Sister's Introduction to Nudism Ch. 08


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I was concentrating pretty hard on the exercise; but still took the time to look around. Karen was dead serious about it, trying to gain perfection at every pose in the routine that came along. Her body was bathed in sweat and she looked in the afternoon sunlight like the very epitome of an ancient Hindu statue -- dark, buxom and graceful. Val and Deb were constantly losing their balance and giggling their way through it. Rod was at best making half-assed attempts at the poses and quite clearly concentrating more on my sister's naked body than anything else. Miyako behind me listened studiously to Moira and went through all the exercise with a grim determination, rendered touchingly cute as she lost her balance over and over again and ended up splayed on the ground with her little pussy almost winking as she laughed at her own clumsiness.

"Miss Miss!" I heard Deb say and looked around to see her with her hand raised in a schoolyard tattletale attitude. "Karl is being naughty Miss!" she giggled and pointed to where Karl, deep in a wide legged pose, was sporting a huge erection -- his ten-inch cock sticking out vertically.

Moira looked over to Karl and shaking her head turned back to Deb.

"It's only a matter of life-force," she said. "Karl is in tune with his body and his body is expressing itself. Now, I don't want to embarrass Karl, but if anyone here is uncomfortable with his.... state, I can ask him to cover up or leave...anyone?"

Nobody complained and Karl was allowed to continue the class with his cock hard and waving in front of him.

Even though I had thought the safest place to be in the class was next to Karen rather than before or behind her, when we drew close to the end of the session Moira called "Pair up with the person to your right!" and I found myself sitting cross-legged in front of my sister. Karen was really into the Yoga by now and when Moira took us through a few more exercises involving holding each others hands and 'saluting the energy of the universe together' Karen did it without the least trace of irony or amusement.

They last exercise we did at Moira's instruction was to sit opposite each other, eyes closed, and rub our own hands together vigorously to create heat and energy and then to share that 'cosmic' energy with our partner by placing our palms on their body. The first time we were to place our warmed palms on our partner's chest, and as I placed my hands on the top of Karen's boobs, her own hands felt for me and cupped my pecs, her palms firmly across my nipples. The second 'energy sharing' was the same thing but this time we were instructed to rest each others warm palms on our partners thighs. As we were facing each other, my hands, being on the outside, rested on and warmed the outside of Karen's thighs, whereas her palms, being on the inside of my arms, gripped the inside of my thighs. The last phase of this had Karen and I warming each other's backs with our palms, bringing her boobs firmly into contact with me and my cock poking into her thigh.

By the time the exercise was over and Moira asked us all to lie down on our backs and close our eyes for the final meditation I, like Karl, had a full erection.

Moira's soothing voice came to us in the dark, telling us to let all cares go and to find our 'quiet place' within. I was concentrating on getting my cock to go down when I noticed her voice was right beside me.

"Let your head relax," she said to the class. "Feel it rest upon the mother earth." And at the same time her hands ran over my forehead and face in a caress.

"Keeping your eyes closes, feel your breathing and your torso quieten," she continued with the lesson, and I felt her hands run over my chest and down my stomach.

"Your legs are relaxed and complete," she said to my fellow classmates, and I felt her fingers flutter up and down my legs, brush over my balls and come to rest on my erect cock."

"Take this time to be yourself and connect with the universe," she told the class, and gently and slowly wanked my cock.

We stayed that way for a minute or so, and I was dying to open my eyes and see what else was going on when Moira whispered in my ear; "They are all relaxed, they can't see you."

She kept talking to all the others, but all the time she was feeling and fondling my cock and balls. She put her mouth close my ear, so close I could feel her breath warming my cheek.

"You have the most beautiful cock I have ever seen," she said. "If your wife, I mean your sister agrees, I would love to use in my Tantric class."

She left me and went back to her towel at the head of the class, and after talking to us all for a minute about how well we had all done at Yoga, she had us open our eyes, sit cross legged and say 'Namaste ' to officially end the session.

We all opened our eyes and came back to life, and from the looks on the faces around me we were all feeling fantastic. True, Karl and I had hardons, but even he and I shared the same relaxed and peaceful expressions as our fellow yoga novices.

Karen winked at me and intimated with her eyes that I should cover up my erect cock with my towel, and as the class broke up our little group walked back up the track in the afternoon sunlight.

"That was great," said Rod, "But I do feel happy hour approaching!"


Being a Friday night the pool area was at its busiest. Along with all the regulars, the weekend crowd had begun to arrive and with the music coming from the rec hall the pools and spas and surrounding deck areas were full of people.

Mike and Trev had saved what we had come to think of as 'our table' under the awning and it was a pleasure to sit with friends over a drink at the end of the day and enjoy the scene.

It was the epitome of a nudist gathering - older people, younger people, all shapes, sizes, colours and no social barriers. When nude a bank executive might be chatting to a truck driver and who can tell the difference? That slim Indian lady might be a doctor or store clerk, the man she is dancing with could be a lawyer or a mechanic -- there are no uniforms or badges and we all just interact has humans.

It was a fun good natured crowd and watching people relaxing and dancing and splashing around in the pools and spas was fun, but it was after all a crowd and after our late nights for the past two evenings, Karen told me she was not really in the mood for partying tonight.

We stayed an hour or so, until Karen suggested we go back to the cabin for dinner. I was packing up our stuff when Val and Rod said they were ready to leave too.

"Come and eat with us," said Karen. "It won't be much, but we can throw something together."

The others wanted to stay on at the pool a while so it was just the four of us who went back to our cabin. Karen and I made a meal of rice pasta and we all ate together on the porch.

We discussed the Yoga and how we all thought we would like to do it again, we talked about how we had enjoyed the movie night, and we talked a lot about everything and anything until the subject of our spouses came up.

By this time we were sitting in a close circle around the table, I was next to Val and Rod sat with Karen.

I was happy to tell them about my marriage, but Karen did not want to discuss hers so much.

"Let's just say," she said. "That my husband would never do this, and would probably never understand why I am doing it."

"Hey," said Rod. "If there is any difficulty, we certainly don't want to cause you any trouble, right Val?"

"Absolutely," Val agreed. "We always try to respect people's boundaries."

"And you have," said Karen. "Well, they were not my boundaries at the start of the week but I am sort of setting them now -- based on Tim's model." She smiled at me.

Val asked me what that might be and I explained about the 'rules' that my wife and I played by.

"Sensible" said Rod. "A shame for us - but sensible."

Karen leant over and kissed his cheek and his arm encircled her shoulder.

"It does mean however," she said. "That I can pay you back and Tim can do the same for Val.."

"Pay us back for....? Oh, no. Don't be silly." Said Val. "It's not a matter of keeping score. We did what we did because we enjoyed it."

"That's exactly why I would like to, because of your non-pushy attitude," said Karen, and she stood and took Rod's hand. "Would you like to come inside?"

The three of them went into the cabin, Val looking back at me titling her head in a question as she did. "Hadn't you better come and keep an eye on your sister?"

When I got up and followed, Val and Rod were sitting side by side on the sofa bed. Karen was kneeling on the floor before them, slowly running her hands up and down Rod's thighs.

Val sat close to Rod, her legs slightly apart and her left hand resting on her mound, as she stroked up and down her pussy lightly with her middle finger.

Karen smiled at her, looked up at me once, and then gave her full attention to Rod.

Her hands ran down his inner thighs until they met on either side of his small and still soft cock. She ran her fingers along it and gently picked it up by the head between forefinger and thumb of her left hand, running her right index finger over and around the tip. Still holding it delicately, she bent her head and her tongue darted out and licked first the tip of his cock, and then around the rim of his helmet. Her right hand moved lower to cup his balls and then she opened her mouth and swallowed his entire cock, still short and soft, closing her eyes as she did so. She stayed that way for a moment before slowly withdrawing, stretching the cock as she did, and going back down again. Rod took in a deep breath as his cock came to life in her mouth. A few more up and down movements of her head, taking him all he way into her mouth and out again and she had him rock hard. She paused for a moment and leaned back, holding the dick upright with her left hand as if admiring her handiwork, before moving forward again and licking her way from his balls all the way up to again pop him into her mouth and begin sucking him up and down in long movements, altering the pace each time.

Val was openly rubbing her own clit and biting her lip as she looked on. I had sat down between Val's open legs and was stroking her thighs. Without turning her head Karen put out her right hand to the back of my head and gently pushed my face toward Val's pussy.

I licked Val from the crease where leg meets groin all around the outside of her mound, up and down her lips, before finally spreading them open and resting a kiss on her clitoral hood. With the tip of my tongue I teased out her hardening clit and sucked it, then ran my tongue back down the length of her already very wet lips.

I looked over to Karen next to me to see her looking back at me, Rod's cock forming a bulge in her cheek as her left hand stroked the base of his shaft, pushing him deeper into her mouth. While Rod and Val were making appreciative murmurs as we did our best to please them slowly and thoroughly, Karen's eyes and mine were locked on each other in silence.

Val was dripping wet by now and I lapped at her open pussy, delighting in the aroma and taste. Karen lifted her mouth from Rod's cock to reveal the shining pre-cum that welled from purple head. Her lounge flicked out, curling around and licking it off.

I looked up once to see Val and Rod sharing a passionate deep kiss and I moved Val's left leg slightly to give me greater access to her open pussy, the bright pink inner folds and the clit that now protruded far enough for me to take it between my lips and gently suck.

Karen and I seemed to have the same approach to giving head -- to keep moving from area to area, worshipping not just the most sensitive and obvious areas, but tasting, teasing and loving every part. It was as though we were acting in unison, and when Karen held Rod's cock to one side and moved down to suck each of his balls in turn and then lick under them, I too went lower and licked and kissed my way around the bottom of Val's pussy, flicking my tongue over her perineum and asshole.

The elder couple were now writhing their hips as we pleasured them and were stroking our hair. Karen was tickling Rod's butt with her right hand and I did the same to Val.

Rod was leaking copiously and Karen, open mouthed, ran her tongue up along the underside of his shaft and swallowed it, while I drank in more of Val's juices, licking all the way along her slit till I reached her clit again and nibbled and sucked it.

When Karen took her mouth from Rod's cock again and wanked him firmly for a dozen strokes or so, I mirrored her by sliding my fingers in and out of Val in the same rhythm. Rod was beginning to moan for release and Karen and I both dived back to our respective partners' cock and pussy, sucking and licking furiously.

"Oh God, I'm cumming," said Rod and Karen pulled his cock from her mouth, resting her lips against the head as his cum pulsed out of him in short thick rivulets. It coated her pursed lips and dripped from her chin. She looked over to me and our eyes locked again as I increased my speed and pressure on Val's clit with my tongue.

It wasn't long before Val got there too and with hips quivering and her little cries of 'Nngggg," she shook in orgasm, bathing my face and chin with the juices that squirted from her.

The elder couple collapsed back breathless as Karen and I continued to stroke and pet them. Karen felt for a towel and after wiping her face she wiped Rod clean, massaging his cock and kissing the tip of it as it dwindled. Val reached down and rubbed my chin, smearing her wetness over me and smiling.

We were all silent for a moment until Karen said; "My goodness, what a mess we have made!" and dabbed at my wet face with her towel.

"You guys are amazing," said Rod.

"Mmm," Val stretched over to kiss Karen's forehead. "Quite a team."

Rod bent over to kiss her too and Val turned her attention to me. With Karen and I up on our knees, our guests on the sofa, we shared a long and tender kiss with them until Karen broke away and ran to the kitchen for a bottle and poured us all a glass of wine.

We sat together on the sofa bed, Karen and I on each side of the couple, and shared the wine. Karen was still idly playing with Rod's soft penis while Val ran her fingernails up and down my erection. Rod had an arm around Karen and was holding one breast, his fingers scraping gently over her dark nipple.

"It's still early," said Val. "Anyone have any idea as to what we should do next?"

While we all considered the question we heard Trev's voice calling us from outside.

We picked up our glasses and went put to the porch.

Trev and Deb, Mike and Miyako were standing just beyond out porch rail, arm in arm.

"Come on, you homebodies!" smiled Mike. "The night is young -- and there is going to be a bonfire down by the river." be continued

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Fuck yeah, nudism

Fucking great dude

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
Sister's Introduction to Nudism - Ch 8

Yes, you've done it again. I'm at the "top of the hill", just waiting with baited breath for the next installment. I personally haven't been to a Nudist camp for about 5 years or so, but being naked is most important to me, and I do participate in nudity every chance I get. It is stories, such as you (however, yours is the best I've come across in a very long time), that affects me in this fashion. Thanks -Bob

tame_1tame_1over 13 years ago

Can't wait for the next chapter

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Love it!!!

Hi there, I just want to tell you how much I enjoyed your serie. The pace is just perfect.

ErotonautErotonautover 13 years ago

If James was already going to have trouble coming to terms with his wife's decision to go naked, he's going to drop dead with shock should he learn she's had another guy's cock in her mouth.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Keep us cumming great story

Look forward to Tim's penis participating in the Tantric session :)

Thanks for writing and I am enjoying the pace you set for this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I don't get it.

People are reading an excellent strory that is erotic, thoughtful and fun, yet they want to control the content. I for one am simply grateful to be able to enjoy this fine piece of work. Thanks, Ozsun. Great job.

mschack63mschack63over 13 years ago
Once again...

... anonymous posters telling you what they want to read, how you can better your story. They don't get it!

If this story is in fact based (even loosely) on real events, it has to unfold as it happened. To shorten it up and get to what some are looking for would mean some of what happened would have to be left out.

Another 5 star perfectly paced chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Tim and Karen should start to examine each other' genitals. Tim would say that women can see the guys hard penis sticking out but the guys can't really see the women's pussy. so Karen spread her legs and showed her pussy to her brother openly as she parted her pussy lips with her fingers. Telling him" Now you see my pussy closely are you satisfied?" Then Tim would say, is that a mole beside your inner lips? Then Karen spread her legs more to look at it but Tim's purpose is to get his face really close to his sister's pussy and can even smell the musky aroma.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
I Love It

The pace is just right i have loved evert part and i too look forward to each episode. Thank you for this story.

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