Shifting Perspectives


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"Having such a reputation would diminish you in the eyes of your colleagues and Mr. Dunsfield. You need to repair your relations with your coworkers. Starting with apologizing to those you may have made uncomfortable. Owning up to mistakes and working to make amends is what men do. That earns respect."

"Well said, young Kyle!" Harry gushed.

The praise was lost on Kyle as he was suddenly struggling to keep from losing the contents of his stomach. As his words left his lips, he knew they should be directed towards himself too. His recent visit to Montreal was a recent example. This gut twisted, hard. "Excuse me!" He rushed from the room and realized he had no idea where the restrooms were.

One of the household staff caught the desperate look in his eye and snagged his elbow to pull him through a door and into a side corridor. He was pushed through another door to see a toilet before him. He barely managed to get to his knees and lift the seat before his body heaved.

Painful minutes later, he felt a cool facecloth cleaning his face. His stomach was done, but his hands were still shaking. He pushed himself up onto his feet and turned his face to see Reginald standing next to him.

"It wasn't the scotch as I saw you knew how to handle it. Was it something you ate?" the older man asked.

"No! The scotch and the food were both delicious! Perfect!" He felt his stomach tighten once more as the man looked him in the eye. "I'm sorry for being a nuisance. I'm fine."

"Did Dr. Hansey do or say something to upset you?" Reginald asked, and Kyle stared at him in surprise.

The older man smiled and shook his head. "I gave my staff instructions to keep an eye on the doctor. He won't be accosting women under my roof." Kyle now knew his suspicions were true. "They said he was speaking to you in the bar, and he seemed upset. Then you left to do this."

Kyle nodded as he looked away. He closed his eyes and forced his stomach to settle. When he opened his eyes, he saw the man was waiting. He took a breath.

"I spoke with Dr. Hansey and questioned him on his reputation for inappropriate touching. I don't think he was aware of it. He is now. I suggested how he might make amends." Kyle frowned as he recalled his own guilt. "It seems I don't have much of a stomach for hypocrisy."

Reginald's bushy eyebrows rode up in shock. "You're a toucher too?!?"

Kyle shook his head. "No, I've never done that." He frowned. "I picked up some behavior from my father I've been struggling with. I hurt a sweet woman in Montreal when I left to come here because I failed to notice she'd become emotionally attached. Telling Richard he needed to apologize brought my own guilt crashing back on me." He hung his head in shame.

"How many women have you done this to?" Reginald asked in a controlled voice.

Kyle looked at the man and saw the stiff expression and understood. "Just the one. I'm not a player. That's why it caught me by surprise. I let Juliette know from the beginning I wasn't staying in Montreal for long. She said that was fine, as she was just interested in having a little fun. Now I know I should have paid closer attention to her. It wasn't until my flight over that I realized what I'd done."

Reginald seemed relieved and gave Kyle a pat on the shoulder. "I can't relate to this as Francis has been my one and only for my entire life."

"That's something I envy you for," Kyle said.

Reginald smiled warmly and guided him out of the bathroom, and gestured to his vast home. "Not for the trappings of my wealth?"

Kyle just shook his head with a small smile on his lips. "No, not minimal enough for my lifestyle. It won't fit on my motorcycle."

The old gentleman's eyes lit up. "You mentioned earlier that you're a rider." They began walking down the hall when Reginald stopped and turned them in the other direction.

They walked through the back corridors until they stepped out into a garage. In the back corner was a workshop and a vintage WWII military motorcycle partially... reassembled?

"Is that a Norton 633? Very nice!" Kyle exclaimed.

Reginald frowned. "A very nice paperweight at the moment. I rebuilt the engine, and now it won't start.

"Can I hear it turn over?" Kyle asked. Reginald nodded, and Kyle listened carefully as the older man tried to get the engine to catch. Kyle smiled as he thought he knew what it might be.

An hour later, Francis and Helen found them buffing the last greasy fingerprints from the gas tank.

"Reginald Dunsfield! What are you doing out here in the garage when all of your guests are inside?!?" Francis scolded him.

He looked up at the wall clock and made a noise of surprise. "Apologies, my dear! We lost track of time."

"Doing what?" she asked in frustration.

"This," he said, tossing a leg over the seat. He kicked the engine to life, and it purred happily.

"You got it running?" his wife asked, and her expression wasn't as full of joy as Reginald's had been.

He shut the engine down and gave Kyle a look. "See, she didn't want it to succeed."

"I don't want you killing yourself racing around the countryside on the beast!" she exclaimed.

He gave her a sweet smile. "I never said I wanted to ride it. I just wanted to bring it back to life. It's the tinkering that I enjoy. Thanks to this young man, I was able to restore this old beauty."

Francis looked at her husband in surprise. "Oh! I thought you were going to ride it!"

"It's very satisfying to bring a classic motorcycle back to life!" Kyle said with a wide smile. "This one was almost done. I only helped a tiny bit."

The older man scoffed, then shook Kyle's hand before they noticed how dirty their hands were. Luckily, they somehow spared their clothes.

Moving to the sink in the corner, they used a degreasing solution on their hands and then washed and dried them. They rolled down their sleeves and put their suit jackets back on.

Once more dressed for the party, they headed back into the main house side by side with their partners.

"Sorry for disappearing on you like that," Kyle said contritely to Helen.

She smiled and shook her head. "I was speaking with Kate this entire time, and we'll speak on that when we get home." He looked to see her eyes sparkling excitedly.

"Ooo, good things, I assume?" Kyle asked quietly.

She just smiled mysteriously.

They returned to the ballroom, and Helen spotted her team and moved them in their direction.

Harry immediately moved to Kyle's side. "Are you okay?" he gasped. Kyle nodded, hoping the man would drop it, but he was too far into his cups to stop. "You seriously looked like you were going to be sick! Believe me, I recognized that look as I've been there. Did you make it?"

Helen paused to look at Kyle in concern, but he just smiled at her and nodded to the man again. "I feel better now."

"You did a smashing job of putting Ol' Handsey in his place," Harry chuckled.

"You were the one who accused him of pawing the ladies," Kyle said with a smile.

Harry blinked at Kyle. "No... I remember you saying that." The man's voice was quieter now as he tried to sort out his drunk memories. Kyle shook his head. Harry looked queasy, then marched away with purpose.

"Seriously, that man needs to get control over his drinking!" Jane grumbled.

Kyle caught Ginny watching the dancers wistfully. The songs changed, and he saw her eyes light up when she heard the new one, which was faster for the younger guests. Kyle smiled at Helen, then moved to stand before Ginny.

"Shall we dance?" he asked.

She squeaked in surprise and froze, so he gently took her hand and led her out onto the floor. Ginny was blushing furiously, but he could see her joy as she began to move to the music. Kyle kept his moves simple and subtle while Ginny worked her way up the enthusiasm ladder, adding more energetic movements. She was really enjoying the music.

Nearing the song's end, William worked up the courage to join them on the dance floor. He watched Kyle and matched his moves.

Ginny was in a world all her own as she danced with her eyes closed. She opened them as the song switched into another favorite. William was dancing nearby, and she smiled bashfully.

Kyle bowed out gracefully as William danced closer to take his spot. He returned to Helen and saw the others had left, and he raised an eyebrow.

"This is the time the older party guests go home. They asked me to give you their regards. Would you mind if we left too?" Helen asked.

"Not at all. If you're ready to go, I'm all yours," Kyle said with a smile as he held out his elbow.

She smiled at him and put her arm through his. They walked through the halls towards the front doors, where Kyle handed over the ticket for Helen's coat. As they waited, Dr. Hansey approached, a little unsteady on his feet. They turned to face him.

"Helen. I need to apologize to you for any unwanted touching I might have done," he sighed.

"Richard, please wait until you're sober to confess your sins. No one accepts drunken confessions as genuine," Helen sighed.

Richard reeled back and scowled at Kyle. "You told me I should apologize!"

"I didn't tell you to do it now while you're drunk. Helen's right. You should sober up first."

Richard flung his arm back to indicate the party behind them. "I've been telling all the women I might have touched that I was sorry. I have to do it again? It was hard enough to do after a few drinks." He gave them a frustrated scowl. "Bugger that."

The doctor pulled his car keys from his pocket and jingled them in front of Kyle. The Ferrari key fob was front and center. "I guess I'll just have to be happy with the rewards of my profession!"

"Do you intend to drive yourself home in this state?" Kyle asked cautiously.

"It's none of your bloody business, is it?" the doctor snarled.

"As it's my party, it's my business to know the state of my guests when they leave."

They turned to see Mr. Dunsfield standing behind them with a disapproving frown on his face.

"Oh fuck! There's nothing I can do to make you respect me, is there?" Richard mumbled.

"You don't make people respect you. You earn respect. Knowing when you're too drunk to drive is a good start," the host said.

"I'll let you know when I get there," Richard said flippantly and jingled his keys over his shoulder as he walked towards the front door.

Kyle reached out and plucked the keys from the doctor's grip. "Why don't I drive you home? I'll catch a taxi--whoa!" He easily dodged the sloppy punch the doctor aimed at his head.

"Richard, stop! Careful of your hands!" Kyle yelped as he ducked a second punch. He saw the anger building and spared a glance towards Reginald.

"Stop him," the old man said in resignation.

Kyle buried his fist in Richard's gut, lifting him off his feet momentarily. He held the man's arm as he crumpled to his knees, wheezing for a breath. Reginald accepted a small pail from one of his staff and placed it beneath Richard's face moments before the man lost the contents of his stomach.

Everyone stood back, and Reginald whispered something to his staff member, who stepped in to take Kyle's place in holding the doctor on his knees.

The coat check clerk handed Kyle Helen's coat, so he helped her put it on. They turned to the Dunsfields as Francis had come to say goodbye, too. They moved away from the sick man, and Kyle handed the car keys to their host.

"We'll let him sleep it off in a spare bedroom tonight. He can drive home in the morning," Reginald clarified.

"Thank you for a lovely party!" Kyle said.

The older couple looked at Dr. Hansey and back to Kyle. "I don't know how this equates to a lovely party when you're accosted as you leave," Reginald confessed.

Kyle just waved his hand dismissively. "It's an office Christmas party. There's always some level of drunken brawling involved." At the skeptical looks, he shrugged. "That was my experience back in Canada, at least." He grinned.

"The colonies are a rough and tumble place," Reginald suggested, and Kyle chuckled.

Helen moved forward to touch cheeks with their hosts as Kyle shook their hands. Then he was walking her to her car.

She unlocked the car, and Kyle held her door for her before getting in his side.

"How I would have loved being the one to punch that man in the stomach so hard!" Helen sighed. She started up the car and got them underway.

"I dedicate that punch to all the ladies who were the targets of his grabby hands," Kyle said solemnly.

"While a little barbaric, it was also very exciting to see you beat him up." Helen bit her lip as she gazed at him. His eyebrows went up in surprise.

She chuckled and drove them with quick efficiency through the back lanes to her neighborhood. Soon enough, they pulled into the parking lot, and Kyle got out and opened Helen's door for her. After he closed her door, he saw her need for him in her eyes. He pressed her up against the side of her car and kissed her deeply. She squeaked then moaned as she clung to him. When he rubbed his erection across her sensitive bits, she gasped and pressed back.

She clung tighter as a couple walked past the parking lot with their dog on a leash. Kyle and Helen were only partially obstructed from view because of the hedges by the sidewalk and their position between the cars. Plus, other tenants might return to the parking lot and catch them.

He moved his mouth to her ear. "Fuck, you're making me so hard! I don't know if I can wait. I want to take you right here in the parking lot!"

She trembled and held him tighter, grinding against his bulge.

"You'd like me to fuck you against the car right now, out here where anyone might happen by and see your lusty behavior.

She made a desperate sound as her hips rolled to grind him more firmly.

He undid the lower buttons on her coat and tugged her dress upwards to slide his fingers over her panties.

"Oh my god, Kyle! You're going to make me come!" Her eyes were scanning their surroundings to see if they'd been spotted. The street was surprisingly busy for this late hour. He saw it was mostly people walking their dogs. Another couple was coming by. He slipped his fingers under her panties, and she gasped aloud. The couple and their dog paused as they overheard a noise.

Kyle whispered into Helen's ear. "They heard your sexy moan, Helen. They know you're about to come." He pushed two fingers deep inside her wet pussy.

Before she could cry out, he kissed her hard and pressed her against her car. Her orgasm crashed through her mind as she clung to Kyle and shook.

He held still but moved Helen to rest her face against his shoulder, where she panted as her body pulsed through the ebbing bliss.

The dog walkers moved on.

Helen pulled back to look into Kyle's eyes. Her eyes rolled back, and her jaw dropped silently as he slid his fingers from her pussy. She watched him suck on his fingers as she trembled against his chest. She moaned at the heat in his eyes.

"Let's get inside where I can warm you up," Kyle said.

She smiled and straightened her dress and coat as he eased back from her body. She moved towards the entrance with Kyle following, and she tingled as if she could still feel his hands touching her.

Once inside, they walked to the elevators and stepped inside. Kyle stepped before Helen when the door closed, slid his fingers into her beautiful auburn hair, and kissed her passionately.

They broke the kiss when the doors opened on Helen's floor. They stumbled out of the elevator and turned towards her condo, coming face to face with Margaret Hillsbury. The woman froze as she took in the disheveled state of their clothes, Helen's slightly wild hair, and her lipstick smeared across Kyle's mouth and jaw.

Then she saw Kyle's zipper was open, and his boxers were being pressed out the fly by a bulge.

"Good-good evening, Helen! Kyle?"

He nodded at her correct guess of his name.

"Oh! Good evening, Margaret. How was the Church Gala?" she asked as she casually straightened her dress.

Margaret's eyes were trapped by the gap in Kyle's pants and the hint of something hard within.

She suddenly broke free from her daze. "Church? Oh yes, it was a lovely evening." She failed to say that very convincingly, even to her own ears. Truthfully, it had been so dull! Especially when she now compared it to the night Helen appeared to be enjoying. "How was the office party?" she asked to change the topic.

Helen's smile said it all. "The Dunsfield estate was so beautifully decorated. The food was delicious, and the dancing afterward was so much fun! The night was dreamy!"

Kyle leaned closer to Helen. "It's not over yet," he purred deeply.

Helen's eyes widened, and she burst into giggles. "It was nice seeing you again, Margaret. Merry Christmas!" she scampered away towards her door with Kyle stalking after her.

"Merry Christmas!" Margaret squeaked out before they disappeared into the condo.

Dammit! That's what she wanted for Christmas, too!


Kyle's fingers were in Helen's hair once more as he worshipped her lips with his. Her breath was coming in gasps as she clung to his ass, pulling him tight against her as he pressed her body against the inside of her front door.

Finally, Kyle stepped back so he could begin to take off Helen's coat. She leaned back against the door, panting, and watched his eyes devouring her. A thrill shot through her as she realized how much he wanted her. It was genuine, intense, and made her feel sexy and desirable!

The coat fell to her feet, and his powerful hands settled on her hips and slid back to cup and squeeze her ass. That set off fireworks in her mind, so she missed feeling his hands slip up to the back of her neck where he unfastened her dress. She definitely felt him pulling her dress forward and down, her lingerie coming into view. Kyle growled happily as he cupped her breasts in his hands, enjoying the feel of her satin-covered softness. She sighed and trembled as he squeezed her tits.

He kissed her again, and her hands began frantically undressing him. He assisted, and soon he was standing before her in just his boxers.

They shared a grin, then rushed across the dark condo, down the hall to the master bedroom. The only light came through the sheer curtains from the few streetlights outside and below.

Helen was all giggles as she tossed the duvet down to the foot of the bed and dove onto the mattress. That giggle became a shriek when Kyle grabbed her ankles and pulled her flat on the bed on her stomach. He pounced on top and pulled her panties down as she lost herself in another burst of giggles. She moaned loudly when he grabbed her ass cheeks and squeezed them.

He continued this hard massage of her ass until she was desperately squirming. She felt him move back slightly. Moments later, he suddenly rested his weight over her body, forcing his hard cock down between her ass cheeks to rub across her asshole and pussy lips.

"Kyle! What! What are you doing?" she gasped in surprise.

Kyle pushed his cock between her legs, the head dragging across ass and pussy again. She jolted each time the thick head pressed against the tight, puckered orifice. His cock was slick from her juices, which had been flowing since their play in the parking lot.

He gently stroked the head of his cock across her hot and soft pussy, bumping her clit. "Ooooohhhh, that's such a tease!" she purred.

Kyle pulled his hips back, and the slippery cock pressed on her tight asshole.

"AH! Kyle! Wha--Where are you going?" she yelped.

"I'm just enjoying exploring your body. I won't do anything you don't want me to do." He teased her tight rosebud and watched her eyelashes flutter as shivers shook her body. He pulled back, then pushed his cock deep between her thighs, brushing past her pussy once more.
