Six Nights to Love


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"I didn't expect you to go for that so easily," said Andy with a laugh.

"Of course, I would," she said with a simple shrug as her expression turned more serious. "I missed you, Andy."

"I missed you too. I can't think of any better way to spend these last few days than catching up with you."

"So it's a deal? Do we shake on it?" she asked playfully while holding out her hand. Andy grinned and took it, sealing their proposal.


"This is going to be so much fun," gushed Julia. "I have so many things I want to ask you but no idea which one to ask first!"

"We do have a lot of ground to cover. It's been more than a decade."

"First of all, I have to find out—why Italy, Andy? What made you decide to do that?"

He thought about that question for a moment before answering. "Honestly? It felt like something that most people wouldn't ever consider, and I think that's why it resonated with me from the beginning. I mean, it's totally crazy! Going to live in a completely foreign country where I don't even know the language. But the more I thought about it, the more I loved the idea. I figured now is the time to make these big career moves. You know, while I'm young and single."

"So you are then? Single?" interrupted Julia.

Andy smiled. "Yeah, I am. I figured it would be easier to do something like this if I was unattached. And even if it didn't work out, at least I'd have the story about it, right? It could be a great experience and I didn't want to miss out on it."

"Hearing you explain it just now was really cool," said Julia. "I get it, and although I think the timing is just terrible, I think that's really great of you to take a risk to advance your career. And it's Italy we're talking about! You're going to be surrounded by culture. You can work by day and visit the Colosseum by night. I'm kind of jealous of you right now!"

"Don't get me wrong, the last month has been a rush of trying to get things in order for the move," said Andy. "But I feel like now I'm finally ready to get going. Most of my things are packed, and there's not really much else left for me to do."

"I'm glad that you said that because then I won't feel so guilty about taking up your evenings from now until Sunday," said Julia with a smile.

Andy grinned as well, remaining quiet as he looked down at his coffee. Now that she was finally here, without anything or anyone to interrupt them, the experience was a little overwhelming. He had so many things to ask her, so many questions he wanted answers to but he had no idea where to start.

Not surprisingly, she was in a similar position, and the first one to voice the sentiment. "It's a bit off, isn't it?" asked Julia after a quiet moment. "So long apart and so many things I want to know but I have no idea where to begin."

"Are you in my head?" asked Andy with a laugh. "I swear I was just thinking the same thing."

"Why is it so awkward for us then? Has it been too long?"

Andy shrugged. "I'm not sure. Maybe nerves about it."

Julia started to nod. "That makes sense. Why don't we do something to make it easier?"

"What are you suggesting?"

It was her turn to shrug. "I don't know, I'm just trying to come up with something to make this more fun," she said with a giggle.

"Well, we both have so many questions for each other, right?" he said. "And so many things we want to know, so how can we make it entertaining trying to ask each other things?"

Julia's eyes rolled up in thought as her finger went to her chin. For a moment or two, they both thought quietly until Andy snapped his fingers.

"I got it," he said. "Why don't we just make a little game about it. Every day that we spend together, we'll focus on one question. One big question for the day. Something that will help us catch up with each other but makes it fun too. It could be anything and it will be a great way for us to focus on the answers we really want to know."

Julia grinned excitedly. "That sounds like a great idea! I'm all in. Can we start today?"

"Sure," said Andy with a chuckle. "What should today's big question be?"

"Well, it's your idea, so why don't you pick the question for the first day."

"Okay," said Andy while several questions ran through his mind.Are you seeing anyone? He quickly crossed that one off as too forward, and even though he was desperate for that answer, it would have to wait a little longer to be asked. The rest of the questions in his mind never seemed quite appropriate so he stuck with one that still needed to be unraveled further.

"What happened after you left the city? And why did you really decide to come back?"

Julia looked away for several brief moments before once more returning her focus on him. "It really wasn't the best time in my life after we moved. I told you that it was the result of my dad getting a new job but it was like the worst time for us to go. We ended up moving to a bigger city and a bigger school district. It was so tough making friends being an outsider, especially during those awkward teen years. I would say that I really didn't come out of my shell until college."

"Where'd you go? Somewhere local?" asked Andy.

She nodded. "Just State for my degree but I felt like I actually got the chance to get a fresh start. I thought about you pretty often though."

"I was only a phone call away," he said quietly.

Julia gave him an embarrassed look. "I know, I know. I thought it would seem all kinds of pathetic if I called you only to complain about how my new life sucked."

"I wouldn't have thought that was pathetic," said Andy. "If anything, it would have made me want to reach out to you more."

"It does bring up a good question though, Andy. You had my number too," said Julia quietly. "How come you never tried to call me?"

Andy swallowed hard. "I'm not sure if I have a very good reason for it. Part of me was mad at you for leaving, even though I knew it wasn't your decision. It was only when I was older that I realized how stupid I was being. The other part of me felt it might be awkward."

"Awkward?" she questioned. "How so?"

"You know how it is, Julia. Young guy in junior high worried about his 'image.' It was an awkward time for me too. I felt if word got around I was taking my problems back to you, it would spark a round of rumors. Listen, I know that's completely stupid but there's a lot of things about my teenaged years I wish I could take back."

She gave him a comforting smile. "It's just me, you know? I wouldn't have teased you or anything. Would that really have been so bad?"

Andy chuckled. "Like I said, I would have done a lot of things differently if I could have changed the past."

"Me too," said Julia. "Like call you for starters. I missed you terribly. You can say I always associated this area with you in my brain. I guess that's why when I graduated from college, I decided to move back here. It's not too far from family but it has all the good memories from my childhood."

"I like that," he said with a smile. "I'm glad you came back."

"Me too, Andy."

Their conversation went on for the next two hours until long after their coffee cups had run dry. It had since grown late in the evening, and a quick glance around the coffee shop showed they were the last two customers. After a while, it was just like old times again—both of them reminiscing about days long since passed and stories that would never die no matter how old they got.

"And that's when I remember you coming out from behind the tree, your face was beat red and your hands were just covered in black paint," gushed Julia, trying to keep talking while nearly crying with laughter.

Andy laughed along as well. "Not one of my finer moments, I assure you!"

"Oh, Mrs. Magyar was so pissed at you! I thought she might kill you on the spot!"

"In my defense, her car did look better in black rather than that dull gray color," said Andy with a grin and a shrug.

Julia nearly snorted as her hand crashed on the table. "Oh god, I missed all these moments. So many memories," she said while wiping a tear of laughter from her eye.

"Most of them good ones too," said Andy before moving his hand across the table. The movement startled his empty cup, which was sitting near Julia's phone.

"Wow, how is it nine o'clock already!" said Julia while looking at her phone. "Can you believe we've been here three hours?"

"Three hours? It really hasn't felt that long at all."

"I know! And we have to be at work at eight tomorrow," she said with a pout.

"And I can't have you late on your second day of work," said Andy with a chuckle.

"Yeah, if I am, I'm telling them exactly where to find you," she said playfully.

"Why don't we break for the evening and we can continue this tomorrow?" he suggested.

"That sounds good to me," said Julia. "This was a great first night that I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings."

"You and me both," he said while getting up from the table. Once they were both standing, Julia snuck into his arms again for another hug.

This was a silent hug followed by a surprising kiss on the cheek. Julia's lips felt warm and soft against his skin and the coy look she gave him when she pulled away left little doubt about the intent. There was a suggestion in her eyes, a silent question that excited him and made him want more. Yet, the kiss was chaste, a hint of what was to come, and a promise sealed by her lips.

"See you in the morning?" Julia whispered as soon as she slipped out of his arms.

"Of course. Swing by my office when you get there," he said as they walked through the door.

"I'm already looking forward to it, Andy. This day has been so amazing that I can't wait to see what happens tomorrow."

"You and me both. Goodnight, Julia."

"Goodnight, Andy."

As soon as he was behind the wheel, Andy found himself grinning from ear to ear. As great as the last few hours had been, it paled in comparison with what might come the next day. He allowed himself to drive home and go to bed completely happy, hopeful that something of importance was planted that day.


To say that Andy was excited to walk into work the next morning was an understatement. For the first time ever, he found himself nearlyskipping his way into the building. Granted, it was still early enough that there was no way anyone could see him. Even if they did, they might assume he just closed a big sale or was excited about the move to Italy. They'd be wrong on both accounts.

He walked past the marketing cubes, and his eyes naturally drifted to Julia's empty desk, making him smile. She'd be in soon and he looked forward to seeing her bright smile and lovely, blue eyes.

Last night had been truly great and the promise of round two tonight was enough to keep him on edge. Even Maggie seemed to notice the change, giving him a subtle nudge in the ribs at one point when Julia walked by. He hardly noticed it, much more consumed with the wave and the grin she gave him as she went to her next training session. He wasn't sure how, but she looked even prettier than yesterday, wearing a pink, sleeveless blouse and another black, pencil skirt. He still had a hard time figuring out how she managed to blend the lines between innocent and sexy, but it was something he wanted to see more of.

It was nearly lunchtime when she came knocking at his door, their earlier attempts to talk frustrated by too many people or a forgotten meeting. Poking her head into his office, she grinned as soon as her eyes locked on his.

"Finally," she said while slipping inside his office. "I was beginning to think I'd never get the chance to come see you."

"You and me both," said Andy. "I'm almost about to head out for my lunch meeting."

"A lunch meeting sounds fun. Where are you going?"

"Just this little burger joint not far away," said Andy. "Going to hand off my old clients to another rep when I leave, so I figured it would be a smoother way of saying goodbye."

"That sounds nice! What sounds even better is getting some food." Julia rubbed her stomach over the blouse. "I'm starving right now and all I have is a simple sandwich back at my desk."

"It sounds like you need a proper meal," said Andy with a laugh. "Maybe we'll have to make tonight's catch-up session a planned dinner at Chez Andy."

Julia started to giggle. "Is that right? You know how to cook I take it?"

"Only the best for you, don't you know?" said Andy with a grin. "I had to learn how to cook being single, and I think rather highly of my skills!"

Julia's eyes sparkled. "I'd love to put your skill to the test."

"Tonight then? Come over to my place and I'll cook you the best meal you've ever had."

"That I've ever had?" mocked Julia. "That's a tall order, mister."

"Have I ever steered you wrong?"

She started to laugh. "No, no, I don't think you have! Okay, good. It's a date!"

Andy smiled warmly.A date. Yes, it was. "It's a date."

Julia started to blush and then looked down at the floor. For a brief moment, there were no words between them until she finally found the courage to look back up at him. "You know, I really should have my 'date's' number. You know, just in case I need help finding his place."

"Ask and you shall receive," said Andy as he pulled out his phone. They exchanged numbers quickly, sealing it with a text once it was finalized. "Now just try not to bug me all day, all right? I have a ton of work to do."

Julia giggled. "Oh, I'll try. Don't fault me though if I can't control myself with you being so manly and hunky and all."

"So you've noticed my best qualities?" asked Andy with an ear-splitting grin.

Julia rolled her eyes playfully. "Don't you have a lunch to get going to?"

"I almost forgot once you started listing all the good things about me," he said while standing from his desk. Julia only beamed with a smile as they parted, offering one last wave as she headed back to her desk.

His meeting went well and he was back in the office by one-thirty. Julia raised an eyebrow at him when she saw him walking by, but he couldn't engage her in conversation seeing as Rachel was once again at her desk. He figured that their conversation could resume that evening but he wasn't sitting at his desk for longer than ten minutes when his phone vibrated.

Julia: Don't think I didn't see you sneaking back from lunch late.

Julia ended the message with a winking emoji, a playful gesture that had him smiling instantly.

Andy: I really, really hope you're not going to report me to HR.

He wasn't back to work for longer than a couple minutes when she texted again.

Julia: I just might. I'm still not sure yet.

Andy: Oh, please have mercy, Julia. I can't get reported now after all these years!

Julia: Guess you'll just have to owe me something. I rather like that idea.

Andy: Any chance you can tell me what I owe?

Julia: Nope. I'll just hold it over your head until I figure out what I want.

Andy: I remember a time when you used to be sweet and innocent!

Julia: Things have a way of changing, Andy.

Andy contemplated her message for a few moments, wondering how to take it. How true she was, especially when he considered their relationship until yesterday. As if to emphasize the point, his phone dinged with a picture message. Andy opened it and immediately found his mouth starting to water.

It was just a selfie of Julia but there was something more to it than that. She was giving him a sultry look, one that had traces of desire and longing. It had been snapped today, as he recognized her clothing from earlier. But one thing was different—either she had unbuttoned that top button or the angle was just right. Either way, he had a mesmerizing view of her cleavage. One thing was for certain—Julia Barnes had grown up.

Andy: Wow. That's the kind of picture that leaves a guy speechless.

Julia: I had a feeling you might like that.

Andy: Liked it enough to want to see more.

He hesitated with that last message, wondering if it was just a little too forward. Not that they hadn't been dancing around each other for the last day, but this was the first time he was more overt with his desire for her. Thankfully, Julia seemed to be on the same page as he was.

Julia: Maybe tonight after dinner . . .

He smiled at that last text and then had to reach down to his slacks to adjust his cock. That had certainly snuck up on him. Not that he didn't enjoy a little banter, but it was the first time since middle school that words on a screen had made him hard. He flipped back to the picture she sent him and immediately felt himself throb once again. It was going to be a long afternoon with Julia on the brain and no relief in sight.

Sure enough it was. It was a busy one too and he didn't even get a chance to speak with her before the end of the day. He was still on the phone at five when she stopped by his office, taking a moment to make sure their plans for dinner were still on. Andy flashed a thumbs-up before putting the phone on mute for a brief moment.

"See you right at six. Just ring the doorbell to my place when you get there," he said quickly before returning to the call.

Thankfully, that call didn't last much longer, and he was able to dash out of the office to a local grocery store to pick up some staples for the dinner tonight. Satisfied with a simple chicken and pasta dish, he made it back home at a quarter until six. He barely had enough time to get the stove running and to clean up before his doorbell went off.

Tossing a hand towel over his shoulder, he opened the door with a flourished bow. "Welcome to Chez Andy. How many will be dining tonight?" he asked playfully.

Julia giggled and stepped into his apartment. "Just two please. Oh, Andy, this is a nice place."

"You mean nice for being all packed up and empty?" he asked, pointing to the large pile of boxes that dominated his living room.

"Even still," said Julia as she stepped into the kitchen. "Oh my god, that smells wonderful. What are you making?"

Andy tsk-tsked her right away. "Don't you know a good chef never gives away his menu before sitting down?"

She started to giggle. "Okay, okay, I'll wait until we eat. Can I help do anything in the meantime?"

He set her up with the task of tending to the pasta while he cooked the chicken. One thing that he liked about the apartment in that moment was how small the kitchen was. With two people doing their own tasks, they ran out of room fast. Andy found himself constantly bumping into her gently or finding excuses to touch her as they cooked. Julia didn't seem to mind, and he noticed her doing the same thing. Just like this afternoon, the tension was back, and it made his heart race.

It was right as they were sitting down to eat that Julia gave him a curious grin. "You know, I've already thought about what our big question can be for tonight."

"Already? Have you been giving it a lot of thought?"

Julia nodded. "It's a big one. I hope you're ready."

He started to chuckle. "Just take it easy on me, okay?"

"I might after having this dinner," she said after taking her first bite. Her eyes rolled back and she made the cutest moan. "This is fantastic, Andy. Seriously, where did you learn to cook like this?"

"Nowhere really," he said with a nervous laugh. "I just follow the recipe and there you go."

Julia took her second bite and moaned once more. He liked that she was enjoying the food even if his baser thoughts were focused on the sound of her moan.

"Remind me to let you cook for me more often," she said further into the meal.

"Who says I'm cooking for you again?" he asked playfully.

She turned her smile into a perfect pout. "Won't you? Please, Andy?"

It was enough to make him laugh. "I don't know if I could ever turn down that face."
