Sharon Goes Back to School Ch. 14


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"Had you heard why Professor Eller is delaying her next book?" Rhonda's question made Sharon squirm. She had told the others how much fun she had had taking the Professor's class and getting to talk to her, even 'going out for a drink.' Somehow she thought that admitting that the outspoken Feminist had been utterly compromised by her relation to the Frat would lead to other questions she would not want to "She has not been in class all the time," Sharon started lamely, "And I haven't made every class, either," which made Jennifer smile cruelly.

"I told you she was out partying. Probably has a tattoo also," and stared daringly at Sharon, who thought she managed to look innocent.

"Kelly and the others need a chaperone," she argued, "And we're doing some extra-curricular dance classes, so some mornings I've slept in." The others seemed to buy that. Before Rhonda could push, though, she added, "I heard she is doing some new research... she has a new theory about pioneer women or something." She nearly winced saying it, and choked on her mimosa when Rhonda said,

"Well, maybe you should stay for summer school and help her with research, so we get the next book sooner... I'm tired of rereading the others.

"The female double oh seven," Jennifer rolled her eyes. She was not as enamored of the string of interlocking 'romantic fiction' works that had fed Sharon's imagination and had prompted her to go back to college. The others in their group had religiously pored over each of the books, even putting together 'book clubs' to discuss the 'most authentic and empowering author sine Jean M Auel,' as the Star book critic had claimed in a review of the first novel more than a decade before. Sharon had tried to read one of the paperback copies that she had brought, hoping to have professor Ellis sign before school had started. She had found herself unable to get into it, though... for some reason, the, 'sharp witted, resourceful beauty' described on the back cover as a tag line suddenly seemed to Sharon a spoiled cocktease. She had put the title down within twenty five pages, certain no real man would tolerate the endless 'later' excuses the character offered her long suffering 'confidant.' It had seemed anything but romantic to the new, more worldly Sharon.

"You may like the next book," Sharon argued good naturedly, unable to admit to the others she could no longer enjoy a shared favorite topic.

"So you DO know something!" Rhonda crowed, "Spill it... spill it!" For a moment Sharon considered answering, 'She's discovered the glories of black cock and is rewriting what happens to her protagonist.' She blinked, wondering if she had said that. She shook her head.

"No," she insisted, "She hasn't asked me to help... I'd hoped she would," 'TWANG' Sharon's breath caught at the power of arousal that buzzed in her clit at the sudden image of her Professors panting and grunting taking three big BZ cocks at once. "I heard she's talking to the athletes... you know, the guys in the Frat, had mentioned it..." Sharon shrugged, not trusting herself to say more.

"It's a new angle?" Sharon shrugged.

"Maybe... or maybe it's a new main character, I don't know. I do plan to volunteer if she wants research help, so f she tells me I'll be sure to email you all."

"Professor Ellis?" Kelly leaned down to hug Sharon casually from behind the flustered, surprised housewife, "She's great," she paused a beat, "At least, I hear she's great now." The women clamored together, asking what the younger woman meant. Kelly shrugged, "I heard she used to be a real battleaxe, but it's like she's totally changed... I'm going to take one of her classes next semester, since word is she's amazing... At least, that's what Sharon says. One of the linemen who's been struggling told me Sharon's one of her star pupils, so I'd bet if Sharon asks she'd sit down with all of you next sometime to talk about her books or 'the process'... whatever it is writer's talk about, so long as there's food and something to drink."

Sharon spun in her seat but Kelly just shrugged; her eyes were wide and she looked pointedly from Sharon's shocked glare down to the text screen on her iPhone. Sharon somehow immediately knew the truth... Kelly was passing on an invitation that had originated not from her friend, but Shaun and Dave. She shivered, wondering if Professor Ellis was as totally in their control as that suggested, and accepting that it was probably true, further proof that she had never had a chance. Looking at her friends, she wondered if the Frat brothers could really mean to turn all of the women into 'Sisters.' It was impossible... Linda's prejudice was obvious, and they were married... She bit her lip at how stupid that thought made her feel, and was embarrassed and horrified that for some reason the thought of her friends writhing and moaning and begging for more black cock made her clit pulse again.

Stammering an 'I'll be sure to ask her..." Sharon recovered to explain, "This is Kelly, girls... Kelly, these are my friends... I'll... I'll let you all get acquainted, sorry but I'll be back,' Sharon broke off the awkward introduction and rushed to the bathroom off of the kitchen. Yanking her dress up, desperately glad she had not bothered with panties, Sharon settled on the elevated toilet seat, examining her sex as closely as she could manage... Nothing looked strange. She groaned at the raw hunger that blossomed the instant she touched her still engorged clit. Teasing around the swollen, sensitive bead, she managed to get herself off in short order, enjoying the climax despite her confusion at why she was so horny. Staring accusingly at the disobedient, still swollen nubbin capping her bare seam, Sharon remembered the ointment, then. She used the backstairs, retrieving the baggie from its hiding place. She nearly tore the bag open trying to get the Zip-lok to release, then dipped her fingers in, sighing at the cool sensation and almost immediate relief when she applied the salve to her clit and hood standing in the master bathroom. Relieved, she tucked the bag away and hurried back downstairs to find Kelly and Catherine were still entertaining her friends.

"... don't have yours pierced?" Jennifer was asking Kelly pointedly. Laughing, Sharon's young lover winked at Catherine, then thrust her tongue out,

"Thorry," she said before bringing it back in, "I haven't found Mr.... or Mrs." and she winked at Jennifer, "Right yet. But I did tell Sharon Chris would go wild if she did it for him for Christmas."

"Ewww... TMI!" Catherine laughed. The women seemed at ease, so Sharon took a deep breath and tried to look relaxed as she joined them, hugging Catherine.

"Did you girls have fun?" she asked. Kelly leaned over and Sharon threw a motherly arm around the young woman, as well.

"We'll show you what we got later," Catherine said, "Kelly is teasing Jen and the rest of the gang, mom. But what were you talking about," she said in a voice Sharon knew meant she was teasing, "Suddenly they want to know if we have our tongues pierced." She adopted a playful pout, "See, Kelly, I told you having my mom in college would ruin all my fun." Although she felt trapped, Sharon managed to smile and then the women were saying their good-byes. Kelly laughed at how skittish Jennifer was after the wink she had given her. She looked at Madolen and Linda and wondered why Dave had been so specific-- they were to be sure to come up to 'visit' Sharon in the next semester. Looking around the house she wondered if the BZ Boys did not see everything that happened... Surely they just drove by the house now and then, she reasoned; there was no way they could be listening to everything that happened in the Sobel's house.

Sharon belatedly realized Kelly and Catherine were both working on drinks... alcoholic drinks. She chose not to say anything-- a little alcohol was hardly worth worrying about. She found she was relieved that her oldest child did not have a tongue piercing.

The family enjoyed pork chops, cole slaw, and poppy seed rolls courtesy of Flora. When Catherine poured herself a glass of wine, Sharon glanced at Chris, who merely shrugged.

"You're not going anywhere tonight?" Her daughter frowned, then realized Sharon was eyeing the glass.

"C'mon, mom, I'm 18... I'm an adult. And of course I'm not going to be driving anywhere. I thought Kelly might like to go to the movies with my friends, since you've been monopolizing her, the new Sunset sequel started last week and she hasn't seen it either, so..."

Sharon nodded, glancing at Kelly. It was ridiculous that she had hoped to steal some time to spend with the young woman. When Kelly just smiled, she nodded.

"I guess that means you don't want me along." Catherine rolled her eyes.

"Mom! It's a girls night out."

"But I'm a girl," Sharon argued teasingly.

"No, you're a woman," Chris corrected, wagging his eyebrows. Sharon blushed.

"Ewww," Scott pulled a face, "Get a room, guys." He pushed back from the table, "Flora! Dinner was great," he shouted toward the kitchen, then turned back to the others, "Dad... uh, and mom, the guys are going to watch game tape for Friday's game, then we may go to a later showing of the new horror flick." Chris nodded, and Sharon's son was gone as she mused at how easily they were getting along without her. She felt distressingly out of place.

"Well, girls, so long as someone else is driving," Chris eyed the young women in turn, "And so long as there isn't more drinking once you're out with your friends..." Both women nodded, Kelly following Sharon's daughter's lead, "I think it's fine... Curfew is..."

"Daddy!" Catherine seemed horrified that Kelly might hear she was being treated like a child.

"Chris!" Sharon chided, giving him a look she had polished on the stage at Snake Eyes, "Let them go, they'll be all right." Her husband beamed,

"Flora, as soon as you have things set, why don't you head on to your family... We'll take care of the dishes," his call to their housekeeper thrilled Sharon Sobel-- her husband was indeed anxious to spend an evening just the two of them. She was pleased at the arousal she felt course through her body at the prospect of sex with her husband. The evening's various activities decided, everyone hurried to finish, then by silent agreement carried the used table settings in to the kitchen to aid Flora. Flora flashed them all a grateful smile, as she hurried about trying to finish the preparations for the next day's meal. For more than 10 years she had put everything together, leaving it and specific if somewhat simplified instructions on the door of the SubZero fridge, so that she could visit her family to enjoy the holiday.


There was plenty to give thanks for by evening on Thanksgiving day, although little had gone as anyone would have expected.

Almost the moment the kids and Flora had quit the house, Chris had swept Sharon into a fierce embrace, kissing her with a passion she barely remembered. His hunger took her breath away; he seemed remarkably like the young men who so frequently enjoyed her at school, and Sharon found her body was quick to respond. He smiled when he had managed to lift the front of her skirt, dipping his fingers over her bare sex.

"Mmmm, what a naughty girl," he teased, "No panties." Sharon blushed, having forgotten to put any on before dinner.

"I hoped you'd be interested in playing some more," she giggled, moaning only partly for show as he curled his fingers up inside of her. Her own hand scrabbled at the front of his trousers. She could feel his erection, and wondered if they might actually have sex right there in the family room. It had been years since they had enjoyed sex anyplace but in bed.

"Oh, believe me, I am," he breathed, kissing her again, lips trailing down to her neck. "We have a lot of catching up to do." Sharon gasped as he thrust in and out of her sex; she could not remember the last time he had done so. She moaned encouragement, fingers deftly working to open his pants, eager to feel his hardness in her hand. A moment later she was wanking his length with one hand in time with his fingers working in and out of her sex. She pressed herself against him, welcoming his passionate kisses.

"Shall we do it here?" she asked, pleased she had not asked him bluntly to 'fuck her' right there... Chris' wife would never use that word. Chris chuckled, stepping back, but still working his fingers in and out of her sex, the edge of his index finger applying a delicious pressure to her swollen, hungry clit.

"Well," he paused, and Sharon refocused from her own pleasure to what her husband was saying, "I sort of... I mean, after that performance, I thought..." Sharon blushed, but immediately understood. He wanted a blowjob. She dropped to her knees without a thought, nearly gobbling him fully into her mouth before catching herself. She wanked his length with her left hand while bracing against his left thigh with her right. Looking up at him, she bit her lip.

"I don't know," she teased, "It's pretty big..." Her husband chest puffed out visibly, "I'm afraid I may gag." She kept wanking at him, leaning close, touching the purpled crown with her tongue, then kissing it lightly, "I want to, but it's scary."

"You were great last time," Chris urged, hips unconsciously pushing toward her face as he tried to convince her without forcing her to do it. Sharon smiled up at him,

"That was in bed... I was on top," she paused, managing to blush at such 'forward' talk, "This way..." she shrugged, kissing the crown and swirling her tongue over the tip at the same time, "OK, I'll try, but I may need to stop." Chris was nodding as she bobbed her head down, taking half of his length before pausing for effect. She sucked lightly, tongue swirling around his shaft as she bobbed back and forth just a little. After several seconds she paused, resuming wanking him as she 'caught her breath.' She was secretly delighted Chris wanted this... wanted to be more adventurous in bed. She was already imagining she would be able to be less careful about how she acted... and what she said, if they just 'tried a few things.' Moaning just loudly enough for him to hear, she dove back down at him, taking more than before, almost all of him, then pausing, retching visibly albeit purely theatrically.

Chris' hand came down on her head, but instead of demanding she take him, as Shaun and the others did, he pushed her away,

"You okay, babe?" he asked in concern. Sharon blushed more deeply at having deceived him. She nodded,

"It's okay, honey... I want you to feel good... I'm going to try..." And then she pressed her face down against his groin, taking him fully. She 'gagged' again a time or two before she began to bob her head, sucking at her husband eagerly. Chris groaned, his hand coming to rest on the back of her head, a familiar sensation to the well trained white wife. Still, he did not force himself against her; it was more to steady himself.

"Oh God," he managed, "That does feel..." And then Chris was erupting, firing so quickly Sharon truly did gag once, before managing to swallow, keeping pace with his release. She backed off a little, remembering how much he had cum before, but he was spent much more quickly than the time before. When she rocked back, looking up over his paunch, he was panting, face mottled as if he had been running. Her eyes widened in alarm.

"Honey!" she gasped, surging to her feet, not caring that his jism was smeared over her tongue, "Are you all right?" Chris managed to nod, smiling at his wife with something like open adoration. It was a minute before he caught his breath.

"Oh man," he said, tousling her hair, "You're amazing... That was... I mean..."

"It was better that I swallowed," she asked in feigned puzzlement, "wiping at her mouth and making a face, "It doesn't taste good, but if you like that..." Chris shook his head.

"No... I mean, sure, at least it saves cleaning up a mess, but..." he shrugged, "That was just amazing... I've never felt anything like it... I'm sorry, I should've warned you, but." Sharon giggled, then.

"I was pretty amazed, too... I thought I might drown." She looked down at his flagging cock, trying not to sound as disappointed as she had started to feel, realizing her husband was done for the night. "I may have to save that for mornings before work, though, if I want to get any action, too." She smiled at him as she said it, to take the sting out of the complaint. And she chose not to point out that Chris could return the favor... She knew he had not seen her 'up close' since their sex had always been in the bedroom with the lights low or out or under the covers... Mostly he would just climb on top of her, hump at her for a bit, cum, then flop to the side and to sleep. She did not need him wondering what was bringing the 'new Sharon' about. And the Sharon that her husband knew would ever consider asking him for oral sex. She smiled, amazed that once upon a time she had considered it 'dirty.'

Chris had lagged behind in the bedroom, which was unusual, though Sharon did not really think about it, except to slip the baggy with her ointment into their bedroom so she could apply it in bed after it became obvious he was not heading to bed very quickly. She had turned off the overhead light, leaving only the reading lights on their nightstands illuminating the big room when Chris finally turned off the bathroom light and came back into the bedroom.

Sharon did a double take as she realized her husband was sauntering toward the bed stark naked. She laughed-- he never wandered around bareass-- but the laughter faded as she realized in honest amazement that he was hard... Very hard. Her clit twanged and without thinking she bit her lower lip,

"Mmmmm," she said, affecting a more 'come hither' pose on the bed, "Is all of that for me?" Chris beamed.

"I want to make sure you enjoy yourself, too, babe." Sharon nodded, delighted, and grabbed at his waist as he reached her side of the bed, eager to have him beside her. Hell, she was horny, and was glad seeing him like that had triggered her arousal. She wanted him inside of her.

Without bothering with foreplay-- that was not a usual Sobel practice-- he moved over her on the bed, gently pushing her knees apart. Sharon flexed her knees, expertly tilting her pelvis, welcoming his thrust, sighing as he found her sex and began to thrust inside. Chris set a steady tempo which Sharon matched, pleased when the friction and pressure proved adequate to push her toward orgasm. Her clit nearly sparked, she was so aroused. When he readjusted, sliding higher on her, the pressure of the root of his cock banging against the top of her seam quickly triggered a small climax.

Anxious not to precipitate an end to what was proving an amazing evening, Sharon managed to stay quiet through her orgasm; she had learned that most men are easily 'tipped' by the right combination of moans and cries and movements. Even so, she was panting and whining in pleasure as Chris continued to hammer himself into her. After several minutes she found herself checking the clock, wondering how he was managing it. Such curiosity was quickly subsumed by her next climax, which she did not try to muffle, thrashing and crying out beneath him.

Still Chris went on, panting and huffing above her without pause. If anything he was humping into her harder than before. She blinked, puzzled, and increasingly aware that the friction was becoming a little uncomfortable. Surely he was nearly done. She moaned and pushed her sex up to meet his thrusts, little tricks of the trade to finish up with customers at work more quickly, but while it obviously spurred her husband on, he was not cumming. She was almost dripping with sweat, most of it, she realized absently, was his. She nearly giggled, wondering if sweat would be adequate lubrication.
