Sisters Share Ch. 04


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It was black, though not like 'black guy' black. Just literally the blackest colour they'd had there when I bought it. To be fair, it was also the only one they'd had that was that size. I used two fingers to spread myself open and slowly lowered. I knew it was stupid to take something that big dry, but again, it was just the thing I was supposed to do. I kept going till I took the tip in and sighed. It was already spreading me more than most of the guys I'd been with. I touched it, holding it as if it really were a cock and stroked lightly, using my other hand to help balance myself. I probably looked absolutely ridiculous, but it also just felt really really good. So I went down another few inches, moaned for the first real time in I'm not even sure how long. Normally, those last few months, I'd been playing with myself while being fucked. I'd play with the little hood, flick it a little. Pinch and twist, even just lightly finger it a bit. Anything that gave me pleasure, cause that's what all that had been about.

But on that dildo? I didn't feel the need. I didn't really want to, it just felt good. Like I wasn't about to cum over it, but there was a feeling of...satisfaction? So I didn't, for the first time in months. Another few inches down, I was almost a the base at this point, and...I took a deep breath in and took the rest. Let me be clear here, fourteen inches is a lot to take. Like a huge amount that can be really painful. But in that moment? It was the absolute greatest feeling I'd ever had. I ground against the floor for a bit, enjoying the feeling of the thing inside me but also just the action. Knowing that I could take it at my own pace and never have to worry about pleasing someone else, worry about going too fast or slow. I slowly came up a bit, my knees cracking a bit in the process. I let out the loudest moan I'd ever done before, but that wasn't what made me suddenly freeze and stop.

No, it's what I moaned.

"Uggggmmmm Danny!"

That was it. A wordless sound and his name. I froze. The rooms have soundproofing and everything, but that does little to comfort you when you'd just moaned your sister's boyfriend's name! Someone you still have to talk to and apologize to? I've never stood and dressed so fast in my life, I practically threw my clothes on, not caring if they were actually on right - turned out my shirt was inside out and backwards - then I slowly opened my door and walked out. No one in the hall, I knocked on their door. No response. I checked the driveway from the window; Danny's car was gone. I vaguely remembered Char mentioning a date and I sighed with relief. I didn't go back to my recreational activity that night.

I woke up early the next morning, well early for me. About eight thirty I think. I seriously considered leaving for the day, to avoid them both, but I knew that wouldn't end well. Didn't stop me thinking about it, though. When they got up, I made sure to apologize to Danny right away, but I couldn't quite bring myself to meet his gaze. I just had the feeling that if I did, he'd know. I realize that makes no sense, but I was petrified that somehow, he just would. So I looked down and mumbled my apology.

Then Charlotte cleared her throat, told me an apology is meaningless if we don't say what we're apologizing for. That annoyed me, but she was right. We both had the same first grade teacher - different years, of course - and we'd both been taught that. So I mumbled about the things I'd said, the things I'd thrown at Char in anger, the insults I'd said about him. The sleeping around, the complete flaunting of their kindness, everything. I then made them breakfast, mostly in an attempt to not look at them.

They went to work and I had the house to myself. Can you guess what I did? They were hardly out of the driveway before I was back upstairs, my toys layed out on my bed. I grabbed my vibrator; a wand with some good power to it. Grabbed the dildo from the previous night - I made sure to clean it first, sticky silicone isn't really my thing - and was on my back on the bed. Slowly, I pushed a bit of that colossal thing in, just past the tip, and grabbed the wand. Here's the thing about vibrators; there's no real perfect spot for them. Let me explain, most people have a preferred spot, but touching it to anything down there sends the vibrations everywhere. I realize that putting it on the clit is better than elsewhere, but feeling it everywhere is a unique pleasure unto itself.

So I touched it to the dildo, largely for the experimentation. I realize this all makes me sound like a bit of a perv with a crush on my sister's fiance. But that's exactly what I was. And have you had a vibrating monster in you? It feels. So. Fucking. Gooooood! I toyed with that for a bit, moaning all the while. I was careful to not say any names, but I caught myself about to moan his name more than a few times. In and out, I used one hand to push the cock around, and the other to keep the vibrations going. I probably looked ridiculous as all Hell, but I was loving it. At one point, I held the thing in there purely with my pussy muscles. Not as easy as it sounds, by the way. It was sopping at that point, and somehow that turned me on even more.

I held it there, feeling myself pulse around it, and pressed the wand to my spot, my clit. You ever orgasm for real? Let me back up, I mean after months of faking it, with occasional small orgasms, you ever take things into your own hands and have the biggest orgasm? Yeah that was me. I didn't even recognize what was happening at first! Suddenly, there was a...a heat down there, and it was spreading. Then came the tremors, and the muscle tensing. Then...bliss. I don't know how else to describe it, the orgasm is a powerful force on it's own! I cried out, my mind just lost to what I was saying. I dropped the wand at one point, though that did nothing to detract from the sheer pleasure pulsing through me.

When I finally came down from it, the blanket was bunched in my fist and the other was in my hair, just grabbing it. I panted, a thin sheet of sweat covering me. My lips trembled, and the dildo slowly fell out, though the bed stopped it before the whole thing was out. I lay there like that for a while, debating on continuing, or showering. I was very much enjoying it, but I also needed to do something, not just lay in bed all day. Eventually, with a very loud groan, I got up and showered. I walked around the house, just tidying and cleaning. I wasn't really working at that time, I had a job, but I hadn't shown up for a few shifts and honestly didn't even know if I was on the schedule anymore. I was, which I would find out eventually.

They came home, Char first, then Danny. Char has a studio that she rents and works at, though sometimes she has to shoot on location, and occasionally has to travel to get shots of whatever travel destination is predicted to be "hot" then. I don't really know who determines that or how, but she hadn't been sent anywhere for a while. in an office? I think? Again, I don't really understand his job. I think he's high up in the company, since he has a lot of say on policies and can determine his own schedule to a degree.

I helped make dinner, both Char and Danny contributing, though neither of us said much. I think they were still angry and hurt - rightfully so - but I was trying to avoid saying anything that would hint at what I'd been doing. Or what I'd said. I kept sneaking glances at them, especially Danny. I was starting to dig the girly look. Not to the same extent as Char, but I could see it. Plus, no matter what he wore, there was a distinct bulge down his pants. It had me almost drooling at times.

The next few days were pretty uneventful. They'd go to work, I'd go fuck myself, then do some chores. At one point, I pulled out some of the photos Char had sent me of Danny, in various positions. Usually comparing his godly cock to house hold items. A remote, shampoo bottle, even a kitchen knife. He dwarfed them all. I'd never considered myself much of a size queen before, but seeing that? I was a willing convert. Even soft, he was as big as my dildo. A little shorter, but just as thick, maybe thicker. It was hard to tell from the photos, and it made my now well used toy all the hotter to me. Every day, I'd be ramming that thing in me. There was no technique to it, no experimenting. The more I did it, the more I just wanted the pole in me as hard as I could get it. I wanted it rough.

It was...a week, I think? A week of fantasizing about Danny and his massive horse cock. A week of avoiding their gazes and counting the seconds until they left so I could abuse my pretty sore pussy. I couldn't hold back anymore, I wanted, no I needed his thing. His monster. Just once, at least once. Char had said that I was on his list right? And despite the soundproofing, I'd heard them going at it before and that...well it turned me the fuck on. There were nights where I'd be going at it myself, just imagining I was there. Imagining it was me taking that gigantic thing.

After that week...I asked them. I made them a nice dinner for when they got home, hand made pasta. I'm not a good cook by any stretch, but I know how to make pasta, and it was a store bought sauce and meat balls. They aren't picky and I set up the table nicely, lit some candles - the scented kind. I don't really get it myself, but they love scented candles. I served them when they got home, sat them down and gave them their food. They both looked at me with raised eyebrows. I smiled and took off the apron I was wearing. I'd worn that shirt from that horrible date, the one that Danny had suggested and had...appreciated when he saw me in it. I don't have the same make up skills as my sister, but I still did some basic touches, some blush and highlights. Some mascara and lipstick.

Their faces nearly scared me out of what I was about to ask. Char looked shocked and Danny had an unreadable expression. Then as I sat down, his eyes followed me - well my tits. I smiled at that, it'd been my plan. I think Char knew what I was doing, there was a...slyness in her gaze, and that little half smile of hers. She even winked at one point, though I barely caught it.

I started eating, pretending like Danny wasn't overtly staring at me and like Char wasn't lightly toying with him under the table. He barely ate, I think he was distracted, but by what? Haha. When I was almost done, I placed my fork down and looked at him, making sure to lean forward, so my chest was even more in his gaze.

"Danny, I have a favour to ask." He just nodded. To this day, I don't know if he was more turned on by me, or by my sister literally having her hand down his pants.

"Char told me once that I...that I'm on your...list?" I made sure to pause in my words, put a breathless quality to my voice. I really really needed this, so I was going to pull out all the stops on this one. I wasn't even wearing panties under the tight jeans I wore. I'd noticed him staring at Char's admittedly gorgeous ass in jeans before. I think he has a denim fetish, so we both take advantage of that, and that day, I'd made sure to find the best fitting ones.

He took a moment to reply, his blood not really in his brain at that moment.

" I had a huge crush on you growing up." His voice was breathless too, a trait that came so easily to him that it made me jealous. Seriously, he could be a phone sex operator. If they still have those?

"Well, as I...understand it, that means that if the opportunity were to...arise, you could sleep with me, with no trouble...right?" Again he nodded, his eyes mostly closed. She still hadn't taken his beautiful beast out, but he was very obviously enjoying himself.

I grinned and leaned really close, practically in his lap.

"Well, if the opportunity, would you...want to?" I asked, making sure to have my lips right next to his ear. Danny is a very sexual person, and sensations that might turn most people on - breathlessness, talking in the ear, light touches - they all really turn him on. Like if any one of these might make a person shift in their pants, for him, it'll probably make him hard.

His eyes shot open and he looked to Charlotte. I smiled a real smile then, not a sexual one. Even in the midst of being stroked off by his fiancee and with another hot woman breathing in his ear, he still wanted to make sure it was ok with his wife. She nodded at him, whispered something in his other ear. He stood, his bulge perfectly defined in his pants. Like, I was worried they were cutting off his circulation!

He headed to the stairs and I looked to Char in confusion.

"I knew this day would happen eventually. You aren't as subtle as you think you are; we've both caught you looking! Come on, we're gonna go get him off. Together."

My jaw dropped, I hadn't really considered...this. I thought at best, I'd be taking him as deep as I could, at worst I'd be back to my old faithful toys. A threesome? I vaguely recalled Char mentioning them having had them before. My face also turned so red, I probably looked like a tomato.

"Sis...are you sure? I...I don't want things to be awkward between us after." For the first time since I'd come up with this plan, I had full on doubts.

"Tori. You are a gorgeous woman who happens to by my fiances type, on his list, in our house. I knew when I asked you to move in that one day we'd be doing this. I don't think Danny did, I think he thought that by moving you in, I was...taking you off his list, in a way. But you have to know, I love Danny. There's very little I won't do for him, and this is not as big a deal to me as you think it is. Back in college, I was really insecure and after our first threesome, I was worried he'd leave me for her. Camilla, was her name. An absolutely stunning Latina, with hair to her waist. She'd done things during that I just...didn't know you could do. But he sat me down, told me if I wanted, we'd never do a threesome again. He loves me like I love him. So now, we fuck other people together, never seperate. It's a win-win. Plus, I'm a little curious as to just how similar we are!" she chuckled and I smiled, somewhat uncomfortable, but still wanting to push forward.

So forward we went. We headed upstairs, Char leading me by the hand. There was something...enticing about this whole thing. Something about Char that was turning me on. Listen, Charlotte is a goddamn sexy woman. Her legs aren't quite as long as mine, but they're smooth and plenty for wrapping around Danny, something they love to do. Her ass is tighter and better than mine, and our tits are pretty much comparable. So watching her sway those hips as we walked, her gait designed to turn anyone looking at her on? Yeah, I was not immune to that. She was also in jeans, something that made me happy. Like...happy that I'd chosen right, you know?

We got to the door, but Char stopped me. I looked at her, afraid that she was going to change her mind. Couldn't blame her if that was the case. She smiled and pulled something from her pocket. A blindfold.

"Uh...Char, do you just carry a blindfold around with you?" She giggled and didn't answer. To this day, I don't know why she had it.

"Now, it's your first time. Trust me, sex with Danny is so different, it might as well be your actual first time. So, we're gonna make it a little special. Put this on, no peeking, ok?"

I was suddenly very nervous. This was going way better than expected, but also so...different to what I'd thought. I took the blindfold and Char helped tie it around the back. I heard the door open, and she took my hand again, pulling me into the room. There was silence, save for breathing and it did nothing to help the butterflies in my stomach.

Then Char was behind me, pulling my shirt up. I followed along, not really having much of an option. The shirt hit the floor, and I could feel her hands - oddly warm, which was weirdly comfortable - running along my body, from my waist, up and over my stomach, her nails lightly dragging on. I shivered, there was something so...sensual about this. I let out a gasp when her hands cupped my tits, holding them up. She lightly squeezed, and we both moaned a little, her in my ear. Remember how I said that was a turn on for some people? Yeah, very much so for me. I realized my mistake in not wearing panties; I was gonna have to wash those jeans a few times before I could wear them again, I was so wet. Not what I'd planned, but I was loving it.

When your blindfolded, there's a...fear, almost. Not like I was scared of the dark or something, more I just...couldn't know what was going to happen and when, which brought a thrill of it's own. Plus, with no visual stimuli, your brain can focus on other sensations, like touch. Char knows how to handle my body. She went from holding to massaging my boobs, to pulling at my nipples, all the while moaning in my ear, something I also did, I couldn't help it. When her hands left my chest, I actually whimpered. She laughed lightly, a sort of dominating laugh. That too, turned me waaaay the fuck on.

Then she was in my hair, pulling it back so my head followed. Her other hand was on my body, lightly rubbing circles over my stomach, down to my waist, over my pants, putting pressure on my trembling snatch. I'd never thought that being touched like this from my sister would feel so good, but this moment had my entire body shivering and trembling. I was only still standing from sheer force of will. Then her lips touched my neck and...and I came. Hard. The mix of hard dominating with my hair, and light touches and play just made everything...overload. I cried out and my entire body tensed in her grip, unable to fall while she held me, but I leaned back against her, unable to stand with my own power.

She said something to me, but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't hear anything over my own pounding heart beat, feel anything but her grip, her fingers. My pants fell, though I don't know when she opened them. She pulled my head back again, and this time, I felt his lips on me. He was just as gentle, and yet just as dominating. Just as in charge, more so. He nibbled lightly with each kiss, and my body responded with shivers, twitches, mini orgasms that I didn't even know were possible.

At one point, Char pushed me to my knees, something my legs welcomed as they were shaking so bad that I doubted I could stand at all, if they weren't holding me up. I felt her release my head, but there was another hand in it almost instantly. Danny's. There was a...a strength in his grip that I didn't know he possessed. His body is so lithe, so smooth, you just naturally don't think of physical strength around him. But that grip, in my long blonde hair? It left no room for any kind of argument; he was in charge. In control. And I loved it. I've mentioned before that I like it rough? Well I also like being submissive and at someone's mercy. At times. Other times, I like being in control, but maybe I'll tell you about that one day.

Char was back to being behind me, her hands running up my thighs, to my waist and down to my dripping hole. Her fingers were in before I could say anything, pushing forward and sideways, spreading me even more than my dildo had. It also felt...incredible. There was a...I don't even know how to describe it. It was a medley of sensations, all at once! I could feel his grip tightening and loosening, her fingers playing inside me, her lips on my neck, her breath in my ear.