Slave Camp Ch. 26


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Wanda finished her reverie of the preceding week. She reviewed the file Whitaker had left on her desk. It was of course done to perfection. The case was a relatively simple one where the new slave did not have much in the way of assets. Being young and dumb he was enslaved for five years. His car sold and comic book collection given to his mother for safe-keeping. Wanda took it to John for him to bill the lawyer who had defended the young man. 'I'm gonna take off in a few minutes." she said. "I'll take Leanne with me." John nodded and said he was going to meet Derek for drinks at the bar down the road. "How did Leanne do today? I gave her instructions to behave."

John laughed. "First thing she did was beg me to try to convince Derek to sell her to me. She said you guys were torturing her. I told her to explain and she told me some wild shit. I gotta admit, some of it turned me on. It was just like what she told me about those weekend parties only she was on the receiving end this time. I told her I was pissed she missed a week of work because she could not behave and I spanked her. She sure was not the haughty bitch she has been lately. Then I made her go down on me. Sorry I am so explicit but that is the honest truth. We were headed for divorce anyway. I still sorta love her in a way and she is the mother of my kids but I cannot live with what she has been turning into."

Wanda almost giggled as she walked out of the building. She knew or at least suspected, John wanted a report about his ex wife's activities for the past week. He wanted to hear it from Derek and not her. She wished she could be a fly on the wall for that conversation. Leanne sat fidgeting all the way home. Wanda asked her what was going on.

"I'm not sure but I think I have a UTI. I've been itching all day and peeing more than normal. The last couple hours I have burned a little when I peed." Leanne said. Wanda said they would talk to their resident nurse, Rhonda when they got home. Rhonda agreed it was likely a UTI and was likely from the anal play of the previous week.

"That is why I told you to be very careful about washing and sanitizing those toys." Rhonda said. Leanne said she had. "Well, either not well enough or you put the ass dildo into your snatch at one point." Leanne glared at her. "I'm just suggesting the most likely reason. Don't glare at me or I'll slap the piss out of you. Remember you are not in a position of authority any more."

Wanda told Derek that night at dinner. A couple of the younger girls said, "Yuck!' or "during dinner?" Wanda told them to hush. They talked about far more explicit and personal details than a urinary tract infection at dinner. Derek said Sarah or Wanda should call Dr Marge in the morning.

Leanne's symptoms were worse by morning. Drinking copious amounts of water had not helped. Rhonda said the woman needed antibiotics or anti-fungals in her opinion. Since all the free women had their days planned, he was nominated to take Leanne to the doctor.

"Derek, this is probably a result of those girls using me so brutally. " Leanne offered during the ride to Dr Marge's office. "Can't we just consider I suffered enough and let the rest of the punishment go?"

"I think Caroline and Lisa would feel cheated, don't you?" Derek asked. Leanne sucked in a breath to protest and then wondered if she was being set up.

"I guess they would, Sir." Leanne stated morosely. Derek smiled. 'She is catching on', he thought."Quit trying to manipulate."

Dr Marge's office girl recognized Leanne right away. Stepping to one side she whispered in the nurse's ear. When Leanne was called, Derek told her to go on back. "Sir. You need to come back as well since you are her owner and are responsible for her welfare." the nurse said. Once in the room, the nurse told Leanne to take her clothes off. "Doc will be in shortly to see you." Leanne asked for the gown she was usually given. "Slaves don't get gowns." the nurse said. "They stand nude in the middle of the room in the 'present' position waiting to be seen. That is, unless they are too sick to stand. Then they lay on the exam table with their legs spread. You look well enough to me to stand."

Leanne was standing as ordered. Derek sat in a chair to one side when Dr Marge came in. "How are you doing, Derek? How are those babies getting along?" Derek said they were growing like weeds. They were far bigger than they when they were born. Fat little guys who eat like champs. Dr Marge grinned.

"Well, well, well. I heard you got yourself enslaved, Leanne." Dr Marge said. "Rumor has it you offered to indenture yourself in a bet and then tried to run away when you lost." Leanne began to shake with humiliation. Dr Marge had seen her whole body naked many times but she had never felt so vulnerable as right now.

Dr Marge began to do a full body examination, starting with Leanne's eyes and ears and working her way down. "So how do you think you got a urinary tract infection?" She laughed at Leanne's answer she had been used anally many times over the past week.

"So the queen of reaming slave ass has got her comeuppance, huh?" She did not mention that Sarah had called her earlier to give her a heads up. She was enjoying herself. She loved to be a little sadistic herself but felt Leanne took it to a whole different level of cruelty. "You should know you need to clean your toys thoroughly before going from ass to cunt. The other way around is fine." She turned to Derek. "I'll check out her urethra for sure, draw blood and urine samples. What do you think? Maybe I better check her rectum for any possible damage from aggressive play. Leanne began to protest it was not necessary. Dr Marge's hand shot out and grabbed Leanne's right nipple and twisted it. "You do not give me advice or orders. I am talking to your owner. Now get on the table so I can finish the exam."

Once in the chair with her feet in stirrups, Leanne sat trembling. She did not like being on the receiving side of Dr Marge's onslaught. Medical or otherwise, she realized she would not enjoy this examination. Once her feet were in the air and her legs spread, she could only feel what Dr Marge was doing. "Okay. First I am going to get a direct culture. You might feel a little pressure. Hell, who am I kidding? This is gonna burn your little pee hole." Dr Marge said. She inserted a cotton swab directly into Leanne's urethra. Leanne squealed and she began to tear up. She clamped her jaws. Dr Marge rotated the swab and then pulled it out placing it into the test tube. Then she picked up a catheter. "We need a urine sample as well." Leanne asked if she could just pee in a cup. "Sure you could. A clean catch sample is almost as good but this is more fun." She inserted the semi-lubed catheter into the tiny hole and fed it into Leanne's bladder. "Yep, your urine is a little cloudy. You got yourself a UTI. Next time you play with toys up your butt make sure you clean them well. If it isn't clean enough to put in your mouth, keep it away from your cunt."

"While I have the catheter in here, I'll inject a little of this solution. It will help clear up the infection from the inside." Dr Marge said. "Hold it in as long as you can. It's not enough to stimulate your bladder nerves."

"Now while I am down here let's check out these bigger holes. The ones you play with. She pushed a couple fingers inside Leanne's vagina. "Clamp down." she ordered. Then she pinched Leanne's clit. Leanne jumped. "There ya go. You clamped down nicely. Your are still tight enough but let's take a look to make sure there are no abrasions. Derek you watched me examine Sarah and Lou for dilation. Come over here and see what a vagina looks like spread open by a speculum." He got up close and looked. "No signs of any trauma. She might not have liked the dildo they used but it did no damage. But I can tell she also has a yeast infection. I'm going to take a culture to make sure it is only yeast and not something else. Now let's check out her little pucker." Dr Marge looked at Derek and winked as she said this. Her smile told him just how much she was enjoying humiliating Leanne. She inserted an anoscope and examined the walls of Leanne's rectum. "Yep I can see they have been abraded a bit but nothing serious. How big a dildo did the girls use on you? As big as the one you used at the parties?" Leanne said they used her toys. Dr Marge grinned. "Well, it looks like your butt was made for anal play. As long as they use plenty of lube you could probably take something a little larger with no problem. I am talking damage now. You will certainly hurt from the initial stretch each time. Okay get up and wipe your butt."

"Derek, I am going to write you a script for an antibiotic. It should start working right away. Have her drink a lot to flush her system. Really push the fluids. I'll have the lab check out these samples and if I find anything else. I'll give you a call. Make sure she takes all the antibiotics. Give her a day or two and she should be back and ready for action again. Uhh, Derek, your health insurance covers the all the charges except your copay. I won't charge you for the office visit if you give me fifteen minutes with your girl here." Derek grinned and said he'd be in the waiting room.

The door had barely closed when Dr Marge began to to push down her scrub pants. "I always wanted to see your mouth on my pussy. You were always a stuck up bitch. Get over here and get busy. Do a good job and you won't get spanked. And it won't be your ass I spank."

Leanne's eyes were red when she joined Derek. He knew she had cried since he left her alone with Dr Marge."Did she punish you? Did you disobey or something?" he asked, fishing. She shook her head.

"She made me lick her pussy to a couple orgasms. She laughed at me and called me a slave slut. Said I found my proper place in life. She used to be my friend, but she totally humiliated me. She said next time she sees me she is gonna make me lick her office girl's pussy since I used the girl at the parties a few times. I'm no more than an animal in her eyes." Leanne grumbled.

"No, not an animal." Derek said. "She treated you just like you had treated slaves. Like sub-human, below you. Yes, a slave is legally property but they still have feelings. Once you realize that and accept it you will get along better. Let's get your antibiotics and then I'll take you to the office. No sense in you missing another day."

Leanne was out of commission for the next three days. Her vaginal culture showed in addition to yeast she had e. coli present indicating contamination from her anus. The girls were all lectured about assuring all toys and sanitized after use,"Does that mean no more ass fucking?" Leanne asked hopefully.

Wanda laughed. "Hell no. It means be careful to clean things. You are going to serve Caroline and Lisa this weekend. That way none of you will have to take time off work. You have slave camp next weekend and will miss a couple days then."

"But I don't need slave camp! I know all that stuff already." Leanne argued. "Uhh It is a waste of money." she said thinking that a better argument.

"It is as much conditioning as it is learning about the laws." Wanda said. "I have Doug Benoit going also. I'll enroll him and Derek will take you. It requires a registered owner. Well Sarah took Richard in that time, but Derek had to make special arrangements." Leanne quit arguing. She had realized it would do no good. To the contrary, it would get her into trouble.

Derek was pleased she seemed to be learning. He wondered how she would react to Caroline on Saturday. She had five days of essentially free time. She still ran around nude while at home, but other than being nude was not treated any different than any of the others. Friday afternoon Sarah and Wanda took her for her makeover. "Wait that is not fair! I heard you all got semi-permanent makeup to mark you. Why am I getting a full deep tissue tat?' Leanne had protested.

"Because you were going to do that to Derek." Wanda said. "One more word and you will go home with rings like you planned for me. Derek might be upset about that but I'll be happy to take the heat. Give me the slightest excuse." Leanne looked at her in fear knowing this was not a idle threat.

Sunday night at dinner, Leanne sat quietly in her chair. She was trying her best to not move around and wiggle the plug firmly embedded in her backside. Lisa had decided after a couple sessions of bending Leanne over for a good reaming she was going to take a more passive approach for her last twelve hours. "I'm going to keep her plugged while she tries to convince me to let her remove it. She is doing that with her tongue. If anybody else wants a little lick. Leanne will happy to accommodate you as well. Right Leanne? "

Leanne nodded her head trying not to cry. No matter what she had endured she could not get over the humiliation of the almost constant abuse. "No she corrected herself, do not even think of her treatment as abuse and certainly do not voice that again." she told herself. She was merely being used the way she had used each of these women at one time or another.

"I think she needs relief from the plug every now and then so every hour until we go to bed I give her a ten minute break to use the toilet if she needs it. She is to remove it, wash it and then put it back." Lisa said. Every one of the women knew that meant hourly pain from expelling and replacing the plug. Derek was surprised Leanne even owned a plug that large. She would certainly regret having her anus stretched that far to accommodate it.

"That reminds me Derek." Caroline said. "This is the end of the punishment you levied on Leanne. But we still have not made our decision what we will do for slave girl justice for how she treated us." Leanne did not move or argue. Tears began to pour down her cheeks.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I can't get enough of the story line. My mind goes in different directions just trying to anticipate the next paragraph. Its fantastic.

Siska100Siska100about 3 years ago

After reading this latest chapter, it's almost as if I wrote it myself. I can't wait to read about Leanne's Slave Justice punishment, her Slave Camp Experience, her humiliation at one of those parties and then how things settle around Derek, his sons and his harem of free and enslaved women.

Great story, don't stop writing.

GamblnluckGamblnluckabout 3 years agoAuthor

Harga, The way i intended it, Derek was angry but it was more a show. His voice dropped to a normal conversational level quickly. Still the girls all realized when he gave an actual direct order he meant it.

Vintage_DMVintage_DMabout 3 years ago

Any bets on much fun Leanne has at her coming out at the next garden party. Great idea for Prince Albert. Might that be a way to lead the witless fool about?

HargaHargaabout 3 years ago

Another great chapter...I really look forward to reading them. I don't know what to think of Derek's reaction to Leanne and his punishment of her. Did he really lose his cool or was it all calculated, sending a message to not only Leanne, but the other girls too. They may have all been getting a little to complacent lately.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Leanne mistook Derek's kindness for weakness.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Great chapter more please. I hope tattoos and piercings follow for both new slaves maybe even a prince albert for the crooked lawyer.

wheelman53wheelman53about 3 years ago

Great work. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Holy crap, I thought I would have to wait for the weekend before the next chapter. This is fantastic! Also, I am absolutely loving this delicious, delicious revenge. Extra props to the anal realism. Always bugs me a little when I read about stuff which, in real life, would have almost certainly caused UTI or irreparable tearing, but gets overlooked because it's a porn story.

Next up, I'm hoping Leanne continues to get passed around by Derek's girls, and also gets lent out to Leanne's other victims. Or they can bring Leanne along to a weekend party and regularly allow other slave girls to take revenge on her.

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