Silvertree Chronicles Bk. 03 Pt. 01


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Amy laughed, "The sword he carries blocks it. He did not lie to you about that. He has known of every attempt and kept your secret until you pushed him too far and then he faced you, I found the lube funny and appropriate.

Then he sends me to show you that you do not know half as much as you think you do. You both have the talent to do more and there is a lot I can help to bring out of you both, but we will work that over time.

Be happy I did not follow up with turning your mind into mush for what you have attempted on him. His family is very dear to our kind. I predict someday there will be a psion who holds that blade and have the key to that perfect mind that us dragons are searching for.

It will likely happen several millennia from now. Eldar's wife Annette was a psion that we helped to train and she tapped into premonitions, things I helped to train her in. She was John's mother and an elf-blooded woman. She was also very dear to us. I know you were hurt, I read that from you, but the champion is not him."

Melia looked at her mother, "I've seen the Lady of Dreams twice now, she performed my marriage. If you had gone to my wedding you would have seen her yourself. The second time was at the Palace when I met Amy here. I accept your apology for both my husband and myself, mother. I do love you, but you have to let me live my life."

Her mother nodded at Melia and Amy, "Message received from both of you."


The Countess looked over the falls, "I can see the magic radiating off of this place. It truly is stunning."

Lady Staria looked at it, "It is too big but I could work with the concept some. I agree it is beautiful."

He pointed, "The village of my Grandfather's birth is that way. My Great Grandmother died a few years after my father died. She was an elder here. Her nephew owns her home here now and trains students at the local Academy to be Blade Singers."

She nodded, "Some of this Amy Tryst passed on to us in her report."

Travious nodded, "We should head back and catch up with Amy Tryst and my wife."

They rode back and arrived as they left her Mother's home.

Melia looked at him, "I gave her a rash of shit about trying to push you away from me. Then we sat and 'talked' which caught her off guard. Then she told her what she was and she was even more shocked. She agreed to the training. She wanted me to tell you, 'Thank you.'"

Travious smiled, "We better head back."

She nodded. They got back and stabled their horses and brushed them down while the two casters took the other six back to the Keep stable. They were oblivious of who the guests were. They headed up to the fourth floor.

He looked at the ladies, "We have a couple of people in the city we need to talk to on a few issues."

Countess of the Moon looked at him, "I will teleport us back then bring you back. We will stay at the Palace tonight until we work out the agreement with the King."

He nodded at her. She teleported them inside the Palace to a conference room. The Queen Mother was drinking tea and she waved them all over. "I figured you would return to this location. The King is alerted already and will be here shortly."

They nodded and grabbed chairs to join her.

"All ten assassins are dead. The last one had one of those special polymorph rings. I gave it the Countess of the Moon. The other ladies who are silver have a name. Lady Astria, Staria, Rachel, Dorothy, Annette, and Charlemagne. The other ladies we have not given names to as they are new arrivals. We have copper, gold, and bronze. Do I assign them names?"

The Countess nodded. He looked at them, "Our copper guest is lady Liz. Because Liz sounds like a trickster's name. The bronze is Emra. Short for emerald and the color of her wingtips. The gold guest is Lady Majisa. I combined Majestic and Lisa." The three of them smiled and nodded. The Countess looked at him "Baroness Majisa. She is the daughter of the one you know as Lord Regal from your journals. A princess."

Travious nodded, "While we are waiting, do we know who, if any, are virgins?"

She looked around the table and nodded and hands went up. Majisa, Emra, Liz, and Annette. Travious looked at them, "Any of those four objects to marriage for life please lower your hand. Nobody would think any less of you, it is not exactly your culture's way of doing things."

Emra lowered her hand and then Liz followed.

He looked at the countess, "You are comfortable with these two being candidates. She sighed and nodded, "Yes."

Travious looked at her, "The fact that whomever I choose would likely not be in the fight. The words of the goddess. Never go into the field with me."

She sighed and Annette lowered her arm. Travious looked at the Countess, "We are down to one candidate."

She sighed, "Lord Regal would not be happy about it. Keeping her out of the fight he would appreciate. I will leave her and you to decide that."

Travious smiled, "Also Melia. I would request that Staria and she go back with us to check out this mansion spell. They can spend the night in safety unless you need them for the discussion."

The countess looked at Travious, "That would be fine as it serves a purpose. Staria can take you back."

The King came in and the room sealed, "Everyone stay seated. You got my attention, so what are we going to do?"

Travious looked at him, "The ladies believe they can add a series of extra-dimensional rooms into the fourth floor of the inn. The dimensions work for that without having to modify the building. The rooms will also feed the occupants. All ten assassins are now dead. Taking the Countesses window of 75-85 years. There is another Champion of Gruumsh on the field.

An orog magi who is aging at half the normal rate; if that. Our window for hostilities on that border shows 60-100 years according to history. The prisoner we interrogated sent them to kill me. He was told I would be getting married at the falls but to stay away from the falls and watch for whoever the 'lucky couple' was. They are supposed to report back to him in less than a week. The sign to begin the next attack is an earthquake, like before.

When the dragon homeland left. It will generate a dust cloud that will give them the perfect opportunity to attack. The return of the dragons. This brings up a series of questions. Are we ready to fight a war on two or three fronts at the same time? I do not know what the Drow are doing. At least not yet. When was the last time we invaded orc held lands? What would our allies think? If we took action given the intelligence we have? We would have to cross human lands to do it."

The King looked at Travious, "You want to instigate a war with the orcs?"

Travious smiled, "As a Paladin, I would love to. They are the enemy. We lost over 40 people that I know of from those 10 assassins. We cannot afford to lose assets like this. We have no scouting on numbers, locations, or anything on that valley. I am proposing a series of hit and run strikes with a twist. Their strength is stealth. Ours is magic. We send in a team 10 or more that will break into 2 or more teams of 3-5.

Followed by a group of 8 or more that will attempt to go further. The goal being. Cause death, mayhem, and destruction to them in their own land. Second goal deals with our exit strategy. Establish teleportation locations. Behind the lines. When they seem to be wising up on what we are doing. They will set up to ambush us at those locations we send in one mage who casts teleportation circle surrounded by barrels of sapper explosives.

They teleport out and we blow everything in that location out. We wait a minute. Teleport in another group to mop up the ambush and continue into the valley to establish new locations. Any locations we can establish that appear to be remote we can send in scouting parties, they can establish even more teleportation locations. We make it so they have no front line in that valley.

We manage to get to the caves in the mountains, we will find the other champion. We can do this with fewer troops and draw them further back into the valley. If they are already further back then we have little to no resistance except for them trying to figure out what we are doing. I am asking permission for up to 30 to follow me, selected by me to do these strikes. Ten battle-mages, three fighters, three scouts, three battle clerics, and three-blade singers to start with.

We get 13 fireball and 13 chain-lightning wands with two healing potions per member when and if needed. I would need a map for the second phase of this plan."

The King looked at Travious, "There is more?"

He nodded, "We need to negotiate with the humans to release control of the land between us and the opening of the valley. We do this under the cross-border treaty to create new towers across the entrance of the valley and build a wall across the length.

We get our dwarven allies to build underground towers inside the two ranges of mountains. This gives us the ability to look into the valley from a distance while it just looks like a mountain. We are cutting them off from the woods south of the trade route. That is the path they are sending in these assassin teams through. Then they will have a much harder time getting assassins in from this direction."

He looked at the Countess, "I would assume the elven silvers are not the only group of metallics working on breeding in half-dragons into this army?"

She looked at him, "Not in these numbers as there are not as many left behind. Several are working with different human settlements. There are only a few couples and a lot of females."

He nodded, "Odds of being fertile?"

She looked at him, "Very low as I said before."

He thought back to the previous conversation, "You said this magical change to the half-dragon nation was rare. What conditions usually have occurred for the offspring to not be sterile?"

She looked at him oddly, "We do not know for sure. The few I encountered were away from the homeland when conceived. OH SHIT. The homeland is gone right now. That means fertility could be normal. The aging was done genetically so that does not change. They could breed! Especially if the device is damaged or destroyed by the move!"

She got up from the table and pulled out a dozen pearls of different colors. She had conversations in draconic on each one.

Travious looked at the King. "They made Paladins for keeping our enemies as far from the elven people as possible. That means we have to push them back. We are an offensive force as opposed to a defensive force. If the gods have not provided you with guidance then this is your call."

He looked at Travious, "Give me two days to talk with the other allies on this idea of yours. How would this apply to the cross-border treaty?

He grabbed a piece of parchment and put forth a crude map. "The humans have claimed this land including the section that goes into the valley. The section we would cross. We put that under Gray Blade protection all the way along to just outside this small human town called Cotton Web.

Because of the mountains being the boundary. The valley is on the other side. Get them to turn over half of the passage to the elven kingdom. That still leaves them providing troops when attacked on that side but gives us the ability to claim the valley land for the Elven Kingdom.

We get the fortifications built and using teleport circle we can access the valley to attack anything trying to build up there. A 'no man's land' is what the humans call it. A buffer that lets us know when they are coming and we can hit them as they get into the valley. The only thing we do not know is if a chromatic is behind this force.

They might attack this wall while we are building it. Slowing us but not stopping us. Especially when we get the forge back. Now the Elves can, in theory as they have already done, turn over more land to the blades. The duchy extends beyond the area the Gray Blades protect.

On paper, the area of the blades could be extended into the Duchy further to compensate for what we are already doing in that area with the protection force for the Duchy. The dwarven part of the agreement is to build the structures. We still have a quarry they could draw from.

The only sticking point is increasing the force size by at least a hundred each. You could settle for fifty each. Extend the size of the town by ten square miles on each side. Maybe twenty if the explosion of half-dragon elf-blooded decides to stay when it is done. Housing in this section of the forest only.

I know they are running into a housing shortage. Housing, farming, with an outpost on the human side. For the extra troops and families. It expands on my Grandfather's idea, but he could not account for a Duchy when the town was built.

I know the Duchy could just annex the land but doing it this way gets the humans to give up that tract of land to produce more food and housing. Being forced to read all of the treaties, elven laws, and history helped with this idea. Beautiful work you did Queen Mother with my grandfather. You knew that much land would not be covered sufficiently with 200."

The Queen Mother looked at the map, "The Silver Queen voiced concerns over the numbers and helped the allies to see 200 per kingdom was a good idea. The druids would have a fit if we cut back the trees along there for security.

That is what is providing cover for them to cross the roads. I have had that conversation several times with you Aunt. She wished your father had blown that entire section of woods instead of the 800 feet he did saving those dwarven nobles."

Travious looked at her, "The other option would be to finish what Grandfather started and wall from tower to tower along that road."

She shook her head. "I like the idea of using the natural boundaries of the mountains and taking orc land to do it! Also formerly Elven land. I would think about getting this new Human King to consider a similar move along with his other weak spots in the border while we are causing all of this disturbance. Provided the King approves and can get this done under the existing framework."

The King looked it over, "We are talking about a small use of resources to shore up that border. Potentially keeping them from attacking when the dragons return."

He nodded, "The dwarves would love this idea. Stick a group of explosives in ten-foot circles has a mage cast feather fall on themselves and then teleport a few hundred feet above the teleport locations we have set up. Teleport back. Repeat as we blast the hell out of that valley.

Doing this when the dust storm hits if we have not deterred them, we bottle them up together. I got this idea from my father when he had the sappers drop all the explosives and set them to blow when they hit bottom. How he got past the sahuagin."

The King chuckled and then frowned, "I was in this room when he died. He died by the fireplace in this very room. The first person I ever saw die in front of me. I do remember him telling us the sappers needed more supplies as they blew up at least eight hundred when he brought Silver Moon's body back. They took down two blue dragons that day.

Your father disintegrated a hole into one of them to bring it down. The only Elf I know who captured a dragon single-handed. Your Grandfather was a great man for helping to save us from impending attack along that border. Killing and capturing assassins in the Palace.

Your father, on the other hand, helped to save the world when the dragons went into full out civil war. Both great men. Give me two days or three tops to try and hammer this out with the humans and dwarves. This new human King Thornlord has been less cooperative than those of the past."

Travious looked at him, "My Blade Journal revealed more than that. My grandfather saw the shortcomings in the Knights. He hoped to increase the numbers of the Knights to strengthen them and expand their reach. Which he did.

He was hopeful that my father would get them separated from overt dragon control because the 'entire council' did not support this group. My grandfather ensured we had the forces. Without those forces, it would not have occurred. They were both great men."

The King and Queen smiled at him and nodded. The King sighed, "I had not thought of that aspect. I see the wisdom in your words."

He handed Travious a gold orb, "As the head of my Paladins you can contact me directly."

Travious stored the orb. "I am going to scout talent for this assault force, Your Majesty."

He looked at Travious, "You have my permission to assemble the team you need. Gray Blades, army, Academy graduates are all options. Find who you need."

The King stood and the Countess released the door. Lady Staria got them gathered. He bowed to the Countess As Melia and Travious got her, "Everything alright?"

She nodded, "They agree it is a concern, yet some are happy about the possibility. Some of the half-dragons could interbreed with each other as well to get us a larger force as well."

They nodded and bowed to the King and Queen Mother. Staria took Melia, Travious, and Majisa away to the one room. He immediately pulled the crystal for his Aunt, "When you have time please stop by the inn with Tranosa. Bring those two mages as well."

She sighed, "Why the mages?"

He smiled, "Direction from the King. I will explain when you get here. Bring Doc as well."

She groaned, "I will be there in five minutes."

He looked at Lady Staria, "Have you got that layout of the spell we talked about? I would love to see it. Even if it is not the final version."

She smiled, "I felt inspired by our ride as well. She finished her spell and a portal opened just as his Aunt arrived with the others.

They stepped through the portal and it closed. They looked back and saw a small circle with a knob. Travious smiled, "I did not know about the crushed rock on the floor, I think regular floors should work."

She smiled, "Marble like the pillars." He nodded, "But I want the pillars to spiral up 6 revolutions for each of the 5 Dragon species that will be involved and the sixth for the elves. I love the sky ceiling."

They walked around and checked out all the smaller rooms.

They hit the big bedroom. He smiled, "Would like the beds wider. Only three wives planned but I like to have room. Add fifty percent to this one. I would like a briefing table out there with maps of the elven kingdom, our allies, and the orc valley. That last one larger and in the middle of the table. Maps we can adjust to any part of the world would be wonderful in fact."

Travious looked at his Aunt, "Everyone, what you see here is classified by the kingdom. These extradimensional spaces are going to eventually be made permanent. Others will be added around the town, Fort Ash, and potentially every tower along the trade route. The Elven King is in negotiations with the Silver Dragon Queen. They are going to be living in this area in order to breed half-dragon, half-elven children.

Baroness Majisa is the youngest daughter of the Gold Dragon King known as Lord Regal."

Travious looked at Melia, "Would you pass your glasses around to our audience here. My Aunt should keep that pair and wear them." She took them off so everyone could see them. "Your two mages work for me now. I also want to steal Fangs and a couple of other scouts. I am putting together an assault force to invade the orc valley. 30 at most to follow me.

Lightning strikes across the valley. I have been told to assemble the team and take from anywhere I need, if I end up short on mages I may steal them from Fort Ash. I will hit up the Academy here first. I need 3 battle-ready clerics who can heal Doc, 5 would be better. At least one from each of the faiths I represent and they all have to know how to ride."
