Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 03 Pt. 01


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He finished eating way ahead of the others, Travious looked at the ladies, "I am sorry I went off without you this morning. It was a part of a vision and I did not have time to explain that to anyone. Melia, I do not know how to resolve visions versus keeping you informed beforehand. I do not know when they will arrive."

The Queen Mother interjected, "As someone who has dealt with this in the past. He cannot avoid his destiny to inform you of what he is doing at times. He seems a lot like his father and grandfather. Keeping an open and honest relationship. Upfront when he can. Informing you after the fact when he cannot."

Melia nodded, "I have probably read the paladin code more than any of you over 30 years, except the paladins of course." They chuckled at her. "I expected days like this would occur. I do appreciate your insight, Your Majesty. I am just mad, frustrated, worried, relieved, and happy all at the same time.

I have to come to terms that when they have his back in battle it does not mean he will not get hurt. That he will not always give notice of things. He did contact his Aunt to get us up here to help him. He did not hide or try to hide what happened."

The Queen Mother nodded, "Open and honest."

Melia nodded and he appeared to have been forgiven. They finished their meal and said their goodnights. They went back to their quarters. They got to the room and Melia took charge, "Strip!"

Travious smiled and took his clothes off and set his sword belt to the side. He stood naked and she pushed him into the middle of the bed. She looked at him, "You do not move from there. You are still bruised up and look like hell."

He smiled at her. She spent a couple of hours riding his cock and fell asleep on him.

He found himself in the forest walking through the trees and into the clearing of Silent Falls. The lady sat with her feet in the water and waved him over. He sat next to her and waited for her to speak. "You are doing well Paladin. Your show of faith before the Elven court did not go unnoticed by us.

You could have died but you are well. Your approach to the Blue Dragon was a bit of a surprise but your idea is not without merit. You are incorrect though, you do not have the skill needed to use the ring. An arcane who has polymorph would be the most capable of using the ring's abilities."

He smiled, "Kirra." She grinned. "You are focused on where you need to be at the moment. You will have to speak with others about aerial combat training but not just for your half-dragons. The griffon riders are one group but not the only group."

He looked at her, "Who else would we be seeking aerial combat training for?"

She smiled, "Anyone riding an Elven warhorse. Have you asked yourself how can they jump so far and turn so quickly without dumping the rider? Your father was the closest to figuring it out. You have been broadening the connection with Shi'Drakon.

They do understand more than they let on. They are highly intelligent and capable of flight when the need arises when you visit the griffon riders, take Shi'Drakon with you. It will be an enlightening time."

Travious looked at her, "How can they fly, they have no wings."

She smiled, "Not all that fly has wings. For Generations, a creature you know little about began breeding with the war horses. Much like the elves with humans. Now they are breeding in quantities they never had before. This next generation will be even more cooperative once you have defeated the other champion and have proved your combat prowess and compassion. They will begin to talk to you like your sword does. Not magic but psionic.

Your horse should be reproducing with every mare in the herd. All of the other stallions will not breed while yours is alive. Every mare in your group is with foal. Fort Ash's mares will be next, then the main pasture when you find the time. You have days at Fort Ash not months before the champion will show himself. You have embarrassed him twice. He will lose control of his troops if he cannot destroy you."

He looked at her, "What about the explosion? Should I expect that to occur?"

She shrugged, "We did not expect it but you have taken what precautions you can. Try not to die."

He chuckled, "That would be an improvement. Those sundering weapons tore right through my armor."

She nodded, "But that was one of the reasons you had to be on that field alone. To fight, survive, and discover. You know more of your enemy than he does of you. Your ring was a nice choice to make given your opponent."

He looked at her, "You said the horses are from a species we know little about. What creature?"

She smiled, "They are from a para-elemental plane of ice and air. Lightning and cold. They produced another line of creatures that are now extinct called the Asperii. They came from the plane of cold and were not sturdy enough. Every couple of generations a new stud would be brought to this world.

You called the first T'sarus. Others were there for the elven people but were kept or chosen for breeding. Your new 'horse' Shi'Drakon is the latest. His offspring will solidify their presence on this plane. They will not be as strong in resistance to the elements of cold and lighting, but they will be stronger in body and stamina. A new breed, the Elven war horses. You just have to learn what it takes to unlock the talent from your war horses.

When that happens, he can teach it to others. Just like finding the poison. Champion the cause for the aerial riders. Including the Griffon riders but there are others, training your children in riding aerial. The forge will be found soon. It will take time to move it. Work with the dragons, oversee the breeding of the army."

Travious chuckled, "I never thought of my children as an Army until the Dragons came into the picture. I cannot decide if they are more enlightened or more barbaric in this view."

She smiled at him, "You will care about all of them but there will be too many to know with a deep personal connection. Focus on your own children. You will produce Gestalts; they will be strong potential candidates for the sword. Melia has one, but she is special for other reasons and not the sword. She will marry into another line in the years to come to expand the psionic pool even further. Use your training and stay alive Paladin. You have much work to do yet."

He awoke and it was morning and Melia was in the middle of sucking his cock. She shoves it down her throat. He finished shooting off and he looked at her, "I remember two rides from you last night. How many did you do? Melia looked at him, "I had to wait a bit for recovery. I did another ten. We have two full chamber pots of seed for the cleaning staff to deal with."

Travious chuckled and there was a knock on the door.

Melia answers the door naked. The Queen Mother's handmaiden pushing in a mannequin with his armor and cloak on it. She looked over, "Bigger than his grandfathers. At least around. He had one of his wives, Charlemagne, suck him dry while I stood in the doorway shocked. Not much shocks me anymore."

Travious nodded, "Thank you for your observations."

She smiled and left, "You are a lucky lady."

She closed the door and they both laughed at that. "It is odd to know people who have seen my grandfather naked and having sex. Then comparing us."

He got up and drank a little wine and then some water. He went over and got cleaned up. He prayed to the gods to get his abilities and spells. He dressed and looked at the armor. He grabbed the ring, "Armor on" and nothing happened.

He looked at Melia. She had the ring in her hand. He walked over and took it from her and gave her a kiss for looking out for him. He attached the ring into the new armor. "Armor on."

He was now dressed in his new shiny mithril Full plate with his Paladin's crest on it. Bree and the other ladies came in a few minutes later. He looked at Bree, "Can you identify it?" She did so, "High power with fly enchanted into it three times per day. He grabbed his cloak with a house Silvertree pin.

He looked at the mannequin and there was a note. He read the note, "Originally designed for your father's crew. Heavy armor sinks. This gave them the means to get back on the ship."

It also contained the command he needed to activate fly. The note concluded, "See you in the throne room."

He turned to Melia, "Dress, and then we split up after the visit to the throne room. My dreams were very detailed last night. About this champion and seeking out aerial riders. Even to focus on my own children. I will be unable to focus on all of the half-dragons that will be produced. Because there will be so many. She told me to be aware of my gestalt children.

The future sword wielders, except for your daughter Melia. She is going to help expand psionics even more into the Elven people. She also told me when this champion is down my horse will take our relationship to the next level." He left the rest unsaid for now. She looked at him with wide eyes. "The forge will be found soon moving it will take time."

He gave her a kiss as she finished getting dressed and ready to go. She smiled and jumped into his arms and kissed him hard. He brought Melia down and put his weapon belt and grabbed his shield off of the back of the base of the mannequin.

It now had his paladin crest which had the holy symbol in it. He found Gia, "Will this still work for my holy symbol on turn undead?"

She blessed the two crescents on the shield and nodded. "It should still work. The symbol is on there. I do like the heraldry you put together. I have to ask, how does one become one of your wives?"

He smiled, "I let Melia choose me, she had 30 years to debate it with the paladin code. As a cleric, you know it."

She nodded, "I came here to be near you. I wanted to see this new champion for myself. That was 10 years ago. My name is Gia Moon Blade."

He nodded, "If you married me you would no longer be eligible for your family blade."

She nodded, "There are others who are better suited and more deserving as they use swords regularly. I am not concerned with that."

She looked at Travious, "I know you love me. I know who your second wife is and I do not care. I find her adorable. I find Melia exceptionally attractive. Yes, I like men and women in my bed but have never had a man take me. Yes, I am still a virgin."

Travious looked at Melia, "Your thoughts?"

She smiled and went over and tried to suck the face off of Gia, "I would be honored to have her in my bed and to know a cleric is at his back when he is away."

Travious nodded, "Then we should do something special."

They walked forward toward the throne room. They got in line. There were three ahead of them. The King finished addressing the issue of the two Nobel's who were arguing over something trivial.

The King held the line, "Knight Paladin step forward."

He stepped forward and the King looked over the new armor and nodded. "Looks good on you."

Travious nodded, "I came to give my thanks for the loan of your healer and the replacing of my armor. I now know what it feels like to be sundered." He got a few giggles. "I wanted to thank the Queen Mother for another piece of my father's legacy and for ensuring my heraldry is perfect. Your Majesty, I wanted to thank the King and yourself for your hospitality and generosity."

The King looked at him, "So what are your plans for today?"

Travious smiled, "If the enemy is on the field engage them and kill them. Continue on with my armor intact is the goal, Your Majesty."

This got a few laughs. The King nodded, "Take a few hours at least and relax."

Travious looked to the King, "A few minutes perhaps if I could get some time with the Queen Mother to help me with a private matter."

She nodded, "I will help you."

Travious smiled, "I will be able to relax more when this other Champion is on the ground dead, Your Majesty. I can't leave my men to do that while I relax. I put them in the field and I need to be back with them as soon as possible, Your Majesty."

The King nodded, "Duty first it is. Good luck to you Knight Paladin."

Travious bowed to him. He turned and gave The Queen Mother a bow as well before following her to her audience chamber.

She smiled, "How can I help you?"

He smiled, "I would like you to get a hold of the Countess and have her bring Majisa to the conference room. Could Fressa please perform the ceremony. I have the words written down that Doc used."

Fressa smiled, "Of course."

He looked at the Queen, "I am adding a third wife who is a cleric and will be with me in the field. I thought you might wish to witness this ceremony yourself as your son was there for my first, Queen Mother."

She smiled, "That is something I would love to do."

She pulled out a crystal and did not get through. He sighed, and pulled out one to his Aunt, "I need you to get the Countess to contact the Queen Mother."

She groaned out, "Right now?!"

The Queen Mother responded, "YES!"

His Aunt Zaria sighed, "Give me a minute and I will take care of that."

Not even a minute later and the Countess contacted them, "How can I help you?"

He smiled, "You can bring Majisa to the conference room here in the Palace. We will meet you there."

He heard her sigh, "Understood."

They walked up to the conference room and Majisa looked at him, "They were afraid of my exposure or I would have been here last night. I heard you killed the Blue Queen!"

Travious nodded, "Yes we have her body in a ring now to help train our son. I want you to meet Gia. She is to become my third bride with your approval. She is one of the clerics who saved my life last night. The two of them hugged and then kissed and Majisa nodded, "Someone for when you are away and we can enjoy you both when you are back."

He smiled. "Fressa is going to perform the ceremony here. Once we are done, we are going to separate out as we have to get back to the field. That means my first night with her will be just the two of us. I hope you both understand."

They nodded Melia smiled, "My first night was just the two of us so I understand. Fuck her and love her until you go soft!"

The ladies laughed.

Fresa looked at us and motioned us forward. She looked at Gia, "Gia Moon Blade, will you be that light in the night sky, the moons, the stars, and even the Sun as it transitions from one day to the next? To pledge yourself to be a devoted mother. Raising all of the offspring. In an elven community. Within the Elven Kingdom. In keeping with the Paladins Code?"

Gia, "I do!"

She then looked to Travious, "Knight Paladin Silvertree. Like the night in need of light do you take this woman to brighten up your life until death do you part? Do you swear to honor your defined commitment with your wives as discussed? Including what to do when a wife is lost?"

Travious smiled, "I do!"

She looked at Travious as Melia held out a ring and he placed it on her finger. Fresa smiled, "By the powers invested by Sehanine Moonbow I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

He gave her a soft slow sensual kiss and made it more passionate at the end. She stared up at him. "My father might be a little upset at missing the wedding."

He smiled, "If he wants, we can do it again for him."

She laughed, "Not that upset. Being a cleric, he did not think I would get married."

He looked at the Queen Mother, "Would you be so kind as to send him a note to that fact."

She smiled, "You two wait here another 30 minutes."

He smiled, "Melia you might want to talk to the ladies about any toys they would like so you can go to the adult toy store for them." She smiled and had a mental conversation with the two dragons and then Gia who smiled at the surprise. The Queen returned with her papers and her father.

Moon Blade looked over and smiled, "Your grandfather helped me to find love. I am glad she has found it with you."

He shook Travious's hand. The Queen gave Majisa a set of papers as well while she was here. He looked at his bride, "Now you just have to kiss the other two wives."

She laughed and had slow sensual kisses with both of them. She smiled at them. They all headed for the door. Majisa and the Countess teleported out.

He met up with his ladies and stopped at the Guard Captain's office. "Melia could use some transportation in the city and a guide. You can contact House Silvertree for a horse for her. She wishes to visit the adult shop here in town."

The Guard Captain looked at him, "I will send your request over to house Silvertree for horses. My wife is on duty and she can guide her over."

He nodded, "Thank you Guard Captain."

He looked at the rest of his group, "The sooner this Champion is found the sooner we can take a breath and spend a couple of days relaxing. The ladies smiled but Melia looked at him, "You find him and kick his ass."

He nodded, "Don't forget what our guests want while you are there."

She nodded. Travious's cohorts and he headed for the stables and their horses were freshly fucked.

He brushed down Shi'Drakon, "I know you can understand me. The Gods told me what plane you are from. A para-elemental plane. I wanted to thank you for what you are doing and for teaching the others about finding poisons. It saved lives. Someday soon you will wish to communicate with me and I look forward to that day."

He got the blanket on followed by the barding, saddle, and the reigns. He looked down after mounting up, "Biana my friend."

Shi'Drakon moved out of the stable and he got with the other, "Fort Ash is so lovely this time of year."

The ladies laugh and teleport them into the fort, "Biana my friend."

He led him into the stables and hopped off, "Shi'Drakon fika" Shi'Drakon headed down the stalls, and Travious went up to find Goldeagle. He entered his office and he was talking with Fangs, "Hello again."

Goldeagle looked at him, "You look better."

Travious smiled and dropped the two pieces of metal on his desk, "Much better after getting those taken out of me. The longer one had pierced my heart. It was healed into me here. Then teleported out of me and healed quickly. I got some lovely scars, or so I was told."

Commander Goldeagle looked at the pieces of metal, "So that is what sunder does to mithril full plate."

Travious raised a finger, "Highly enchanted mithril full plate."

He shook his head, "If we would have sent people in, we would have been burning the bodies of ours instead of theirs. We started oiling the field and setting it ablaze today."

He secured the room and looked at the map, "Is that location being used today?"

He shook his head. "I need a caster with two teleportation circles, a Blade Singer, and a fighter from my unit. We are going to pay our human counterparts a visit."

He nodded. "Where is my sister and her Boy Toy?"

He smiled, "In the empty private quarters we kept invading the other day to contact the King."

Travious look at the ladies, "Fressa and Gia, why don't you two pay a visit to her. While you're at it check to see if she is pregnant. If so, you will need Yola and Bree to help you. To keep her from trying to kill me. Grab them too."

Fressa looked at him, "Why would she kill you?"

Travious looked at her, "I told her Boy Toy was infertile. He is not."

Yola looked at him, "Why?"

Travious smiled, "My vows to being a Paladin kept me from Melia for years. She was ready to jump him the moment I brought him back. Paladin's ability to know love when you see it, she loved him. They are close to the same age. How long has she lusted after that mage? Frustrated that he could not look past his research to see her?

She had him, she wanted him, she was going to take him. The one thing that might have held her back was the thought of getting pregnant. I just gave her the illusion of no worry on that front. To remove that last obstacle in her head. That is why she did not jump his ass in the wizards' tower."
