was in gym class. Velma favored the stereotypical short sleeve shirts, shorts, or track pants that most gym teachers wear. But tonight, she seemed to exude a noticeably aggressive sort of radiance, like a knight who successfully completed an arduous quest.

Shari felt the sofa cushions sink under her as Velma sat beside her. A shy smile spread across her lips as she took a drink. They sat there, talking and drinking while the soft slow music from the stereo played on. Velma finished the last of her beer when Shari decided she needed to use the bathroom. "Hurry back." She teased.

Next it was Velma's turn. When she was finished, she went back over to the stereo and turned the record over. "You—ah—wanna dance?" Shari replied with a nod. "The music's a little slow...not as exciting as the Student Commission dance I'm sure."

The prodigious butch pulled her newly minted wife towards her, encircling her in a tender embrace. After several seconds, they began slowly swaying their bodies to the music, and then the skin around Shari's ear prickled when Velma spoke softly to her.

"You're shaking, honey...starting to have second thoughts?"

"No, I'm okay...I'm just nervous, I guess." Shari softly replied.

It was a feeling Velma Blount was all too familiar with. And even though she didn't know entirely for sure, she guessed that Shari might've been struggling to cope with her feelings about Velma and reality. Their commitment to each other, though it was recognized by their friends, was nothing more than a "Boston Marriage." A dirty secret dressed up as a symbolic partnership.

"It—it hurt a little the first time we..." Shari's voice trailed off, and there was a brief pause before they resumed moving to the music. Velma exhaled, relieved that her suspicion was unfounded.

"Do you want to wait some more?" Velma asked softly. Shari, avoiding eye contact, stared in the direction of the kitchen doorway. "Stop." Now the towering butch put her hand against the girl's cheek, caressing the feverish skin, before turning her chin up to face her. "We don't have to do this tonight—or any night—until you feel ready."

"Yeah, I know." Shari said. "But I want to be yours forever—"

"You already are."

"I—I want to know what it feels like to do it for real. And I want to do it with someone I love...I trust you more than anyone else I've ever known."

Their bodies continued moving in unison with the music. Velma could feel the young blond in her harms, clinging tightly to her while her head pressed against her chest. "Shari, honey...I want to tell you something."

Shari nodded. "Okay."

"This isn't very easy for me to say..."

Shari felt part of Velma's sweater bunching up in her fists as she tried to cling tighter to her lover. Now Velma's eyes slowly wandered upwards. She stared up at the ceiling, and Shari noticed an unmistakable glimmer of moisture in them. "It's okay, Velma." Shari said. "You can tell me anything."

Velma's thin lips quivered. She sucked in a deep, wavering breath while their bodies pressed together. After a few seconds, she lowered her eyes, and a huge tear raced down her cheek and stopped at her jaw. It dangled there precariously for a second before she reached up to dash it away.

"Shari..." The butch woman started. Her voice was soft, almost too hard to hear without straining. "You know...I was so afraid you'd say no when I asked you to marry me. You've got your whole life ahead of you, and I don't think I'd blame you if you did say no. This life isn't easy...because we can never live openly for reasons I know you understand. I actually expected you to laugh at me, or..." The corners of Velma's mouth started twitching like she had some kind of affliction, and she dashed away another hot tear.

"I love you, Velma." Shari whispered. "I would never laugh at you, except maybe during gym class. And the ceremony was thought of everything!"

Velma let loose with a loud wet snort. She pulled Shari close to her now, cradling the back of the girl's head with her hand. For the longest time, they swayed in each other's arms, long after the record ended. They finally stood still and embraced. Velma took Shari's hand in hers, kissing the girl's fingers. Her gaze was salacious and Shari's cheeks became flushed.

"I know I've said this a thousand times,'re so beautiful, honey. I never thought such a rough old tomboy like me could get so lucky."

"Uh, stop that." Shari muttered sheepishly.

Now Velma drew the girl closer and she began to lean in, but hesitated for a second or two. Shari could feel the old dyke's breath on her face, hot and smelling strongly of beer. The girl managed a weak smile before closing her eyes. Her soft full lips parted slightly, inviting the butch woman to make her move. Their mouths came together, sharing a deep, soulful kiss. The rapidly building tension between them escalated when they kissed again, and the two lovers erupted with a chorus of involuntary moans when their tongues collided.

What began as gentle, tender kisses very soon escalated to an aggressive pitch as the newly committed lovers held each other, kissing and licking, not wanting to break contact. Velma's lips brushed against Shari's slender neck while her wandering hands explored the girl's body. Her hands slid downward, running along the taut curves of her small frame and stopped when they reached her hips. "Ahh..." Shari gasped between kisses, reacting to the sensation of the old dyke's hands squeezing her ass cheeks through her skirt.

"Oh, God..." Shari groaned. She shuddered from the sound of Velma's whispering directly in her ear. The towering butch had full control over her young wife's body. They returned to the sofa, and Shari sat on Velma's lap. Her body went limp, practically melting in Velma's arms while she felt the front of her blouse being pulled from the waistband of her skirt. "My stubborn little angel..." The butch woman whispered. Shari felt a sudden cool breeze kiss her chest now as her blouse was opened to expose the lacy fabric of her bra. Velma's hand closed over the small swells, caressing first one, then the other. Her fingertips gently teased the puffy little pink nipples through the flimsy barrier. The fleshy nubs were erect, and the girl's beautiful fair skin felt feverish. Shari was breathing hard now, almost hyperventilating.

"Think you're ready for bed?"

Velma continued fondling the girl's breasts while they shared another deep, soulful kiss. She took Shari's hand in hers, bringing it to her nearly flat chest. "Yes." Shari let out a sigh when the palm of her hand made contact with the butch woman's sweater. She could feel the warmth of her lover's body and the firm, barely perceptible mound of her breasts through her clothes. After several more minutes, Velma released Shari's hand. She firmly took the girl's arm once they stood up, and steered her down the hall to the bedroom.

Shari stood at the doorway while Velma switched on the lamp beside her bed. She thought about how very surreal this all was as the towering butch woman began undressing. Velma started with her shoes and sweater, tossing this on the floor near the closet. She fished her billfold and keys from her pocket, depositing them on top of the dresser, already cluttered with several sports trophies she'd been awarded over the years. The girl's heart raced, pounding audibly in her ears and her cheeks went flush. It's been more than a year since she graduated high school, and more than a year since they shared their first kiss. But Shari could never forget that Velma Blount was her gym teacher, and Shari was Velma's student.

For months they talked, got to know each other, and built up a nice rapport. They used to exchange notes with each other in the hall during passing period, and once in a while, Shari was surprised by the things Velma would write. She never wrote anything that was really inappropriate, but Shari often wondered if her gym teacher was testing the waters and trying to figure out what her student really wanted.

There was one time in particular when Shari suspected that Miss Blount was attracted to her. It was during gym class one day, and Craig Carlson was on his way to the bathroom when he spotted Shari in the main gym through the open doors. Craig stood in the doorway and called her over to talk for a few minutes. She didn't even remember how long they'd been standing there when Miss Blount saw them and practically charged at Craig like a rabid dog. She threatened to give him a lunch detention even though he was trying to show her his hall pass.

Shari thought it was really weird—even a little unsettling when Miss Blount asked her later if She was dating Craig or not. Miss Blount is my gym teacher, Shari thought. Why should she even care? But long after Shari had (more or less) forgiven her teacher for that incident, she slowly became accustomed to the idea of Miss Blount having romantic feelings for her. In fact, Shari was actually flattered! Miss Blount was the only person she knew who really made her feel smart as well as beautiful, and it didn't take long for her to realize that she felt the same way about her gym teacher.