Sharing the MILF List Ch. 13


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I was fascinated by the entrance and had looked behind us to see if the female ass appeared on the inside of the entrance (it didn't) so I missed initially the presence of Landon Clark's girl friend standing at a table looking at formal gloves. When I turned my disappointed gaze back to the interior of the store, Darlene was already walking over to meet me. She did not hesitate but bent into me, pressing her breasts against my shoulder and air kissed both of my burning cheeks. I was embarrassed and embarrassed because I did not know why I was embarrassed. Well, not really. The last time I had seen her she had fucked her new boyfriend and sucked my cock after he finished. Like a pro, mind you. She sucked my cock like a pro. She swallowed. She sucked and swallowed. I came. My friend's girl, the guy who could have any woman he wanted and he settled on a girl who was hooking, presumably to pay for college. And she had sucked my cock after I watched Landon rooting between her legs. The image was so vivid, so present, I was pretty sure I could not speak without squeaking.

"Sonny, so nice to see you again."

When one hand drifted down to my crotch and squeezed my erect and very hard cock, I did squeak and her eyes widened with delight. "I see, uh, understand you are happy to see me. You are such a flatterer. Who is this delicious looking fellow?" She said, but her eyes remained on Laura.

Uh oh, I thought. Something new was happening and I did not like it that much. Well, that is not true at all. The look these two women shared made it hard to fucking breathe. Laura's eyes seemed to be saying "Stranger, Sonny! Stranger!" interspersed with reminders she had come three times so far. Darlene, on the other hand, looked completely cool, her veiled eyes did not shift away from Laura.

Considering she had seen me with my arms around both Kyla and Alissa and both looking fuck happy, I should not wonder that she took in perfect stride this new sign I was a cock dog. Her gaze was acquisitive, however.

"Laura, why don't you and Chris go see if you can find something."

"Aren't you going to introduce us?" Darlene said, her voice lilting with amusement at my discombobulation."

I did not respond and after a few moment's hesitation, Laura and Chris wandered off, overly nonchalant, both looking back over their shoulders at me or more precisely, at Darlene. Darlene was dressed to kill. The black lace outfit covered everything but not intentionally. It was a combination of black drapes and swathing calculated to make you respond to her as though she was stark naked but still let her walk in public without getting arrested. She would stop traffic but not because they used their brakes but because they rammed into each other. Though she was covered, your eyes could easily fill in every detail of her full-figured body. Her breasts and hips and thighs were all present but not quite so obvious as her smooth bare arms and the tight calves made more so by the six inch heels strapped to her ankles. I wondered where her coat was but it was an idle thought and one soon answered.

Behind her, deeper in the store I saw Kyla Clark nosing through a rack of chemises and teddies. At one point during my long stare, she held up a little thong and draped it over her arm. I shook myself loose. Darlene? Kyla? In the same store? I doubted it very much. This was another not very accidental coincidence. Well, not a coincidence, nothing had been a coincidence except for the jeweler lady, Mary. That really was coincidence but by now, I doubt Laura thought so. She probably thought I had an account there and we were paying down the balance.

When my eyes cleared and clearly returned to Darlene. She sobered, the defiant smile disappeared.

I spoke first. "What are you doing here?" I realized she had been going to speak and wished I could cancel my eagerness to be irritated and to express it. I was letting her off the hook.

"Shopping." Darlene said blandly, the defiant smile returned.

"Dressed like that? With no coat?" I said.

Darlene looked down over her shelf of cleavage and breasts bulging out of the half bra. She feigned surprise. "You mean this old thing? I just tossed something on to come shopping." She smiled brightly but her eyes were fierce and tense.

"No, Darlene, what are you doing here?"

She looked around, being difficult. "What are you doing here? This is more of a woman's hangout, don't you think?" She made to glance around. "I hardly see anything here that would flatter your girlish figure." She batted her eyes at me.

At that moment, Mrs. Clark saw me and came right over. I did not bother to engage Darlene further because Kyla did not look at all surprised to see me or Darlene. When she arrived, she held up a teeny tiny little bra that would cover no more than her nipples. It was just a strip of black cloth, straight and about as wide as a large aureole. Demure it was not.

"What do you think?" She asked brightly.

Darlene nodded and gave her a big OK with thumb and forefinger.

Kyla glanced at me. "Hello, Sonny. Your mother said I might run into you if I came in here. She said you were shopping for Laura?" She patted my cheek like I was a little boy. "You are such a dear boy. Darlene, hold your coat while I try on some things." She handed two coats to Darlene and strutted away, her ass bumping back and forth like she thought I was watching. I was. I glanced away and found that Darlene was watching too.

Caught, Darlene pulled her eyes away from the woman's ass. She looked at me and pursed her lips. "Landon says her ass is the best. He says she can do things with her ass none of your other MILFs can do." She moved closer, pressing her ample breasts against my arm.

I liked the contact.

"Sonny, honey, don't worry your pretty little head. Landon told me everything. You, the MILFs, his mom, your mom, everything. His dear mother does not really know that I know so she is trying to be cool. You should have seen her eyes when I peeled down to this little number." Now Darlene smiled. "Would you be a dear and hold our coats? You see, I am just about to turn my boy friend's mother out. I have a client meeting me here anytime now and he likes adventure. You know, the public risk and all that. His wife will be around and so we have to be both thorough and fast. I agreed to take on one of his great fantasies and do him with my mother. Do you think Kyla will pass? I am going to invite her to uh, help me with something and we are going to try out double teaming a guy. Think that will work? How does Kyla work with another woman?"

I shrugged, not really wanting to go there. Well, not really knowing but actually, I was planning to go there. Soon. I imagined for a moment Kyla Clark's ass astride Sammy's black body while I opened her up and filled her up. My cock groaned and rose. I was so proud.

"Landon said she was fine when it was your mother and the two of you." She smiled. "Don't you worry. I will fuck you and your mother too, if you like. Just to make sure I keep quiet. I can hardly make a peep about anyone else, can I? I am about to make two grand tricking with my, with Mrs. Clark." She smiled and waved to a distinguished older gentleman. The man had white hair but otherwise appeared perfectly fit. He strode over to us with that "master of the universe" strut that works so well with thousand dollar shoes that caress your feet and leaves you feeling like you are just gliding.

"Ah, Mr. Jones." Darlene said when the fellow walked up to her. "This is my friend Sonny."

The man eyed me like he would a mugger holding his open wallet showing a couple condoms. Finally he nodded.

Darlene patted him. "Consider him to be audience. I told you I would give you the whole 'mother-daughter' thing? Well, if you wait a tick . . . " She trailed off to look over her shoulder. She spied Kyla flouncing towards us. The woman wore a see-through white blouse over the tiny little black bra. It was like her tits were outlined in neon. No one looking at her could see or look at anything besides the little bra and what little it covered of her wondrous chest. It held her tits up but they shook and wobbled as she walked, flouncing to make them move and they moved. Oh, how they moved!

"Mrs. Smith, this is my friend Mr. Jones." Darlene said as Kyla arrived.

Kyla had not expected an introduction since she did not recognize the man. She extended her hand. "Please to meet you." She said glibly ignoring the nomenclature that misnamed her. Before anyone else spoke, Chris and his mother arrived and my little lizard brain kicked in.

"These are my friends, Laura and Chris." I said.

Kyla turned and apparently Mom had left a lot to the imagination for dear Kyla. Her face was surprised to find another female in her hunting ground and her eyes were not friendly. Though she did smile at Chris, she gave Laura an unkind glare. She was certainly cock jealous, dressed as she was, her tits all but on display and rendered ready for inspection and more.

Chris, however, stared at Kyla with undisguised interest, that is to say he leered with naked lust. I bumped his elbow but did not succeed in pulling his eyes off the woman. "She looks good, doesn't she?" I said.

Kyla blushed beautifully.

Chris held up a little lacy something and dangled it. "I would love to see her in this." He said with a raffish grin.

"Great idea. Missus er Smith, why don't you let Chris here help you try that on." The suggestion was obviously ludicrous. Kyla would never even get the thing buttoned. She had a rounder disposition than did Laura.

Darlene looked daggers at me. Chris, however, was not at all slow on the up take. It was his turn. He nodded and slipped an arm around the protesting Kyla and pulled her out of our little circle.

Mr. Jones gazed after the pair, his eyes tight with irritation. "That is your mother, I presume?" He said. "I do not have a lot of time for the ah for you, ah to look at the outfits you were going to model with her." His growl told me everything and I nearly chuckled. I contained myself.

I put an arm around Laura and squeezed her against me. The cocktail dress hid nothing. "Laura would love to model for you, wouldn't you? She is not shy around strangers."

Darlene's eyes widened but she was no slower than Chris. "That would be so wonderful. It would be a wonderful favor to us both." She looked at Mr. Jones. "You would not mind if she subbed for my ADD mother, would you? We might have her another time when she is not distracted. Mom cannot keep focused when there is a pretty boy around. She loves blonds, don't you? If Laura would not mind . . .?"

Laura started to speak but I pinched her ass, hard and then squeezed her cheek with my whole hand. She gleeped and nodded. "I love modeling?" She said, her voice making the statement a question. "I have a few things here." She held up her arm.

I bent and kissed her head. "I am sure he will like everything you show him. Show him what you can do." I looked at Darlene who looked confused. "Just tell her what you want her to do." I said with an intense look. "She will do whatever you want. I am sure. She loves modeling"

Mr. Jones gave me a strange look but let himself be led away by the two women. Darlene looked back and beamed, then stuck out her tongue at me.

I looked around and discovered I was alone. My cock was throbbing but nearly unresponsive. I felt such excitement. After three orgasms I was finally responding to Laura's defiance and at this very moment she was being pushed to her knees or being stripped of her little cocktail dress in preparation for a quick rogering. I heard a squeal and wondered who was issuing their mating cry. I gazed around the store, amused at the "not my problem" zone the noise created around nearly everyone else. One old biddy stomped out of the place but she was entirely the wrong shape for the sort of clothing the Crux offered. She must have been lost. I saw smiles on several faces and had thoughts but did not pursue those thoughts. They would get me into trouble.

Twenty minutes of speculation and aimless poking around the store punctuated by twin siren calls from the two dressing rooms left me nervous and hyper. I saw Mr. Jones leave the dressing area. He had that white skin that turned scarlet with exertion and his was the color of blood, even his scalp showed scarlet through his short but healthy white hair. He was shaking his head. I presumed I would be seeing Darlene and Laura but they did not appear. Tempted to go back and find them, I demurred because I had been inattentive and did not know with certainty what was behind which door and did not fancy the idea of trying to gain entrance to some innocent girl's afternoon shopping. That could get a guy arrested. In my present state, cleaned and polished though I was, there would be little doubt that I had been up to no good or better said, up in the very best. Ten minutes later the two women sauntered towards me, arms around each other. As soon as they arrived, I asked Laura if she had noticed where Chris had gone. She nodded and I sent her in search of him.

Darlene watched Laura glide away, not taking her eyes away from the woman till she disappeared into the dressing maze. Her eyes turned to me. "Fuck you, Sonny!" She was laughing. "That was great except I wanted Mrs. Clark to do the dirty with us." By the end of the statement, she sounded more or less miffed.

I shrugged. "Did you see where they are? You could go watch, I suppose."

Now she glared at me. "Serves me right." She said finally. "Poor Kyla did not know the score, not your game or mine for that matter, did she?"

I agreed.

Darlene regarded me for a while and then she punched my shoulder "You are all right, Sonny. I don't care what Landon says about you." She grinned then. "I don't know what your deal is with Miss Laura there, but she, hell she took to our little tryst like a fish to water."

"Tell me." I said. "I want to compare notes with her later."

Darlene did look at me funny then. "Mr. Jones was very pleased with the switch. His cock was hard before we got his pants off and that usually never happens. I usually have to kissy kissy before his Mr. Rogers arrives in the neighborhood but not this time. He was all over your friend. She was panting and they were bumping around and I thought I was just going to watch for a while. She got right to business, sucking him like a pro, if I do say so myself. But once she was ready, when he was beginning to groan and grit his teeth, she pulled down my panties, turned me around, bent me over, opened me up, and positioned his cock just right. He rammed into me and fucked me good. She was nude and hugged and kissed him from behind, draping over his arm so he could suck her tits and kiss her. He hammered me from behind till he came."

Darlene watched me out of the corner of her eyes. Her hand drifted over and caressed my cock which was nearly hard. She grinned, reeled her hand in and continued her account. "He came hard and I mean in that in every way. I thought I was going to need to send Laura out for a towel. Truthfully, I have not seen that guy so wound up. He poured it to me. All I did was bend over and let him rock and roll. He rode me till he was panting and blowing like Secretariat and then he climaxed. He grunted, poured me full and then he was up and gone. I just lay down and let him bubble out of me for a few moments. Then Laura helped me stand, sat me down on the counter and proceeded to eat me crazy. I think I must have come two or three times. The first time was such a mind blower, I lost track of the next few minutes. I don't know what all she did but she sucked him out of me but good! Just when I thought she would wind down, she would do something else and I'd roll right up to another climax and go boom like I belonged there. God she is a treat! Where the hell did you find her?"

I felt pride. My girl had done well. What I felt must be pride of ownership. I sort of liked it. "She is Chris' mother. She is one of our MILFs."

"MILFs?" Darlene asked. "What MILFs?"

I could have sworn she suggested that Landon had told her everything but I realized that I may have filled in the blanks somewhat with my own knowledge and not hers. Uh oh. I decided that the truth would be too impossible to explain or that she was fucking with me, so I dodged like a chicken halfway across the road. "You said Landon told you about the MILFs? What did he tell you exactly?"

Darlene smiled. "He did not tell me about Miss Laura, that is for sure."

"What did he tell you exactly?" I asked again.

Darlene looked at me. "He said you always had a thing for his mother and asked if you could seduce her. He told me he did not think you could or would so he gave you all the leeway you needed. When he discovered you cornholing her in their kitchen, he was shocked but he watched and discovered it was pretty fucking hot watching her fuck you. He told me that you kept slipping the old girl the uncut sausage and finally the two of you got caught. He negotiated for a go at your mother and Kyla suggested the night at the opera. He says he got all confused because he was entranced with me but that your mom was all that and a bag of chips. He wanted to keep open the option of fucking her but had not found the right time to mention it to me. He says you told him his mother is a talent when it comes to ass fucking." She squinted. "Hey, wait a minute, who was that black woman you were with that one night? And now blondie, what the heck is going on?"

I nodded. Landon had not spilled the beans, so I did. I knew I was getting him in dutch but Darlene had been about to trick Kyla with one of her johns. I doubted she would be too aghast at the actual situation. I told her everything. She kept patting my cock as I talked. We were deep into Sammy's mother and aunt when Kyla appeared, walking with an even more pronounced roll in her gait. Her ass kept twitching to one side or the other in a way that would throw her off. She looked drunk, staggering towards us. I guessed that Chris had been in the woman's ass.

I fell silent till Kyla arrived. She rubbed a hand down over the arch of her ass. She looked between Darlene and me. Her face bland while her hand smoothed up and down the delightful curve of her ass.

I continued with the story, leaving out the adventure in the attorney's office since I had not addressed that with anyone but those who where there. The rest, I told Darlene, everything. I circled back and retold the night at the opera while Kyla listened. Darlene kept smiling over at Kyla. There was something calculating in her smile but the girl had game and listened to the story all the way through without interrupting. I finally paused.

Kyla looked back and forth between us. Finally she said, "That boy loves the ass." She looked at me. "Did you know that? He fucked me then rammed his cock into my ass." She grinned and looked at Darlene. "I like it in the ass. So? Now you know why I asked you along, right? I was going to fuck Sonny here while you watched but he passed me off." Her eyes fluttered. "Miss Laura does like eating pussy." She rubbed a palm down the arch of one thigh. She shook her head and smiled. "I am surprised I can walk straight."

"You can't." Both Darlene and I spoke at the same time.

"Jinx." I said and she looked weird at me.

Chris appeared, just then and after a little bit, a few steps behind him, Laura wobbled along. They arrived and Laura smiled tiredly. "I think I have done enough shopping this afternoon." She said. "I found some nice things." She handed me the blouse she had carried into the dressing room with Mr. Jones and Darlene. "I had to show them off for Chris and I think he approves."
