Sharing the MILF List Ch. 13


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She shook one last time, her body trembling with exertion and then she grunted and collapsed onto me, her head turned, her eyes closed, mouth open, panting with exertion and satisfaction. Chris staggered off the bed to leaned against the wall. He had watched us finish.

"Oh my god, you boys are amazing to watch!" Laura Wills breathed from just inside the door. "I think she came six or eight times in a row, sometimes twice before she could get another breath. I want to do that. I do. Please, please Sonny promise me you will let them all fuck me till I cannot come anymore. Please."

I heard her. My ears filled with her words but my brain was still coming. My orgasm had drifted through me, a little dribble of pleasure piercing the aura of Annie's erotic ride. I lifted my head and looked down Annie's supine body, down her spine. Laura's face was right between the arched ridges of her little ass, like I was looking down the sight on a rifle. Annie roused, pulled to her knees with a wet slosh and a limp pop as my cock slipped out of her body. She groaned and crawled off the bed, found her clothing and walked, nude, out of the room.

I got to my feet and went to the shower. I thought maybe I would wake up but the hot water soothed my tired, fucked-out body. I had literally never fucked that much in my life. I kept trying to count and could get to four before I lost the number of orgasms which did not include all the women I had been inside. I thought there were more. The next day I realized I was not including Mary or the several times I dumped cum in Laura or might have. I came out of the shower to a dark, quiet house. In the bed, I found a fresh, soft, sleeping Mrs. Wills. I rolled against her and clicked off, like a vacuum when you pull the plug out of the wall while it was still running. One moment I was thinking about something and the next it was morning, sunlight flooding the room.

My eyes opened and just like that I was awake. My phone was ringing. I fumbled for it, hanging half out of the bed to get to my pants, but they were gone. My phone continued to ding and I finally realized it was laying on the dresser across the room. I stumbled to it and answered.

"Sonny Duncan!" Mother did not sound happy.

"Hi Mom. What's what?" I said, cringing. I meant to call her last night and let her know I was not coming home. I was pretty sure this was the meaning of her call.

"You stayed out last night." Her voice was sharp.

I apologized immediately and told her I would not be home till later tonight. I hoped it was still Sunday. The dour weather was gone and sunlight lit the room. It made my eyes hurt. She calmed with my apology and that was that. I called Alissa.

"Listen, I am sorry about yesterday. I think I over estimated myself."

"Why? Your mother said to meet you at The Big 'O' at the Arrow Mall. You caught me before I left the office. I know, I was going to be late."

She did not sound as if she knew what I was talking about. "How about the same place, say two this afternoon?" I said.

"Your wish, Sonny."

That done, I went into the shower and washed off again. I felt clammy and wondered what I did in my sleep. When I emerged from the shower, Laura stood with my clothes, washed and dried, still warm from the dryer. I love that. I dressed while she watched, her eyes warm but sober. She wore slacks and a white blouse. Black slacks that hugged her ass and dangled loosely about her legs, swishing when she moved. The hiss of the material was interesting.

She did not speak but turned to go when I took the last of the clothing from her and sat to put my socks on. I caught her at the door. "We are not done, Mrs. Wills." I said softly.

She nodded. "Mrs. Honeywell?" She said.

I nodded. "Mrs. Honeywell. I am sure she will appreciate your help."

Laura nodded again, just once but with vigor.

"I still have cash to burn so get Chris. And put on a skirt, dear. Then we'll grab some breakfast. What time is it?"

"Eleven. We thought you would never get up." She shifted from foot to foot, making her hips twitch.

We were in the car before noon and at the Board and Bread for brunch. The spread was luscious and I was famished. I kept trying to reconstruct the previous day and it all seemed to run together, a long procession of pussy with Laura on her knees sucking my cock from time to time. We were not too late but had skipped supper. I went round three times through the brunch line and had nearly one of everything. I topped it off with a rich cappuccino.

We bantered and laughed through the morning, what was left of it. Chris was in fine spirits. He seemed shed of the dark melancholy that had been haunting his eyes over the last few weeks. He seemed a new man. I think he knew, he understood what this all meant for him and his eagerness swam just below the surface of his consciousness, like a shark that was always hunting. I paid cash for brunch and we went out to the car. The day had warmed and it was nice to walk under the sun again, once more before winter settled in and swallowed it till spring.

In the car, Chris in the back and Laura next to me, he sat forward. "Sonny, yesterday was unbelievable. I cannot believe you, that, they . . . " He sputtered to a stop.

"We are not done." I said. I glanced at Laura. "After today, she is yours but know this, when she comes, she owes me a walk on the wild side, at least till she takes your uncles on at the same time."

"Walk on the wild side? What the hell have we been doing? Diddling wet paper bags? What are you talking about."

"He means he has to give me to a stranger. Once for each orgasm I have till your uncle Jordan and uncle Blake double team me. I have to have one in my cunt and one in my ass. At the same time, like they have wanted to since we were kids." Laura blushed.

Chris sat back. "Shit, I missed all that." He said, his voice soft. He leaned forward again, I could feel him right behind my right ear. "You mean, you mean you are going to fuck me?"

"You are going to fuck her whenever you like and when she comes, she owes me. I am going to be looking to find all her best orgasms so pay attention to what she likes."

"My mom likes it all." Chris said. Laura sat straighter, pressing her breasts out. He sat back and mumbled something. I think he said, "I am just about ready for this. Mom will love what I have in store for her. She will fucking love it."

We rode in silence to the Golden Arrow Mall. The silence was comfortable and delightful.

Mrs. Honeywell was browsing when we arrived at The Big O; the "O" stood for opportunity according to the signage but all you saw over the door was "The Big O" with the rest of "opportunity" in disappearing little letters besides it. I chuckled over my mother's sense of poetic congruence. Alissa was in the bra section. It was an underwear store, not sexy exclusive, but bras and panties of every description. Alissa browsed the bras, studiously ignoring us as we arrived over the rack from her. I was about to go over to her but then a blond woman sashayed up to her and whispered something into Alissa's ear. Alissa wore a stretch brown dress, lighter than her skin but nearly the same shade so it blended against her darkness. The skirt ended a hand below her crotch. If she bent over very far, she'd be nicely exposed. The little thing buttoned up the front from the waist, a thick line of little silver buttons in line from crotch to just below her chin. The two women laughed at some shared, private comment. The blond lay her hand on Alissa's side and turned towards us.

"Oh shit." I breathed. I recognized the woman.

Laura looked up at me, I had my arm around her waist. Chris looked across his mother at me.

"I know her." I mumbled.

"Mrs. Honeywell?" Chris said softly, puzzled.

I shook my head. "No, the other woman. The blond." I searched for her name. The woman who greeted me at Mrs. Honeywell's office, the blond I had been told to fuck. My cock got hard. Fuck me, two blonds! But my picture of this shopping spree doinked and I was a little puzzled. My head throbbed, the big one, while I searched for the most fun, the most erotic way to take advantage of this situation. I got it.

"Laura, you said you came three times yesterday?"

She nodded.

I could feel her eyes watching me. We stood out side the store, looking through the display to where Alissa and the blond—still no name—browsed. "So you owe me . . . "

"Two more strangers." Laura said. Suddenly her voice tightened. "Sonny, what are you thinking?"

I hesitated. Actually, Mrs. Wills had already fucked one woman. But I needed to use her to do something that might prove to be really, really fun. For me at least. "Follow me in after I get over to Alissa. Both of you come in together." I looked at Chris. "This is not your mother. You are having an affair with her. She is a high school teacher you had a crush on. I want her blushing the whole time are in there. Okay?" Despite my success at connecting to cock with pussy, I always felt a little uneasy when I chased after a new erotic inspiration.

Chris nodded enthusiastically.

Laura looked positively queasy. The fear seemed to flush through her pale white skin making her look gray green. She trembled before glancing at her son.

Chris' eyes glowed. Whatever I intended, he saw opportunity and all his former shyness was gone.

I nodded, thinking about what I was going to do. I pulled open the entrance and stepped into the Big O, my eyes on Alissa and the blond woman.

At that precise moment, both women looked at me. They looked at each other and the blond said something to which Alissa nodded. Then they both directed their eyes to me and stood waiting, surrounded by a rack of bras, half-bras and bras with the ends of the cups cut out, whatever those are called in the technical tit cover category. Two women surrounded on all sides by bras made an incredible picture, one my cock very much enjoyed.

"Miss Swearington." I muttered. With a mental shrug, I walked over to them. The blond woman smiled her best, most brilliant smile. She recognized me.

I realized I needed to make this woman fear me. She needed to be horrified by my appearance or the whole menu Sid had laid out for me might be compromised. I needed her to fear what was coming when next she saw me. She was the point of Sid's spear. She would jabber to all the others unless she feared to even mention it.

I strode over to stand right before Miss Swearinton. I looked her up and down, resting my eyes on her bulging breasts. She wore a green dress that hugged her curves, accenting her hips and breasts. The rich green accented her blond hair and ruby lips. The lipstick gleamed, newly applied but I was going to smear it. I ignored Alissa. Suddenly, I felt the moment, knowing I could not fumble this situation. Miss Swearington had to keep quiet about what I was about to do to her. I looked over at Alissa.

"You brought her. Good. I need a piece of ass this morning. I'll get to you later. Right now I feel like fucking a blond."

Miss Swearington's smile dimmed a bit. I took hold of her elbow. "Let's pick you out something as an excuse to get you out of your dress. I am hard and I want to surround my erection with hot soft pussy. Are you hot and soft?" I held tight to her elbow.

She arched her back and tried to touch me with her closest tit but I leaned away from her. I waited.

"I, I think so."

"You came her to fuck me, right? You aren't fucking anyone else, not even your old sugar daddy?"

Miss Swearington glanced over at Alissa. Her eyes were frightened and the first tremor ran through her. Her certainty that she knew what was what faltered. I watched it crumble in her eyes.

"Tell him, Clara. The Kingston contract depends on it." Alissa said, her voice low but harsh with urgency.

Clara? Did I know her first name? She hardly looked like a "Clara" to me but what the heck? Clara it is. "Clara, when was the last time you had a cock inside of you?"

The woman actually smiled. "Does my mouth count?"

"Shit." I said. I pulled her away from Alissa. When I looked back at the black woman, I saw her eyes wide and staring, her face a mask, unmoving and fixed. To Clara I muttered, "You know you were mine to fuck whenever and wherever I like, right? That is, if you want to keep your job. Your boss is fucking you, was fucking but he traded your ass to Mr. Kingston for his business. Now, now I have to fuck you and your boss has to do without, right? You understand that, right."

The smile faded again. She bit her lower lip and nodded, her eyes fixed on me like a lifeline.

I looked around the room and saw the nightwear section. I pulled her, just roughly enough to make her stumble on the matching green high heels. In front of the negligees I halted us. I found one, a little white number cut high on the hips to the waist with a strip of tatting for the tits. A dressing robe completed the "fuck me" look. There was no doubt about it. Any woman dressed in this outfit would be looking for the long grunt on her back. Out of the corner of my eye I caught Chris and his mother. I turned to look at them. I would use them later. Chris helped my cause immensely. He lifted Laura's skirt and slipped a hand underneath, caressing then squeezing her butt. She twitched in his grasp, lifting her mouth to meet his lips as he kissed her hard. Her hips bumped against him a time or two while I watched.

I looked back at Miss Swearington. She had seen the other couple and gazed at them for a moment before meeting my eyes. "Think you are better looking that that bitch?" I asked.

Clara's eyes flicked past me and then returned. She nodded, swallowing as she did so.

I pulled her close, still holding up the fuck me suit. I bent and kissed her, hard. One of her hands came up to my side and pressed against me. Her lips were supple, plush and full of pleasure. She moaned slightly, just a little. I shivered as I kissed her, feeling the sizzle between us. Whatever it was, she felt it too. I opened my mouth and she opened hers. We kissed full mouth and tongue for a moment. She shuffled closer, pressing her tits into my chest. The hand on my side slipped around my waist and pulled herself tight against me. This motion tilted her head back impossibly far and I got the first hint of this woman's sexual potential. She was flexible.

I broke the kiss and glanced over at Chris and Laura. Chris had turned her back to a display shelf and had his hand between her legs while he kissed her. His arm disappeared under her skirt, very obvious what he was doing. Her hips thrust at the hand under the skirt. The tableau was so erotic I got really impatient. I pulled Miss Swearington to the nearest dressing room and bulled through the door. I swung her around me and pressed her against the wall, face first. She grunted as I pushed her body flat against it with my hips.

"Dear Clara, I am going to fuck you now." I lifted the green skirt and found panties, smeared over with pantyhose. I fit my hands under the waistband of the pantyhose and pulled everything down her hips. Her lower body bucked once, slamming hard into the wall.

"Uh, not here." She said. "I like it on a bed."

I pulled the panties and hose down to the tops of her thighs.

"No. I said, no." She did say "no" but her body had not moved. I squatted behind her and unpeeled her perfectly unbelievable legs. She shivered under my invasive touch but she did not move. Her hands had raised as she leaned against the wall, high over her head. Now her body leaned against it, her bare ass covered by the green skirt of her dress.

When I pulled the panties down to her ankles, Clara lifted one foot, waiting for me to remove her shoe and the stocking clinging to it. I did, slipping the shiny green five inch heel off before baring the ankle and foot. She moaned, let me slip the shoe back into place.

"No, please. Don't fuck me now." She said. "No. Not here. Not now. I'll fuck you but not now. I, I scream when I come. Someone will hear me." She lifted the other leg before I reached for it.

I could not help it, I smiled as I cleared the panties and hose from her other leg and replaced her other shoe. She had not moved from her pose against the wall. Her plush ass bulged behind her. I stroked it with full appreciation.

I stood and unbuckled, unsnapped and unzipped my pants. My cock made it a little difficult but I managed. With my trousers and briefs on my thighs, I gripped Miss Swearington by the hips and pulled her towards my cock. She leaned with my hands, then had to adjust her feet further from the wall. I lifted teh drape of the dress, unveiling her fine, fine ass. She arched her back and her hips lifted and parted. I peeled her ass open and touched the crease with my thumbs. She was shivering.

"No. No, please. No, here. Don't fuck me and make me scream here." She whispered, her voice quivering and tight. "Oh no, please. I can't come here. I would be so, so, oh, no, I can't." She was babbling but she did not move an inch from her pose against the wall.

My thumbs pulled at the valley of her ass and she arched her hips again. I got a whiff of aroused female. Her pussy appeared when she bent her lower back, pressing her ass into my grasp. Her head turned to the right, her long flock of blond curls covered her back, blond on green. I tilted her hips, pressing her waist forward. She bent her back lifting her ass as she did and pressed her torso against the wall, her arms against it.

"Are you going to fuck me?" She asked, her voice tiny and tight.

I touched her pussy with a finger and she grunted, completely still. I stroked my finger up her furrow and then down between her legs. Clara moaned. I pressed a finger tip inside of her and she flinched. She grunted. I ran the finger up and down between her lips till she became slick. She panted against the wall, holding completely still while I caressed her pussy.

When I withdrew my finger from between her now very damp pussy lips she moaned. "Please. Please fuck me." She whispered. "I'll do anything. I want it. I want you to fuck me. Please."

I could not see if she meant it; her arm covered most of her face. I took her at her word. With one hand holding my cock, I directed it down to her entrance and entered her. Her hips hitched up once and then I slid into her, deep and deeper the first stroke. Her luscious flesh gripped me, but wet enough, slick enough, she took me inside of her body with groaning, moaning ease.

"Fuck me." I muttered. The woman's pussy felt fabulous. I felt it, the first early convulsion of my orgasm. Just sinking into her had titillated me to the point that ecstasy seemed certain. I groaned, pulled back and as I pressed my cock into her body, my climax erupted. I rammed home into her as hard as I could and then pulsed against her plush ass, reveling in the feeling of her butt cheeks cushioning me as I pumped against her, pumping cum into her pussy.

Clara made little noises in her throat but otherwise she did not move. When I pulled free of her pussy and pulled up my pants, she still did not move.

"Did you come." I asked.

She moved then, adjusting her stance against the wall. The bunched skirt of her dress dropped over the crack of her ass, hiding it. Out from under the edge, cum ran down the back of one thigh.

I shook my head. This woman, she was a winner. I thought for sure she would move but she remained against the wall.

"Is that all?" She asked, disappointment clear in her voice.

"Ever had a woman go down on you?" I asked softly.

Now she did move, twisting her head impossibly to look back at me while keeping her hands on the wall. Her eyes could not quite get around to focus directly on me. "Uh huh." She grunted.
