Silver Lining Playbook


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I imagined she would look around the room to see who was watching us, and balk, but she didn't. Instead, she smiled up at me and provided me with the ground rules.

"A small one. No tongue. No side boob touching. And definitely no ass squeezing."

There was plenty of room for a witty comeback. She left the door open for me, but I was far more interested in our kiss. Simple. Silky. Smooth and loving. But it was far too short.

"That was very nice Tyler. Now I'll have to explain why I was kissing the best-man to a lot more people than Morgan."

At her doing, our lips touched again for a second, slightly longer, time.

"You don't have to explain anything to anyone."

Smoothly, and without the miss if a note, the song changed over. John Legend crooning, "All of me". It was if he sang to serenade us and only us.

Since the second kiss, our bond had somehow become tighter. Our bodies molded and formed to one another. I could feel heat coming off of every curve and contour.

"Kiss me again," Haley requested with her head titled back.

"A long one. One hand on the ass, but not groping. Thumb doing a slight side boob rub. And maybe a slow grinding hump, just for fun."

"No, you perv."

We laughed like no one was watching even though we knew there were those who were. Haley slowed us so we moved and danced slower than the music. In our own world, we were removed from caring if anyone was watching as we moved across the dance floor.

"You need to put that thing away." Haley said with the hint of a laugh.

"What thing?"

"Whaddya mean, what thing? Your thing. I can feel it rubbing against my thigh." She paused. Slowed. Looked directly at me, then moved her head so she could look around the room. "Tyler, I want this just as bad as you do, but I don't want our first time to be in the broom closet of my sister's wedding." We were now standing completely still, in the middle of the dance floor. "If we were to get caught doing it anywhere in this building, people will start to believe that I really am crazy."

I gazed at her face as she forced her body to move, and we started to sway to the music. I let the "crazy" comment go but asked about the other.

"Saying 'first time' implies that there might be a second time or even more afterwards."

"Won't there be? I mean, look at us. Who the hell else on this planet is going to put up with a crazy bitch like me or a depressed psycho like you? Baby, we were built for one another."

When we were fully dancing again, and she put her head on my chest, I realized she wasn't wrong.


Alex and Morgan's fairytale wedding day sadly came to an end.

When the limo whisked them away, most of the remaining crowd dispersed and called it a night.

I watched from a distance as Haley said her good-byes. She hugged and kissed both her parents as they climbed into a car service that was driving them and two other couples home. With only a few stragglers left in the parking lot, and no one left to bid adieu, Haley made her way back to me.

Her arms slid inside my jacket and up my back. She pulled me to her and lifted herself onto her toes so that our lips met. It was finally a kiss with tongue.

"Can I have a shower at your place?" she asked.

"You've never asked before."

"Yeah, but this time will be different."

"How so? Are you planning on sleeping in the spare room?"

"No. I like sleeping in your bed, and I like when you hold me next to you. Holding me like you'll never let me go."

"I don't..." her lips pressed back to mine. She wasn't about to let me finish what I was about to say.

We kissed like no one was watching. My right hand on her hip and my left hand touching her perfect wedding hair. When we broke apart, it was time for us to leave.

"You ready?" I inquired.

"Oh, yeah. I think I have been ready for a really long time."


Haley screamed with laughter when I lifted and carried her over the threshold of my condo. My place was black with the still darkness of the warm summer night, but we had enough ambient lighting from the moon and stars to make our way to my room.

"Will you shower with me?" Haley asked in a sexy tone.

Normally I would have jumped at the opportunity, but not tonight. The last time I was serious with a woman, we showered together on our first date, and it ended badly. Luck was against me. I was going to have to decline her very generous offer, but I would have to tell her why at another time. No sense ruining the moment by talking about the past.

"Any time you want, but not tonight." Her face tuned into a frown. "You shower here. I'll take the spare room, and I'll meet you afterwards," I said pointing to a place where she had slept more than once.

I lowered Haley so that her feet touched the ground and watched as her smile brightened the room.

Kissing one last time before leaving her alone, I asked if she'd like anything to drink.

"I'd love a glass of wine."

I opened a bottle of white and put it in an ice bucket with two glasses by its side. Leaving the spare room's door wide open, I jumped in the shower and cleaned myself up with a bit of assistance. Mouth rinsed with Scope. Body washed with Axe. Towel supplied by Bed, Bath & Beyond. I was ready to meet Haley at our designated spot.


Haley had been naked in my bed on more than one occasion. But tonight, when I found her, there was something different about it. Something magical.

The room was backlit by only the crack of light coming from the almost closed bathroom door. It didn't give me best view, but what I did see, pleased me.

The thin gray sheet covering her, was tucked in at the armpits. It caused the cotton material to pull tight and display the form of her perfect breasts, and the hardness of her nipples.

She had one knee bent and seductively squeezed over her out-stretched leg. Almost as if she was trying to hide or protect the treasure that was hidden between them.

Her dark hair was still damp. Damp enough that it left an outline of watermarks wherever it touched the light-colored bedding.

Gone was the over-the-top wedding makeup. The deep earth tones covered with rosy blush. The heavy dark eyeliner and eyelash extensions. The dark reddish-brown lipstick that accentuated each of the girls faces and dresses.

All of it was gone.

Now, the only thing that remained was her true, natural beauty and it was more than enough for me.

"Have I told you yet today, how incredible you look?" I asked as I lifted the sheet and climbed into bed beside her.

"Once or twice, maybe."

"Wow, only a couple of times?" I nuzzled my lips against her neck and turned my head so I could chew her earlobe. "Seems to be an oversight, because you certainly deserved to have been told at least a couple more times."

Haley's body stayed in the same position it had been when I first walked into the room. I moved so I was laying on my side, facing her. As my lips kissed her bare shoulder, my arm snaked its way under the sheets so it could curl over her stomach. I pushed my fingers between the mattress and the soft skin of her side and back, holding her against me.

"Hard much, big boy?" she could feel me pressing on her leg.

"Seems like."

"Yeah, it seems like every time I see your thing, it's hard."

"Yet you keep coming back."

"Only to see if it ever gets soft."

"Well, it's perpetually hard around you, or when I'm thinking about you. So don't hold your breath about it going down."

"Really?" she said, moving her hand down to it for the very first time.


"Good. Let's try to keep it the streak going."

The soft touch of Haley's hand curling over the shaft of my cock made me groan.

"You like when I touch you baby?" I could only nod. "Tyler, did I just make you moan by touching you with my hand?"

"Well, it feels pretty good. You put your hand together with the two of months of foreplay, and...well, yeah, I might have made some noise."

Her hand tightened just a bit as she gave me a few long strokes before she released me completely and moved so her body was hovering over mine.

Haley's dark damp hair hung down and touched the upper part of my body as she put her forehead against me and looked me in the eyes.

"Foreplay? Baby, that's cute. You must live in a very sheltered place if you think any of that other stuff was foreplay. Because, if you do, then you're in for a really big treat tonight."

When she finished teasing me, she lowered her body and for the very first time, our naked bodies fully touched. We were both warm and clean. And we both wanted the same thing. Each other.

My hand touched the side of Haley's face as she kissed me, and the fingers of my other hand cupped the cheek of her ass so I could pull her closer.

"Sorry." She broke our kiss and pulled my hand from her butt.

With both my arms pinned together, Haley moved her kisses. Gone was the attention to my lips. Now she was focused on other things.

Her lips and teeth moved over my entire face. Coating me with kisses and moisture. My ears, my eyes, my cheeks, my neck. She kissed, licked, and bit them all.

Lowering herself, I could feel the softness of her breasts as they dragged down my chest and settled just above my groin. Haley was moving down at a slow pace. Kissing, biting, and teasing each of my man nipples. With each bite, she would kiss and suck them just enough to ease the sexual pain.


I let out a short scream as she pulled a few chest hairs out with her teeth. She continued to do the same thing over and over. Pulling out a few hairs at a time then biting or twisting my nipples. Only to kiss away the hurt.

Moving down more, Haley's titties snuggled my cock and balls as they slid over them. When she stopped moving, she did something I had never before experienced. Haley rubbed her wet pussy against my leg while she probed and licked my bellybutton with the tip of her pointy tongue. She went from inflicting pain, to tickling me and pleasuring herself, all in the blink of an eye.

While licking my belly, her chin moved my hard shaft back and forth. I wasn't sure what the move was designed to do, but it turned out she was trying to move it out of her way.

Her head lifted away from my stomach and our eyes made visual contact. Haley smiled and let a large glob of spit fall from her mouth. It landed where her tongue had just been, creating a pool of saliva.

Our eyes stayed glued as her hand moved between my legs.

I could feel the grip and squeeze as she milked my tight balls with her soft fingers and claw like nails.

Again, her chin moved my hard cock, but this time there was purpose.

When she had me where she wanted, she moved her tongue over me. Up and down my shaft it ran, leaving a trail of wet as it went. When she hit bottom, her hand pulled my sack forward, so she was able to suck one of my balls into her mouth. Sucking it only long enough to tease, she switched to the other and pid it the same attention. There were no favorites in this game.

I was lost. Every second felt better than the one before. Haley worked me to a point where I was ready for almost anything. Finally, she moved up and gave me a huge smile.

"You're leaking a bit big boy." She licked a droplet of precum from the tip of my cock.

Her tongue and lips moved in circles over the tip of my head. She licked and sucked. It was the ultimate tease and torture.

She looked at me, and I looked at her. I tried my hardest to maintain eye contact, but when she buried me into her mouth, I closed my eyes as tight as possible. Not because I didn't want to see her, but because I was doing everything in my power not to fill her mouth with my load.

After six, possibly twelve bobs of her head, Haley knew where she had me. She knew she was in control and could finish me at will. She moved up so that nothing but her lips were touching the tip of my cock, and then she pushed down until she gagged as I buried myself in her throat. I was there and ready. It was only the dragging of teeth the length of my shaft, from base to tip, keeping me in check and stopping me from pressing down on the accelerator.

Spittle clung from her lip creating a web from it to me cock. With an evil smile, she broke the silence.

"You like that baby?"

Just a nod. It felt so good I was lost for words.

With another firm squeeze of my balls, her face dropped back over me. The game was changing. The teasing part of the program was coming to an end. The suction and pace increased as Haley worked to get me off.


When Haley's fingertip pushed against my asshole, I jumped high enough I thought I might fall out of bed. Chuckling, she gave me yet another evil grin.

"Just checking," she laughed.

There was no time to respond. She moved back into position. Bobbing and sucking. It may have been minutes, but it seemed like only a few seconds, and I was at the edge of the cliff.

"Haley..." I tried to warn her.

Lifting her eyes to me, she nodded her approval.

This time, I didn't close mine. They stayed glued to hers. With my legs stretched out as far as they would go and my toes curled to the point where it hurt, I exploded.

With a groan, my cock shot glob after glob into Haley's waiting mouth. Even as I finished, I could feel myself throbbing and pulsing as I rested on the velvety confines her curled tongue.

An instant void and emptiness came over me as soon as she freed me from her face. I wanted more. I needed more. For some unknown reason, I wanted everything to be about me. I was the only person that existed in the universe. But I mustered up the strength and courage to put my greed and selfishness aside. I was going to return the same pleasure she had given me.


Haley knew she had taken me over the top. She probably read as much just by the look on my face. To save my own life, I couldn't have hidden my smile. A smile that broadened as she grinned and started kissing her way back to my face.

"Did that meet your expectations sir?"

"Don't have any expectations, but if I did, it surely would have exceeded them."

"And what about our kiss. It was very passionate. Weren't you afraid after where my tongue had just been?"

"Afraid? Never. I'll kiss you anytime, anywhere, with anyone watching. There will never be anything for me to be shy or embarrassed about."



I waited for a response, but she kept her emotions in check, so I gave her a few quick pecks and tried to turn the tables.

"What about you?"

"What about me?"

She was looking at me as if I asked a strange question. One she wasn't sure how to answer.

"What about when I do the same to you. When I'm finished and my lips, tongue and face are a mess, would you still want to kiss me afterwards?"

A sudden shyness came over her. It was almost like she was the one embarrassed. So, I touched the side of her beautiful face to let her know that everything was alright. If it wasn't something she was into, so be it.

"If...I mean...if you were to do it do me, I suppose I wouldn't ever have a problem giving you a kiss as a reward." She told me with a smile as my thumb caressed the edge of her lips and side of her cheek.

"Good. I say we try the experiment. I'll get my face as messy as possible, and you see if you still want a piece of it."

Haley didn't think about it for even one short second before she replied.

"I'm not scared."

She may not have been scared, but she sure was shocked.

Letting out an ear-piercing scream of surprise when I spun her over and on to her back, Haley looked up at me as if wondering what I would do next. And I couldn't wait to show her.


Doing almost the exact same things she had done to me earlier, I started with a series of short, soft kisses and bites.

Moving her still wet hair to the side with the back of my hand, I moved in so I could nuzzle the lobe of her ear and chew the nape of her neck.

Her movement below me, and the soft moans into my ear were enough to start bringing my manhood back to life.

My intent was a quick kiss on the lips and move further south, but some of the best laid plans turn out to be changed. Sometimes for the better.

Our lips did touch, but there was nothing quick about it. Haley's teeth softly bit my lips as my hand moved down her soft body.

I touched her hip, and she raised it enough to allow my hand to cup her ass. I pulled my lip free of her teeth and darted my tongue into her mouth. I pulled my hand away from the warmth of her firm ass and moved it toward her thigh.

Haley parted her legs to give me any and all of the access I would want or need.

My fingers could feel the heat radiating from her as they grazed the inside of her thigh and touched the crease between it and her pussy. I could feel her body rotate. She moved her hips to get closer to my hand as her tongue danced in my mouth. She wanted me to touch her, but making her wait was all part of the game.

Putting my hand flat on her hip, I moved it up as I pulled my face away from hers.

Her rock-hard nipple was the meeting place for both my hand and my mouth. And just like Haley had done to me, I bit, sucked, licked and chewed, until her ass was hovering over the sheets below.

"Sorry, that's my job," I told my lover as I pulled her wandering hand away from her own pussy.

With her excitement at a boiling point, Haley decided to take matters into her own hands.

Switching between each of her glorious mounds, I left not a single inch un-licked, un-sucked, un-kissed or un-nibbled. And when I focused on her super sensitive nipples, Haley cooed and moaned like she was in heat.

Regrettably, it was time to move on.

Kissing my way down her flat belly, I didn't stop until my chin felt the heat of her womanhood.

The closer I got, the harder and more turned on I became.

My primal instincts took over my senses. I could smell the scent of her freshly washed body and light lingering smell of the perfume she wore earlier in the day. As soft and clean as they were, they still couldn't mask the sexy scent of her arousal.

Haley's leg parted at my touch. She pulled her legs up and back. Her feet were flat on the bed and her knee made an obscene "V", allowing me the best view and access.

An "Oh, my god", escaped her mouth as I kissed the moist outer lips of her pussy.

Her hands immediately found my head and pulled me to her, but it wasn't part of the plan.

"Bastard" she exclaimed as I purposely pulled away. I kissed her inner thigh and moved down some more, so I could bypass her waiting pussy.

It was a short but needed detour. Not wanted, but it certainly added to the "foreplay" part of the event.

As mad as she was when I didn't push my tongue between the lips of her pussy and lap up every drop of juice she was secreting, she still had enough in her to giggle when my lips and tongue licked the back of her knee, calve and toes.

"Eeeeeewwww" she joked when I pull one of her toes between my lips and sucked.

I continued my assault on her feet, switching between them like I had her breasts. All the while, I was caressing her long smooth legs. She stared at me as it did so. It was a look I hadn't witnessed in a very long time. It was the look of lust.

We continued to look at one another and it was only when my teeth touched the polished toenail of her big toe, did she speak.

"Careful buddy, you'll chip the paint."

Pretending like I planned on eating her feet first, I tried to put the entire five toes of her left foot into my mouth.

"Tyler, that's so gross." I could see the teasing smile in her eyes.

"You think that's gross? Then you're gonna be shocked where I put my mouth next."

There was no way I could hold onto her leg. She pulled it out of my hand and put it back onto the bed and spread her knees, like they were before I started the foot game. From my knees, I had the best view of her pretty pussy. Glistening lips. Silky butterfly wings. And a hard pebble sticking out at the top.