Skiing Holiday with Co-Worker

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Mike takes co-worker Clara skiing and passions erupt.
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It was getting on towards the end of the year and Mike was not particularly busy at work. Most of the projects he was involved in were coming to an end, and the others were nicely simmering. As a Project Manager with a large London Bank he worked with a team who could be relied on to get things done, and Mike enjoyed his work. Today however his thoughts had strayed to a different direction, his annual ski trip in the New Year. He was browsing through some websites looking for an attractive package when suddenly he heard, "Wotcha doing Mike, that doesn't look like work?" Mike turned to see Clara, one of the other team members looking at his screen covered in pictures of white slopes with blue skies.

Mike and Clara were good friends, both single in their late twenties and were often seen together at lunch, or with a group of other colleagues in the pub. Both were content to be unattached as they enjoyed the social scene. They flirted with each other, but had never been tempted to take their friendship further except for the odd snog at the Christmas party. "Just looking to book my annual ski trip for January Clara. Thinking of France this year."

"Ooh, I haven't been skiing in years, I used to love my trip with the girls, all those hunky ski instructors! Who are you going with?"

"Well that's part of the problem, all my ski mates seem to have developed serious cases of matrimony, or in some cases even patrimony. The Cost of Living Crisis hasn't helped with the lack of spare cash either."

"Good Luck!"

Nothing more was said until the next day when they bumped into each other in the coffee queue. "Made any progress with the trip Mike?" asked Clara.

"Destination all sorted, but looks like I'm going on my own though. It shouldn't be too bad, skiers are a pretty friendly bunch and I'll meet some people when I do my refresher lessons."

"Look Mike, I've been thinking. I'd really love to get back into skiing, and I was wondering if you'd mind if I tagged along. I wouldn't cramp your style with the skiing, or anything else." She added coyly.

"Well let's take these back to my desk and I'll show you where I'm going." So saying they picked up their coffees and returned to the office. Mike opened his computer and showed Clara the resort and flights etc. and then scrolled through to the price screen.

"Shit! Is that what it costs these days?"

"Well the price is bumped up quite a bit because of the single room supplements. Without those it looks a bit more reasonable."

"Show me." Mike went into the booking screen and inputted two people sharing and the resultant saving was considerable. "That's £60 each per night we'd save," exclaimed Clara "that'd cover eating and drinking costs each night."

"Yes but it would mean we'd actually have to share a room."

"Look Mike, we've known each other a long time, and are pretty comfortable with each other. I'm sure we can be adult about it." Mike's mind turned to what adult activities normally constituted and felt the heat rising in his face a little.

"OK, you're in. I'll book and pay. We can sort out settlement later. Perhaps we could just keep it quiet in the office though, there's no problem with rules or anything like that, but I don't really want it blabbed throughout the whole Bank that we're on holiday together."

"Ashamed of me?" quipped Clara, "No, really, I get it completely."

The day arrived and Mike and Clara checked into their hotel. It was built in an "L" shape and their room was about a third of the way along on the second floor. To their relief it did actually contain two double beds and the bathroom was a reasonable size with a shower in the bath. "At least there's room for one of us to get dressed and undressed in here," remarked Clara.

Too late for any skiing that day they unpacked then sorted out their equipment for the next day, and booked a few lessons each, Clara opting for some easier classes than Mike. Dinner and a few drinks and they were ready for bed. Returning to their room, both felt a little hesitant. Closing the door behind them Mike said, "I'll go and clean my teeth, then you can have the bathroom to get changed while I get changed out here."

"Deal!" When Mike came out they brushed past each other outside the bathroom and Clara shut the door behind her. Quickly Mike grabbed his night things. Normally he'd sleep naked but for this trip had opted for boxers and a tee shirt. He was sitting on the edge of his bed preparing to get in when Clara re-appeared, also in tee shirt and sleep shorts.

"Snap!" they both said together. Mike had to admit that Clara did look good in her night things. Her breasts bounced a little under the shirt and he did wonder if she had any panties on under the shorts. His cock started to react to the thought and he slipped quickly under the duvet before it got embarrassing.

"Would you mind awfully if I left a lamp on?" asked Clara, "I prefer a bit of light, and in a strange place it helps if I have to get up in the night."

"No worries," replied Mike, "Good Night."

Morning came and Mike awoke to the sound of the shower running. Half-awake he rubbed his erect cock then realised where he was and who was in the shower. "This could be a bit awkward," he thought. The shower stopped and a few minutes later the door opened with a waft of steam, and Clara came out wrapped in a towel that reached mid-thigh. Mike averted his gaze, not wanting to be caught staring at such an sexy sight, but couldn't help but admire her legs, legs that he had really only seen in trousers and the odd skirt. "Your turn. Take your time, I'll dry off and get dressed."

Clara turned her back and Mike sidled out of bed, and picking the clothes he wanted to wear, entered the bathroom. His cock was still erect and he would have loved to have given it some relief, but he couldn't spend too much time in the bathroom and anyway, it didn't seem right to be having a wank in their shared bathroom.

When he'd finished and dressed, he opened the door a little and called out, "Can I come out now?"

"Yep, I'm dressed." Mike emerged to see Clara in jeans and a sweatshirt.

"Let's go and get breakfast."

Returning to their room, Mike said, "I'll go and get my thermals and ski gear on in the bathroom and you can dress out here."

Dressed he poked his head out and called "OK?"

"Yes, I'm decent!" Mike came out of the bathroom and considered what "indecent" would have been. True, Clara was covered from the neck down, but only in her thermal underwear which fitted like a second skin. It was pale blue and she looked stunning in it. It accentuated her breasts which must have been a C cup, and fitted so snugly over her backside that Mike could only gasp. "What's the matter Mike? Never seen thermals before?"

"Not like that, and never on you!" spluttered Mike.

"Well you're going to have to get used to it." Saying that Clara pulled on her ski pants and jacket and they left for the day's activities.

At the end of the day they returned to their room pretty tired from the unusual activity they had put their bodies through. Clara said, "I am going to be sooo stiff tomorrow."

Mike retorted, "You should have come to those conditioning classes with me before we left. What you need to do now is to stretch a bit and then have a hot bath and relax. I'll show you the stretches."

"Let me get out of these first." And Clara took off her jacket, jumper and trousers, leaving her once more dressed just in her thermals. "These will do as yoga pants." she proclaimed. "Right! What do I do?"

Mike took her through some simple stretching and ended up telling her to kneel on the floor. "Now just lift your bum and shoulders until your arms and legs are straight." Clara did so and the sight of her bum tight and firm, stuck up in the air was almost too much for Mike. "Are you just getting me to do this so you can perv my bum?" asked Clara.

"Not really," assured Mike "but it is the nicest bum I've seen in a while."

"Pervert!" and she collapsed laughing. "What I need now is a massage. Do you have that in your portfolio?"

"Well I can help a bit. Lie on the bed face down." Clara complied and Mike began to work up her legs, massaging and loosening her muscles. Calves and the back of her thighs, then careful not to invade her space too much, back and shoulders. "It would be easier without these thermals, but under the circumstances, we'll leave them on. Turn over." Mike continued back down her body, trying desperately to hide his growing erection, and to avoid looking at her breasts, or the juncture between her thighs. "Right we're done. Go and get that bath now."

Again she emerged from the bathroom in just a towel, and Mike went in to have his shower and change. Both finished, they went out for a drink and some food chatting happily about their day. They got ready for bed as the night before, and Clara emerged wearing the same tee shirt and shorts. "They said it might snow tonight, I wonder if it's started yet." With that she went to the window and pulling aside the curtains, peered out. Mike heard her gasp exclaiming "Oh My God!" Thinking of the snow, Mike joined her at the window, his body just about touching hers. It was not the snow, but across from their room on the other leg of the "L", was a window ablaze with light. There clear as day on the bed, was a couple engaged in sex. He was on top of her and his cock pumping in and out of her was apparent. As they watched, the couple spun over and she mounted him cowgirl style, her breasts on display bouncing up and down.

Stunned, Mike and Clara watched in silence. Mike was conscious that his cock was erect and was now pressed lightly into Clara's bum. Clara stood still her arms clasped to her breasts. The couple came to a shuddering orgasm and suddenly she got off and the light went out. Open mouthed, Mike and Clara stared into each other's eyes. "I've never seen anything like that before, it was sooo hot!" said Clara. With that they turned and got into their respective beds, visions of what they had witnessed running through their heads. Mike would have loved to have a wank to those visions, but the presence of Clara in the bed next to him, and the prospect of how he would clear up the consequent mess made him reconsider. He would just have to be frustrated he thought.

As their breathing quietened, Mike was starting to drift off to sleep, when he thought he heard a little squeak. Opening his eyes he could see that Clara's bedclothes were moving slightly. Her eyes were shut but there was a tautness to her face. Keeping still, and breathing regularly he continued to watch as her breathing became quicker and the movements became faster and more pronounced. Then suddenly they stopped and Clara's face scrunched up and her body went rigid under the duvet.

Mike was looking at her face when her eyes popped open. She looked at him then said, "Sorry, I couldn't help that, but I was so turned on. Would it be OK if I just came and had a little cuddle in your bed?" Mike lifted up the duvet and she scrambled across to him and snuggled into his body, one leg thrown across his. Her eyes bulged suddenly as her leg contacted his cock. "Do you need to...?" Mike nodded and began to masturbate his cock gently. The presence of Clara added to his excitement and it wasn't long before he erupted, cum squirting over his boxers and tee shirt. Clara reached out for some tissues and offered them to him. Silently he mopped himself, then softly kissed Clara once on the lips as they settled into sleep.

Morning came and Clara was gone. Visions of last night flashed across his brain and embarrassment flushed his face. He could hear the sound of tinkling water and looking round he could see light emanating from the bathroom. The door was ajar just a couple of inches but, through the gap he could see a vertical strip of Clara sitting on the toilet. She was peeing! As he watched and listened, the shape changed into a crouch, and he could see the movement associated with her wiping her pussy. Nothing was visible but his erection sprang into life. The door then shut and the shower came on. Realising an opportunity Mike began to wank his cock again. He only had a limited time and came quickly, shooting his spunk into a wad of tissues. Just in time, as Clara emerged with a towel wrapped around her. She sniffed the air and with a little grin, once more apologised, "Mike, I'm so sorry about last night and what it led to. I admit I enjoyed it but I don't want it to affect our friendship. Please can we forget about it?"

"Sure Clara, and for the record I enjoyed it as well!"

"Great! And thanks for the stretches and massage, I really don't feel too bad this morning." With that they swapped rooms and prepared for the day.

Returning the next evening it was evident that Clara was in a little difficulty. Her legs felt as though they were on fire and her shoulders ached considerably. Mike had to help her out of her jacket and trousers and she offered him first use of the bathroom. When he came out she was still sitting on the bed in her jumper and thermal bottoms. "I can't move my arms," she groaned, "they hurt too much. You'll have to help me get all this off." Mike had never dressed or undressed a baby, but he had seen the contortions mothers went through to lever arms out of tops. With much groaning and moaning, he undressed her down to her sports bra. "I can manage now thanks," she grimaced, and went into the bathroom. Seconds later she was out again, "No I can't, I can't lift my arms up, it hurts too much!"

"How are we going to do this without undue impropriety?" Mike asked.

"I'll sit on the bed and you get behind me and pull it over my head, I'll just have to let my arms follow." She instructed, "And you can keep your eyes to yourself!" She sat and Mike lifted the elasticated bra up and over her head. He was conscious of her tits flopping out and forward, and could see side boobs, but not wishing to cause offence tried to be as gentlemanly as possible. Clara folded her arms over her breasts and returned to the bathroom. Her bath that night was accompanied by much groaning and moaning and it was a chastened Clara that emerged wrapped in her towel. "I couldn't do my hair properly, it'll just have to do as it is," she complained.

Mike excused himself to go and check on the next day's ski activities to allow her some time to get dressed. When he returned she was still sitting on the edge of the bed wrapped in the towel. "If I can't get a bra off I can't get one on either! You'll have to help again." Once more he knelt on the bed and she held the bra up to her breasts, then then let the towel fall. She cupped her breasts in the bra and he managed to get her arms in without me getting too much of an eyeful. The clasp was snapped and they were done. "I don't suppose I can have another massage can I?" asked Clara plaintively. I nodded and she slid slowly onto the bed clad now in just bra and panties. Her underwear was plain and demure but Mike looked on, eyes wide.

This time it was even more difficult to keep his erection in check. As he massaged her thighs her legs parted a little and he could see the gusset of her panties, a few dark pubic hairs peeking out. Was that a damp spot? He could see the crinkle of her bush through the front and her nipples were prominent in her bra.

Finished, she smiled at him, then gesturing to the cock tenting his trousers apologised, "Look, I'm sorry if I've caused you that, do you need to go in the bathroom and sort it out?"

Mike would have loved to stay there looking at her and sort it out, but that wasn't on offer and the embarrassment of being in the bathroom was just too much to contemplate, so he just muttered, "Thanks, but I'll be alright in a minute." Helping her to dress just prolonged the matter, but by the time they left for drinks and dinner he had managed to get it under control.

Dinner and drinks proceeded and Clara began to feel a little more relaxed, the aches wearing off. She felt embarrassed both by her lack of fitness and also from Mike having to help her in such a personal manner. They were in the bar when another couple came up and politely asked if they could join them. They looked up and it was the couple from the room the previous night. Colouring up, they mumbled their accord and the couple sat down introducing themselves. They were Dutch, Dirk and Helena, and had a few more days skiing before returning home. Their English was, as ever with the Dutch, nearly perfect and everyone had a good evening, consuming perhaps a little too much.

The Dutch couple got up to leave and bade Mike and Clara good night. They looked at each other and wondered if a repeat performance was going to be on offer tonight. Finishing their drinks they made for their room, and turning just the dim bedside lights on, peeked out of the curtain. The lights were all off. Somewhat embarrassed by their disappointment, Mike and Clara got ready for bed. "One last peek." muttered Clara. "Oh My God, they're there!" Mike moved up behind Clara again, his body pressed a little closer to her after their earlier familiarity, and they could see the Dutch couple, he was behind her on the bed and pumping away furiously doggie style, her breasts swinging wildly. Without thinking Clara's hand went to her breast and began squeezing it, tweaking her nipple through the tee shirt. Mike found his cock hard and, without realising it started to press it rhythmically into Clara's behind.

Mike realised that not only was Clara pushing back against him, but her other hand had descended to her crotch and was pressed firmly into it, her fingers busy. Excitement grew within them, matched by the couple outside. Then Dirk pulled his cock out of his wife's pussy and sprayed her backside with cum as their orgasms washed over them. As before the light went out and Clara backed away from the window. Mike could see that her fingers were inside the leg of her shorts and he could see her pussy hair, no panties obviously. Clara looked down at his tented boxers and said "I think I need that cuddle now rather than later please." Without a further word Clara led him to the bed and they slid in. Their excitement was high, but neither of them was quite willing to make the first move.

Finally taking the initiative Clara, pivoted and swung a leg over Mike's hips. Reaching into his boxers she pulled out his cock, rampant and swollen. She pulled the leg of her shorts aside and wriggling slightly, guided him to her opening. With one push downwards he was inside her to the hilt, her pussy warm, wet and inviting. Slowly Clara began to undulate her hips, moving his cock in and out of her hungry pussy. She clamped her bottom lip between her lips and screwed her face up at the pleasure coursing through her. Faster and faster she moved, Mike holding her hips and guiding her thrusts and pace. Suddenly she screamed out "Yes! Yes! Mike!" and her entire body tensed, her inner thighs clamped against him. She fell forward against his chest and buried her face in the crook of his neck, her breathing hard and fast.

Slowly she calmed and sat up looking at him. Feeling his cock still hard inside her she realised he hadn't cum and eased his cock out of her dripping pussy. Looking into his eyes she began to stroke him, up and down, then using the lubrication from her pussy, round and round the crown. Increasing the pace she felt his hips begin to rise and she squeezed hard and he erupted cum from the end, squirt after powerful squirt over his stomach and chest.

Wordlessly Clara moved off him, and turning her back snuggled back against him, spooning. Mike put his arm around her middle and quietly kissed the nape of her neck. In this position they fell asleep, sated.

Morning came and Mike awoke to the sound of the shower. It ceased and the door opened revealing Clara in her towel. "Bathroom's free," was the rather abrupt greeting. Clearly there was a huge elephant in the room. After the necessaries and showering, Mike emerged to find the elephant still there, Clara playing on her phone. She rose and they went to breakfast.