Smoking Addiction in Seven Lessons


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"I won't take a pill today," she panted and then took a deep puff on her shrinking cigarette.

"You're such a beautiful smoker!" Ryan moaned forcefully, his face contorted from the absolute ecstasy he was experiencing. And then he had a wicked thought. "What if we have a daughter who's a smoker like you?"

Karen felt shivers of erotic delight at such an evil notion. "We'll teach her to smoke..." she said breathlessly.

" all of the women in your family," Ryan groaned, finishing her sentence.

"Oh, yes," she shouted as her hips moved back and forth uncontrollably. "I want her to smoke. I want the whole world to...ahhhhh!!!!!!" she shrieked in a high pitch squeal as her orgasm swept through her like a twister, wringing every nerve center in her body as if someone were squeezing the water out of a sponge. The sensation was so intense, the orgasmic explosion so powerful, that she felt disconnected for a moment from reality as her mind raced through images of her teaching a little girl how to smoke.

She wrapped her arms around her lover tightly. "Oh,fuck," she sighed, tears of pleasure streaming out of the corners of her eyes. "I love smoking," she said breathlessly. "I love it so much...." And then in despair she added, "How am I ever going to quit something I love so much?"

And then she felt as if her body was shutting down. She could barely keep her eyes open. Her head was awhirl from inhaling so much smoke after being smoke-free for two days. "I have to lie down," she said in exhaustion.

"Come here, babe," Ryan said as he scooched further onto the bed and pulled her down on top of him. Through half closed eyes she saw a glass of water on her nightstand. She dropped her cigarette into it, and Ryan followed suit, taking off her glasses, as well, and putting them next to the lamp. With her head resting on his chest, she listened to his breathing. It was so soothing. So hypnotic. She loved this man. She felt safe with him. Within a few minutes, she was asleep.


When Karen opened her eyes, she was alone in the bed. She wasn't sure why she was even there since she was fully dressed. She got up upon hearing the TV in the living room and walked down the hallway. Sitting on the couch, slowly exhaling streams of smoke which reflected a ghostly white form in the glow of the television screen, were Ari and Brad. "What are you watching?" she asked.

"It's a great show," Ari replied with her eyes fixed on the screen.

"What's it about?"

In a voice that echoed, Ari simply said, "You."

Karen looked at the television screen and saw herself sitting in profile as she appeared to be looking at something off screen. She had on a red V-button shirt and her librarian wire rimmed glasses; but she also had between her fingers a long cigarette holder with a beautiful freshly lit all-white 120. She raised the holder up to her face and, turning her eyes towards the camera, mischievously said, "I need to feed my addiction." She cocked her head slightly and gracefully brought the stem to her lips for a slow puff. As she removed the holder from her lips, thin tendrils of smoke emanated from the stem.

As Karen watched herself on TV crack a wicked smile and inhale the rich, creamy puff, she had the sensation of smoke filling her lungs. It felt so good; so natural.

"Sister is a smoker now," Brad said with a hungry look on his face, but Karen shook her head.

"I need to quit smoking," she said as she turned away from the television screen.

"Then what the fuck are you doing here?" a voice behind her said, whom Karen immediately recognized as Christine's. When she turned to look, she was in her AP Psych class, but everyone in the room was standing at their desks with their backs turned to her.

"What's going on?" Karen asked the room, but her classmates remained silent.

"You've betrayed them." A voice said calmly. Karen turned her head to see Ms. Knowles sitting at her desk in the corner of the room, a long freshly lit cigarette between her fingers. She looked at her teacher in confusion.

"You showed them smoking was cool," Ms. Knowles continued, "but it was all just an experiment for you, wasn't it?" She brought the cigarette up to her lips and French inhaled. A long stream of smoke began exiting her mouth. "An exercise in experiential learning."

"No," Karen protested in a tone of anguish, "they're still my friends. I want to be with them."

"Now, Karen," Ms. Knowles said with a sympathetic wag of the head, "we both know that the Cool Kids only hang around other smokers."

Karen looked again at the class and saw Ryan, his back turned, standing next to Nancy who held a Salem between her fingers and was the only one facing her. "The hunt begins," she declared as she placed her hand on his ass.

"By the way," Ms. Knowles asked, "when are you due?"

Karen looked down at her stomach and realized that she was pregnant. "Holy shi...."

Karen felt herself falling backwards on to a hospital gurney that was moving quickly down a neon fluorescent lit hallway. Her mother and sister were running alongside of the bed, freshly lit 120s between their fingers.

"Now remember," Myung said, "when the doctor tells you to, be sure and push."

"Breathe in deep," Ari said before puffing on her Virginia Slims. "Are you sure you don't want a cigarette?"

"I have to quit smoking," Karen replied to Ari, fear and confusion rising within her. When the gurney came to a stop in the delivery room, she saw Ryan wearing a face mask standing next to her bed. "Ryan," she cried out desperately, "what's happening?"

"You're pregnant, my love, just like you wanted," he said grabbing her hand.

"This can't be," she said in a state of total panic. "I'm going to UCLA!"

"Here it comes," the Doctor standing at the foot of the bed hollered. "Oh, she's a big one!"

Karen continued to hold Ryan's hand tightly. She saw a head with silky black hair emerging out from between her legs, but she felt no pain.When should I start to push? She could see the neck, shoulders, torso...all of it climbing out from her womb. This was no baby, she realized. This was a fully grown human being. Within seconds, the figure was standing before her, fully clothed in a red V-button shirt, wearing wire rimmed glasses. Karen realized that she was looking at herself.

"Oh, she's gorgeous," Ari exclaimed as she walked over to the new Karen and handed her an unlit 120. The doppelganger had no expression on her face as she held the cigarette at its base and accepted the flame from Ari's lighter. She took a massive puff, allowed the smoke to emerge beyond her lips before snapping it back in a quick pull, and then let the smoke cascade thickly down through her nostrils.

"Oh, babe," Ryan said, "she's such a beautiful smoker." He let go of her hand and walked over to the duplicate Karen with a wide grin on his face as he watched her take a long draw on the 120 cigarette placed horizontally between her lips. When she removed the cigarette, she tilted her head upwards towards Ryan's face and opened her lips, letting the smoke float out slowly into his mouth and deep into his lungs. The two joined their lips together, gently swirling their tongues in a delicate dance that increasingly grew more passionate.

"Ryan, stop!" Karen cried out in despair from the gurney.

Ryan and his new mate stopped kissing and turned their faces toward the bed. They both smiled wickedly. Karen watched her twin slowly climb up onto the gurney, never losing that evil grin, and move towards her face. She watched her take a double-pumped puff on that long Virginia Slims at an angle, and then place her mouth over hers. The smoke was so smooth and nourishing. She closed her eyes. Waves of pleasure ebbed and flowed throughout her body. She felt as if she were going through a transformation. It was exhilarating. She wanted more smoke!

She opened her eyes to beg her double for another puff, but then she realized that she was looking down at her own lifeless body. She hadbecome the doppelganger. She took a puff on the cigarette and felt not any exhilaration, but rather a sense of peace and serenity. She was one with the smoke now, and she promised herself that she would never quit -ever.

And then, all around her, she heard the burst of applause. She looked up from the lifeless body and saw that she was at Rosie's. Everyone she cared about was there: the Cool Kids, the Nerd Squad, Ms. Knowles, her Mom and Ari, and most importantly, Ryan. All of them were clapping wildly while some began to surround her.

"Oh, honey," her Mom said as she wrapped her arms around her, "I'm so proud of you!"

Ari patted her on the shoulder. "I bet you want the whole world to smoke now!" she shouted. Karen nodded vigorously with a broad smile as she took a puff in the center of her mouth.

Christine came up to her and held her hand. "I knew you'd come back to us," she said with tears in her eyes.

Nancy followed next and gave her a bear hug. "No way I even would have had a chance," she said laughing, and she turned and pulled Ryan out of the crowd and pushed him towards Karen.

"My beautiful smoker," he said, and they embraced and kissed. The crowd roared its approval with hoots and hollers. Ryan moved back into the crowd, clapping along with everyone else, and blew her a kiss. Karen was overwhelmed with emotion. These were the people she loved, the people who supported her decision to become a smoker; and she acknowledged her friends and family with a wave as the clapping continued louder than ever. She put the cigarette between her lips, puffed powerfully on it, and took a bow to the deafening cheers.


Karen opened her eyes with a wide grin on her face. Ryan was fast asleep, and her head, still resting on his chest, rose and fell with each breath he took. She reached for her glasses on the night stand and got out of bed, walking towards the dresser. There she stood, naked, looking at herself in the mirror. The teenager combed her hair and put on her wire rimmed glasses. The reflection she saw resembled someone she once knew, but that person no longer existed.

She picked up the pack of Virginia Slims that were still on the bed with the lighter, and walked into the hallway towards the bathroom.


Myung unlocked her office door with dread. She knew that she had a week's worth of emails and phone messages to go through. She assumed that her assistants would have dealt with the daily requests (and complaints) that bombard any IT department, but inevitably some fall through the cracks that she would have to deal with. She was already craving a cigarette, despite finishing up one in the car less than five minutes ago.

She also was conflicted about how to deal with Irwin. She had had a wonderful time with him at the hotel, but they had not spoken since. No texts, no emails or phone calls. Granted, things were left pretty ambiguous when they parted company. She didn't want to string him along, but she was already feeling the need for a good pussy fuck - if he was willing. She picked up her phone and called his office.

"Mr. Park is not in today, Ms. Kwon. Would you like me to take a message?"

She declined the offer, instead deciding to text him.

"Hey good lookin'," she typed, and then immediately deleted it. What kind of relationship did they have? How familiar a tone should she take? She spent two minutes trying to think of what to type, ultimately deciding upon, "You free? Call me."

She put the phone down and got to work, but there was no immediate response to her text. In an hour she went outside to have a cigarette, but he wasn't there on the bench. Another hour passed, another cigarette smoked, and still there was no reply from Irwin.

By mid-afternoon, she had given up hope that she would hear from him, and she reprimanded herself for even getting involved with him in the first place. For the first time all day, she was able to concentrate on her work...until there was a quick knock at her door. When it opened, all of her anger dissipated immediately.

"Irwin," she said with relief. "I've been trying to get a hold of you all day!"

"I'm so sorry, Myung," he said taking a seat, "I've just been terribly busy. I didn't even have time to check my messages until 30 minutes ago."

"Shall we go have a cigarette?" she said mischievously as she stood up and reached into her purse.

"Actually, I need to talk to you."

"Come on, we can smoke and talk at the same time." She grabbed him by the hand and they exited to the parking lot together. She had already lit her cigarette before he could even pull one out of his pack.

"How was the rest of the conference?" he asked as she offered him a flame.

"Boring, but helpful." She took a cheek hollowed puff and drew it deep into her lungs. "The nights were particularly lonely," she said with a wink as smoke poured down from her nostrils.

As always, Irwin was enchanted with her style, and was particularly happy that he no longer needed to hide the boner in his pants when he watched her smoke. But now was not the time to think about sex. "I need to tell you something," he said seriously.

"You're pregnant," Myung said with a smile.

"I've been offered a job at the University of Chicago."

Myung was stunned. "What?"

"Dean of Admissions," Irwin added. "I just got the call this morning. That's why I've been so busy making arrangements."

"Arrangements?" she asked cautiously.

"I'm leaving tomorrow."


"The current dean has already left, and the school is scrambling to fill the spot immediately. So, I'm flying out tonight."

"Oh, Irwin," she said still trying to process this news, "that's great. Truly, I'm happy for you."

Irwin then took her hand. "Myung, come with me."

She could only imagine the look of shock that must have been on her face after he said that. "Irwin...," she said with a gentle wag of her head.

"Your kids are grown now. Ari is an adult, and your youngest is off to UCLA."

"Irwin," she said again, but he continued on.

"I know you have a great job here, but I'm going to be Dean of Admissions. I can create any job you want at one of the best universities in the country!"

"Irwin," she began again, but quickly he said, "I love you, Myung. I want to spend my life with you."

"Irwin," she barked, but then added with a smile, "you know how I feel about you. You also know that love is a two-way street. I can never give you what you need me to give."

"But we had so much fun together last weekend!"

"Yes, we did. But what will happen when the fun becomes tedious and boring? Without love, what will there be to keep us together? I can't go with you, Irwin. I just can't do that to you - or to myself."

"Well," he said in disappointment, tapping some ash off of his cigarette, "it was worth a try."

"You need to find yourself a nice straight girl who will love you for the good man you are."

He gave her a look sideways. "It ain't easy these days to know whom to ask. It sure would be helpful if you all wore buttons, maybe something that said, "I like dike."

Myung put her hand in his. "I'll bring it up at the next Lesbian Convention."

Irwin looked at his watch. "I gotta go clean out my office," he said regretfully.

"Hold on," Myung said with a wink. She then took a massive eight second puff on her cigarette as she watched Irwin's eyes light up at the sight. She placed her lips against his, and for several seconds they pushed the smoke back and forth into each other's lungs, and then engaged in a farewell (and passionate) kiss. When she pulled back, she placed her forehead against his. "That's to remember me by," she said with wisps of smoke still coming out of her mouth.

He lifted her chin with his fingers so that he could look into her eyes. "I will never forget you, Myung."


Ari sat outside at her favorite picnic table in the quad. The weather had warmed up considerably in the last few weeks as April turned into May. She didn't mind the heat, but she didn't stay out in the sun long, preferring the pearl white skin she got from her mother rather than the dark tan of a Hawaiian. But hot or cold, sunny or cloudy, nothing prevented Ari from enjoying a cigarette between classes. She was wondering, however, why she was sitting alone. Brad didn't show up for their Literature class this morning, depriving her the opportunity of torturing her pet should he decide to start smoking without her permission. She smiled to herself. She did enjoy the perverse pleasure of domination.

But was her time with Brad coming to an end? When they met two days ago, Brad could not go more than five minutes between cigarettes. His addiction over the last month had progressed rapidly, and she took great joy in watching that evolve. But once he reached with her guidance the pinnacle of addiction - uncontrollable chain smoking - then there would be nothing else for her to find excitement in. In a battle between good and evil, what if evil won? Since the fun and excitement was in turning good into evil, what would evil do when that task was accomplished?Go on to the next conquest, she thought to herself with a chuckle.

"Hello Ari," a voice behind her said, waking her up from her dominatrix daydreaming. She turned to look and saw it was Brad smoking an all-white cigarette.Why didn't he address me as Mistress?

"Someone played hooky from Literature class today," she teased.

"I had a lot of thinking to do," he said before taking a puff.

Hmmm. She didn't like it when her boyfriend's put too much time into thinking - unless it was about her, of course. "And what were you thinking about, my pet?"

"About this game."

"Game?" Ari asked innocently, though she knew exactly what he was referring to.

Brad took another puff, inhaled it deeply, and dropped the cigarette on to the ground. He pulled out a pack of Marlboro Lights and immediately noticed Ari's disapproving stare. He smiled when he saw it and gleefully pulled out another cigarette.

"What are you doing with those?" Ari asked in her most authoritative voice.

Brad continued to smile as he put the cigarette in his mouth.

"Did I give you permission to smoke?"

Brad lit the cigarette and drew on it heartily. He puffed his cheeks out, opened his mouth to show her the ball, and snapped it back.

Nice style, Ari thought to herself,but this rebellious behavior is unacceptable. Time to cut this relationship off.

"I've become what you've wanted me to become, Ari," he said, noticing her wince when he used her name. "I'm addicted now. Shit, I'm practically a chain smoker. I can't afford this habit on Benson & Hedges." He sat down at the picnic table next to her.

He had a fair point, but she really didn't give a fuck.

"And this dominatrix game has gotten a bit old. I care for you, Ari. I care for you a lot. But I want a relationship where we are co-equals."

Ari dropped her spent cigarette onto the floor and lit a fresh 120 with her fingers at the base. She pulled out the cigarette after taking a gentle puff and French inhaled it. "So," she said with smoke emanating from her mouth, "the boy has become a man." She smiled as she took a long puff on the cigarette placed in the side of her mouth. She snapped back the smoke, cocked her head upwards, and blew a beautiful long white stream.

"A relationship of co-equals," she said sweetly. "That's not really my style."

Immediately Brad's smile was erased from his face. "What?" he asked in confusion.

"That's not my style," she said again, more firmly this time. "But I'm sure that the man you have become can find the type of girl you're looking for." She then placed her hand on his thigh. "Someone," she whispered, "who can feed your addiction." Ari grabbed her backpack and stood up from the table. "Goodbye, Brad. It's" She turned and began to walk towards her car in the parking lot.
