Slayer's Wolf Ch. 06

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Sky vs. Valerie.
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Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/24/2022
Created 09/28/2011
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I know it's short, but I just wanted to make this the battle scene. I'll have the rest up before ya know it, rate and comment, constructive criticism is great! --- <3 pixxie


6 P.M. I still felt like crap. All I could do was vomit yesterday and could barely sit up. Today I was supposed to be fighting for my life against Valerie. I don't see how that's possible in the state I'm in.

Why would Cloe sabotage me like this? She knew what was at stake! Now I'm going to lose my life and a chance at trying something with Leon. The thought of Leon made the sickness subside for a minute. The dreams I've been having lately haven't been of his wolf. It's been of a different wolf entirely. This one was chocolate brown and had eyes as grey as mine. It would run with me in the dream.


All I could do was groan. The pain hurt to much and the thought of being mated to another wolf made my head hurt. I could barely comprehend Leon let alone another!

I looked at the clock. 7 P.M. They would be coming for me soon. I heard my cell creak open then footsteps. I looked up to see the three men who brought me here a few days ago standing above me. They all looked concerned.

"She doesn't look to well."

"Is she scared?"

"Maybe she's hungry?"

The human pulled out a pack of beef jerky and brought it close to me. The smell assaulted my nose causing me to gag and then vomit onto the floor. All three jumped back hastily as if my vomit was acid. They all scurried out and ten minutes later Sergeant Mell was peering down at me.

"Sky what's wrong?"

"I don't know."

He sighed and sat down on the bed rubbing my head gently. Surprisingly this was soothing and I nuzzled into his touch.

"Sky I wish I could postpone this fight, but I can't. Vampires and Werewolves would feel it's humans trying to get out of an agreement and I don't need a vengeance on my hands."

"I understand sir. I still want to fight today."

He nodded his head and left. Shortly after the three men came back and escorted me to a van outside. One produced a bottled watered that I finished off rapidly. They produced more and more until finally I went through a cart of 24. I felt slightly better but still like crap. I was not in top fighting shape and at this rate I would surely die.

I watched as the scenery took on a more gloomy look letting me know we were in vampire domain. How could Cloe do this to me? I thought she was my friend.

After another thirty minutes of driving we finally pulled up to Gell Arena. I was chauffeured into the back so that no one would see me. From the loud sounds of things the Arena was packed. I glanced at a digital clock on the wall of the corridor and saw it was 8:30 P.M. Thirty minutes til my doom.

I walked into a room that had a very plump women inside. She had tan skin, burgundy hair, and big blue eyes. She had a wide smile and the smell wafting off of her was vampire. But she didn't seem like a vampire. In fact she gave off a human grandmotherly vibe.

"Oh honey you look a hot mess! Get over here so we can fix you up."

She pulled me into a chair and started to fuss over me while explaining previous fights that happened in the arena.

"I own this place here. And I'll be the first to tell you it ain't no joke! I'm coming out of pocket almost every dang week fixing holes in the wall and ceilings. Plus paying the janitors double to clean up blood. Whew! But the money I get from these big ole crowds is worth it. I think your battle is the first to bring me this many people."

I sat listening to her as she combed through my hair.

"How many people are here?"

"About 7,000 and still counting! Imma have to lock the doors soon for lack of seats. But please honey don't make to much of a mess when you go out there."

I smiled sheepishly glad that this lady had so much confidence in me. But wondering what the hell she was getting me dressed for.

"Why do I need to be dolled up if I'm going to fight? I'm just going to get right back messed up."

"Well you came in looking so sick and tired, I thought a little beautification would cheer you up. Sometimes that's all a women needs."

She walked off looking into a closet and produced some black shorts and a black tank top.

"So you doing this nude or with this on?"

I hurried and grabbed the clothes. There wasn't no way I was dying naked. Hell I needed some kind of dignity. She exited the room and I hurried and changed into the clothes. I had less clothing on and felt a little better. I still felt clammy and my stomach was unsettling, but other than that I was as ready as I would ever be. A weird shiver ran up my spine and I sniffed the air smelling wild berries. Excitement coursed through my veins and my sickness seemed to balance out into a dull hum.

When did my sense of smell become so strong? The door opened and in stepped my brother. He looked really worried and looked me over.

"Ready kiddo?"

The queasiness came back and I felt my headache come on.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

He held out his hand and I grabbed him giving it a reassuring squeeze.


As soon as I got to the Arena I made my way down to the holding rooms I knew she would probably be inside. I got a whiff of fuchsia and lavender and followed it. As I got closer to the room a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked to see her brother.

"I understand she's your mate. But right now I don't think it's in your best interest to see her right now. She may be angry, sad, or content and I don't want her last nerve snapping.

I couldn't argue with that. My wolf angrily paced my mind digging into my head.

{He's stupid. He doesn't know what he's talking about. Our mate would love to see us!}

{Not now wolf. She has to get through this fight first.}

{I want to see her now!}

I ignored the last comment and nodded to Chris. I made my way back up to the corridor getting in my seat the closest one to the arena reserved for Belv, Sergeant Mell, Alex, Cloe, Chris and I.

I looked down to see Valerie already in the arena relishing in the attention she was getting. She paced back and forth strutting in her mid thigh red dress. Her auburn hair was pulled into a ponytail and her make-up was done up to make her look dramatic and menacing. A ploy to intimidate Sky. I growled. I don't know how I would be able to just sit here and watch this.

Chris came and took his seat beside Cloe squeezing Cloe's hand and instigating a growl from Alex. I watched as an announcer stepped out. Everyone fell into a quiet hush. I could almost hear everyone's heartbeat in anticipation of what was to come. The announcer announced Valerie and she smiled evilly while throwing her hands up in victory. Next they announced my mate. She came out with a walk of confidence and her head held high. She stopped on the opposite side of the arena.

I watched the rise of her chest and noticed she was breathing as if she just ran a race. Worry began to crawl up my back. I saw her sniff the air then her eyes locked on me. A huge grin spread across her face and I swear if she had a tail it would be thumping rapidly now. My wolf growled in appreciation of her reaction to us.

{I told you she wanted us.}

{Shut up.}


I took a deep calming breath and walked into the arena as instructed once the announcer said my name. The scent of wild berries filled my nostrils and I turned to see Leon. A smile broke out onto my face. MATE!

Wait what? I hurried and looked away from him. Mate? I must really be sick if I'm claiming Leon as my mate. I shook my head of those thoughts and focused on the bitch across the rink from me.

I wanted to rip that fucking arrogant smile from her lips! She thought she was going to win against me. One of the best slayers ever? I may not of had my weapons but I was still a fucking threat. I felt my anger spiking. Then I growled. The sound boomed throughout the silent arena and she looked shocked as much as I did. Did Leon pass on something more in that bite he gave me? Maybe rabies?

I looked back up into the crowd to see everyone else sported a shocked look except Cloe. She looked absolutely delighted. My life was on the line and she was happy! Oh if I survive I'm definitely kicking her ass!


Valerie took off towards me like a bat out of hell. I ran towards her making sure I met her half way. She threw a left punch and I instantly blocked it hitting her with a right punch. She stumbled back some and snarled at me. Something in me wanted to snarl back. Sky just focus on the fight not making animal sounds!

I came back to reality when I felt sharp claws rake my arm. I saw her smile and come at me again with her claws. I backed back jumping out of the way each time until I felt my back hit a wall. She threw a punch and I hurried and ducked down kicking out both of her legs causing her to fall. I jumped onto her only for her to kick out her legs sending me sprawling over her onto my back. My headache and cold sweat were gone replaced by a burning fire and itch. The anger must really be getting to me.

She jumped onto me and grabbed a hold of both my wrist pushing them into the dirt. She smiled into my face showing me her sharp canines.

"When I'm through with you, Leon won't be able to recognize you and he will become my mate!"

My mind must of snapped. Leon was mine! MY mate. MINE. Strength surged through my body and I pushed her off with enough force to send her crashing into the wall on the other side of the arena. A collectively gasp rose over the crowd. Cement and dust blanketed the air and once it cleared her auburn wolf was present and snarling at me.

My mind and body was on fire. It felt like something inside of me was trying to get out. My lungs felt like they were going to collapse any minute. And that itch on my back had me grinding my teeth. What the hell was happening to me. Valerie bound towards me and pounced knocking me over and sending us both into a roll. She ended up on top and was snapping at my face. I grabbed the fur around her neck and held her away as she lunged again at my throat.

I wrapped my legs around her torso and flipped her over with as much energy as I could manage. I ended up on top of the snarling wolf who tried to twist her way out from my grasp. She lunged and got one of her jaws around my wrist. As she bit down blood started to seep out and run into her fur.

I began to see red as my anger doubled. How dare she draw blood from me! I pulled back my right hand and punched her hard enough to loosen her grip on me and cause her nose to bleed. She let out a yelp and scrambled from under me rubbing her nose into the dirt. I crouched down breathing hard and looked over to see Cloe's hopeful face. I appeared at Leon who seemed to be watching in concentration. All time seemed to freeze as our eyes locked.

Love filled my veins and the itch became unbearable. Everything seemed to disappear. Then I heard it.

{He's ours....}



{Who are you?}

{I'm your wolf and I'm telling you he's our mate! Protect what's ours!"}

Realization hit me and the itch disappeared now replaced with pain as I felt Valerie's claws rake my back. I fell face forward into the ground. I gritted my teeth as I felt her canines sink into my ankle. She shifted back into a human and grabbed a handful of my hair pulling me up to face her.

"I want you to look into the face of Leon as I kill you. I want you to see what you will never have and what I will be enjoying everyday of the rest of my life."

I looked over at Leon who looked too calm. He should be infuriated! Rage filled me at the fact that he would consider her as a mate. Images of them mating filled my mind and gave me a newfound energy. I swung my head back with enough force that I heard a loud crack. She let go with a scream and was holding her nose as blood spurted out of it.

My body started to shake uncontrollably. My vision blurred and different things swirled around my head as I watched Valerie glare at me.

"I'm tired of these fucking games bitch! You don't deserve the title of Alpha you Slayer! I'm going to finish this now."

She morphed back into her auburn wolf. My skin felt like it was trying to crawl off. I looked down at my arm and saw it vibrate.

{Let me out.}

{I-I don't know how to.}

{I'll do it.}

Before I knew it everything blurred and came back into sharp focus. I felt my face and body rearranging. Fur surged all over me and the shorts and tank top I was sporting was shredded. I was on all fours and growling at a startled Valerie. I could feel newfound energy and excitement bubble up inside of me and barked a growl to Valerie to come on. She seemed to shrink back and I made my way towards her.

It was either her or me. And I was not going to lose. A collective gasp went throughout the arena and shouts rose up among the werewolves and humans. My wolf was about twice the size of Valerie's and I smelled her fear as she could smell the danger rolling off of me.

I took off at a blinding rate and appeared behind her biting her leg. She growled and spun snapping at me but missing. I hurried and pounced on her sending paws and fur in a blurry heap of brown and auburn. I was on top of her now growling. I pressed down on her chest as she squirmed under me. Fear was evident in her eyes. She knew it was the end. She morphed back into a human.

{Let me out wolf. I need to finish this.}

{You're in no condition! I will.}

{Wolf, this is my fight and I said let me out!}

The fur shimmered and I was back in my natural state. I felt a hell of a lot better and strength and power were still surging through me. Valerie started to squirm again and I growled.

Leaning down to her ear I felt her jerk away from me. I silently whispered the last words she would ever hear.

"My mate."

There was an audible crack sound as I snapped her neck. My wolf howled in my head in appreciation and satisfaction. I stood up on wobbly legs as men who looked like paramedics swarmed the arena. Two bent down and felt Valerie's neck. They then announced of her death and a loud cheer came up around the arena.

I looked up startled at the amount of people. I never noticed there was this many. I looked over and saw Leon watching me with a look of approval. My wolf's tail began to wag as I made my way over to him. Cloe was near and that stopped me short. Before I could control it my body shimmered then morphed back into the wolf. A loud growl emanated from me and she look scared.

My wolf took of towards her as I tried to pull back and control it.

{Must kill her.}

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AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I love this and I am excited for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Sooooooo good

So very, very good. Loved the story, kinda like reminiscent of the world of Buffy/angel, though definitely not the same. Sooooo good. I’d pay for the rest of it!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Please finish this story. I keep rereading it over and over......there is a lot of emotions going through me because its not finished.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Anon please get a life, you commented on every single chapter and quite honestly if you read all the way to the end then what the hell is the problem. News flash: stop reading. You're an idiot to say the least. Other then that great story sucks you haven't returned to finish.

mary666mary666over 10 years ago
i like this story

i really liked the story yu wrote, i m looking forward to read more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

So basically she's had to cheat to win - taking the potion was the equivalent of taking drugs to win a race at the Olympics. These characters are the pits. Who cares what happens to them? The whole lot can end up as dogfood as far as I'm concerned.

drews_lette11drews_lette11over 11 years ago

Shouldn't she have figured it out by now that Chloe is the one who unlocked her wolf. C'mon now, thats a dead give away. No wolf when she gets locked up. Chloe says "Drink this." and then BOOM! Sky can shift into a wolf. She should be smart if she has that many kills to her name as a Slayer. it takes more than muscle to take down a Were or a Vampire. OH well. PLEASE GIVE ME MORE TO READ!! and if you don't mind, could you make the chapters longer than one or tow pages please?

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO U CANT DO THIS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
becoming addicted

Please let there be more soon cliff hangers are just plain mean

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

I can't believe how well this story has turned out but the chapters could be a little longer, also I am dieing to know what happens next.

PoisonlovePoisonlovealmost 12 years ago

I've been fighting with SKY!! and just at the end you had me shouting!!! hurry up!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

next chapter please....can't wait

jazz1190jazz1190about 12 years ago

I cant wait for you to write and the post the next chapter in this story series!! It has good to good and juicy for it end with chapter 6. I have a feeling you have a few more chapters in you!! I really like your stories and I hope you keep writing stories even when you end this series. I cant wait the read the next chapter and I hope you dont keep us waiting to long for the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago


emogoth1133emogoth1133about 12 years ago

Please Im begging you! I cant take this stress please finish the story.... O.o

defiantbutterflydefiantbutterflyabout 12 years ago
great series...

Pixxie, I just found your series and read all 6 chapters. Love it. Only criticism is on some of the "mine" you have "mines" on most which sound/read wrong. Can't wait for more girl...

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago

I'm guessing that the wolf isn't too happy that Chloe's potion summoned it prematurely.

kitteh_katkitteh_katover 12 years ago
Wait, what?!

Wait, WHAT?!


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