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Humiliated husband finds happiness.
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My name is Chris and I'm 31 years old. My ex-wife Joy, is 29. We were married for 4 years and I thought we had a good marriage, but was I ever mistaken. Joy had a novel way of breaking the news to me.

It was Saturday and I was going to play tennis with 3 of my friends. We had a court reserved from 1:00pm-3:00pm. At noon, I got my equipment together and told Joy I was leaving and should be back around 3:30pm. She said she had something she wanted to tell me when I got back. I asked what it was and she said, "Actually, it might be better to show you while I explain. But, don't worry about it now, go enjoy your game. We'll deal with it when you get home. You better go or you'll be late." So, I left.

My partner and I won 2 out of 3, which was very good for me. The truth is he carried me, but a win is a win. I drove home and was excited to tell Joy how well I played. I came in the house and didn't see her in the den or kitchen. I called out and she said she was in the bedroom. I told her I would be right there. I put my stuff away and got a bottle of water from the refrigerator. As I headed for the bedroom I said, "You won't believe how well ..." I froze in mid-sentence. Joy and another man were in our bed and she was giving him a very energetic blowjob. This guy was huge, at least 9 inches long. I yelled, "What's going on?"

Joy stopped sucking his dick and said, "Hi honey. This is Kevin, Kevin this is my soon to be ex-husband, Chris." He actually extended his hand for me to shake. Reflex almost had me reaching for it, but I didn't. Joy said, " I'm really sorry to tell you this way, but I think you'll see that it's really for the best." She swung around and straddled his cock. She slowly impaled herself on it until she hit bottom and began riding it. She said, "I'm divorcing you, for reasons that must be obvious." She rode him a few more minutes, then got on her hands and knees and he began fucking her from behind. She said, "I don't hate you Chris, I just don't love you anymore. I want out of this marriage now!" She was moaning loudly and it was getting difficult for her to talk. He grunted and came and came and came. This triggered Joy and she screamed as her orgasm took her.

When they finished, she sat back on the bed with her legs spread wide open so I could see her puffy, red pussy lips. Cum was oozing out of her. She put 2 fingers into her pussy and scooped out some of his cum. Then she licked her fingers clean. She said, "If I just told you I wanted a divorce, you would want to talk about it, maybe try to change my mind, or want us to go to counseling. I don't want that. I just want this marriage to end. By doing it this way, I hope you are so hurt and humiliated, that you'll agree to the divorce and be rid of me." They started to get dressed.

" I know you have questions, so let me try to answer them upfront. I met Kevin in the grocery store, of all places."

Kevin added proudly, "I'm the Assistant Produce Manager."

Joy rolled her eyes and said, "He's really very sweet and I love him. He's a little slow, but he has one huge asset. I was faithful to you for the first 2 years of our marriage. Then, I started cheating on you, no real reason. I was bored and wanted more sex, but not necessarily with you. I had 3 long-term affairs and numerous one-night stands. I can't believe you never suspected anything. You really are too trusting for your own good. They were all good, just not good enough to leave you for, until now." As she stood there, cum was running down her leg. She reached down and wiped it off with her hand, then licked her hand clean.

She went to the closet and came back with her suitcase. She said, "I've talked to my lawyer and the papers are ready to sign. We have no kids and the house is leased month to month, so you can stay or move out. We'll split the checking and savings accounts. I get my car and you get yours. There isn't much here I want, but we can divide the possessions. If you don't contest the divorce and sign by Tuesday, I'll pay the lawyer fees and court costs."

"Don't blame yourself, you didn't do anything wrong. I simply stopped loving you, if I ever really did, and I just want out. I'll be at Kevin's. Call me on Tuesday with your decision." She kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye. Kevin picked up her siutcase and they headed to the door.

Kevin said, "Goodbye, it was nice to meet you." Joy cracked up as they left.

I was dumbfounded. I had no clue, none. As I thought about it over the weekend, I realized she was right. I was hurt and completely humiliated. Nothing kills the love and romance like having your wife tell you she doesn't love you anymore and wants a divorce, while her new lover is pounding his 9-inch dick into her pussy in front of you. I called her Monday and agreed to sign.

When I told my coworkers I was getting a divorce, they were very supportive. I neglected to provide all the details. It was just too humiliating. I just said she didn't love me anymore and found someone she did. Some tried to set me up on blind dates. I went on a few, but I just wasn't ready to play the dating game yet.

One day Lisa came by my office and said, "I'm sorry to hear about your marriage. From personal experience, I know it's tough, but you'll get through it." I thanked her and she left. I've known Lisa for several years. She works in another department, but we often work together on overlapping projects. She's always quiet, but definitely on her game. She's very nice looking, dresses very professionally and just now, I noticed that she has a very nice ass. We have only talked to each other about work, never anything personal. I wondered why I hadn't noticed her before.

Six weeks later, I got a call from Joy's lawyer. We were officially divorced and true to her word, she paid for everything. I told my coworkers my divorce was final. They congratulated me and said since it was Friday, we all should go out after work to celebrate. I thanked them but said I wasn't up to it. They went without me.

I was working a little late and Lisa walked by. She said, "I thought you all were going drinking to celebrate your divorce."

I said, "They are, I'm not. The end of my marriage is really nothing to celebrate. It's like celebrating a failure."

She said, "I know it's difficult. It's one of those trials in life you just have to get through." I told her she was probably right. She said, "Don't stay too late and try to enjoy the weekend."

She started to leave and out of nowhere, I asked, "Do you have plans for tonight? I don't want to celebrate, but I would really enjoy some company. I just don't want to go home and eat take out."

She started to say something. I could see her mouth forming the word "No". Then she stopped and thought for a second. She said, "Give me a minute, I'll be right back. She left, heading for her office. She came back in about 5 minutes and said, "Where do you want to go?"

I said, "You mean you'll go to dinner with me?" She smiled and nodded. I packed my briefcase and we headed for my car.

I took her to a nice Italian restaurant. We ordered and got a bottle of wine. We began talking and I tried to steer the conversation away from work. I wanted to learn about her. She briefly told me about her childhood, family, collage, etc. I filled her in on the basics of my life. As we talked, it seemed like we had known each other forever. She put me at ease and I felt comfortable talking about anything.

She brought up the subject of her marriage. She told me she had been married for 5 years when she found out that her husband was cheating on her. At first, she agreed to try to work through it. But, when his girlfriend turned up pregnant, that was it. Her divorce was final a year ago.

I started telling her my story. I said, " I've told everyone that my divorce was because my ex-wife didn't love me anymore and that she found someone she did. That's true, but it's not the whole story. I was too embarrassed and humiliated to tell anyone." I told her everything. I cleaned it up a little so it was R-rated, instead of X-rated. Then I said, "You're the only person I've told. Please don't tell anyone. I would just die of embarrassment."

She looked very upset and said, "I can't believe anyone could be that cruel. I'm very sorry and I hope you don't think all women are like that. I'm certainly not." I thanked her. She said, "Don't worry. I'll never tell anyone."

It was almost 11:00pm. I looked around and we were the only ones left in the restaurant. As we walked back to the car, I took her hand. She smiled and let me. We went back to work to get her car. She told me she enjoyed the evening. She kissed me on my cheek and got out. I got out and followed her to her car and asked, "Would you like to go out tomorrow?"

She said, "I can't. I broke a date tonight and I can't stand him up again."

I started apologizing and said, "I didn't know you had a date. You should've just told me "No". I should have known a woman as lovely as you would have a boyfriend. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to interfere."

She put her hand over my mouth and said, "It's OK. He's just an old friend. Ask me another time." Then she lightly kissed me again, on my mouth and left. I just stood there for at least 5 minutes before I got I in my car and left. I couldn't believe I was feeling this way. I felt like a teenager on his first date and that was my first kiss.

At work, I went by her office as often as I could and we went to lunch almost every day. I was really enjoying her company. On Thursday I asked, "Would you like to go out Friday or Saturday?"

She asked, " Which day?"

After thinking a few seconds I asked hesitantly, "Both?"

She laughed and said, "OK. But I have to work Saturday until noon on a project that's due, so whatever we do can't run late."

Friday, we met after work and went to dinner. I let her pick the restaurant and we went to her favorite Chinese place. We talked and laughed while we ate. As I looked at her, I realized how beautiful a woman she was. Not just physically, but everything about her. These feelings caused a stirring in my dick, but I kept it under control.

It was time to take her back to her car. When we arrived she thanked me for the dinner and asked me what I had planned for tomorrow. I asked, "Do you like to listen to music and dance? I know a place that plays a variety of music, nothing loud or overbearing. You can actually carry on a conversation there." She said that would be great. She gave me her address and I told her I would pick her up at 6:00pm. She said that was fine. She thanked me again for the nice evening and leaned over to kiss me. It wasn't a short peck on the lips, like before. She put her mouth on mine and opened her lips a little, letting the tip of her tongue touch my lips. I reached to pull her close and she responded with a passionate kiss and embrace. We made out like teenagers for several minutes.

She pulled back and said, "Nice, but I better go so I can get up for work."

She got out and left. I sat there with a grin on my face. I had fallen in lust with her and I began to think it might be love.

Saturday evening I went to her house. She answered, but only cracked open the door, saying she wasn't finished getting dressed. She said to wait a minute so she could get back to her bedroom, then to come in and wait in the den. She said to help myself to a drink in the refrigerator, if I wanted. I waited a minute or so, then went in. I found the den and sat down. After about 15 minutes, she came out. She was stunning. I told her how beautiful she looked. I was smiling and couldn't take my eyes off her. She finally brought me out of it when she said we better go or we would be late.

After dinner, we made our way to the club. She immediately said she liked the atmosphere. We got a table near the back and ordered drinks. We listened to the music and talked. They played a slow song and I asked her to dance. We held each other close as we danced. I can't describe the feelings I was experiencing. I wanted to hold her in my arms all night. When the song finished, I kissed her passionately. She said it was wonderful. We danced several more songs, some fast, some slow, before we sat down and ordered another drink. I moved the chairs around so I could put my arm around her. After we rested for a while, we danced some more. We were enjoying each other, at least I was. I hoped she was too. We danced and talked for hours. The band announced that this was the last song and played a slow, romantic song. I held her close and she put her head on my shoulder. I couldn't have felt any better. When it finished, we kissed again.

I took her home and she asked if I wanted to come in. I accepted. She got each of us a drink and we sat on the couch. I told her I couldn't remember having a nicer evening. She said it had been a long time for her too. I leaned to kiss her and she wrapped her arms around me. We held each other and kissed passionately. I caressed her face and hair. We both were breathing hard. I stopped and said, "Maybe I better go now, before we do something we may not be ready for."

She smiled and after a few seconds said, "I'm ready." She stood up and took my hand, pulling me with her to her bedroom. I had goosebumps and was actually shivering in anticipation. We started undressing each other. We were down to our underwear and I was hard. I know she could feel me as we embraced. I unhooked her bra and let it fall away. Her breasts were perfect. Her nipples were hard and I kissed them, running my tongue over them and lightly sucking them. I went back and forth, caressing one then the other. I slowly kissed down her body and removed her panties. Her pussy was neatly trimmed and I kissed her all over. Her knees weakened and we laid down on the bed. I began licking and sucking her pussy, my tongue darting into her. She was moaning and breathing hard. Soon, her body stiffened and she started to climax. She cried out in pleasure with every contraction. As her orgasm subsided, I moved up and gave her soft kisses on her face and mouth.

She said, " That was wonderful. It's never been this good."

We held each other for several minutes and then she said it was my turn. She slowly kissed down my body. She licked and sucked my nipples. Joy had never done that; in fact no woman had ever done that. The feeling was electric. Then she moved down and pulled off my underwear, freeing my dick. It was stiff and standing straight up. She kissed all around it, but didn't touch it. She kissed and licked my balls, fondling them in her hand, but still avoided my dick. She finally took it in her hand and began licking the head and up and down my shaft. Finally, she took me into her mouth and went deeper and deeper, until she was at the base of my dick. Then, she began pumping up and down the entire length. Every nerve in my body was on fire. I moaned, telling her how great it felt. I couldn't take much more and told her I was going to cum if she didn't stop. She ignored me and pumped and sucked even faster. My body tensed and I began to cum in her mouth. My orgasm seemed to last forever. As it subsided, she slowed and finally stopped. She smiled as she swallowed my cum. I couldn't believe what just happened. She moved up next to me and held me tightly. I said, "It has never been like this before. Thank you." She smiled and kissed me. We held each other and dozed off.

I awoke, about 45 minutes later, to Lisa licking and sucking me. When she had me hard, she looked at me and said, " Please, make love to me now."

I moved on top of her. She spread her legs and rolled her hips upward. I lowered myself, placing my dick at the opening of her pussy. She said, "Now, give yourself to me, now." I slowly entered her and slid right in. The sensation was wonderful. She moaned as I bottomed out in her. We passionately kissed as I began slowly moving in and out of her. I hadn't really made love to a woman in a very long time. Joy wasn't interested in making love. She just wanted to fuck. I was relishing the feelings I was experiencing. As I increased my speed, Lisa responded by pushing up as I pushed down. We moved faster and faster and our moans became louder. Her body tensed as her orgasm began. I could feel her muscles contract around my dick. After a few more strokes, I came as well. It was the most intense orgasm I've ever had. Each contraction pumped more of my cum into her pussy, filling it to overflowing. When we finished, I rolled off next to her and held her tightly. This time we slept until morning.

When I woke up and opened my eyes, Lisa was quietly looking at me. I smiled and said, "Good morning" and kissed her.

She smiled and said. "It certainly is."

We cuddled for a few minutes, then got up and got dressed. I helped her make breakfast and we ate, not saying much. When we finished and cleaned up, I said, "Lisa, last night was the most beautiful thing I've ever experienced. It was absolutely wonderful for me and I hope it was for you too." She nodded. Then without thinking, I said, " I think I'm falling in love with you." She gave me an odd and surprised look. I knew it. I went too fast. I blew it. I said, "I'm sorry. I'm pushing too fast. I didn't ..."

She stopped me by again, putting her hand over my mouth saying, " Stop. I feel the same way. I think I may be falling in love with you too." We hugged and held each other tightly. Finally, after a few minutes, she took my hand and led me back to her bedroom.

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nwaatntnwaatnt6 months ago

I am a firm believer in the concept of "You don't hit a woman"

Every now and then i read a story or see or hear of something happening where i wonder if that should be changed to "you don't hit a lady.

Kevin is a member of the male sex, we see a pussy, the cock gets hard, blood leaves the brain and most don't stop to ask themself is this someones wife/girlfriend.

The beginning of this story Kevin deserves a beating, But Joy deserved a bigger one for her actions in the way she told/showed Chris she wanted a divorce, even going to the trouble of shoveling excess cum into her mouth with her fingers.

Only good thing about that was he got out of the marriage easy after that.

Chris getting into a relationship seemed rushed, It felt like the author was rushed for time, almost like he thought "shit I have to get to work, I better finish this story.

Three dates and he is in love, ready to marry it seemed.

It could have been made a bit more believable with only a line or two.

you would expect him to be a bit wary of relationships after what he went through with his EX.

After the night they spent together the author could have put an epilogue, saying they dated for a few months then professed their love for each other, then maybe state they went on to have a happy relationship/marriage.

Which would have still kept it short if that is the way the author wished but also gave an ending of sort. 3*

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Shame the brain damage didn’t leave you as a vegetable so you ended up sharing this shart of a story

kirei8kirei812 months ago

What a fucking wimpy cuck! The story after his well earned humiliation was just him fantasizing, right? When you rewrite this trash, at least make him half a man.

davezqdavezqover 1 year ago

The author does well portraying sex scenes, and relationship development with all their inherent risks and anxieties. I don’t know that the betrayal scene is at all believable so compressed. Might want to get some believability into the betraying wife. She really had numerous affairs and never loved him? No clue?

other2other1other2other1over 1 year ago

I think I read this one a while ago, There was a lot that felt like it was happening and did happen later. Would also have liked to have seen the ex-wife fall somehow…

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Zero story here. No motivation, no emotional connection, no real characters, no plot, just a big steaming pile of nada. A total time waster.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

No plot, no characterization, no story, just a waste of time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Seriously! Who would stand there for the entire time your wife is fucking her new man? Just stand there and watch while she tells you that shit. I'm sure it wasn't over and done with in 30 seconds. So he stood passively for what....5, 10 minutes and did nothing? NOPE.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Shallow, facile, totally unrealistic, no hint as to the motivation of any of the characters, and no real plot. I am no fan of stories that take 10 pages to describe the leads’ high school experiences, but a little background is still necessary. This piece is a waste of time as it stands. 0 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago


FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggartover 2 years ago

3. This almost feels like a parody of a Loving Wife story. Wife leaves husband at the drop of the hate for a hunky "himbo" with a massive cock, divorces him with no problem, and he almost immediately falls into bed with an even hotter woman. Guy just had to be an ex-Army Seal Delta Ranger with secret government contract work to spirit away himbo and the ex.

amygdalaamygdalaalmost 3 years ago

Wow this really lacking. Your divorced then right after you take up with someone from your job. Then after a few dates and 1 night of sex you proclaim your undying love??? Thank god this is fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Reminds me of a sad song.

The breathy, whiskey voice whispers "Is That All There Is?"

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

meh, it fizzled.

secretsalsecretsalover 3 years ago

Feels strange that the humiliation was so traumatic for no reason, and then the narrative just drifts off in another direction. Ends up almost feeling like the story initially had bigger plans but then they were dialed down and phoned in.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Is that it

Come on this story was just getting juicy. Where’s the revenge come on this can’t be it . If this was it then this story wasn’t even worth writing. This is nearly like the them pain in the ass cuckold stories. Come on get it together this has to be one of the worst stories you have written. There is absolutely nothing this should have been shoved in the romance section for what the story is worth. It just saddens me that you really put no effort into this story. It feels like a child of 6 wrote this come on get it together stop living up to your username your better than this either pull it or write part 2 please .

TajfaTajfaover 4 years ago

Is there to be a part 2? Let's hear how his ex wife realises her new man is no more than a piece of meat. More cheating and catching std. Etc. Happy marriage and kids for the good guys - ex sees them and realises what a monster she has been. As story unfinished only 3 stars

robroy93robroy93over 4 years ago

Hope he has better luck with the next relationship.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Again. The worst thing about this story is that Kevin lived.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Did you fall asleep at the keyboard? Suffer a stroke? Heart attack? Is there an ending at all? Honestly, you're living up to your name with this one.

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