Short Story 01: Gina


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Now, with fingers that were a little more confident, I undid the two buttons at her waist and let her skirt fall to the floor.


She smiled and gracefully stepped out of the skirt that was puddled at her feet...

And that left us standing there. her in her satiny bra and matching panties, me in my... undershorts.

But the funny thing was, it didn't feel awkward, at least to me. And Gina certainly didn't show any signs of shyness or embarrassment.

Still, I wasn't quite sure of the etiquette here. Fortunately, Gina, had no such problems. She took both my hands and placed them on the front clasp on her bra, and amazingly my fingers seemed to know what to do, and in seconds I was separating the front of her bra and slipping it back off her shoulders.

I just had to lean down and take her nipple between my lips. It was so juvenile of me -- or perhaps adolescent -- but I had no choice. There was a beautiful young woman standing there in front of me, with lovely breasts and erect nipples that begged for attention -- and for affection.

My lips closed around the firm brown nub of flesh, looking like a chocolate gumdrop, and I sucked, very gently. Gina put her hands on my head and stroked my hair. She pulled me closer and bent to kiss my hair as I put my arms around her waist. It was perhaps the tenderest moment I can ever recall.

With a final kiss to my hair, Gina gently pushed me back and looked at me. "I want us to do that again, but I think there are some other things we'd like to do right now -- don't you?"

Yes, there are -- and yes, I do.

She looked at me. "My turn now?" I smiled. She took the waistband of my shorts in her fingers, and kneeling, she peeled them down my legs, and with a slight nudge from her I stepped aside. And, yes, her head was now at the level of...

She kissed the head of my cock. Not on the tip, but on the crown. Somehow I hadn't become erect yet, and in one way that was good. It signaled, at least to me, that this moment wasn't about the sex. Or, maybe, not just about the sex.

But with her attentions, the hardness came. She held me between her thumb and forefinger, and I took her head in my hands while she kissed up and down my cock -- the top, bottom, the sides. Then a gentle parting stroke with her hand as she backed off and stood.

She stood there in just her vibrant pink bikini panties. Through the semi-transparent fabric I could see that Gina had kept her rich red-brown hair in a little oval patch, right above where the hint of a cleft began. I kneeled in front of her, and right in front of me was the lovely round tummy that I saw at the pool, that first time when she wore her leopard bikini. I reached behind her and grasped her solid round buttocks and pulled her to me, and I finally pressed my lips to the soft skin and the firm tummy beneath.

I could have stayed like that, but I don't think that's what Gina wanted then. Reluctantly I took my lips off her tummy and put my fingers on the waistband of her panties and looked up to her. She smiled, a smile that almost said, "Finally!" She nodded once, and I hooked my fingers under the elastic and tugged on it gently and slid the panties down to the floor...

And that would have been time for me to plunge my face in between her legs and bury my tongue in her warm, waiting pussy. Except, well, you know... the height thing.

But amazingly -- yet unsurprisingly -- Gina had it all worked out. She took my hands and backed up onto the bed, bringing me with her. She scooted up 'til her head was on the pillows. Then she pulled me onto the bed -- and between her legs.

And the thing -- the great thing -- was, there wasn't any uncertainty about why we were at this point, and by 'why' I mean, "What were my motives." There was no undercurrent, no "hidden agenda" for why I wanted to be with Gina, or any question as to the role played by her size, her stature -- her 'condition.' Instead, it was totally obvious -- to me and to her -- that, one, I was attracted to Gina the person, and two, I found her attractive -- physically attractive. No reservations, no qualifications.

But then a jolt of reality. Like a gentleman -- or maybe like an anxious teenager -- I asked, "Do we need to take any... precautions...?"

She smiled. "No, I have my diaphragm."

And that made me wonder, about when...

... and before my thoughts got any farther, she smiled, an enigmatic kind of smile. "I put it in while Terri was leaving."

So there it was. Gina had decided that she and I were going to have sex, or at least, that there was the possibility of us having sex, this evening.

I've heard that women decide within the first five minutes of meeting a guy whether they're going to have sex with him. And I guess Gina had made that decision. So, yes, she was... we were.

Anyway, the fact was, she had selected me, and I'm extremely happy that she did.

Gina might not have had a lot of sexual experience, and from what Terri told me, the experiences she has had were not the kinds of experiences she wanted.

But tonight, with me -- with us -- Gina knew exactly what she wanted.

"This first time, would you be on top?"

Implied in her request were two things: one, this was not going to be the only time; and two, that I wasn't always going to be the one one top!

She pulled me to her and guided my cock inside her -- inside her pussy.

And it was so easy. Gina was already wet. How wet, you want to know? Well, her pussy wasn't "gushing," and it wasn't "soggy," or "like a swamp" with her cunt juices.

No, Gina's pussy was just wet enough to welcome her lover.

And once I -- my cock -- was inside her, was she... well, did it feel... you know... "different" because... well, because of... you know...? Okay, what you want to know is, was she small -- really tight -- "down there," because... you know -- alright, because she's a dwarf! -- is that what you wanted to know??

No. Gina -- her cunt -- was just the right size to embrace her lover's cock -- mine -- snugly and warmly.

I scooted down a little, and that put my face level with hers. I leaned down and kissed her. She responded by putting her small hands behind my head and gently pulling me down, and we kissed. Just kissed. She put her legs -- those perfect, sturdy little legs -- around me, around my ass, and used them to hug me to her as we kissed, and as I moved my hips back and forth, sliding my cock in and out of the loving embrace of her -- of Gina's pussy -- of Gina's cunt.

And right now you might be asking, "Was it strange, 'making love' to a woman whose body is -- different? strange? abnormal? -- a body that many people -- a lot of people -- might call 'freakish?'"

No. It was like making love to a beautiful, passionate, loving young woman who for some bizarre reason seems to think that I am special, or at least, special enough to take into her bed and into her body.

But despite all the romantic feelings it appeared that both of us shared, it was fucking, and I was starting to feel the natural consequences of that, and Gina sensed it.

"Go ahead, Ellis -- cum in me. That's what I want -- I want you to cum in me."

As much as I wanted to do just that, I also had to think of her.

"What about you?"

"Don't worry -- there'll be plenty of chances later for me."

I liked that idea! As soon as she reassured me that "there'll be plenty of chances later," I stopped my efforts to hold back and simply let go. And it wasn't some bucking, screaming, gasping orgasm. Instead, it was just... "release" is the best word I can find to describe what I did, or what happened to me. And with her arms and her legs Gina squeezed me to her, and at that moment I felt like the most perfect lover in the world.

And as we lay there like that, Gina asked, God bless her, "Can we stay like this for a while?"

Yes, my darling -- we can stay like this as long as you like, forever, if you wish...

Until the obligatory shrinkage occurred and I begin to slip out of. We both smiled and gave in to the inevitable.

I kissed her nose and rolled off her and onto my side. As soon as I got settled into my new position, Gina turned on her side and looked at me. She smiled, and she sighed, and then she snuggled into my arm.

"That was perfect, El."

"El!" For the very first time! And what was even better was when she added "... just like I knew it would be."

I put my arm over her, and like that, we fell asleep.

* * * * *

I woke up to find Gina, propped up on her elbow, looking at me. She smiled when she saw I was awake. I pulled her to me and kissed her, enjoying the feeling of having her body in my arms again.


"Yes..." and it would have been so easy, so natural, to say "Darling," or "Hon," or "Sweetheart" then. But we had not entered into that realm of familiarity yet. Or at least I didn't think so...

"... Gina?"

"El, remember that thing we said about plenty of chances for me later?"

"Yes?" And then the lightbulb went on. "Is this maybe one of those chances?"

"Yes, I think maybe it is."

I rolled onto my side. I took her arm and rolled her onto her back, and for the first time I ran my hand over her body. Exploring, of course, first across her chest, grasping, then squeezing gently her breasts -- full, but not large -- before playing with the crowning nipples, which I had touched with my lips but not my fingers yet. I felt them harden under my fingertips, and I could have played with them much longer -- but as Gina said earlier, there would be plenty of chance for that later.

My hand found its way down her round little belly, running my hand over and around her, and deciding that it was the most adorable tummy in the world, and then following her thigh down to between her legs.

As I'd seen through her sheer panties, Gina had preserved a little oval-shaped patch of her rich red- brown fur right above her slit. My fingers could tell from the ultra-smooth skin and the well-defined boundaries of her decorative little patch that she had trimmed her adornment just today -- for me, I chose to believe. I rubbed my fingers through the small patch of that luxuriant hair, savoring the feel before allowing them to descend lower, to the plump lips that waited beneath.

And then they touched the wetness -- and for me, the sexiest thing there is, sexier than actual fucking, if you can believe that -- that moment when my fingers first encounter the slick juice of a woman who's sexually aroused.

And that's what I felt when my fingers first touched Gina's slick inner lips. I actually got a little dizzy. If I had to choose one word to describe the pussy that my fingers found, it would be "lush." The flesh was plump, and juicy, and it seemed to envelop my fingers, and for the first time I can recall, my fingers felt like Gina was fucking them.

But then I remembered -- this is the time for me to make Gina feel good. I slid my fingers up through her slickness and began to circle over her clit, which had enlarged nicely since my fingers first arrived. She responded immediately, rocking her hips, then taking my hand and guiding my fingers around, then back inside her, then pulling them out and back up to her clit again.

"That's it, El -- like that!' She thrust her hips up and pressed my fingers hard against her clit -- and she came. Still forcing my fingers against her, her hips bucked against them, two, then three times -- and then fell back to the bed, breathing hard, but still clutching my hand to her, between her legs.

Gina finally caught her breath. She took my hand and brought it, wet with her own juices, to her mouth and kissed it softly. But that couldn't be the end of it. I pulled her hand to me and kissed it, then freed my hand from her grasp and slid myself down in the bed and gently prodded her to open her thighs, and I put my head between them. Between those soft, smooth, firm, sturdy thighs.

And I smiled. Not laughed -- smiled. Because those distinctive thighs belonged to Gina -- they're Gina's, and therefore, they're wonderful. And I put my hands underneath those wonderful thighs and pushed gently, elevating her pussy for me -- for my mouth. I took a few moments to look at "her" -- at Gina's sex -- and it appeared just as lush as it felt when I first explored It with my fingers.

I extended my tongue and brushed her clit, and I felt her jump a little with that first touch. I waited for a moment, for her to adjust, then resumed licking her clit. Actually, tasting it -- her. I moved my tongue to the bottom of her slit and inserted it, just a little, into her, absorbing her feel, her taste. The taste, of course, was of pussy: a hint of the soap or body wash she uses, just the slightest tang of pee -- and the wonderful slippery feel and sensual smell of female sexual juices -- like all women, but unique to each one. I paused to bathe my senses in my lover's tastes and textures and aromas.

Then I heard Gina's voice: "Eat me, El."

I pushed my tongue in farther, in and out, to feel her enveloping my tongue -- and to feed my mind with the thought, the image, of my tongue fucking her. I felt her hands on my head, not pressing against me, but letting me know that she wanted me there.

I closed my eyes, and I lost myself in the image of my tongue exploring those voluptuous folds, tasting her juices, then stopping to suck on the delicate inner lips, or squeeze the meatier outer lips between my teeth, and feel Gina's hands pressing on my head when I did.

Then up to her clit again, running my tongue around it, sealing my lips around her and sucking, gently, then harder as she thrust her hips against my mouth. A gentle squeeze between my teeth, followed quickly by a tongue swirl and a suck -- and then Gina, simply exploding beneath my lips, pressing my head tightly to her as she humped her hips -- her clit and pussy -- against me.

I had made a lovely woman feel good. For the first time in over four years, I had brought sexual pleasure to a lovely woman who deserved that pleasure. I actually felt proud.

Gina sighed. She took my shoulders and pulled me up to her and smiled at me, and we kissed, and we exchanged her juices that were around my mouth and on my face. After that I rolled to the side and she snuggled into my arm, and she said, "That was perfect, too, El."

And as I held her to me I thought, "This is the best-feeling woman I've ever held." Trying to get 'analytical' about it, I think Gina -- her body -- is the perfect ratio of flesh to muscle to bone, at least for me. I don't know what, if anything, this implied for the future, but I know that, for this moment, this is the most wonderful body I've ever held.

I freed myself and reached over to turn off the bedside lamp. When I lay back down again, Gina resumed her place in my arm. I reached over her, and like that, holding each other, we fell asleep.

Sometime during the night I was aware of a voice whispering to me, "El -- El! Can you wake up, El?" In an effort to help me to wake up, there was a hand on my cock, and it was moving back and forth and doing this kind of milking thing. Then Gina disappeared from my sight and I felt a warm mouth replacing the hand that was working my cock just a moment ago.

The mouth was warm and wet, and it felt like my cock could just melt inside it. But instead, my cock surprised me by thickening, then getting hard -- and then getting even harder. And then I felt a kiss on the very tip, and then Gina reappeared. She lifted one leg over me so she was straddling my hips. She took my cock in her fingers, smiled down at me, then positioned my cock at the entrance to her cunt, moved me back and forth against her to get it aimed right, then lowered herself 'til half of me was inside her.

She stopped, a look of satisfaction on her face, almost like "Look what I just did!" on her face, and then a "Watch what else I can do" look as she grit her teeth and in a single move lowered her hips and took all of me inside of her, and once again my cock was completely enveloped in the snug, warm sheath that is Gina's cunt.

This time I was able to look up and to see the woman I'm fucking -- or who's fucking me. She was beautiful, and I already knew this. But now I could see her -- the the dark, exotic eyes, the rich dark hair cascading down her shoulders, the firm tits with their hard chocolate brown nipples begging to be touched and sucked. And the smile, which for now was yielding to an expression of sexual concentration as she rocked her hips back and forth, working me around inside her, rubbing her sensitive parts against the hardness of my cock.

And from this position I was able to savor all of it -- the vision of the beautiful sexy woman, and the sensations of the slippery, satiny flesh of her cunt against my cock as it slides in and out, back and forth, inside her. Amazingly, I was able to control myself, to the point that Gina was able to give herself two orgasms before finally telling me, "Now, El!"

I pulled her down to me and held her tightly in my arms, and I let go of the load of semen that had been building up inside me all the time that I was sucking and finger-fucking her, and now from watching her while... while she fucked me.

And as before, my orgasm was not some big, humping, grunting thing. Instead, it was a blissful release, all of my lust, my excitement, flowing out of my body and into hers. And then her little sigh, and she kissed my chest, and we fell asleep like that, with her small body resting on mine...

... Until I heard the sound of my daughter throwing back the curtains and the harsh light of morning assaulting my half-open eyes and Gina's complaint, "Girl! What are you doing -- it's too early!"

And Terri's response, "Time for you two lovebirds to get up. Lots to do today."

* * * * *

What do you think? Should there be more to this story?

Please let me know, by way of the 'Feedback to the author' or 'Comments' [or 'Send Private Feedback' ] feature at the end -- I'd love to hear from you.

- cv andrews

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lerenardruselerenardruse8 months ago

There must be a second chapter. This was an intro to the story.

Jerryr6Jerryr6over 2 years ago

Very well written. Five Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

More, please

tim0277tim0277over 2 years ago

Please continue. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please continue.

th0ts0vuth0ts0vuover 2 years ago

Thank you. I really enjoyed this. They deserve more and there are a few ways this could go. I’m looking forward to it.

Qwer12Qwer12over 2 years ago

More more more. Enjoyed so please add more adventures.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

This is a well-told story and the characters deserve to live on. Please continue it.

stewartbstewartbover 2 years ago

Great premise ... love the characters ... would love to have further adventures ... PLEASE!! Oh here's 5

cvandrewscvandrewsover 2 years agoAuthor

Thanks to all of you who've indicated you'd like to see more of this story. I'll do my best! cva

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Very nice sexy story! Give sexy Ellis a bit of chest hair that Gina can explore as she opens his shirt, then caresses and kisses his chest. Very sexy!

BramblePestBramblePestover 2 years ago

I do think it deserve a follow-up, i quite enjoyed reading the story.

bigbob2406bigbob2406over 2 years ago

Beautiful story. Its got legs.... let it run where it will. Looking forward to seeing more. Thank you.

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 2 years ago

More please. If you have the story and want to tell it I want to read it.



AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

An intriguing story, please continue.

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