Shy Wendy Ch. 04


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The moment was interrupted by the salesman emerging to greet them. He gave them all a last run through of the features before the Taylor's all went inside to sign the paperwork.

Wendy remained outside and wandered the sales lot to kill time. Her mind was racing over the multitude of recent events. But the memory of the website was freshly burned into her mind and now dominated her thoughts. "Amateur Teenage Brunette Blowjob Babes." Just thinking of the website name made her blush. She obviously wasn't a prude by any means, but blowjobs were not something that she had ever given much thought about in her fantasies. She had to admit that she found the scene very erotic. She made a mental note that she might have to look the site up on her own (out of curiosity of Eric had used as an excuse...she laughed to herself at that thought).

It was not lost on her that Eric had played a football game the night before and maybe that website photo captured a fantasy of his. Also, there had been a more than slight resemblance in the brunette to Wendy's own features. Maybe not to Wendy's smaller chest, but certainly in the facial features, eyes, and hair. And then the compliment from Eric just now on her smile. This seemed much more flirtatious than any previous interaction between the two of them.

"Am I just overreacting... reading too much into everything?" she wondered. But her mind kept churning. Wendy thought of the many times Mary had suggested that she should consider dating Eric...and then her mom's bombshell discussion this morning ending in "just in case".

Wendy had lost track of the time and was startled from her thoughts at the sound of Eric's voice.

"Hey Wen!...all done," he yelled across the car lot as he waved a set of keys in his hand. "Are you ready to take her for the first ride!?" he added with a wide smile. She saw his parents waving as they climbed back into their SUV to head for home.

"Oh yeah!" she said with a big smile as she jogged over towards the Jeep. Inside, however, her nerves were going a little haywire now that they were going to be alone again.

The salesman stepped out and asked to take a picture of Eric with the Jeep for the company's website before they drove off.

"Can you get one of both of us?" Wendy asked as he handed the salesman her phone. He took one picture of them both standing to the side of the Jeep and one of them both posed as if they were stepping inside.

Eric grinned. "Great idea Wen! They both thanked the salesman as he returned her phone.

She smiled and hopped into the passenger side. Eric sat in the driver's seat and turned the key...the engine came to life. Eric asked Wendy to find her favorite radio station as he guided the Jeep out of the dealership lot. With the side curtains off, it wasn't long before the wind was rushing past them and they were enjoying the unseasonably warm afternoon. Wendy was happy that she had put her hair into a ponytail that morning.

Idle chatter about the purchase paperwork, along with the background music, calmed her nerves and soon they were just cruising around town and enjoying the ride. Wendy asked about the football game the night before. Eric filled her in on the victory and regaled her of his exploits, which included a touchdown saving interception...easily the most memorable play of his football career to this point. Occasionally Eric passed people he knew and honked excitedly to show off his new Jeep. They typically waved back along with some yelled woo-hoos. Wendy also noted a few classmates pointing in what looked like her direction. She quickly realized that she was going to be as much a part of the gossip as the Jeep when they were back in school on Monday.

Eric suggested that they hit the Dairy Queen drive through to which Wendy quickly agreed. They both ordered medium cones and Eric pulled off into the side parking lot.

"Today has been such a blast from the past spending time with you Wen!" he said. "I hope you're having as much fun as I am!" As he turned to look at her, his eyes froze on the sight of her tongue making a long lick up the side of her vanilla cone. Small bits of melting vanilla ice cream lingered on her lips. He immediately felt a jolt of arousal shoot to his groin. The familiar feeling of a building erection panicked him, but was beyond his control. Please not now, he thought to himself.

Not realizing what Eric was seeing and thinking in his mind, Wendy flashed that smile that made his heart skip a beat and replied. "Absolutely! I'm having a blast and I love riding in your Jeep! This is awesome!" She took another long, innocent, lick of her cone as her sparkling brown eyes looked into his. The sunshine highlighted the different hues in her eyes and the various shades of her brunette ponytail. There was no stopping the vision Eric was seeing in his mind. Damn! Wendy's tongue and lips were every bit as sexy he'd imagined the night before when he had fantasized of her while looking online and masturbating...imagining that it was her tongue running up his shaft in that photo. There was no stopping his arousal now. His cock had become rock hard and was uncomfortably tenting his shorts. There would be no mistaking his situation if she glanced down. He fought the urge to try to adjust himself discreetly.

Nervously, he looked away, trying to calm his thoughts. He finished off his chocolate cone while listening to the radio. It seemed neither of them were anxious to broach the earlier incident, so he chose to just move on and pretend that it hadn't happened. Mary's words of "make the first move or forever wonder what if" played in his mind. He was enjoying the day with Wendy tremendously. Should he tell her that he wanted to be more than just old friends? Should he ask her out. Would it change their long friendship? The silence began to feel awkward as he struggled with his thoughts...and his arousal. Despite his best attempts to think it away, his cock remained fully erect, straining at his khakis.

"Wendy, can I ask you something?" he began. He noted, thankfully, that she had nearly finished her own cone and was now past the licking stage. Still, the vision lingered in his mind keeping his hard-on swollen and throbbing uncomfortably. He looked out the windshield and took a breath.

Wendy's heart pounded in her chest...was Eric going to bring up the earlier incident with the website photo? "Sure. ask away," she responded while bracing herself as to how she might discuss the incident.

As she said this, her eyes inadvertently glanced downward. She immediately saw the large bulge in Eric's shorts. She flushed and quickly looked up. Eric was still looking through the windshield and hadn't seen her glance. Just as with seeing Tony in class, Wendy's arousal was instantaneous. Was Eric thinking of the website? Was Eric thinking of her? Had she caused this somehow? She felt her nipples harden beneath her bra, and that familiar tingling inside. She cursed inwardly...not now...not with Eric. But her body had a mind of it's own. The voyeuristic thrill inside her was in control. Her mind raced. His bulge had looked so large. Was it because she was right beside close she could reach over and touch it? Was it wrong that she wanted to do just know what it would feel like? Please stop, she begged her mind to no avail.

Little did either of them realize that they were each now in the process of cursing their uncontrollable hormones and struggling with the same hidden embarrassment. Both of their imaginations were in overdrive. Both of them incredibly turned on.

The moment couldn't have lasted more than a few seconds, but seemed like forever. Eric finally turned to look at her, unknowing of the change that had occurred inside her body in just those few seconds.

"Wendy," he started. "we've been friends for such a long time..."

At that moment another car pulled up beside them and honked. Inside were a group of boys from the football team. "Hey Eric," one of them yelled. "Nice new wheels!" The boy glanced in Wendy's direction. "Is that Wendy Williams riding with you? It looks like you snagged more than just an interception last night!" He made a catcall whistle in her direction. The carload of boys laughed.

Eric gave a panicked and embarrassed look toward Wendy before looking back toward his teammates. "Hey guys...uhhh...thanks," he said with a nervous laugh. "Just picked up the Jeep this morning."

"It looks like you picked up more than the Jeep," one of the boys said. Again the car broke out in laughter.

"Come on guys...enough with he razzing." Eric stated forcefully, starting to anger. "Wendy is an old friend from way back..." He looked at her and saw the crimson flushed cheeks of her embarrassment. With an apologetic look he put his hand on her exposed knee and said "I'm sorry." His arousal was now gone and had been replaced with anger and embarrassment. Wendy, however, tightened her thighs at his touch...unconsciously trying to put pressure onto her clit. The warm touch of his hand implanted in her mind.

"Lucky you," one of the boys said. "We didn't realize she was allowed out of the house except for school."

"I said enough!" Eric shouted as he stepped from the Jeep toward the carload of boys.

"Ok, ok," one of them said. "We're just having a little fun."

"Yeah, well...I don't appreciate you having fun at Wendy's expense." Eric replied angrily.

The driver of the car began backing out. He could see how upset Eric was getting and didn't want the issue to escalate. As they began to pull away one of the boys yelled, "Seriously though, nice wheels...and hot chick!" Eric kicked at the bumper as the car sped out of the parking lot.

"I'll see all of you at practice!" he bellowed after them, red faced with anger.

He turned to find Wendy staring at him with watery eyes. "Wow, Eric," she said. "You really came to my defense there!"

"I'm so sorry Wendy...those guys are just a bunch of assholes." Eric replied. "Now, they've ruined our day. I am so pissed right now."

"It's ok....really," Wendy said. "If being called a hot chick is the worst they can come up with...well, I guess that's not so bad," she added with that dazzling smile, and a sweet sounding laugh.

"Well," Eric said in a quiet almost sheepish tone, "He wasn't wrong!"

Wendy smiled, blushed,...and punched him on the shoulder for the second time that day. "Look, our day is not ruined," she said. "In fact, it was eye opening to me. Come on, lets cruise around some more. We're not going to let those assholes stop us from having fun. Let's show off your Jeep and your 'hot chick' passenger," she giggled. Let them all talk at school on Monday. Eric grinned, despite his earlier conversation having been interrupted just as he was about to ask Wendy on a date.

And so, they spent the next hour cruising town and passing all the hangouts. They smiled as some of their classmates occasionally pointed toward them. Wendy's self confidence was at an all time high. While Eric had been mortified at the behavior of his teammates, Wendy had secretly enjoyed hearing the catcall and hot chick comments. Her mind recalled Tony telling her that she was considered "one of the pretty ones" among the boys. She was now finding it hard to believe that just a week ago she had thought herself invisible to the boys, but in fact, the opposite was true. Apparently she would be quite the catch.

They pulled up to an intersection and stopped at the red light. Both were laughing at a shared joke. Wendy looked to her right and saw a small car repair garage. To her shock, she saw Tony walking out of the repair bay in coveralls. He looked in her direction and did a double take. His mouth dropped as he recognized Wendy and noticed that she was riding with Eric. Her heart pounded. The light turned green and Eric pulled away. She looked in the side mirror and saw Tony watching them until they were out of sight. "Oh Shit," she thought. Her mind was spinning in circles. She hadn't considered at all how Tony would take her and Eric being the talk of the school on Monday.

Sadly the afternoon was winding down. Eric offered to drop Wendy off at her house and they started the journey across town. It was now or never, Eric thought to himself yet again.

"Wendy...what I was trying to ask you earlier," he started. "I'm just going to say it before I chicken're an amazing friend...the best. It's so much fun when we're together, and well, would you maybe want to go to a movie with me one of these nights?" He was watching the road, afraid to see her reaction.

Wendy's heart pounded. "Like...on a date?" she asked as they stopped in traffic at the last red-light before home.

"Yes, like on a date," He smiled nervously as he looked over at her and saw her blushing. "Would you be my girlfriend, Wendy?"

"I...I'....she stuttered and bit her lip. She was at a loss for words. This was Eric...she had told both her mom and Mary that she wasn't interested romantically. But after today, she wasn't so sure anymore. They had been having such a fun day. Eric had stood up to his teammates for her. He had touched her knee sending a thrill through her body. She saw the fearful look in his eyes knowing that he had taken a huge leap. Excited at being asked on her very first date, she couldn't say no. Taking a deep breath, she smiled and said "Yes Eric, I'll go out with you!" In a remote corner of her mind was the question...what will Tony think?

A wide grin broke across Eric's face. "Awesome!!!"

Wendy reached over and took his hand in hers. She was flashing that smile again and Eric's heart was pounding in his chest. "It makes perfect sense. I guess Mary was right all this time." Eric smiled to himself, knowing that Mary had been dropping hints at his request. He looked down in disbelief at Wendy's hand holding his. He had thought about a moment like this so many times.

The light turned green and they both looked ahead. The propane truck that had been sitting in front of them pulled into the intersection, just as a large box truck tried to beat the light. There was nothing they could do. Wendy shrieked, closed her eyes and ducked her head. Eric tried to throw himself in front of her as much as his seat belt would allow. His eyes were wide open, taking in the scene as if in slow motion, as the collision occurred. With a blinding flash, the propane truck exploded into a fireball. The concussion tossed the small Jeep Wrangler into the air. That was the last thing Wendy remembered.


The distant sound of voices and beeping was running through her head. Wendy's eyes slowly blinked open. It was very bright and everything was blurry. Slowly her vision began to come into focus. Her first sight was of her mom rushing to her side and hearing "Wendy...thank God you're awake" coming out of her mouth. Tears were rolling down her mom's face. The memory of the explosion came back to her and she realized that she was laying in a hospital bed. She heard her mom yelling for the nurse.

She tried to speak, but her throat was dry. Finally in a whisper she was able to get out the words..."Eric...where is Eric? he ok?"

"Shhh...just relax honey," her mom said as she took her hand in hers. "You're both alive. Eric has been badly injured. He's here in the same room just behind the other set of curtains."

Wendy tried to sit up, but the nurse had arrived and told her not to rush things. She also saw Mr. & Mrs. Taylor appear from behind the other curtains. They stood over her mom's shoulder.

"Take it easy love," the nurse said as she provided a drink of water. "It looks like you escaped the worst, but you've been out for a whole day. We have you on some pretty strong pain medication. You're going to need to stay a few nights as we keep you under observation for unusual neural patterns or any potential internal injuries. You must have had a guardian angel watching over you. With luck, the worst you will have is a very sore body. Somehow you escaped with only a bloody nose and some relatively minor cuts and bruises. Can you tell us what you remember?"

"It all happened so fast," Wendy recounted. "We were on our way home and stopped at the light. We were talking, making plans...the light changed, but that other truck ran the light and hit the propane truck that had been in front of us. I screamed and as I was closing my eyes to duck, I saw Eric trying to throw himself in front of me. I felt the concussion from the explosion...then it felt like the Jeep was being tossed in the air. That's all I can remember."

"Your boyfriend was very brave...that explains his injuries," the nurse replied.

"Oh, he's not her boyfriend," said Wendy's mom...he's just..."

"Yes, yes he IS my boyfriend," Wendy tried to say as forcefully as she could speak. Eric had defended her before the accident, and had done all he could to protect her as it had happened. Her eyes had been opened to what she had been so blind to before.

"Oh," said her mom softly, "I didn't realize..."

"It's ok mom," Wendy interrupted. "Neither did I...before yesterday."

She mustered the best smile she could as the nurse looked on. Behind her mom, Wendy saw Mrs. Taylor wiping tears from her eyes and gripping her husband's arm.

"Well," the nurse continued. "With his parent's permission?"....Mr. & Mrs. Taylor nodded. "Your boyfriend's upper body has been badly injured. His face is badly burned and his eyes are swollen shut. He has two broken arms and badly bruised ribs from the seatbelt. He's still unconscious, but his injuries are not life threatening. His eyesight is a concern however. His eyes are heavily bandaged and it may be some time before we can expose him to light."

Tears formed in Wendy's eyes. "He threw himself in front of me! I'm so sorry Mr. & Mrs. Taylor," she said through sobs. "I'm so sorry,"

They heard a groan from behind the other set of curtains and the sound of someone trying to speak. Eric had regained consciousness. The nurse and Eric's parents raced to his bedside. The doctor, who had stepped in from the hallway seeing that Wendy had awoken, turned and rushed behind Eric's curtain. Wendy again tried to sit up, but was restrained by her mother.

"Later. Wendy. Let them care for him and let's wait till they give you the ok to try to move around. Reluctantly, Wendy laid back. Still groggy, she couldn't hear much of what was being said in hushed tones behind Eric's curtain, but she thought she heard Mrs. Taylor saying "Wendy is ok...she called you her boyfriend!" Then her pain meds kicked in and soon she was back asleep.

She awoke hours later to the usual poking and prodding that goes on during hospital stays. It was now late Sunday night, or was it Monday morning? A different nurse than before informed her that she had sent her mom home to rest after she had spent more than 24 hours at her bedside.

"You should be able to move around now. I've removed the catheter and you'll just have to drag the monitor and IV stand with you until the doctor agrees to remove all the tubes and wires, she said with a smile."

The nurse pointed to a cell phone on the stand. Your phone survived unscathed in your back pocket she smiled. We've supplied a complimentary charging cord. It's been dinging quite a bit. Your mom left it so you could communicate with everyone once you felt up to it.

" it ok if I peek in on Eric?" Wendy asked. "Can he talk?"

"He's a little more medicated due to the severity of his injuries," the nurse said. "But I'll let you know when he's awake. It'll probably be tomorrow before they wear off enough that he's more coherent. His parents thought it might brighten his spirits to have his girlfriend sit with him when possible!" she added with a smile.

Wendy blushed. This would take some getting used to. The nurse assisted her to the restroom for the first time and when she was back in her bed, she decided to catch up on her texts. She saw it was 4am Monday morning.