SIW: Adam & Bronwille Ch. 06


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They took a seat in the back and both grabbed a menu. Mia scrounged up her nose at most things that were listed. It seems that after a few weeks of having an easy pregnancy the little quirky phase was starting. Half of the items on there made her stomach turn and only one or two things looked appealing to her taste buds.

As she looked up at Bronwille she told her she could pick anything she wanted for breakfast "But please don't take anything with eggs!"

The same waitress from before came up to their table and jotted down their order and returned immediately with two cups of coffee before disappearing behind the counter and taking care of the rest of their order. Bronwille fidgeted with the menu and Mia couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer.

"So tell me, why here of all places? When I brought you here you freaked at first. So spill"

"I had a little eye opener and well what time is good to do anything than doing it right away? Think I needed a bit of support so I would actually come and not chicken out," Bronwille explained.

"So you want to give Adam a chance to win your heart?"

Bronwille blushed at those words. Deep down she knew Adam already had won a major part of it. He had succeeded in breaking down a lot of the walls she had built around her and not just around her heart.

"Think it might be more me letting him in. I'm still in doubt but some harsh words woke me up and made me realize that despite everything, I deserve a shot at happiness too, don't I?"

"Sweetie, I'm glad you're finally seeing that. If anyone deserves anything, it is you. You went through hell and back. Just one step at a time, Adam won't disappoint you. Besides if he does act like a jerk, I know a few guys who would gladly make him sing in a lower tone, but I don't think that will be needed. Between you and me, he's been a wreck and an absolute pain in the butt until that day I brought you here. I thought at one point he was redecorating his kitchen, he was making so much noise and scaring off the customers."


"Yup, trust your heart is all I'll say and trust Adam, he won't disappoint or hurt you, ever. I know he's a big man, but he's got a huge heart."

Bronwille blushed at the words of her friend, but they were words that cut deep and also hit the inner wall she had built around herself. Maybe things could work out for her.

Slowly she let the air slip away, not having noticed she had been holding her breath for a short time. "Maybe I can do this Mia, but it will go slow."

Mia got up, walked around the table and pulled her friend in a tight hug, not caring what the other few people present thought of it. "That you are willing to try means more than anything else. As I said, one step at a time and you'll get there and I'm always here if you need me."

"Jeesh, I kinda feel silly now that I have been sequestering myself all this time and now in such a short time span I'm getting on top of things and actually moving on."

"It just takes the right man to come along," Mia said as she sat down again. "But right now, what I want even more is some food, I'm starving!"

Bronwille laughed at the dramatics of her friend and gazed at the menu just to look at something.

Secretly Bronwille hoped Adam would bring it to them again and maybe then she could ask him to join them for a coffee or so.

As they waited for breakfast, the two chit chatted about everything and nothing, mostly ending up talking about baby stuff.

When the waitress returned, Bronwille was disappointed a little. She really had hoped Adam would come out to greet them, especially now it seemed they had made a nice second start. The disappointment must have been clear on her face because the waitress picked up on it.

"I don't want to meddle in things, but if you're hoping to see Adam, he ain't here. He's gone for a few weeks, he didn't say how long exactly. I'm Katie by the way; I've known him since I was a little girl. I normally wouldn't take this liberty but I happen to notice how concerned he was for you the last time you were here. It's a side we rarely, if ever see of him," Katie explained.

Part of this was a relief for Bronwille but on the other hand it put a dumper on her new found self-esteem. He wasn't here, he was gone and he didn't tell her. Gone was her mood as she looked down at her plate, her appetite was gone too.

"Thank you for telling us, Katie," Mia sad picking up the mood change in Bronwille. "When you hear from him, will you let us know? It's rather unlike him just to up and leave and not leave a message behind."

"I'll keep my eyes and ears open. I have no clue where he went or why. I'm just as curious as you. He left early yesterday morning and just left a note on his desk telling us he'd be gone a few weeks, just as I told you before."

"It would be much appreciated. Here's my card, my number is on the back. Don't hesitate to call, even if it's just to inform me about him. Maybe he'll let us know something too in a few days," Mia said, handing over the card.

Katie tucked the tiny piece of paper in her pocket and looked at both of them, noting the pale complexion on the tiny redhead. The news that Adam wasn't here hit her head on and she hoped he wasn't fucking up things with just disappearing on them.

"I promise," Katie said, "from the second I hear anything from or about him, you will know it. He did leave one specific order. If either of you were to come in and have something to eat or drink it was on the house. So enjoy the food."

With those words Katie turned and went back to the bar.

Mia checked Bronwille and she didn't like what she was seeing. She was so pale, she seemed whiter than a clean sheet.

"Sweetie, try to eat something, you need it. Then we'll go to your house and talk about it and I'll call Chris to see if he knows anything. Deal?"

Bronwille looked up at Mia, tears threatening to stain her cheeks.

"Pull it together Bron, get a bite to eat and then we go back to your place."

Taking a few shallow breaths, Bronwille fought back the tears. Mia was right. This wasn't the place to fall apart. She had heard every word Katie had said and in a way Adam wasn't obligated to let her know, but it would have been a nice gesture if he had done that.

Doing as Mia said, she grabbed her fork and started picking in the bowl of fruit. As on autopilot she ate everything, she even ate the croissants. Not a word was said and when both were done eating Mia motioned for Bronwille to get up and follow her.

As they were headed outside, Mia turned and waved at Katie, silently thanking her for keeping them in the loop about Adam.

+ + + +


"Ed? It's Adam here. I need to talk to you."

Ed gave a puzzled look at the phone in his hands. Adam wasn't one to call so easily.

"What's up friend?"

"I have this thing going on and as it turns out it's a lot bigger then I can handle on my own. I could actually use an extra pair of eyes and hands to be honest," Adam told him.

"Spill the beans, what have you got yourself into?" Ed asked.

"You know about Bronwille's attack at 'The Viper'? That wasn't all that was ever done to her, there is more, a lot more. I won't go into detail. It would make you sick to the stomach. Anyways, I'm dealing with her past so she can move on. I expected to just run into some local gang, but I stumbled on something far worse."

"Do I dare ask more?"

"There is this club they use as a cover. I checked it out earlier tonight. I scented several beings in there and even got talking with a vampire. One that, if I think I'm correct, was directly involved with Bronwille's prior attack. I set a few things in motion but I'm gonna need some back up here."

Ed listened and his eye grew wide as he heard about the involvement of vampires. With the little things Adam told him, Ed figured out he was on another round of getting revenge. Deep inside of him the thrill of a good fight awoke and he already knew that whatever Adam would ask he'd agree. The last bout of fighting hadn't satisfied his need of a good brawl.

"What do you need Adam? You should know I'd back you up anytime," Ed replied.

"I could do with some muscle. I'll also call my Alpha and inform him on parts of my plan so I can keep to true facts as much as possible so as not to raise suspicion. This club is apparently used as a feeding ground for several different species. Even weres can get a bite to eat that normally wouldn't be on our menu." Adam waited a little to let the meaning of his last words register with Ed.

"No way!"

"I'm afraid so. We have to be careful how we handle this. I don't want them to be second guessing my motives. I've led him to believe that I think they got something ace going on and that I would be telling my Alpha about this and would be interested in a tour of the place to see how they run things, and possibly open up something similar in our region."

"Damn Adam, what have you gotten yourself into?" Ed's voice sounded livid.

"I know, I know, but it was the best I could come up with at the moment without tearing off his head and having to 'hunt' for my food in their basement."

"Please don't let it be what you're implying there..." Ed said his voice lightly wavering.

"It is exactly that. They have a basement for just that. When that fuck told me, I had to give an Oscar performance not to tear his head off where he stood. But it's those things that made it clear something bad is going on and it must be stopped at all costs. Reading these files, Bronwille can count herself lucky she still lives. Their other female victims are all dead. She's the only survivor in all the years this gang has been active. Looking at the files, they've been active for at least a decade and not once has the court able to stop them. Seeing it involves vamps and others like us..."Adam trailed off.

Ed was speechless, something that didn't happen often. He cleared his through before he answered.

"Maybe me alone isn't enough. Don't you think we could use a bit of real 'extra' help?"

"Who did you have in mind? I'm not asking Nick, he's still too wrapped up in Fran and Chris is a no-no too. He's got Mia and a little one on the way. I don't want to tear them apart."

"I was more thinking along the lines of Merlin. If I give him a call and he's free, he can have us there in just a few minutes. That gives us more time to plan and work out some details. In the meantime, you can inform Dave about everything and get his cooperation."

"That actually is something I didn't think of. Yeah sure go ahead, you call Merlin and I'll call Alpha Dave."

"Ok, if Merlin can't come, I'll ring right back but I'm pretty sure he'll join us."

"Roger that. I owe you a big one Ed. I'll see you in a bit!" Adam said just before hanging up.

He was just in time to hear the click from the other end. Ed hung up at the same time.

Once he put his phone away, he let himself breathe out deep. He wanted, no needed a run but he knew that wasn't a real option on another pack's grounds. He was on good terms with the Whelans and that did have some advantages, they trusted him like he was one of their own. Their willingness to help him was proof of that.

Still observant of his surroundings, he walked back to his hotel. As he entered his dark room he had a feeling something was off. It felt like there was someone watching him. Sniffing the air carefully, he couldn't make out any definite smell he recognized. Not sure what to expect he automatically went into a battle stance expecting to be jumped upon any second.

"This isn't the way to greet your old LT, now is it?" a low voice said from somewhere in the dark.

Adam recognized the voice, but it couldn't be. It wasn't possible. It had been decades since he heard that voice booming orders at him left and right.

"You can't be my LT, he's dead," or so Adam assumed.

A second and a loud swoosh of air later he was sure his hearing was still intact.

Right there in front of him stood his LT John Bradley. Only his black hair was now pulled back in a ponytail. He still had that vaguely amused glint in his eyes together with a tiny scar that ran through his left eye brow. The familiar grin was on his face as he flashed his white teeth. The LT was easily half a head taller than Adam and his physique was still the same as all those years ago. He was dressed in a clearly expensive black suit that was tailor made. The shirt was open revealing the top part of his wide chest. The white of the dress shirt was a stark contrast with the dark mocha tan of his skin.

Adam was startled at the speed he had moved. That was just inhuman.

"I guess I can say I'm surprised to see you; how is this possible?" Adam inquired.

A small hiss was heard and the next second the LT flashed his fangs to Adam, this simple gesture explaining instantly what he was, how he still looked the same as all those years ago and why he didn't scent him.

"A vampire?" Adam shook his head in disbelief.

The man in front of him nodded in agreement.

"Well I'll be damned," was all Adam was able to say as he stood there.

"To be correct I'm the damned one here, my friend. I was alerted of your presence in the area and vaguely why you are here. It seems we have a mutual problem that needs taken care of. So I thought why don't I stop by for a little visit and exchange pleasantries," the LT said.

"You might want to wait a bit. I'm waiting on a call and if that has a positive answer, its best you wait unless you want to repeat yourself. I've called for help and with some luck they might show in a few. But as I said that depends on the call."

"This sounds interesting. Ok, if that is what you want. Let's grab a drink while we wait. It's actually nice to see you. You haven't changed. Much."

"I could say the same for you, LT."

"Think you can drop the title now. John will do just fine," he corrected Adam.

"I'll try. Old habits die hard, John."

They went to the bar and Adam put two glasses on the top and poured some whiskey in both. He knew from back in them days it was a favorite of the LT. As he handed John his glass his phone rang. He quickly excused himself and answered. He swiftly added that he had an extra person in his room that might be a huge help and if that would pose a problem. He listened intently and hung up.

"Well it seems my friends are on their way. Whatever you do, don't freak out and stay put, preferably here next to me," Adam explained. He took a generous sip of his own glass and waited.

To be continued...

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ZZchromosomeZZchromosomeabout 6 years ago
I Really Hate Vampires

They're icky.

trubblemakurtrubblemakurover 11 years ago
no no no

Don't trust him I think he's the head honcho of the gang

MizTMizTover 12 years ago

Of course I simply forgot about Merlin. What a guy to have as back up. I do wonder about this LT is he a good vamp or bad? Well I'm about to find out bacause the best part about playing catch up is that I don't have to wait the 2 weeks everyone else does for the next chapter!

secretitosecretitoover 12 years ago

I'm all caught up, guess I have to wait like everyone else from now on. Impatient as I am, I'll at least take a little comfort in your consistency in how quickly you have been putting these out. I have no doubt it'll be well worth the wait you haven't disappointed me yet. As always another great addition thanks.

nonnienonnieover 12 years ago
Its gonna rain some hunky men and I cant wait

Ed, Adam, Merlin, Dave and now this guy John? Ohhh cant wait to see what happens when these guys get together in a room and what ideas they have.

Poor Bron not knowing that Adam was leaving and even worse that she wants to give it a chance and decides at this time to do it and he is gone feel so sorry for her to go from hi of happy to low of sad within a few minutes. Looking forward for the next ch in a couple weeks :)

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Better and better!

Merlin is going to be awesome. I can hardly wait!

willieonewillieoneover 12 years ago
How did you miss this....m...the editor

"What are you doing sneaking out of our bed?" the rough voice of Chris halted her.

"Mia called."

It should have read "Bron called." Apart from the little oops it was an awesome chapter look forward to more.

GerrivGerrivover 12 years ago
2 weeks!

you have me hook, line and sinker... i cannot get enough! great job!

mikothebabymikothebabyover 12 years ago
Please all bear with us

I am going full blast to get out stuff for all 22 authors that I edit for - blame the Halloween contest on Literotica - LOL - I got swamped. I am working on chapter 7 of this one right now as Mokellke is one of my favorite authors. I hope to get it to her tomorrow. It is worth the wait - believe me. hugs to all

livnthechilifelivnthechilifeover 12 years ago
It's gonna be hard

I don't know how I will manage to wait for 2 weeks, but I will, I have no choice. Absolutely fantastic.

PeachButterflyPeachButterflyover 12 years ago

This is getting exciting! Can't wait for the next chapter!

Impatiently waiting....but know it will be worth it!

BoundlifeBoundlifeover 12 years ago

Everyone (including Adam) are taking this guy at face value. I don't trust him.

KolrinKolrinover 12 years ago
Son of a ...!

So Adam gets to face his demons to. Good for him.

You seriously make us wait 2 weeks for LT's reaction? Fubared! I'm counting!

DiteeDiteeover 12 years ago
This just got WAY more awesome :)

I love the set-up....Weres,Vampires and druids. Nice!

I don't know how I'm going to wait two weeks for the next chapter though!

MazuriMazuriover 12 years ago
2 weeks? even if I whine?

Waiting will be hell but I'm sure it'll be worth it! This sounds like a classic joke set up: Merlin, a vamp, and a were walk into a bar... XD Can't wait to see the inevitable ass kicking!

donaldedonaldeover 12 years ago
loved the chapter

loved the chapter but i am not sure i can survive two weeks for the next part

excellent chapter as always looking forward impatiently for the next chapter

Whiteboy75Whiteboy75over 12 years ago
i didn't like ....

THE FIRST PART!! wait 2 weeks.. oh hell no my sweet!!

but other then that a wonderful chapter as always

HexiseHexiseover 12 years ago
Aww man!

I have to wait two weeks now. Two whole weeks! Maaan.

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