She Did Not Stop Ch. 03


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We both stood up. Even more cum dripped out of her sex hole. God, I love that, seeing cum come out of her. It means that some man just put that cum into her. She had a good time, and somebody else did, too. Usually that's me but recently it's my friend as well. She enjoys it, she *loves* it, she's crazy about it, so I want her to have that fun.

We got more drinks, put down a couple towels to prevent too many stains, and talked as though nothing much had happened. She leaned against him for a while. He played with her breasts. He reached down to her belly and put his fingers back inside her, now much easier sliding with all that lubrication. She closed her eyes, breathed a little harder, and came again.

Then she came over to me, leaned against me. I fondled her the same way, breasts, bush, play with the clit, go inside for some more lube to use on the clit. She was getting sensitive after so much activity, and removed both our hands from her crotch.

. o O o.

Eventually we got up to go out to dinner. She put on a different dress, a nicer one for the evening, and, I noticed, panties on *top* of the pantyhose. Aha, I suspected that these were special pantyhose with an open crotch for easy access. I think that's a new rule now: when he's here, she has to dress for easy access to the goodies.

We went out to dinner at a nearby steak house. While we waited at the bar for a table, we ran into a friend of his from college. Van, short for some snooty multisyllabic Dutch name. He was a guy that I maybe saw but didn't know. I recognized his name and his frat affiliation, but that's all. He was alone so he joined us. It was a pretty standard half-circular booth to seat four. They sat down while I was paying the bar tab, so the seating was all set when I got there. Sammie was between Terry and his friend, and I sat on the end.

During the conversation, we mentioned that we're just going back to our place after, nothing special. Terry asked if his friend can come too, join us for drinks or whatever. Sure, why not. Sammy looked a little nervous, but agreed.


What my husband didn't know or see was that both Terry and his friend had their hands on my legs under the table. Between my legs. Terry had started with his usual playing with my thigh. Pulled up my skirt. Beyond the reach of the tablecloth. So when Van looked down at me, he saw legs, skirt way up, and the crotch of my panties. I was embarrassed, but Terry would not let me move his hand away.

What must Van have thought? Here is his buddy feeling up his best friend's wife -- while the best friend was sitting right next to us! And this wasn't a casual little feelski, but a hand on her thigh, up under her dress, *way* up her thigh, within inches of her panties. And the wife was not objecting violently, moving his hand away, covering herself, slapping the intruder. Nothing. Squirming a little, but no clear objection. He probably concluded -- correctly! -- that Terry was somehow allowed to make a sexual pass at his best friend's wife. And in public!

Van looked up at Terry. Terry met his eyes and then looked down at my legs, inviting Van to look down there, too. Van took it as an invitation to do more than look. He wanted to touch. Van put his hand on my other leg, way up my thigh, and felt inside. He and Terry cooperated to pull my legs apart. What could I do? I didn't want to make a scene there, in this nice restaurant, with my husband sitting three feet away.

I glared at Terry. How dare he offer me up as a piece of meat for *his* friend? What the hell does he think he's doing? That my husband did it, offered me as a sex object for Terry -- that was different! My *husband*, whom I love and married and lived with for many years. Different! He has some rights to my sex. And... well... I wanted him to give my sex away that first day. Terry made a pass at me, and I liked it. I didn't turn it away. My husband had an opportunity to stop it that day, but he didn't. And I didn't. And so it got out of hand. And I got my brains fucked out by two men for a day. But this is different.

Terry hooked the legband of my panties with a finger and snapped it, a couple times. Oh, I get it, the meaning was clear. He wants me to take them off. I want to, too, sort of. I'm hot as a pistol with two men feeling up my legs, under my dress, moving up to my pussy. My pussy, where some of Terry's semen is still stored and seeping out slowly. Uncover my sex for my lover? And a stranger? What to do? I downed my glass of wine for courage, signaled for a refill, and asked to get out to go to the ladies room.

Terry got up to make way. I looked into my husband's eyes as I got up. I tried to look a little distressed so that he could tell something funny was going on here. I think he got the message, but he may have thought that this was just a little more sex play in public. Wasn't it?

I felt all three men drilling holes into my ass with their eyes as I walked away. Was I really going to do this, open my sex up for feeling and fondling, and fingering? And fucking?

In the ladies room, I found that my slit was very wet, so I took the opportunity to dab it dry a little. The panties were damp, too. Terry's juices and my juices together. The panties were not expensive ones, so I left them there, on the little shelf under the mirror. A sign to other women that someone was having fun that night.

Fun, but frightened, too. Without really thinking about it, I had decided to go ahead and play. We'll all have some fun. What the hell. But... What if others saw? What if some sort of scene ensued to attract attention? A husband and wife, and two strange men with their hands in the wife's sex! We would never be able to go back to that restaurant again, for sure.

When I got back to the table, I looked hard at my dear husband again, with a look, I hoped, of some resignation along with a little lust. No defiance, no arrogance, surely, because I really did not want what was happening to me. I wasn't requesting it, I was just going along for the ride. I hoped he understood.

We resumed the seating arrangement: Tommy, Van, me, Terry, the two men next to me pressed hard into me, hips, sides, legs. Their hands encouraged my legs to open again. They lifted my skirt above my crotch again. Only this time, there were no panties visible. With my legs spread open as they were, the lips of my sex and a little pubic hair, were clearly visible, to Terry and Van, and somewhat to my husband. And I hoped not to the waiters, but I couldn't tell.

My two seducers resumed their fondling. Only with no fabric barrier of panty in the way, they easily got into my wet slit, sliding their fingers up and down, from clit to hole. And they delved into my sex hole often, sometimes deeply. I even slouched down a little in my seat to improve the angle of entry for their probing fingers.

All the while, we were continuing conversation while I was being drilled. My husband and I spoke while I was being finger fucked by two other men in this public place! All of us conversed as well as we could given the incredible distraction. One or another of my gropers/fondlers/attackers would be diving into my vagina ("deep-C diving," get it?), searching for my G-spot, while the other massaged my lips and clit.

I came twice, once before the salad and again before the main course. It was very hard to do it quietly and without moving too obviously. Tommy knew what was going on. He has seen my orgasms hundreds of times. That night, he watched his wife turning on and achieving orgasm with two other men, her cunt being grabbed and mauled and drilled! I thought he was actually going to laugh a couple times at the effort I was making to be subtle while being so thoroughly manhandled in public.

We finished dinner and left. I think we managed not to let any of the waiters or waitresses see the two men playing with me, their sex toy. I sure hoped so.


I saw that Sammie was a little concerned with what was going on before she went to the ladies room. I figured that Terry was probably feeling her up under the table and she wouldn't want his friend to see what he was doing. I mean, how weird would it be if you ran into an old buddy, and accidentally discovered that he was sexually involved with his best friend's wife? And then saw him feeling up the wife in front of her husband!? And then watched him finger fuck the wife with her husband sitting three feet away!?!

Little did I know that Terry wanted to go further. He invited Van to join in the feel-fest of my wife's thighs and vulva. When she came back from the ladies room -- sans panties I observed later -- she let them both feel and poke any part of her they wanted.

I could not believe how hard my hard-on was as I watched her get turned on and try not to show it. And then watching her come and try not to show it. Twice, no less. It was so thrilling to see her enjoying herself that way. She went from casual, just good company, to sexpot, to flaming hot pussy in ten-fifteen minutes. God, I loved how she responded to their touches, which I couldn't see but I could well imagine. She comes like a freight train. How she managed not to scream?... incredible self-control. And she did bite down hard on her finger at one point.


Going home, we all piled into one car. My husband driving and me sandwiched in the back seat between my two insistent harassers. Before we were even out of the parking lot Terry was kissing me and reaching under my skirt. Van was gently cupping and caressing my boobs. Terry shoved two fingers hard into me and stirred them around. I was so hot I didn't care. He said he wanted to fuck me and pulled my hips up over his so I straddled him. His cock was out and I slid down onto it.

Only after we had been pumping his cock into my sex for a couple minutes did it occur to me that Van was watching from a few inches away. He was in fact staring intently at my hips, still in the dress, moving up and down, and Terry doing the same, up and down, to stroke his penis into my vagina as deep and often as possible. I didn't care about any audience. I was not about to stop at that point. I wanted to finish and take his sperm in me. Two minutes, three minutes, we did finish. I had a small jolt of an orgasm, and Terry came as usual, blasting his seed hard and deep. We collapsed and held each other.

As I was trying to lift up off his cock, Terry said to Van, "Your turn." What?!? Terry wants to give me away as his whore to this other friend that I just met? Bullshit! A little slap-and-tickle is one thing, but actual fucking is another! A finger in the pussy is intimate but is not that big a deal. A dick in the pussy *is* that big a deal!

I was so shocked that I slapped him (something I had not done to a man in years). "You pig! You think you can give me away like some whore you bought? Fuck you!" I pulled up quickly, grabbed his dick roughly to get it out of me. "What are you thinking?" He sputtered, but nothing coherent.

I had to get away. "Tommy, pull over! Now! Please!" He had heard the altercation and pulled over quickly. I climbed over Terry to get out of the car and moved to the front seat. I was so pissed at that point that I didn't care about leaking cum and ruining the dress or the car seat. "Go back to the restaurant. Van's car is there."

When we got there, the standard goodbye, "Good night, Van. Nice to have met you," was pretty strained. He tried to apologize for anything he had done. In retrospect, it really wasn't his fault. He was *invited* to feel me up. And I let him.

And Terry had these really strong territorial feelings about my sex -- "his pussy" and all that -- so maybe he thought it was reasonable for him to give my sex away to his frat buddy. Well, not to *me* it wasn't. I still think *I* own it. I should have been wary that he might go too far. After all the times he said how he loved my pussy, *his* pussy. I thought we were just playing, but he messed it up, he went too far.

After that night, the hot chemistry Terry and I faded. Fun while it lasted. We're still good friends, see each other regularly. He and Tommy are still close, too. I think we're all very lucky that this adventure and its sudden breakup did not damage the relationships. We can be together without any residual sexual tension. We touch and hug, but no hands wander where they shouldn't and nobody gets turned on. Happy ending all around.


Driving away from the restaurant, I heard them playing, rustling, moving around in the back seat. In the rearview mirror, I could see that she had climbed onto Terry. I assumed that they were fully engaged. I heard moaning and sighing and then quiet. But suddenly she told me to stop the car, sharply yelled. She clambered out of the back and came up front with me. She was angry, confused. Almost on the verge of tears, I thought.

The drive home was quiet, tense. We three talked before Terry left. Clear that sex with Sammie was off the menu. Also clear that none of us wanted to lose the relationships. We all loved each other as good friends. He and she would just have to dial down the lust and keep their hands off each other until the feelings died.

Hey, it worked. We're still buddies, even closer than we were before. His lust has been rechanneled to his wife, who by the way knows nothing of the affair. And she and I keep our lust to ourselves. Well, mostly. But that's another story.

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AnonymousAnonymous17 days ago

Over a long period of time I have revisited this 5 star story more than 2 or 3 times. Honestly this story is so well written with the relationships so defined, I think that you could indeed pick this work up again, the ending was not that strong not to. Why not have her alone or with her husband run into Van some place where her husband begin to bond closly with Van and Van succeeding with most of his advances. With another oppruntuity Terry might have wormed his way back to feeling Sammie up if not in Sammie during normal house visits. Give your readers more, while placing this 5 star story in a league of its own on Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

You have a 5 star story here that has legs to run. I do not see where the friendship could remain with out her doing both her lover who was now going first, after her husband got his wife's pussy orally ready, then opening up his wifes pussy lips for her lover, his friends longer dick, especially after her lover claimed her in public twice.

My thought it should open somehow with maybe her and her husband eating at the same restaurant and somehow ending up at the same bar then sitting in the same booth when they are approached by her once lover and his frat friend Van again. Who knows maybe Van's cock is both longer and thicker than them both!

I encourage you to give it a go, you've definitely developed a fan base on this one .. she got the perfect attitude, uses right words, pushes her husband's buttons, and most important she seems to honestly love only her husband.

fredbrownfredbrown9 months ago

Yup, the wife writes the rules, and men either follow or get off the bus.

Ole Sammie sure talks a lot, it's a wonder hubby didn't cum just from her "blow-by-blow" descriptions of her cucking him.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You captured what only a few of the writers do. She loves her husband and that doesn't change, and even with the slight humiliations she doesn't go to extremes, except of course physically. With this said, I do think she could of stimulated her husband a little more created more emotional intensity by throwing in something like "honey your friends dick is longer than yours, my boyfriend can reach deeper inside of me .. thank you for giving your wifes pussy to him to own as his pussy." This is one of those stories that should find a way to return to at least the three main characters finding a way to continue along the same theme. As she had said "everything has changed now."

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

You can't stop a 5 star story like this with the impossible. No way could the 3 of them be together like before, not then, not ever.

Why not pick it back up with her husband and her seeing Van somewhere by accident and there the 3 of the finish what was started in the car. Of course Van would tell his their friend.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago
5 Stars

Please continue this 3 part story. It was fantastic!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I can relate to that story, it’s what I fantasize about happening with my wife and I. I have always had an unhealthy attraction for easy women and even when I dated a “ good nice girl” it was only a matter of time until I wanted to corrupt her.

I was always proud of how sexy my G/F or wife was and understood that other men would want to have sex with them and that some would try. I depended on her to say no but the idea that she wouldn’t be able to stop him and as long as he wasn’t an asshole towards me or her i ignored it.

The exception was blackmen, I wanted them to work on her and even if he was pushing in the right way …

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

It was an excellent way to end the story. It makes the point that she did have feelings for his friend that would have caused problems with her marriage if it had lasted longer. Otherwise she wouldn’t have gotten so mad that he was going to pass her around to another man. She was under the impression she was special to him until he treated her like a cheap slut.

It could have gone that she was resistant but confused and allowed them both to take turns on her in the backseat. Her husband driving as she tried resisting, moaning please no, but him being unable to pull over and help her and can only watch as she cums for both of them.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story was extremely joy to read, and believable, until, well we know after their friend had basically owned her pussy it would be impossible to simply stop. It would again started or the relationship it would of stopped.

Why not restart the sex again the ending gives you permission? I think his friend being first would also eventually have his friend sharing her .. its meant to be.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The four of them should simply live together and fuck whoever happens to be home when they're in the mood. Monogamy, poligamy, heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual...who gives a shit? Don't worry about the parentage of any children that come along or any of the other meaningless stuff so many married folks fret over. Just have fun fucking. That's all that matters.

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