Shudder Ch. 05


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They both entered and waited for the other students to clear out when the bell rang so they could talk in private. When everyone was gone, Bekka grabbed Jessica's shoulders and pulled her in for a kiss. Nevyn reciprocated briefly, but then used Jessica's arms to gently push her back. "I'm not here for that right now," Nevyn's deep voice said from Jessica's mouth.

Bekka tried to keep her face from the showing the deep disappointment that she felt. "Um, okay, well then maybe don't pick someone as hot as Jessica next time."

Nevyn chuckled, "I'll remember that."

"What do you want then?" Bekka asked.

Nevyn filled her in on his hypothesis of Derek having his body hopping ability based on Aubrey's memory. He told her of his offer to help Derek find a way to possess people for himself and have some fun together. He left out the part of any possible world domination or the fact that every day Derek didn't make a decision, more specifically the decision he wanted, he was filling with rage.

Bekka let the possibility of two body hoppers in her life flood her imagination. One was hot enough, but two. She tried to kiss Jessica again, causing Nevyn to roll her eyes. "Okay, okay, sorry," Bekka apologized. "I don't know why Derek isn't taking it seriously. I mean, I would do it in a heartbeat of course, but Derek has always been a very rational, analytical type of person. Remember how close he examined us, I mean, me and you when you were inside Aubrey's body? He was really trying to figure you out, to see if you were in possession of one of us. And now he's trying to figure out if he wants to be like you. You're not even sure if you can make him hop people though, so I don't see what's the hurry?"

When Nevyn spoke next it was in a menacing growl. "I have access to the finest minds of our day. It will be a cinch to hop a biologist or engineer or whatever kind of scientist I need to understand and create the circumstances to make his ability work. But I want him to want to do it. I want him to ask me to do it and be damn grateful for it!"

Bekka stepped back, startled at Nevyn's tone. "What will you do if he decides...not to be like you?"

Jessica's mouth broke into a crooked grin and her perky voice responded seductively, "We're not going to let that happen, are we?"

"We?" Bekka asked confused.

Jessica's body took a step towards her. "Yes, we. I have a plan to give him something Derek has wanted for some time now. Something I've been making sure he has to have. I thought he would have acted on it by now but all parties involved seemed very insistent on resisting their baser instincts, so I will put the plan into action myself, with a little bit of your help."

"I..." Bekka started, but now Jessica was in front of her, reaching for her, kissing her tenderly, pulling Bekka's hand up to one of her large breasts, helping her squeeze it. Then it was over and all Bekka could say was, "Okay."

"I knew I could count on you," Jessica winked at her.

"What are you going to have me do?" Bekka asked, still stunned from the eroticism of the previous moment.

Jessica walked to the door of the bathroom and looked back at Bekka's longing stare. "I think it will be more fun if you don't know." And with that she left a horny Bekka alone in the ladies room to contemplate exciting future events.

Derek was glad that Nevyn seemed to be living up to the rules he had set, but he cursed him for the awkward situation he found himself in with his mom. If he entered a room that she was in, she immediately left. She had barely said two words to him all week. Derek didn't know that it would be this bad and wondered how long it would last. What made it worse was that if he wanted, if he pushed even the slightest bit, he was sure he could have her. But it would be different than when he had had sex with his sister. Nevyn wouldn't be there, only the corrupted desires that he had left behind. The more he thought about this, the more he thought he wanted nothing to do with Nevyn, but again, despite Nevyn's promise to let him choose, Derek surmised it was really not a choice at all. He was getting ready for school Friday morning when he heard the doorbell ring downstairs.

"I'll get it!" his sister called out.

From his room, Derek heard the door open. There was silence for a few moments, then the door shut again. Trying not to be overly suspicious of absolutely everything, he grabbed his book bag and headed downstairs. His sister wasn't at the front door, no one was. He found Aubrey shutting the junk drawer in the kitchen. Her movements seemed a little mechanical to him, like she was maybe following instructions.

"What's up, sis?" Derek asked, watching Aubrey closely. "Who was at the door?"

"Oh, the door?" Aubrey paused, thinking a little too hard for what should have been a simple answer. "Jessica, she...stopped by to ask to borrow my science notes."

Derek studied her, and then decided to just be direct. "Nevyn, I swear, if that's you in there you can forget about us..." he rolled his hands in the air, "doing whatever it is you want me to do."

Aubrey blinked and looked very confused. "What? Nevyn? Who's that?"

"No one," Derek said agitated. "Come on, let's go to school." He refused to play games again. He wasn't going to look for a shudder, he was just going to assume that Nevyn would reveal himself soon and it had better not be in a family member.

They left the house, Aubrey still very confused. Once they were out of sight, Nevyn, in the form of Jessica, entered through their front door.

Bekka was only in her second period class when her phone started blowing up with texts from Aubrey. Each one seemed more urgent than the next but she understood the gist. Aubrey wanted her to make up some excuse and leave school and come straight to her house. Bekka texted back asking for a reason but got no response. She figured it must be Nevyn texting her, but why? What was he up to and why would he be in Aubrey's body again? Not that she minded another opportunity to make out with Aubrey, but if she was being really honest, she was hoping for someone else. But maybe she was wrong and it actually was Aubrey. If her best friend needed her, she would be there. She knew that if it was Nevyn, she'd be there too.

Bekka told the teacher she needed to use the restroom, and then strolled out to the parking lot and drove to Aubrey's house. She knocked on the door but no one answered. She knocked again and heard a soft, "Come in." It didn't sound like Aubrey though, which piqued Bekka's interest. She turned the door knob and went inside, looking around for her friend.

"Aubrey," Bekka called out. She was startled as she watched Aubrey's mother, Nancy Johnson, come walking out of the kitchen and into the foyer of their home. She was wearing a long apron that covered her front. She wore her dark hair up and had an oven mitt on one hand. What did not at all escape Bekka's attention was that Mrs. Johnson seemed to be wearing nothing else.

"Aubrey's at school, dear," Mrs. Johnson said, not unkindly. "And that's where you should be too, I believe."

Bekka faulted. "I, uh, I'm sorry I must have gotten mixed up somehow. I got a text from Aubrey to meet her here. She acted like it was urgent."

Nancy walked towards Bekka and put a hand on her shoulder, "Oh, you are such a good friend to my daughter. I don't know how that could have happened but since you're here, come have a slice of pie. It should be coming out of the oven now." With that invitation, Mrs. Johnson twirled around, confirming Bekka's suspicion that Nancy was only wearing an apron and oven mitt. Bekka understood everything now and was ready and willing to play whatever game Nevyn had in mind. She quickly followed Mrs. Johnson into the kitchen just in time to see her pull out a cherry pie from the oven.

Nancy expertly cut two pieces and placed them on plates that she had already set out. She then went to the freezer and pulled out a box of ice cream and plopped a scoop atop each piece. Bekka watched as Mrs. Johnson moved about with a grace that she had always admired. No movement was wasted and she seemed to do everything effortlessly and purposefully. Bekka admitted to herself that she had had a crush on this woman for as long as she knew she had been bisexual. The thought of what was to come next made her feel the need to remove her panties so she would still be able to wear them later. She did so, making no effort to be discreet about it in front of Mrs. Johnson.

Nancy saw Bekka remove her panties, but said nothing. "Come here, Bekka, have a seat at the table. You can tell me about school. Are you excited to be graduating soon?"

Bekka moved as if she were under one of Nevyn's suggestible spells, and in a way, she supposed, she was. She sat down and noticed how much Mrs. Johnson's breasts strained at the apron, the sides spilling out either side and presenting a terrific amount of cleavage in the middle. Bekka was openly staring, but she didn't care. Then she realized that Mrs. Johnson had been talking to her.

"...for all the times you've been there for Aubrey, and Derek too." Mrs. Johnson had been saying. "You've meant a lot to this family and we're going to miss having you around after they go off to college. Is there anything I can do to show you how much we've appreciated you being in all our lives?"

"I, um..." Bekka croaked. Then she looked down at the pie in front of her. Then back at Mrs. Johnson. Then without taking her eyes off the older woman, she purposefully pushed her fork off the table, causing the metal to ring out when it hit the floor. Just above a whisper, she said "I, I suppose you could let me watch you pick that up?"

Mrs. Johnson grinned before purring, "Of course." She stood at once, but then very slowly, without hardly any bend to her knees, reached all the way down in front of Bekka to retrieve the fork. Bekka could see right down the apron. Before here were the two very full breasts that she had dreamed about seeing more than a few times, and now here they were. Bekka watched as Mrs. Johnson froze there for a moment, letting Bekka take it all in, the slowly stood back up and took her seat.

Neatly placing the fork next to Bekka's plate, Mrs. Johnson asked with a silky smoothness in her voice, "There you go. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Bekka was not sure how long she could drag this erotic scenario out before needing some action. She felt her boldness rise. "Why are you only wearing an apron?"

"This old thing," Mrs. Johnson laughed. "Well because I knew you'd be coming over and I know you've always seen me as a sort of mother figure and I thought you'd like to see me in just this apron."

Bekka's boldness evaporated. She was shocked by the directness of the answer but now even more excited and worried she was going to leave a wet stain on the kitchen chair.

Mrs. Johnson frowned. "Oh, I guess I was wrong. I guess you don't like it after all." And then Nancy stood, untied the knot behind her and lifted it over her head. It was done almost casually, but for some reason this made it all the more sexy to Bekka who was suddenly struggling to keep her eyeballs in their sockets. "Is that better? I'm completely naked now. Is that something you've ever thought about before? Me, completely naked?"

Bekka nodded and licked her lips.

"Well," Mrs. Johnson resumed after seeing that Bekka wasn't going to say anything else. "If that's all, I guess you should get back to school, unless..."

"Kiss me!" Bekka practically screamed. Then she caught herself and said with slightly more composure, "Kiss me, please."

"I'd love too," Mrs. Johnson said graciously. And then she again rose from her chair, pulled out Bekka's chair and sat on Bekka's lap. She put both of her hands on Bekka's face, and proceeded to give the best kiss of Bekka's life thus far.

This started a lengthy make out session where Bekka let her hands run all over Mrs. Johnson, feeling the softness of her enormous breasts and then sucking on her tits for what seemed like hours. Bekka let Mrs. Johnson lead her up to the bedroom and after taking turns going down on each other and sharing more than one orgasm, Mrs. Johnson pulled out a strap on.

"I've been saving this for a special occasion," Mrs. Johnson said. "And I think this qualifies." She fastened it on accordingly, and then turned Bekka over and used the strap on to fuck her from behind.

Bekka gasped as she came again, and then twice more in different positions. Finally, when it seemed like she had had enough, Mrs. Johnson pulled out of her and laid down next to her daughter's best friend. "So," it was Nevyn's voice now, "you ready to help me out?"

Bekka rolled over and looked into Mrs. Johnson's eyes. "I will do anything you want, ever, for the rest of time."

Nevyn's voice chuckled. "Okay, good to know. This won't be hard. I just need you to get Aubrey out of the house tonight. Take her to a movie, shopping, whatever. I implanted the suggestion in her mind that she wants some girl time with you this morning when I stopped by to make sure she left her phone so I could text you with it."

Bekka slapped Mrs. Johnson's arm playfully. "You really do like to play games, don't you?"

"I certainly do," he said.

"So why do you need Aubrey gone?" Bekka asked, thinking she already knew the answer.

Nevyn's voice was almost giddy with malicious excitement as he answered, "Because I don't want any interruptions when I make Derek fuck his mom."

To be concluded for real in the next chapter...

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AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Nevyn×Bekka & Derek×Aubrey

KriptoKriptoover 6 years agoAuthor
Sooner than later

Working on it now since I have time. Hopefully the end of this week, for sure by the next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Any idea when we’ll see part 6?

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ship must sail!


nudist26nudist26over 6 years ago

Ok, so after this chapter, I totally ship Nevyn/Bekka. He needs to forget about Derek, because he's not going for this; whereas Bekka has the love he desires. Bekka would happily be Nevyn's partner for life, whether he asked or not.

freakydaughterfreakydaughterover 6 years ago

This is great. I love this story.

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