Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 02 Pt. 02


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Lord Regal asked, "Why?"

Brannar looked at him, "A dragon attack on one of our ships with human sailors from his province on board. We have to forewarn him and request all first officers on this ship to be briefed. When an attack occurs, we will shut it down.

We cannot afford a mutiny. You cannot guarantee that won't happen, it has been going on for centuries in this ocean. We have no choice in the matter. Silver Moon will interview all hired crew members. She has the ears for it."

She looked and Brannar and nodded. "The true seeing spell was crafted into two sets of items. One was a set of earrings which also alert her if the person is lying to her. The other set is the glasses I am wearing. This is how I captured your black dragon. I would recommend that any other dragon or half-dragon captures not be communicated.

Keep a contingent in the old Dragon Knight cave Jarron's office. We get anyone we will just bring them to you. No delays and into your hands to deal with away from the council."

Lord Regal understood what he was saying and could not counter that point. Especially with the Knights breaking away, "We can use it as simply guarding a former Knight location until we are sure it is not going to be used against us."

Brannar nodded, "Because you will pick up us teleporting into your area. Then moving out again. But you can show multiple teleports going to a different location in your lands to take the prisoner away. Simply say you sent us away as soon as we arrived. It justifies your presence. The Chromatics will not care because it is fewer eyes on them."

Lord Regal laughed, "You sound like you know them."

Brannar smiled, "I try to envision the thief's guild in a city seeing a group of guards going out on patrol. They THINK they are getting away with more while the guards are lower in number."

He laughed and stood, "That describes the red dragons to a tee; except assassins instead of thieves."

Brannar picked the list up from the table and handed it back to Lady Silver Hair, "You will need this. Not that you want it. To convince the others you will have to talk to within the metallic portion of your enclave."

She took the list and they left the building. She thought to Lord Regal, "He's right. If we are to convince the conclave of Metallics then this list will be the means."

Brannar looked at Jarron, "The end of an age. The beginning of a new age."

Jarron nodded, "You will have my job at some point."

He nodded, "My father told me as much in his note to me."

Jarron laughed, "What did he say?"

He pulled out the letter and showed him the section on Jarron.

He read it and laughed. "I kept telling him he was after my job. He kept insisting he had too much to do and to stop offering it to him."

Brannar sighed, "We need to go see a Warlord now."

They headed outside and looked at our group and invited them in. "You ever see them here; you never saw them here. Jarron will spend the afternoon recalling assets once we confirm when ships will be ready. I was authorized to get another 10 ships.

Both Lieutenants are now Captain of the ship while they will report to Silver Moon on her flagship. Silver will report to me on mine. Silver Moon and I will coordinate attacks. We will have two battle groups later. Start learning your new jobs of running a ship.

We will be getting very experienced first officers. Silver Moon is in charge of interviewing every crew member. She is geared to find honest crew and knows the languages. Keep the compound secure until we return and we will divide up on activities. Captain's you are with us, we have papers to sign."

They got to the stables and had the horses saddled in minutes. Silver put her hand on his shoulder and he turned to her.

She gave him a slow and sensual kiss. "I can feel the stress emanating from you. We will have to work on getting you relaxed later."

He smiled, "I love you too Midnight Rider."

She laughed, "It was fun but I am a bit tired."

He smiled, "Tomorrow you will not even want to be near a saddle. But you will be on one most of the day. I am going to wear that little heart-shaped ass of yours out tonight. It is my turn."

She laughed. "We have to get some sleep at some point."

He nodded, "Working in both parts of the world will get tiring fast."

They saddled up and he smacked her ass as she mounted up. She smiled at him. They rode together with Jarron riding alongside Silver Moon and Sutter just ahead of them. He looked at Jarron, "We got to get you your own Elven War Horse two in fact."

Jarron laughed, "Why two?"

He smiled, "One for you to ride and one for your horse to ride."

Jarron laughed. Brannar sighed, "Seriously. The reason most have two is dealing with the breeding. Most riders have two mares. One or both will be carrying during that time and they cannot be ridden at certain points. Most males are sent to the Army, a few are kept back. Like mine in the stall that will be a stud to the next generation. If you end up at another location you will want a pair to keep themselves company.

You marry your lady friend and we could get her a couple of mares and your stud would be a happy horse."

Jarron laughed, "What makes you think I want to marry her?"

He smiled, "When was the last time you spent 2 nights in one woman's bed? She has your heart, your brain has just not caught up to it. Besides, you need an heir or 10 to pass your title down to and you have probably already knocked her up with twins!"

Jarron looked at him, "What makes you say that?"

Brannar looked at him, "People my father made casual contact produced twins. How often did he have long drawn out discussions where it looked like he was assessing your very spirit?! You are probably due to have a few sets of twins. I know you already have one set. They just do not have your family name and probably do not even know about you. For that matter, the Queen did not even use your family name. Why is that?"

He looked at Brannar, "A house with no significance House Silverleaf. I have worked honorably for the kingdom for centuries. My father was a bit of a gambler and a poor businessman. He depleted most house assets before dying on top of some consort in the Palace. The Queen was young and still a Princess then.

We were close friends even though our stations in life never allowed it to go further. My house had little in assets compared to the bigger house like Silvertree. I made a series of smart investments and doubled what the house had when my father first inherited it. I live simply. Alone mostly, focused on my work."

Brannar smiled, "Well while you can still keep your cock up you better get your legacy going because unlike your father you are a great man worth remembering."

He laughed, "We will see. Which is more of an answer than I gave your father."

Brannar nodded, "Because your brain is catching up with your heart. I figure if I am helping to fulfill some of the things my father could not take care of then you should be on that list."

He laughed as did Silver Moon. Silver Moon responded. "I witnessed a lot of those exchanges, not all of them. Enough to know the man cared for you. His methods were a bit bizarre but I attribute a lot of that to the Gods fucking with his mind."

Jarron nodded, "The gods reached out to a lot of minds including mine."

Brannar smiled, "That explains a lot!"

Silver laughed at his attempt at humor while Jarron just shook his head. They arrived at Warlord Sun's Palace and stabled the horses. His man came out to greet us, "Warlord Sun is happy you are back and would like to see you in his court."

They followed the little man into the Court where the documents were laid out for them to review while they waited. Everything was spelled out in the ownership of the property and the ships. Titles to show ownership of the ships to himself as the financier of the ships.

The option to buy back the embassy with a sliding scale to increase the penalty, if they exercise the option in the future. The fact that they had docking right and it specified a specific dock even. Brannar looked at the man, "It gives a specific Dock. Why?"

He looked at Brannar, "It is on the edge of the port and can handle your two ships."

Brannar smiled, "If I add more ships? I did request the option to buy more."

He nodded. "In that case, it would depend on the number of ships."

Brannar looked at him, "Ten more with 8 launches per ship."

He looked at Brannar, "Each ship would hold 6 launches if you do not have much cargo."

Brannar nodded. "Then we will take 6."

He looked at Brannar, "Sounds like you plan on an invasion."

Brannar nodded, "You heard the discussion of my plans for the pirates. The fact that they have 4 of my siblings. With the reefs, we are going to have to navigate them in something smaller. I am planning ahead."

He nodded, "Let me get Warlord Sun to discuss these additional ships with you."

Brannar looked at the man, "Does he have a military leader or adviser? Does he make and ensure the implementation of his orders directly?"

He looked at Brannar, "Warlord Sun would have to answer that question."

Brannar looked at him, "Please let Warlord Sun know we have a matter of military importance we wish to discuss as well. If he has an adviser, he would have them sit in on those discussions. It would be a good idea as this is a very detailed briefing of threats in this area."

After the man left, Brannar looked at Silver Moon and spoke in elven, "The floor is yours to ask the proper security questions. To see if he knows anything about what we will tell him. If he is into slavery, etc."

She nodded, "I get what you are saying."

It took a few minutes. The Warlord showed up with a man who was not a man but a Silver Dragon.

Brannar looked to Jarron, "Would you check to see if my lenses are clean? I keep seeing a smudge in them."

He looked at the lens and then he saw what Brannar saw. He hands him his glasses back. He looked at Jarron, "You want to use your pearl?"

He shook his head. "Let us see where this goes."

Warlord Sun sat in his throne and his adviser stood at his side. He looks at them, "You want more ships already and have more information to provide."

Brannar looked at Silver Moon, "Introductions and you are up?"

Silver Moon stepped forward, "We have a few new people with us so introductions all around might be called for as a few things have also changed. We traveled back via teleportation to the Elven Kingdom this morning and met with the Queen, The Dwarven King Fireaxe, The Queen of the human area known as Grand Falls, Queen Thronlord.

The last two were surprise additions to our meeting. As a result of that meeting, I was made a Countess and a Commodore in the Royal Navy as conscripted by the Queen in addition to our diplomatic rolls. Brannar'Lortan 'Storm Wraith' Silvertree, Knight Protector of the Elven Kingdom is now also a Duke and Admiral for this new fleet of ships.

The other gentleman joining us today was also conscripted into service. This is Duke Jarron Silverleaf, General of Foreign Operations. A new role the Queen has designated; though he has centuries of service to the Queen. Which makes him a known quantity in the Elven Court. You met Silver Silvertree yesterday.

She is now the Captain of her husband's flagship as well as being a Duchess by her marriage. The man beside me is Captain Sutter and the Captain of my flagship. Could we know more about your adviser here and if you have known him a long time, Warlord Sun?"

The Warlord looks at his adviser, "This is Chan Toa and he has been an adviser of mine for several decades now."


Chan Toa had been assigned here for many decades but long ago he had met Silver Moon. When he got her teleported around the world using the 'portal' at the Alchemy shop as he followed the direction of Bahamut. Once again, she stood before him but his appearance was different now. He had not heard from the Dragon god since then over a century ago. He wondered what she was doing back in the Far East.


She looked at him, "Has your adviser expressed an opinion about our presence and wanting to buy ships in this area for the Deep Sea, Warlord Sun?"

Warlord Sun looked at them, "He was interested to hear and see of your arrival. He feels comfortable with the elven presence and sharing of magical knowledge to our people."

Silver Moon nodded. Brannar looked at him, "Are we the only ones in this room at the moment, Warlord Sun?"

He nodded. He walked to the table and laid out three Crystals and activated them. He looked at the Warlord, "These crystals have just secured this room from scrying, teleportation, and even visual if someone attempted to open the now locked doors." He walked back to the group.

He asked in perfect Draconic, "Does he know who you are or the assassin who targeted me?"

He turned back around, "The adviser Chan Toa stepped forward and spoke in the local dialect, "He knows who I am. I am familiar with your family name, Jarron's family name and association with the Knight, and Silver Moon's family name from my time here when she traveled these lands. As to your assassin. I have no information on the assassin you speak of."

Brannar walked over and deactivated the three crystals, and pulled out the pearl, "Lady Silver Hair could you join me, please. We need your assistance with an associate of yours."

Her voice came over, "I am on my way."

A few seconds later and she appears in the room and he reactivated the Crystals. "As he is an associate of yours and appears out of the current loop. We wanted to know if we should bring him into the discussion."

She looked at him and him at her. He took a knee to her. That caught the Warlord by surprise.


She looked at him, 'You have not reported in a while to me or the council. What are you doing here? The black dragon said something about a Rogue Silver Dragon out here.'

He looked up, 'I was given instructions years ago, when I ran the Alchemy shop, to move here and befriend the Sun family. To help to advise them for the times ahead. I have been here since a few days after the last time I saw Silver Moon. Bahamut directed me to become an advisor here until I was needed, Your Majesty.

He has not spoken to me since. His task when I saw Silver Moon was to get her home once she showed me her sword. She thought it was a portal to get her home in the shop I worked in. Instead, I used a teleportation circle to send her home without her knowledge.

A few days later he sent me here to keep the peace in this province. To offer my council. The Warlord knows what I am and the previous ones introduced me to their heirs before passing on. I change appearances and names every 30 years and change to age as needed, Your Majesty. I was not being disrespectful of orders or the council. I was following the orders from Bahamut.'

She sighed in his head, "You will hear a lot. Continue to advise well and answer when I or the metallics on the council calls on you going forward. It is good to see you alive. I understand orders from Bahamut better than you would. I can see that you are being honest with me as I have seen your mind as it is open to me.'


A few seconds later and she sighed, "Bring them both up on current events including the Alliance we discussed earlier."

She reached over and pressed the crystals and left. Brannar turned them back on as he spoke, "You know our contact, the Silver Queen on the Council of Nine."

The Warlord was shocked by this revelation. The Silver nodded rapidly. Brannar looked at him, "The night before last I spotted a black dragon in this court using a ring with a necromancy twist to it. That keeps it from being picked up even by dragon's true seeing.

Because what you are seeing is real, the mind has taken over the body stored in the ring. The body of the dragon is stored in the ring while this occurs, or whoever is wearing it. I confronted this dragon's presence. That led to the attempt to assassinate me. I pulled out a set of manacles and captured the dragon. Placing gloves over her hands to keep her from removing the ring.

The disadvantage to this ring is they do not have their superior physical attributes and they did not wish to expose their presence. I then coordinated a meeting location. Turned them over to the Silver Dragons in your security services. I was told they believe he or she might be an agent in this shadow network.

Dragons have 14 agents which are actually a collection of agents. 4 of those are not authorized and work in the shadows. They collect cattle in the form of elves, dwarves, and humans, and many other races. For consumption."

The Warlord looks at his adviser. Brannar continued. "I was told to brief you both because some of this is happening quickly and will sound very damning. Part of the trove of data I captured from that pirate ship had this information. As well as several other pieces including the extinction by the hunting of the reclusive Deep-Sea Elves over three millennia ago.

The Saatorixx Knights did not exist during that time and were resurrected 900 years ago. I have a family history with the Knights. Including the destruction of a Draco-lich by my father's team and 24 Silver dragons. One of the wizards involved in that effort escaped and became a Lich. The relics he used were captured and removed from this world. The Lich has not stopped his experiments. The dragons have been unable to locate him. We have.

They have the information on the ancient Elven Fort we need to gain access to on the island where these pirates are located. They are using an immovable relic at the site to power his experiments. I have a list of 60 names of dragons that have been killed in these experiments; two-thirds of them were Metallics.

They plan, according to this documentation, to conduct what they hope will be a successful experiment on 3 dragons at once in 3-5 months. We want to be able to strike inside of 3. The Saatorixx Knights are separating from dragon control. It will no longer report to the Council of Nine."

This had the younger dragon looking surprised. "That is why members of the Knights who are elven are being conscripted into service by the Queen. She will oversee this side of protecting the Dragon Wars Treaty, which is doomed to fail soon. Soon might be in your children's time or three months from now. We do not have a definitive date.

The reason it will end; the dragon population is reaching a point where it cannot sustain its population. This will cause a civil war. They will be busy trying to protect their own. However, we are working with leaders of the Metallics to form an Alliance. You might ask why. The answer is simple. The island is an elven fortress.

Built over a dwarven forge and enchanted with the help of the elves, dragons, and dwarves. A lot of ancient magic was involved. It is the forge that can create siege weapons and lances designed to kill dragons. It may be the only hope all of our races have of surviving the war when it comes. Oh, the Captain of the pirate ship was a blue half-dragon.

I actually beat him into an inch of his life and turned him over to the Silver dragons. I was read into the Knights, they wanted me as a Captain at the time. Because of some of the things my father encountered later in his life he realized the Knight could never reach its potential under the Council of Nine.

Not all members of the council wished for the Knights to succeed. In a couple of days, there will be a meeting with senior members of the council. Covering their 'immoral' actions and the three-member kingdoms will pull control of the Knights away from the dragons. Incorporate them into their own services or joint units.
