Slim Voyager


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"You don't understand my relationship with Nat. He's so dominant – I can't.… Don't be mad."

"I'm not mad; I just want us to be honest with each other. So you're like his sub? Do you guys do bondage?"


She was shocked and interested. She sat on the bed next to me her eyes were wide and alert. She was intensely beautiful. "Really? What else?"

"He spanks me – with a paddle, hard, and we do wonderfully disgusting things with his cum."

"And you obviously enjoy these things?"

"Yes, yes I do. But now you think badly of me."

"No, no I don't. I think submission is exciting and, it interests me to think of you doing those things. I bet you're awfully cute when you're bound up and receiving a spanking." She smiled at me. "I'm serious about that."

"Okay. Now you know my secrets."

She leaned towards me and kissed me. "I don't think badly of you Sandy. I admire your adventurous spirit and, your reckless pursuit of pleasure. Thank you for telling me about your thing with Nat. I want to know more - what you do with his cum - how often he paddles you. Tell me please."

"I'd like you to watch us sometimes. He cums in my face, he cums in my hair, he cums…," I inhaled and then exhaled slowly, "you'll think this is disgusting, but he cums in my food."

"No!" she said in wonderment, "ooo, how nasty. I love it!"

"He does, yes, cums on my eggs."

"And you eat them like that?"

"Yes. It pleases him."

"Does it please you?"


Her excitement made me want to tell her more, "Sometimes I wear his cum out - on my face as I drive home."

"Does anyone notice?"

"Not so far." I chuckled.

"You've become a cumslut my love. It wasn't long ago you told me that you gave that guy at the beach a blowjob for the first time."

"Yes. It's true – that was the first time I swallowed cum. But, I don't know, I've…what can I say, I've gone crazy."

"How often does he hit you with the paddle?"

"Once or twice a week. Not every time."

"Does it hurt?"

"Incredibly. It blows me away, I cry and tremble for a long time afterwards."

"Ooo, do you enjoy it though?"

"I do. I don't understand it but I love to feel the burn of that; it relaxes me and we have amazing sex after it."

"Wow. Very hot. Very submissive. Have you done this before?"

"Never. Strictly vanilla before this."

She smiled at me and we hugged and kissed.

"You think I'm a slut don't you?"

"Well," said Liz, "to be honest, you are a bit of a slut, but I love you anyway or maybe, in part because you are a slut. Sandy, I got to go. It's been great. You are a good lover. We will do this again, I promise you."

"Was I okay? I want to know how to please you."

"Yes baby. It was great. We've got lots of time to explore."

I lay in bed wrestling with my different emotions after she left. I decided not to tell Nat about Liz and me, not yet anyway. It was our secret. He called about 8 pm and asked me to come over. I showered quickly and arrived at his place just after 9 pm. I was hungry so he made me a sandwich and watched while I ate it.

"Aren't you hungry Nat?"

"No, I had something earlier. I am hungry for you though." He smiled.

"Well, I'll have to see what can be done about that."

He was indeed horny and he fucked me furiously on the couch bringing his cock to my mouth when he was about to cum. I opened my lips wide and he stroked his long dick as he filled my mouth with his hot sperm. I collected it on my tongue and exhibited it to him, and then swallowed it slowly. I felt the large wad of semen sliding down my throat and into my stomach. "Now you're well fed aren't you baby?"

"Yes, thanks Nat."

"I love cumming in your mouth Sandy."

"I love it too Nat. I love doing it for you."

Friday night Liz, Nat and I were all working at the restaurant. As we got to closing Nat invited us all over to his place to party with the band. Liz agreed to go, but as usual, had a date with Nikki. 'This is going to be a little weird,' I thought to myself. We all arrived at Nat's about 3 am. Liz asked me in a whisper if I was staying with Nat tonight.

"Yes, I guess so."

"And, will he tie you up and spank you?"


"God, I'd love to watch that. Would he let me?"

"What about Nikki?"

"I'll take her back to her place and tell her I'm sick and then return here? Would that work? Will Nat be cool with me watching ya'll?"

"I think he'll love it Liz. Ooo, I'm excited." She smiled at me.

Shortly thereafter Liz and Nikki departed. Liz gave me a wink that Charles, the sax player, caught. After she left he asked me, "What's up with that wink Sandy? You got something going with Liz?"

"None of your fucking business Charles."

"Ouu, ou, ou, yes ma'am."

Nat arched his eyebrows with interest when Liz reappeared a while later. The hour was late and we were all a little tipsy and stoned. Gradually the party dwindled as individuals and couples departed. About 5 am Liz disappeared into the back of Nat's apartment. I noticed he wandered back there as well a few minutes later. The last of the party departed and I was alone on the couch.

Nat and Liz reappeared. She was wearing a long navy robe cinched tightly around her slim waist. I recognized it as one of Nat's. "I wanted to change out of my work clothes," she said to me.

"Sure," I said.

Nat said, "Liz tells me she'd like to watch us play Sandy."

"Yes, I know. I want her to."

Nat came over to where I was sitting on the couch and stood in front of me. I looked up at him and then placed my hands palms down on his upper thighs, on either side of his bulge. I looked at his crotch.

"Sandy likes to suck dick, don't you Sandy?"

"Yes Nat. I do like to suck dick."

I began rubbing his cock through his pants with the fingertips of both of my hands. I undid his belt and glanced at Liz; she was watching us intently but impassively, her pretty lips open just a bit. I turned back to Nat's dick and undid the button on his pants and then unzipped him. I pulled his pants down; they fell to the floor once I got them to his knees. Then, I pulled his underwear down slowly – his long cock flopped free and the head bumped my face. I placed the fingers of my right hand around the shaft and rubbed the head around my face slowly feeling its warmth and smelling his odor. I licked the head letting my tongue rest on it for a long moment. I pointed his dick upwards and licked the shaft. Nat placed his hands on my head. Then I pointed it at my mouth and parted my lips. I swayed my head towards him and took his cock into my mouth; I kept pressing forward deliberately taking him in his full length before I stopped. The head of his long dick was way down in my throat past my gag reflex. I held him there letting my muscles and breathing acclimate to the presence of his cock. Then, I swayed my head back sucking hard on him as I slid back up the shaft to the head. I began bobbing up and down, in and out, on his cock taking him the full length each time as I squeaked with each thrust. I gradually increased my tempo using lots of spit to lubricate my motion. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Liz get up from her chair and move towards me. She sat on the couch next to me her eyes glued on me as I sucked Nat. Her witnessing my oral submission to Nat was thrillingly humiliating. I felt her hand on my back as she began to rub me in encouragement.

"So pretty Sandy," she said.

"Uumph, umph" I moaned as I took his cock deep in my throat repeatedly. Nat began to rock his hips gently in time to the swaying motion of my head so that he drove his dick ever deeper in me. He tightened his grip on my head pressing into my scalp with his fingertips. I heard him sigh in pleasure.

"Fuck her Nat," said Liz, "fuck my pretty girl."

I placed my hands on the back of Nat's ass and pulled him towards me as I forced my face into his body so that his cock achieved maximum penetration of my throat. I was engorged with dick. I had to pull back and release his cock to get a gulp of air. I could taste his semen starting to leak from his excited dick. I plunged my mouth around his dick and inhaled him deeply again and resumed my bobbing. I heard him groan and he began to shake along his body. I felt his hot cum spurting against the roof of my mouth and I squeezed my lips hard into his shaft and pulled back towards the head milking his sperm out of him. It was a rich, full, hot load. I held it in my mouth with my lips pursed as I pulled my head back from his dick. Liz touched my shoulder and as I looked at her, with my lips closed to keep Nat's cum in my mouth, she slid to the floor and laid the back of her head on the couch pillow. She opened her mouth and I realized with startling joy that she wanted me to drool the load of Nat's semen into her lovely mouth. I leaned over her keeping some distance between us so Nat could enjoy the spectacle of his sperm being passed between us. I opened my lips and a rivulet of his semen descended rapidly to Liz's mouth. The first glob hit her lips and fell into her open mouth. A continuous strand now ran between us for a few minutes as I fed her the mouthful. She collected it on her tongue and when I finished and closed my mouth she pursed her lips together.

"Oh my soul!" Nat said softly to express his delight at our performance. Then, Liz pulled herself up and sat on the couch still holding Nat's cum on her tongue and I realized she wanted to give it back to me. I leaned down and turned my head in her lap so that I was looking up at her. She aimed her mouth at mine and let the cum flow back to me. I masticated it and swallowed as I received it, letting some of it splash on my lips and drool down my chin. When Liz had discharged the full mouthful and I had swallowed it she slid out from under my head and brought her face down to mine. We kissed slowly and romantically laving our tongues together and savoring Nat's sperm in each of our mouths.

Nat had couched down on the floor to enjoy our kiss and I could see he was very pleased. When Liz raised her head up from our kiss Nat said, "Let's undress her Liz."

"Yes, she should be naked," Liz agreed. She began unbuttoning my blouse. I gazed with rapturous joy into her eyes as she removed my blouse and slipped off my bra. Nat knelt beside us and unzipped my skirt and pulled it off. He took off my shoes and Liz began pulling off my pantyhose. I lay on my back naked before them both.

"Now," said Nat, "a little fun and games. Sandy, go get the paddle please."

I stared at him and looked plaintively at Liz. She retreated to her chair and resumed watching impassively. I did as instructed and returned with the paddle holding it out to Nat. He cuffed my hands behind me and told me to kneel on the floor. "Place your head on the floor Sandy." I did as I was told. He walked around me as I quivered naked on the floor with my ass up in the air awaiting the brutal impact of the paddle of holes. "You're so lovely Sandy."

Ka-pow! A crack like a rifle shot and the vicious sting of the paddle radiated from my ass all over my body. A drumming rang in my ears and a hot flash roiled my body. I moaned loudly in terrified pain as I wormed my way on my knees towards the corner of the room. I sobbed in bursts of self-pity and placed my face against the wall seeking some solace from its coolness. Suddenly, Liz was kneeling beside me rubbing my back and cooing gently to me. I leaned against her and nuzzled against her breasts as she allowed her robe to fall open. I began to suck on her large titty like a baby seeking milk. She stroked the side of my face. I could see Nat standing nearby looking down on us. Her beautiful titties were comforting and reassuring to me as I struggled to put my mind together after the sharp blow of the paddle.

"Poor baby," Liz was saying as I suckled at her breasts. "This little baby needs a good fucking Nat," she said after I began to quiet down. "Don't you Sandy?"

I nodded affirmatively looking at Liz and then at Nat, tears still running down my face. Nat had a raging hard on then and I crawled out of the corner so he could access me. He undid my cuffs and motioned for me to take a position on all fours. "I think she needs a good ass-fucking," he said. "Would you get the lube from the bathroom Liz?"

"Sure," she returned and knelt beside me. Liz spread the oil around my ass cheeks and then opened my crack and fingered my anus until it was well lubed. "I think she's ready Nat."

"Thanks Liz, you've prepared her well."

I put my head on my hands looking at Liz and felt him mount me. His hands grasped me on each side of my torso and he pulled me towards him. His dick pressed against my anus and then slid in smoothly. I gasped with pain and the expectation of pleasure. The release of tension accompanying the paddling was tremendous and my body was relaxed and opened to his thrusts. I was able to accommodate him deeply in my ass without exquisite pain. He drove his cock into me relentlessly. I heard Liz gasp with delight seeing me getting dicked so strongly. Nat pressed his arms against my back pushing me hard against the floor as he forced his hips strongly against my ass. He began pummeling me with rhythmic thrusts in and out the full length of his cock. Liz cooed with pleasure at the site. "Oooo, yes Nat," she cheered him on as he pounded away at my ass. She slid from her chair and lay down next to me, her face just inches from mine. As Nat increased the speed and violence of his pumping I emitted grunts of gratified pain and delight, "Uh, uh, ah, uh…" Liz stroked the side of my face.

"Fuck her hard Nat, she deserves it so."

He grabbed my shoulders then and pulled me roughly back towards him lifting my head off the floor while, at the same time, grinding his hips even more energetically against my ass. His mighty cock achieved new depths of penetration and I was transfixed by the totality of my possession and surrender.

"Oooh" I moaned as he slammed his cock repeatedly into me while bending me backwards towards him. It felt like he would snap my spine if he didn't kill me by impaling me on his dick first. I began to scream in orgasm as the white hot intensity of his fucking sent me over the edge of pleasure. My body trembled as the explosion of orgasm expanded throughout me.

Liz was panting with excitement. "Fuck her Nat, yes, fuck her hard."

Nat began to utter a deep growling scream and I felt him vibrate his hips shaking my body in sympathetic movement. He shot his sperm deep, deep in my ass and then dropped me so that I had to catch myself to prevent my head from crashing to the floor. Nat tumbled on top of me and rested with his full weight on me. I was happily squashed on the floor as my lover sighed deeply and snorted and then lay still. Liz clapped her hands like she was watching a grand play. "Wonderful! Wonderful!" she shouted, giddy with excitement. Nat tumbled off of my back onto the floor and lay still as a beached whale. Liz knelt next to my head and bent over and kissed me on the cheek several times. "Pretty baby, so hot Sandy. Oh, my pretty girl."

I rolled on to my back and stroked Liz's face that is bent down close to mine. We kissed. I was exhausted and I closed my eyes as Liz cradled my head in her lap. I felt contentment greater than any I had ever known. After a moment I became aware of lying on Liz's bare legs and I turned towards her to find that her robe was open and her wondrous pussy was touching against the back of my head. I slowly flipped my body over to look down at her wet and yawning pussy. It was so inviting that in spite of my fatigue I let my face burrow into her steamy pussy. I rubbed my face around against the lips of her pussy letting her juices coat my cheeks and lips and eyelids. I lapped her pussy like a dog drinking water and reached up with both hands and squeezed her titties hard. She thrust her pelvis up against my face as I sucked and chewed at her clitoris while she screamed in delight. "Aha, aha, aha!" I heard Nat stirring presumably placing himself in position to watch us. I opened my mouth wide to cover the entire length of her pussy and sucked hard drinking in her juices. She groaned and writhed and pressed hard against the back of my head. She bucked her hips up striking my face with her pubic bone as she got her orgasm. She repeated these thrusts several times before releasing the pressure on my head. I lifted my drippy face out of her pussy and smiled at her. She returned a soft smile of sated pleasure. I rested my head on her thigh. I slept. When Nat awakened me sunlight was streaming into the room where Liz and I remained lying together nude and spent.

"What time is it Nat?"

"About 9 am. Do you have to work today?"

"Shit, yes, I wonder if I could get Alan to swap me the late shift."

"Call him."

Alan was happy to give me the night shift. "Thank you – you're a lifesaver," I told him. I pulled Liz up and we stumbled sleepily back to Nat's bedroom and collapsed in the bed. I woke up about noon and gazed blissfully at Liz's magnificent nude body. I kissed the nipple of one of her breasts and she patted my head sleepily and turned over to sleep some more. I got up and wandered out of the bedroom and around the apartment in the nude. Liz was still asleep. Nat was sleeping on the couch. I made coffee and sat at the breakfast table in a happy daze, enjoying the quiet and my memories of last night. I read from my current novel - As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner. It was a book that took real concentration, not a casual read. I loved the voice of these characters and the language they used. In the absolute quiet of Nat's apartment this midday, sitting here at his kitchen table in the nude, I was completely mesmerized by the story. My power of concentration seemed terribly focused and efficient as if the momentous sex play of last night had equipped me to be more alert and less distracted. I didn't notice Nat when he first entered the room because I was so absorbed.

"Got some coffee for me, baby?"

"What, oh, what?"

"Hellooo, earth to Sandy calling, come in Sandy!"

"Yeah, there's some coffee," I said gesturing to the pot. I closed my book and got a robe to cover myself. "Do you think of me as just a submissive slut Nat? Am I any more than that?"

He considered the question for a while. "Kind of a meaty question so early in the morning," he said. "But here's the truth – I know you are a lot more than just a pretty girl that is willing to be submissive to me, but, that – submission, that is what I want from you, if we are going to have a sexual relationship. I know you are a smart person and I value your intellect, your personality, your beauty. But when we have sex – I want you to kneel before me and do what I say. There, I think that covers it."

Liz had arisen and was leaning at the doorway listening to Nat. She shrugged when he finished and got herself a cup of coffee and then gave me a kiss.

After a while we took turns in the shower and then dressed and all go out together for brunch/lunch at the Mexican Manhattan. Sitting there on the patio sipping mimosas and eating omelets I could fantasize that the three of us could be in a stable loving relationship. I knew it was very unlikely but even the possibility of it was exciting – that three people could be in a long-term intimate relationship. I realized I loved them both and needed them both. It also dawned on me that sharing my submission to Nat with Liz had made that submission less shameful, less secretive, and less demeaning to me while increasing its excitement. Somehow shining the light of Liz's presence on my humiliation had placed it in a healthier context. That Liz could accept my submission to Nat, even enjoy it, allowed me to feel less pathological about it. Out here in the sunshine it seemed to be just a form of play that we could engage in, in friendship and love. I also dwelt on the different perspective that each of us brought to our interactions – like we were each a Faulknerian voice describing our slanted piece of the story. So that, my impression that with our orgy of sensual delight we had brushed against a higher harmony might be viewed by Liz as a descent into near madness and tasteless crudity and by Nat as a banal exercise in group play, meaningless beyond the immediate pleasure it brought. All three perspectives had an element of truth but failed to tell the whole story, since they did not capture each of the participant's inner voices.