She Wanted to Teach Me a Lesson

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Wife teaches me a lesson, just not the one she expected.
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This one is about a guy who has his "blinders" stripped away and is finally able to see the person his wife has become.

Sorry, no sex in this one.

"Good night! Merry Christmas! Thanks for coming."

My wife and I waved as our last party guest walked off our front porch. Amy and I have hosted a neighborhood Holiday party for the past 6 Decembers. The parties started with just 4 couples and had steadily grown over the years. This year there were more than 35 attendees and about a third of those did not live in our neighborhood.

I assume the growth in attendance was largely due to increasingly heavy alcohol consumption and the silly "naughty games" that had become a much-anticipated event. Each year the games became a bit more risqué, but never too over the top. I guess you could say they were not quite R-rated.

Like Amy and I, most of the attendees were between 25 and 35 and had a couple of kids, so it was not exactly the wild and crazy group you might have partied with in college. They were just good, hard-working, young parents who needed to let their hair down for one night of the year.

The neighbor ladies always brought in more food than the partiers could ever eat and all the husbands and I made sure there was an abundance of booze. So when a few of the neighbors started bringing some friends from outside the neighborhood, it was no big deal.

Well, it was no big deal until this year. This year, without telling me, my wife invited several of her coworkers to the party. Among those she invited was Ron Stevens. Ron was her team partner on their company's outside sales force. He and Amy had worked together for the past five years and had grown close.... Perhaps a bit too close if my suspicions were accurate. They often traveled together and attended week-long outside sales conferences twice a year. He had been the subject of some rather heated conversations just a few days before the party. Having him in my home had put a damper on my enjoyment of the evening.

I helped Amy tidy up the house and took out the trash. When I came back in she was just finishing up in the kitchen. It was time to have it out with her.

"So, what made you think it would be a good idea to invite Ron and your other coworkers to our neighborhood party?"

"I like those people, so I'd thought it would be fun to have them here. I think they all had fun and got along well with everyone else. What's the big deal?"

"Really Amy? You know how I feel about your relationship with that guy and you invited him into my home!"

"It's MY home too, Mark! I can invite anyone I wish to my party, I don't need your permission!"

"So, you think it is okay to embarrass me by parading your boyfriend around my house in front of your coworkers and our friends? You think I didn't see your coworker's smirks and the raised eyebrows?"

"What are you talking about? I've told you fifty times, Ron is NOT my boyfriend! No one was smirking at you! That's all just your silly jealousy and I'm getting fed up with it!"

"You think no one saw you sneak upstairs with him? What were you doing, Amy? Why did you need to be upstairs alone with Mr. Wonderful?"

"Fuck you! We didn't SNEAK upstairs, he needed the restroom and the downstairs bathroom was occupied. I just showed him to the guest bath. I wasn't upstairs for more than a minute or two. God! You're getting ridiculous!"

"More lies! You disappeared for more than 30 minutes. I know because your slutty accomplice, Gale, was trying to keep me occupied so I wouldn't notice you had slipped off with Ron. I knew what she was doing and so I kept an eye on the clock."

"You're crazy! Gale was probably just trying to be friendly. God knows why she'd make the effort with you!"

I noticed she didn't address the lie I called her on. She was a skilled negotiator, but, apparently, a less skillful liar.

"Amy, surprising me by inviting your boyfriend here was a low blow and the last straw. I will not put up with any more of your lies and disrespect!" I turned and marched up the steps as she hurtled more lies and insults.

I went into our en-suite and began gathering up some of my toiletries. As I was putting my things into my ditty bag, I dropped my deodorant. It rolled off the counter and into the trash can. I bent to retrieve it and had to fish through the trash to get it. As I did so, I caught the flash of gold foil. My heart seized and my hand froze. I took a deep breath and grabbed the foil. Fuck me, it was a condom wrapper!... Game over!

I'd had a vasectomy after our second child was born, so I did not need condoms. Now I knew everything I had suspected was true. The bitch was cheating on me!

Amy came storming up to the open bathroom door, still hurtling insults and saying I was paranoid.

I had my back to her and slowly turned to face her. I held the foil in front of my chest.

"It's not paranoia when it's true!"

"Oh fuck!"... uh someone must have put that there as some kind of joke! It's not what you think, I didn't do anything."

"Stop, Stop!... Just stop with the lies. It's over, Amy.... I'm done."

"No Mark! It's not over! It was a mistake. It wasn't part of my plan."

"Yeah, I know, you didn't plan on me finding evidence of your cheating! That was a BIG mistake!"

"No, No, No! That's not what I mean. Please let me explain what happened."

"I think it's pretty fucking obvious what happened - you snuck away from the party and fucked your boyfriend while I was downstairs entertaining your friends. Did that make it extra exciting for you?... To fuck him in my house while I was right downstairs?"

"No! That's not how it was! Please baby, please let me explain, it's not what I planned."

I stuck the foil in my pocket. Amy stumbled out of the way as I brushed past her. I went through the master bedroom and into the hallway. I could hear her scrambling to catch me as I stepped into the guest bedroom and slammed the door in her face. I punched the lock just as Amy tried the knob.

"Mark please, you have to let me explain! It's not what you think, please Mark, please open the door! You have to talk to me! Please open the door!"

I was pretty sure she didn't know how to defeat the door lock, but I slid the chest of drawers in front of the door just in case. Amy pounded on the door and begged me to open up until I turned on the TV and blasted the volume.

Sleep was difficult. My mind raced back over every time Amy had worked late, gone on overnight sales trips, and attended conferences. Was she fucking Ron at all those times? Shit! It was too painful to imagine, but it had to be true.

A tear slipped down my cheek and my gut twisted when I thought about having to tell my little girls their mommy and daddy would be splitting up. Fuck! How could she do this to our children? How could she be so selfish? What could have made her fall in love with another man? Was it me?... Was I a bad husband?... Why? Why is this happening?

The questions, the doubts, the hurt, the disappointment, it was relentless. I barely slept. In what seemed like just a few minutes, the morning sun came blasting through the window, almost mocking me. I flipped the covers off and got out of bed. I had a lot to do this Sunday morning.

I moved the chest of drawers and stepped out into the hall. The door to the Master was standing open. I leaned into the room just enough to see Amy was still sprawled across the bed. I pulled the door shut and went to the guest bathroom to clean up.

I dressed and went to the kitchen for coffee. I had just carried my cup to the table when Amy walked in. She looked awful, her eyes were puffy, her hair a mess, her nose was still red and I think she was hungover. But God Damn it! she still looked beautiful to me. My stomach clinched with another wave of pain. Fuck! How could this be happening to us?

"Is there enough for me to have a cup?"

"Help yourself," I said as I gestured at the counter. My eyes found the coffee maker. Sitting beside the pot was her coffee cup. I had already poured the exact amount of skim milk she liked into the cup, just like I did every morning. Fuck me, I didn't even realize I had done that. She poured her coffee and carried it to the table and sat down across from me.

"Mark... I fucked up, I thought I was being so clever. I thought it would teach you a lesson, but now I know I fucked it up. I was stupid. I just wanted to shock you, but it got all fucked up. I... I'm... I'm so sorry, you didn't deserve to be treated that way. You have every right to be angry with me."

"Well! Thanks for giving me your permission to be angry! That's so generous of you! You invite your boyfriend to my house and then proceed to fuck him, knowing the house is full of our friends and your coworkers. Gee, it's really big of you to allow me to be angry about it!"

"No, no, no! I'm doing this all wrong! Honey, please let me explain from the beginning."

"It's a little late to explain your plans. I, and all our neighbors, got to watch you put your "plan" into action last night!"

"Oh my God!" Amy jumped up and ran around to my chair. She tugged one side of the chair, turning me away from the table. She quickly straddled me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Please Baby, you have to let me explain this, please! Just give me five minutes! Please, Mark."

I had pulled my head back away from her face, away from her lips, as she tried to kiss my cheek. As she pleaded with me, tears dripped down her face. I was so angry! I almost stood up and dumped her on her cheating ass, but I knew I could never physically hurt her. Even if she richly deserved to be dumped on her ass, I just couldn't do it. I mean, what kind of cowardly pussy would I have to be to physically harm a woman?

I took a deep breath and slowly blew it out. "Ok Amy, five minutes. Now please get off of me."

"Five minutes! And I'm not moving, I can't risk you getting away before I tell you everything."

I brought my left wrist up and looked at my watch. She got the message.

"I now know it was really stupid, but that whole thing last night was just pretend until that dumbass Ron got stupid."

I raised an eyebrow.

"Ok, ok,... you have been complaining about Ron for a few months. You repeatedly said you didn't trust him and, by implication, you didn't trust me to be able to handle the jerk. Even though I told you I had no sexual interest in him, you wouldn't believe me. It was like you think I'm this naive little teenage girl who would not be able to resist the smooth-talking salesman.... HA!... like I'd ever fall for his, or any guy's bullshit lines!

Ok, I admit he did try to come on to me, just like a lot of other guys. Hell, sometimes even some of my customers hit on me, thinking I might "sweeten" the deal just to make a sale. Mark, I'm not a dog, I know what I look like and I know guys are always going to be trying, but I always...ALWAYS... say no!... Sure, I've learned to say "no" with a sweet smile, so as not to bruise any egos, but it's always a firm "no!"

So, after what seemed like the 40th or 50th time you started in on me about dip-shit, I just got mad and decided to show you how foolish you were being. So I came up with a plan and asked Ron and Gale to help me.

I knew you watched me go upstairs with Ron, in fact, we had to wait for you to finish refilling the ice bowl so you'd be facing the stairs when we made our move. Gale was supposed to be so obvious that you'd immediately see she was our "distraction" while we snuck upstairs. It all worked just as I had planned.

I took Ron to our room and put him in my chair. I sat on the bed and waited for you to come charging into the room. After several minutes, I realized you weren't coming to rescue me or confront me. At that point, I was a little too drunk to understand how badly I had hurt you. I guess I thought you'd just given up on us and I started to cry. Ron came to me and pulled me up into his arms and let me cry on his shoulder. After a few minutes, I realized he was rubbing my back and stroking my hair. I stopped crying and started to pull away from him, but he kissed me.

I guess I was a few seconds slow in reacting and he took that as a green light. His hands slid down my back and grabbed my ass as he ground his obviously hard dick against me. I pushed on his chest and he broke the kiss, but still ground against me. I pushed harder and we broke apart. I growled at him and asked him what the hell he was doing.

He smirked and said, "Oh please, I know the "plan" was just a ploy to get me up here. Well, we're here now so let's get busy!" While he was talking, Ron dropped his pants and his hard dick stuck out in front of him. The stupid bastard already had on a condom! I reached down and took off my heel and threw it at him, hitting him in the chest. He winced and looked at me, finally seeing my outraged face. Then he just turned and fled into the bathroom. He must have flushed the condom and dumped the foil into the trash while he was in there.

Baby, I had no idea that dumb ass would pull that shit. I told Gale what he did and she ripped him a new one and made him leave with her. I can call her and she'll confirm all of this for you."

I just looked at her. I very slowly stood up, holding an arm around her as I slid her off my lap. I released her, picked up my cup, and walked to the coffee maker. As I refilled my cup she slipped up beside me.

"Mark?... please talk to me. I know you're still mad about what I did, but I didn't cheat. I told you what happened, I never touched his stupid dick. Like most of us, he was a little drunk last night and he fucked up. Kissing me and exposing himself was DEFINITELY NOT part of my plan. He's stupid, I don't want to cause any problems at work, but come Monday, in the office, Gale and I will make sure he suffers for his stupidity.... Oh honey, I'm so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?"

I studied her for a moment.... "So what you're saying is you staged your little sneaky trip up the stairs so I was sure to witness it. You assumed I'd be so pissed that I'd then rush up to our bedroom to stop my wayward wife from fucking her boyfriend on my bed. Then, when I burst into the room and found the two of you just sitting there innocently chatting, I guess you planned to laugh and ridicule me for being a jealous spouse. Let me guess, Gale was going to lead the rest of your co-workers up the stairs behind me so they could all join in laughing at your stupid paranoid husband? Maybe as a group, they would create such a scene that all the other partiers would rush to see what was happening, and then all of my friends and neighbors could join in laughing at the jealous buffoon?

So THAT was your plan? You thought that by humiliating me in front of everyone that you'd teach me, once and for all, to trust you and never doubt your loyalty to me?"

"I... Well, I just wanted to make you finally see how wrong you were about Ron. How you kept jumping to the wrong conclusions and how much it hurt me to have you believe those things about me.... I guess I thought our joke would be an effective way to show you how wrong you were."

"So when I didn't charge up the stairs and burst in on you two, that ruined your fun and pissed you off so much that you needed to punish me in another way? So you came up with a great way to teach me a lesson, to show me who's boss, to put me in my place."

Amy blanched, "Wha... what do you mean? What lesson? What are you talking about?"

"You know... actually doing it, letting Ron fuck you on my bed while I was downstairs playing host. That had to be a really delicious revenge for me spoiling your plans."

"Oh good god, here we go again! I told you what happened!"

"Yes, you told me a version of what happened. Not the COMPLETE version, as you left out a few details. I'm sure you and Gale spent a lot of time last night tailoring that version to include some of the truth,... just enough truth to make it believable."

"I,... I have no idea what you're talking about.... Look, Mark, I said I was wrong. Please, baby, let's just forget about my stupid plan and stop fighting."

"Oh, I don't think so," I said and pulled a plastic baggy from my pocket.... "THIS was your revenge. THIS is the part of your story you couldn't tell me. THIS proves I can't trust anything you have told me."

Amy looked at the baggy, trying to discern what was inside it. I held it up, letting it swing very slightly in my fingers. She narrowed her eyes... then she saw it. I smiled at the shock on her face.

"He really is a dumbass. He tied it off before flushing it. The trapped air bubble kept it from going down. I got up in the middle of the night to go pee and I found it floating in the bowl. The dumbass never bothered to check to see if it got flushed."

"Oh my god!" Amy gaped at me.

"Yeah, I'm guessing, when I didn't rush into your little trap, you were so pissed that when dumbass waved his condom-covered prick at you, you decided to teach me a lesson by actually fucking him on our bed. Then, after you fucked him, you realized you couldn't let me know. So you shooed him out of the house and later called Gale and worked out the story you told me. I assume she's been on the phone all morning spoon-feeding your version of events to your fuck buddy."

Amy hung her head, I had the foil and the cum filled condom. There was no way for her to spin her sanitized version of what happened to explain the cum filled condom. Defeated, she sighed deeply.

"I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I lied to you. You're right, when you didn't come charging upstairs, I lost my temper and wanted to punish you. I was just drunk enough to think letting that dumbass Ron fuck me bent over our bed was a good way to teach you a lesson.... I know, stupid, right? Hell, everything I did was stupid! My plan to embarrass you was stupid! Fucking Ron was stupid! I've really fucked up everything!"

As she hung her head and cried, I thought about what this meant to our future. Was this the end for us? Could I get past a one-time event, born of anger and frustration that I helped fuel with my constant doubts?... doubt,... that gnawing feeling in my gut that something wasn't right. Many months ago I knew something had changed, Amy had changed, but how? Why did I believe she was messing around with Ron? Why was she willing to go to such extremes to get me to see Ron had never been a threat, at least not until she let the wine and her anger get the best of her last night.... And that, the fact that she would decide that secretly fucking Ron was a fitting punishment for me spoiling her plan. That was not the Amy I married. When did sex become so meaningless to her that she could use it as a symbolic punishment?... Oh shit! Oh shit! Meaningless sex... sex, not for love, but for another purpose.

Damn! I looked at her sobbing form, she has become a master manipulator! Gale must have taught her the finer art of negotiating using all of her assets. Gale, her mentor. The gal who had consistently outsold all of her male competitors. Gale, the now aging sales manager had taken young Amy under her wing. Gale, the notoriously flirty divorcée, had shown Amy how to win all her negotiations with her male clients....

Fuck! How could I have been so blind? I had been so proud of her for suddenly jumping into the lead sales position. Over the last few years, she had received many awards and bonuses; Gale was her biggest cheerleader. The bonuses had made it possible for us to start college funds for our kids and pay off all our bills, but at what cost?

Time for some answers.... I slowly began to clap my hands... "Bravo! Bravo!... that was quite a performance! Such quick thinking! Gale has trained you well. It took you no time to see you had lost the "Ron" skirmish, so you give me this weeping apology hoping I'd focus on your single mistake. A mistake you made in the heat of the moment and while slightly drunk. A mistake that you're pretty certain you could convince your children's father to forgive - for their sake.