Shifting Dynamics


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She crawled up his body and kissed his lips lightly as he tried to focus.

"I'm just going for a shower. I'll be back in a bit." With that she was gone.

He lay there waiting for his breathing to steady, trying to find the energy to move. As his heart rate eased, he pushed himself up and looked around the dive Kelly lived in. . It slowly dawned on him that there was no television, in fact there was nothing in the bare room. He reached for the radio and switched it on. The room filled with static. Examining it, he realised the aerial had broken off. The kid had nothing to listen to when she went to sleep. He frowned knowing she liked sound so she didn't feel alone. Yet she had none, nothing to ease her loneliness and isolation.

Kelly came back in wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She got two glasses of water and gave him one as he continued to lay on the bed. He gratefully drained the glass. Waiting until she put hers down, he caught her with one strong arm and pulled her into his chest.

"TC, that was fuckin incredible," he whispered stroking her hair.

"Glad you liked it," she mumbled against him.

"Now I'd like you to lie there and be quiet," he said gently, still soothing her hair.

She didn't object and soon he felt her breathing deepen as she fell asleep in his hold. He scowled at the thought the kid probably hadn't been sleeping, and he wasn't sure that, despite the show, she had come during their epic sexathon session. Now, in the middle of the afternoon, she was completely out for the count. With little energy of his own, he dozed.


Trigger's internal body clock woke him at seventeen hundred. Kelly was still fast asleep, resting on his forearm. Carefully, he slid it out and gently laid her head back on the pillow. He was starving. He'd fix them some tea and more of her turkey sandwiches. Then he'd go back to the hospital for a shower; he wasn't gonna risk the shared bathroom in this hell hole.

Scratching his boys, Trigger shook his head in disbelief at what Kelly done to him. He pushed his way into the closet-come-kitchen. Putting a pan of water on the stove, he searched around, frowning as he found only milk and a jar of cranberry jelly. In the cupboard, he retrieved some tea and the crust of a loaf of bread. Lying on the top of the trash can was the empty wrapper from a deli announcing it had contained four slices of turkey. Now he felt like Ebenezer Scrooge; he'd eaten the kid's Christmas dinner.


"Tea and Crumpets, wake up, baby." He leaned down to lightly kiss her forehead.

Kelly's eyelids fluttered open.

Smiling at him, she sat up. "Sorry, I'm a terrible host falling asleep on you."

Trigger chuckled, passing her a mug of tea. "Said I needed some fuckin sleep. At least I didn't have to listen to you rambling on."

"You off then?" she asked, looking crestfallen.

"Yeah, shift starts in a bit. Idiot here volunteered to do extra so some sap can spend Christmas with his kids." Trigger perched on the side of the bed smiling at Kelly. "But gonna be easier to get through the shift thinking about my Christmas present." He chuckled as she beamed back at him. "Can you meet me at the hospital at nine-thirty? I've got a break then."

Kelly shook her head laughing. "You don't get a repeat performance."

He laughed with her. "Much as I'd fuckin like that, think the boys might need a bit longer to recharge." Finishing the tea, Trigger stood up and looked back at her as he reached for the door. "See you outside the doctors lounge on the fourth floor, nine-thirty." He waited for her to nod before leaving.


Unconsciously, Trigger stroked under his jaw, leaning against the wall waiting for Kelly. He was dog tired, so he rested his eyelids, smirking as he pictured her beautiful naked body riding him.

"Oh my!" Kelly exclaimed.

Startled, he looked down the hallway at her walking towards him.

"You look like a real life doctor," she teased, beaming. She was in jeans and an old sweater.

Chuckling, Trigger glanced down self consciously. With neatly pressed beige pants and a button down deep blue shirt, they weren't his normal clothes. A white lab coat hung open and his hair was twisted into a knot.

"Yeah the bigwigs upstairs won't let me work in my biker gear. Something about terrifying patients." He pulled Kelly into a quick embrace. Then caught her hand and led down the hall and into the nearly deserted canteen. "Time for dinner."

"Um, Trigger, you don't need to take me on a *date*." She laughed. "You kinda got dessert already," she added coyly.

"Fuckin suit yourself. You can sit and watch me eat if you want."

He nodded to a table with a couple of nurses, the only other patrons in the dimly lit room. The two women giggled and the pretty brunette nurse blushed.

"Yesterday's dessert?" Kelly whispered, smirking at him.

Trigger chuckled, turning to the gray haired woman behind the counter. "Happy Christmas, Becky. I'll take two mains, and load it up - I'm fuckin starving."

Becky smiled, shaking her head. "Happy Christmas, Doctor Ashton. I was wondering when you'd make it up here."

Trigger leaned over the counter and kissed the older woman's cheek. She laughed before passing him plates piled with all the trimmings. He balanced them on a tray, grabbed a couple of bottles of coke and cutlery, and led the way to the corner of the canteen.

He put the plates on the table and with a strong thumb flicked the lids off the coke. "You just gonna gawk?" he asked Kelly as she stood watching him. Waving his hand at the seat opposite him, she sat down.

Once Kelly started eating, she didn't stop, shovelling the food in almost faster than him. She managed about half the plate before flopping back in the chair, holding her stomach. "Now it feels like Christmas. I'm so stuffed I can't move."

He raised his eyebrows, grinning as he snagged her plate. "Good, more food for me."

"Thanks, Trigger. You didn't need to, but thank you," she said, sipping her coke.

"Thought I'd come back to yours when my shift's over," he replied, his mouth full of her leftover potatoes. "Won't be until about two, but leave a key out, I'll let myself in."

Kelly giggled. "Thought you said you needed a little rest. Besides after that." She waved at the empty plates. "I couldn't move much, even in a few hours time."

He scowled at her. "Your place is fuckin closer than mine. Someone," he paused to smirked, "kept me awake this afternoon so the sooner I'm in a bed *asleep* the better." He yawned, making her yawn back. "Put the key on the top of the door. I'll be as quiet as a fuckin mouse."

"Mice are noisy little buggers," Kelly called after his retreating back as he carried the plates back to the counter. Over a shoulder he gave her a smile and headed out of the canteen, leaving her sitting there.


A thin shaft of light streamed under the ill-fitting door. Trigger grinned when his fingers found the key resting on the frame. He stomped in to see Kelly sitting up, reading under the stark light of a shade-less ceiling light. He closed the door, smirking at her as she peered over the book. She was in ugly oversized gray pajamas.

Trigger sat heavily on the edge of the bed and bent over to unlace his boots. Kicking his feet out, they thudded against the wall.

"Quiet as a mouse?" Kelly teased, raising her eyebrows.

"Squeak, fuckin, squeak." He took the book and dropped it onto the floor, and met her lips with a lazy, welcoming kiss. Pulling away, he started laughing.


Trigger stood up and pulled his shirt off. As his head re-emerged, he smiled at her. "If you'd been Sally, she would've been squealing like a fuckin mouse about me not being careful with her precious book." He unfastened his jeans and let them fall to the ground before stepping out of them.

Running her eyes down his toned body, Kelly grinned. "And you regularly barge into the bedroom of your old CO's wife, in the early hours of the morning, and chuck her book away before stripping naked?"

"Sounds fun. She's hot for a... more mature lady," he chuckled, flicking the light off. The thin moth-eaten curtains let enough light in from the street to bathe the room in a faint glow.

"Do you have an off switch?" Kelly gave a mock scowl.

He smoothly vaulted over Kelly, catching her as he landed, drawing her into his chest.

"When I'm this awesome why would I?" One hand burrowed under her pajama pants squeezing her pert ass, the other tracked up her top as he caressed her back.

"You're incorrigible. Part devil I bet," Kelly giggled.

"And you're an angel," Trigger whispered, sarcasm dripping in the tone. He dropped a light kiss on the top of her head. "Now shut up, I wanna go to sleep."

He continued lightly stroking her silky skin as she sighed in his arms. He waited until she was asleep before hooking his chin over the top of her head and closing his own tired eyes.


Despite still feeling exhausted, Trigger knew he needed to wake up. Something was wrong. The warm soft body he'd been holding was gone. For a moment, he wondered if it'd all been a hot dream. Cracking his eyes open, he grinned. Kelly was crouched over a bag, naked except for some panties, her pajamas lying by her feet.

"Now that's a fuckin gorgeous sight."

Unabashed Kelly stood up to look at him. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," she whispered.

He dragged his eyes away from staring at her breasts to glance at his watch. Returning to looking at her body, he licked his lips unconsciously. "What the fuck are you doing? It's too early." He flicked the covers back and patted the bed. "Come here, baby. I've got the day off and we're not getting up."

Kelly laughed, putting her bra on as he scowled. "Sorry, Trigger, I've got to go give the horses breakfast. The owner's away until later so I said I'd cover." Doing up her jeans, she moved into the kitchen. "You're welcome to stay but if you go before I'm back leave the key under the mat."

"Fuckin stupid place to put it, anyone can find it," he called after her.

Her head popped through the beaded curtain. "Some of us are vertically challenged. I had to use one of those to reach the top of the door." She pointed to a rickety chair. "Not sure if it's safe to use a second time." She disappeared inside the curtain again.

"How long does it take to feed the fuckin nags?"

"About an hour. I have to do their stalls," she answered against the background noise of the pan boiling.

Trigger swung out of bed and pushed his way into the kitchen. He shut the burner off. Catching Kelly by the waist and turning her towards him, he smoothly flicked the clasp of her bra so it fell down her arms.

"Trigger, I've got to go."

He pulled her closer so her breasts crushed against his chest, his hand deftly unfastening her jeans. He pushed them down with her panties. "I'll take you to do the fuckin glue-on-legs." He smiled, lifting her up so the jeans fell off and her legs instinctively wrapped around his hips. "With two of us, Trigger - genius I am - gets the next half hour with you."

He carried her back to the bed, mind meandering through all the things he wanted to do with the beautiful little body entwined with his. Closing his eyes, he kissed Kelly, his tongue running rampant in her mouth. He lowered her onto the bed and moved to tease down her neck making her giggle.

Leaning back he smirked. "I owe you a screaming orgasm or two, my little angel."

Suddenly, Kelly's laughter stopped and she peered up at him nervously. "Trigger, you don't need to pretend." She sounded guilty. "I know what I am."

His brow furrowed. "And that is?"

"Bad." Kelly took a shaky breath. "I hurt Duce." Her fingers lightly stroked his arm. "I hurt you. I don't deserve good things."

Trigger met her sad eyes and his stomach lurched. "I know I'm looking at a beautiful woman. Gutsy, passionate and feisty. One I'm fuckin lucky will even give me the time of day." He leaned over to kiss her lightly. Feeling her lips against his, he groaned as the blood headed south again.

Breaking the kiss, she asked hesitantly, " you mean it?"

"Every fuckin word." He traced a calloused thumb over her cheek.

His eyes snapped shut as he felt her soft hands sliding into his hair, drawing him towards her. As their lips met, he slowly caressed her mouth with his tongue, becoming more passionate by the second as he rolled bringing her on top of him.

He lay back looking up at her straddling him. "Fuckin beautiful woman, and she's naked and sitting on me. I'm in ecstasy already." Winding fingers through her hair he pulled her down so he could kiss her again, working along her jaw towards the pressure point behind her ear as she started giggling.

"Not naked, I've still got socks on."

Chuckling, he turned over so that she was trapped under him. "Baby, you're all fuckin mine. Trigger doesn't share. Those socks are coming off. You wait right there."

Slowly, using his lips and tongue, he kissed and teased her body, traveling down to her feet, not missing a single sensitive spot. Each time he heard her gasp or felt her shiver, he paused his journey to work the area until she moaned and begged him for more.

Having evicted the socks from the bed, he slowly wove his way back up, returning leisurely to satisfy the points which had caused the greatest response. Reaching her mouth again, he kissed her hungrily, stroking down her side. Then he slid his hand across her hips and between her legs. There was no question she was ready; not only could he feel her warm welcoming slickness, but as he expertly rolled her clit, she cried out into his mouth.

He let his mouth drop to graze against her ear. "Say you want me, baby. Because I've never fuckin wanted anyone more than I want you now."

He groaned as her hand slipped between them and grasped his cock, angling her hips upwards desperately trying to show him what she wanted. Keeping his cock away from her pussy, Trigger slipped his fingers in Kelly's mouth. She sucked hungrily, cleaning her juices.

Using his teeth to tear the wrapper, Trigger got a rubber out. Gently pulling her hand away, he slid it on and rested his swollen cock on her pussy.

He looked deep into her eyes and smoothly pushed the engorged head inside. He smiled as Kelly gasped and tipped her head back. With every ounce of willpower he stopped his hips from thrusting as he waited just inside her. As natural as breathing, this time he was in complete control.

Dropping his lips to her neck, he tenderly kissed along her exposed throat. "Say it."

"Please, Trigger, please," she begged lifting her hips up, trying to move him deeper into her.

Her pleas made his cock throb.

"Get ready for the ride of your fuckin life."

Kelly's eyes flew open as she lowered her chin to look at him. "You really can't turn it off can you?" She laughed loudly.

Smirking, he pushed deep into her. The laughter stopped as she gasped again.

Watching her closely, he moved his body up slightly with each welcoming thrust. It only took a couple of goes to get the response he wanted. She threw her head back, her hands scraping at the wall. Keeping his position, he pinned her wrists and grazed his teeth along her throat, his hips setting a steady rhythm.

Primal, basic and glorious. His abs rippled with each forceful rock. Fuck, she was beautiful. He closed his eyes to maintain control; he wasn't ready yet, but she was. She fought to free her hands, but failing, they blindly clawed at thin air. Her body tensed and pussy gripped around him.

"Come for me, baby. Come for Trigger," he murmured, catching her earlobe between his teeth.

He stilled his hips as she cried out, shuddering against him. He let her ride the orgasm until she opened her eyes, flushed and panting.

With raised eyebrows he smiled down at her. "Ready to go again?"

Kelly drew her legs up high, locking her ankles behind his ass, pulling him deeper. "Fuck yeah," she grinned back.

Lost in his own fantasy, he got to work and watched Kelly's face. Soon she was moaning and shaking under his expertise. He smoothly flipped her on to her side so he could enter from behind, spooned around her. Rolling her clit with his fingers, he quickly had her in constant cascading orgasmic waves. He grazed his teeth against her shoulder. This was hotter than yesterday; the power of dominating, as he drove deep into Kelly.

His fingers pinched and twisted one hard nipple. Kelly screamed his name in ecstasy. The sound tipped him over the edge as he came powerfully along with the girl he was buried in.

Turning onto his back, still smiling, Trigger began to doze. He felt Kelly get out of bed and heard her pull on clothes. Assuming she was off to use the bathroom, he ignored her as he relived the experience. Only when he felt Kelly sit on the edge of the bed, did he grudgingly open his eyes to see her lacing up sneakers.

"I know this is a shit hole but you're a bit over dressed to use the crapper," he grumbled at the disturbance.

"I've got to go feed the horses," she replied, not turning around.

"I said I'd take you. Let me fuckin relax a minute."

Kelly stood up and turned to look at him, smiling. "It's okay, Trigger. You stay there I'll go for a run on the way so I'm not too late." She leaned over to kiss him, but he scowled and moved away.

"I said I'd fuckin take you," he growled, annoyed at her for not listening.

"I know, but I doubt there is anything less you'd rather do on your day off." She smiled hesitantly before moving to the door. "Remember...key - mat."

"For fuck's sake, Kelly," he snapped, making her freeze. "For someone who doesn't want to be on your fuckin own, you sure make it hard to be around you."

Wide-eyed she stared back, not moving.

"Fuckin hell. Don't do your kicked puppy routine." Trigger heaved himself out of bed, reaching for his jeans. "We'll go now."

Sticking her lower lip out like a petulant child, annoying him even more, she indignantly replied, "Trigger, I'm fine. I don't need your help."

"You might not, but it's insulting - you rejecting anything I offer." Sighing, he put his shirt on. "You need to fuckin wake up. You can't go on thinking you don't need anyone." Seeing fear in her eyes, he softened his tone and smiled. "No, I don't want to get up, but I do want to spend time with you. If that means I've gotta go feed Mr fuckin Ed and his buddies then I will."

"Sorry." Kelly hung her head.

"There you go again, the kicked puppy look," he chuckled. "C'mon, TC." Grabbing his jacket, he opened the door for her.

When they reached the street, Kelly silently climbed on the back of the Harley like a chastised child. She waited until Trigger got on before quietly asking, "Do you know where you're going?"

"Sure do. Remember I'm a fuckin commando. I can find anywhere." He passed her the spare helmet.

"Thank you," Kelly said genuinely, wrapping her arms around him.

He laid a large hand on her thigh and squeezed. "It's gonna be okay, TC."

Her arms tightened and she rested against his back.

Trigger started the bike and smoothly rode through the almost deserted streets, heading directly to the horse barn he'd followed Kelly to and from over the last few weeks. He didn't know how, but just like in 'Nam, he was sure it would be okay.

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Crusader235Crusader235over 3 years ago

I read ` the day it Snowed in Nam`, and this story was mentioned, so of course I had to read this after that. But now I'm Snowed. What happened to Triggers' Captains wife, Kelly "TC", that she now lives in that shithole trying to save money to move back home? Where is that story, and the rest of this story? And there's really no BDSM so why put your story there? This should be in "Loving Wives", because it sounds like they have been fucking each other for a long while. Maybe a chronology of your stories is needed for old dumb Marines like me. Sorry I have to score this at 4 stars.

Ravey19Ravey19over 3 years ago
I'm very Late....

... to the party having just found you.

A great short story for Xmas 2019 showing quite a detailed and varied knowledge.

My reservations are, firstly, it's too short and could easily be made into 4 pages which I believe is a far more suitable length. And secondly, obviously this was written before "A Nice Mug Of Tea" but both females use the same position for sex whereas I'm sure you could write of others. However, both srvations are quite minor and you definitely have the quality to rectify these. For example, they are set in vastly different geographical locations although surprisingly, so far, both lead males are medical doctors.

Why is it in bdsm? I think erotic ouplings would be a better choice.

Still worthy of 5 stars. Please keep on writing; It's a damned sight easier to comment / criticise than to write in the first instance and i still loved it.

EmirusEmirusalmost 4 years ago
Well done

You’ve written a story in which the sex is a natural part, not stuck in just to have some sex, and not sex around which is written a story. It all came across as very natural although there are some unanswered questions not least why is this story in bdsm? But the important thing is I liked it and it deserves five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Tis The Season o Be Jolly.

I loved this story. It hit all the right places and had me wishing I could get the same gift next Christmas.

ScarelttScarelttover 4 years ago
Yes, yes, and yes.

I wish I would have found this during contest season.

The story makes you wonder? The turkey sandwiches were a nice seasonal addition.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Loved this story. I could see the characters and the pacing made the story flow. Very hot

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wonderful writing

This was well written and engaging. I can't wait to read more.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Way to draw your audience, great work!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Love it!!

Loved it! Really enjoyed it

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Wonderful story

Master Xander0284

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