She Wanted to Teach Me a Lesson


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I have to admit, that is a pretty good strategy. You know I'm hopelessly devoted to my girls and would do anything for them. So you're counting on me to be willing to sacrifice my outrage at your "mistake" to avoid causing my innocent children any heartache. And why wouldn't I? I mean, you have now admitted your cruel plan to teach me a lesson by humiliating me. And you have confessed the "mistake" you made in drunken frustration when I foiled your plan. You have taken the blame for it all and have begged for my forgiveness.... My goodness, what more could you do?"

The tears had stopped. Amy was frozen in place, studying my face, trying to read my unspoken thoughts. She didn't say a word, I could practically see her mind racing to figure out where this was headed and how she could regain control of the situation.

"Amy... I believe what you've told me about Ron and what happened last night. I am sorry I suspected you of having an affair with him. I'm now convinced that last night was your only sexual encounter with Ron."

"Yes, Baby! It was the only time, I swear! It was a stupid mistake and I promise I will never have any sexual contact with that dumbass ever again.... Please honey, can we just put this all behind us? I love you so much, please Baby, please!"

"Even if I said I was willing to give you a pass on trying to humiliate me and fucking another man in our marital bed, there is still the issue of all the others."

"What?... what do you mean,... what others?"

"I have to admit, it's taken me waaaay too long to see it. Once I got to know Gale and heard all the rumors about her, I should have seen it, but I trusted you. Then later, when my gut kept telling me something was off, I thought it was Ron. I was wrong about Ron, but I had every reason to be concerned about you,... Didn't I?"

"Concerned? What do you mean concerned? I don't know what you're talking about."

I heaved a weary sigh and sat back in my chair, shaking my head. I was so very tired of the deceit, the half-truths, the miss directions. I had no actual proof of what she had done, but I knew. Deep in my soul, I knew I had lost her several months ago. My sweet love, the woman I'd hope to spend the rest of my life loving, was gone.

There is no doubt Gale had shown her the path to riches and rewards, but Amy CHOSE to walk that path. She willingly chose to ignore her vows and prostitute herself. And for what? Her ego? A few extra dollars? Cheap thrills?.... fuck it, it doesn't matter why she did it.

"Amy,... I know what you've been doing.... I know how you close so many sales. I can't begin to tell you how much it hurts me to know what you've become."

The shock on her face was all the confirmation I needed. It was brief, but I saw it before she could regain her composure and smile at me.

"Mark honey, I thought we were done with this nonsense. I admitted to my one-time mistake with Ron, but I have no idea what you're talking about now. I don't know what you think you know, but I just want to stop all this crazy talk and get on with our lives.

Now, we have to get cleaned up and go get your daughters. I know they love your parents, but I'm sure they miss their Daddy."

So that's exactly what we did. I spent the rest of the day loving up on my girls and thinking through my options. On Monday I saw a lawyer and filed for divorce citing Irreconcilable Differences. My attorney told me not to hold my breath, but she completed the petition asking for joint custody of the girls with me as the primary custodian. I had Amy served at work to insure it captured Gale's attention.

Mid-afternoon my phone rang just after I got confirmation she'd been served.

"Mark! Have you lost your mind? You're going to divorce me because of that shit with Ron? It was meaningless, it was wrong, it was stupid, and we talked about all of this. Baby, you can't do this to our girls, you love them too much. Punish me in any way you wish, just please don't destroy our family."

"I already told you, Ron is just a small part of this. I just can't be married to the person you have become."

"More crazy talk! Baby, I'm worried about you. Obviously, you're having a hard time getting over my stupid mistake, I understand that, but this divorce nonsense can hurt our girls. We have to work through this. ... Maybe counseling would help us, do you want me to set that up?"

"Sign the papers, Amy. Then you'll be free to live your life however you wish. The girls and I will do just fine on our own. They can stay with me while you travel and you can see them as often as you want."

"No Mark! There's not going to be any damned divorce! And I would never allow you to take my girls away from me. You stop this nonsense now! If you fight me on this, it will not go well for you! Mark, I love you, please don't make me fight you."

An hour later my phone rang, and Gale was calling. I had been expecting her call.

"Tell your protege to sign the papers. It's your only move. She signs, the girls stay with me and you get to continue to pimp her out to your clients."

"Silly boy, you have no proof she has ever done anything except the one time with Ron, and that had nothing to do with me."

"Come on,... you're smarter than that. I don't need proof. I just need to make the assertion in a very loud and public manner. She's done it so often, I'm sure at least one of your competitors will be willing to spend the time and energy to get the proof needed to file a complaint. That will cause an investigation and you definitely don't want an investigation now do you,... BITCH!"

"You'd do that? You'd destroy her just for revenge? You know the girls will suffer too if anything came out about their mother."

"She signs the papers or I go public! And Gale, if it becomes public, I will be sure to include your part in training and advising her on how to become the newest sales prostitute at your company. Do you think the Board of Directors will have any questions for you?... Tell her to sign, and she'll listen to you."

My lawyer got the signed papers a week later. Amy moved into a nice condo about 2 miles from our house. She sees the girls often and usually attends all of their school and sports events. We seldom speak and as far as I know, she is still using all her assets to close sales and win awards.

A week ago I saw Gale and Amy leaving a nice restaurant. I had just pulled into the lot as they approached Gale's car. Gale opened the door and then turned back to Amy. She pulled her into an embrace and they kissed passionately. I sat there for several minutes. Once again, Amy had surprised me. Fuck, how could I have not known she was into girls? That certainly explained how Gale exercised so much influence over her.

I guess I never really knew her, but I'm sure glad to be rid of her!

I don't know if I'll ever marry again, but if I find myself thinking about it, I'm definitely going to be asking a lot of questions before I slip a ring on her finger. Lesson learned!

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AnotherChapterAnotherChapterless than a minute ago

Sorry but I don’t get this one. What exactly was the point? After all the shit she pulled, all the lies the attempt to humiliate him, he just walks away to allow her and her boss to continue the whoring around while he takes are of the children? I think that is a remarkably unlikely scenario unless he just has no self respect at all. He had to need some sort of avenue to show all those friends he wasn’t at total wimp, unless he was!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Meh... could be much more. Seems like a bit of a weak effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Feeling like this was posted just to troll and piss off the BTB crowd. Unfortunately, you have to be talented to do that, so swing and a miss.

mattenwmattenw3 months ago

Is it possible that you intentionally let your stories go nowhere? He can sue Gail and win every lawsuit and yet you let her get away with it? I hope you're not an author who lives with the slogan "as long as I have peace and quiet"?

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