Soccer Girls Ch. 05


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Katie and Jo continued to watch this, and they continued to play with themselves (Katie had disrobed during the action) but they began to have a conversation, never looking at each other but keeping their eyes forward.

Jo said "I wouldn't have taken you for a submissive."

"Huh?" was Katie's replay. Between watching Melanie humping Margaret like there was no tomorrow and her own fingers going in and out of her vagina, Katie had little left to concentrate on her conversation with Jo. And right at that moment, Margaret was clearly having an orgasm as she called out to God once and Melanie twice, while her back arched a bit and her head lolled back. Melanie shifted as she need to account for the arch and continued to pound away.

Jo finally continued "I've noticed that Melanie is a pretty take-charge kind of person generally and so her being a bit of a dominant is not a surprise. But I was surprised how quickly you gave in to her when she rolled you over and got on top."

Melanie's grunts were now becoming little screams and her head snapped back a bit indicating that she too was now in the midst of a climax. Still she kept on going. Again, the pick-up in the action had paused the conversation for a minute. Then Katie said "You've got it wrong Jo. It not a matter of Melanie wanting to be in control. She wants to make sure you get off. She gets off getting other people off. Right now Melanie is not trying to dominate Margaret, she is making sure she cums."

And almost as if on cue, Margaret began to again shout out at the arrival of her second orgasm. But Melanie gave no indication of slowing down. Eventually Jo added "But okay, when you came the last time and she kept pounding you like this, I could tell you were a bit oversensitive, but you didn't stop her. I thought you weren't allowed to stop her."

"No Jo. I just knew she was still a little behind me and needed to keep going so she would cum as well. If she had known I was feeling uncomfortable, she would have stopped and then she would have been left hanging."

"So you let her keep going like that and took the discomfort just so she could finish?"

"Of course I did."

"Well she must be the luckiest girl in the world."

"Second luckiest."

"Who's the luckiest than?"


Right at that moment both Melanie and Margaret began calling out as with a last effort, they brought each other over the edge one last time in an intense mutual orgasm. Margaret reached up and put her arms around Melanie and pulled her down on top of her. They shared a very passionate kiss. Margaret said "Melanie that was amazing. You're amazing."

"Well I had a very good teacher."

"Your teacher never got me off three times like that."

"Hey!" said Jo. Melanie and Margaret both looked up and over at Katie and Jo. Then they started to laugh. Katie looked bug-eyed, still in awe of the incredibly intense ending to the show she had been watching. Jo was looking a tiny bit miffed about what Margaret had just said. Both of them were sitting in their chairs naked with their hands between their legs.

Melanie looked down at Margaret and said "That was great although very tiring. But I still have a little in the tank. Since they were such a good audience, maybe we should give them a little love as well?"

"That sounds like a wonderful idea Melanie, but can I ask a favor?"


"Can I thank Katie for being such a wonderful audience member?"

Melanie looked at Katie, who gave no clear sign either way what her thought was about this. So Melanie said "Well, since she has not said 'No.' then I think it is an excellent idea."

Melanie and Margaret got off the bed and knelt down in front of the chairs, Melanie in front of Jo and Margaret in from of Katie. Margaret was the first to move. She lifted Katie's hand which had remained right where she had it when the girls had the mutual orgasm on the bed. It had not moved an inch since.

Katie looked down and was struck by the fact of just how beautiful Margaret was. She told herself that Margaret was not prettier than Melanie, but she also knew that she had told herself to tell herself that. Her eyes were a little brighter blue than Melanie's and Katie honestly felt that she preferred the color of Melanie's eyes. But she still had to admit those eyes were very pretty as well.

Margaret's eyes held hers as Margaret got right up in between Katie's thighs. She only broke the eye contact at the very last minute when she dipped her head, stuck out her tongue and swiped up the entire length of Katie's slit. "UUUUUUHHHHHH." was the only sound Katie made. But she made that sound a lot as Margaret continued to kiss, lick and suck all around Katie's sex.

The feelings that Margaret was creating inside Katie's body were ethereal. Every part of her body was tingling. She could feel it building in her core. This was not a tidal wave that would sweep in and then recede. This was a tsunami that would just keep coming and coming. And that is exactly what happened. It was a relentless pleasure that well up and through her body. Margaret's mouth seemed to be all over her body, and she could not even place exactly where it was as her cum continued to pour out, not in a spurt but in a continuous wave like the pleasure that was driving it.

"Katie." "Katie." Katie opened her eyes and saw Melanie was in front of her. She was a little confused and at first she was so happy that it had been Melanie between her legs. But then she remembered that it had not been Melanie that had given her that experience. So that she tried to recall how it was that Melanie was there now.

"Double Holy Fucking Wow." said Jo as she looked over at Katie from her chair. Katie looked around and saw Margaret standing beside her with an anguished look.

Katie looked at Margaret and smiled. "What she said." were her first words and the smile and the humor put Margaret quickly at ease.

Katie looked around at the others and realized that everyone was focused on her. She was starting to feel as if she was back in control of her body but it was still not 100%. She asked to the room in general "What happened."

Melanie put her hand on Katie's thigh and said "You really zoned out there for a bit. You didn't pass out as much as you were just limp. Like you couldn't move. Your eyes were open, but it was like your mind had left your body."

"Well that felt great. Every part of my body felt great. My appendix felt great." Katie directed this last comment toward Margaret who smiled and blushed a little but was now clearly more relaxed now that Katie was fine and cracking jokes.

No one really knew what to say after that and it was Jo who finally broke the silence. "Well tomorrow is a school day so maybe we all need to turn in."

"I might have to sleep in this chair." Katie responded.

"No, that won't do at all." said Melanie. "Jo can you help me get her into bed. She can sleep naked so we don't have to dress her, just get her in the bed."

All kidding aside, Katie's legs were very wobbly, and she needed support from Jo and Melanie to make it over to the bed. She was sitting on the edge when she looked over at Margaret and said "Thank you so much Margaret. That really was amazing."

"You're welcome Katie. And thank you Melanie. You really made me feel great and you were both so friendly and welcoming."

They looked back and forth at each other not exactly sure what to say next when they heard Jo say "And thanks, Jo for bringing us all together and having such incredible sex. Sheesh." The laughter broke the tension and Jo and Margaret started gathering up their clothing and getting dressed. Melanie's panties were soaked so she didn't even bother to put them on. She just put her shorts back on and would go to sleep topless and commando.

Everyone said their good nights and Jo and Margaret headed out the door. Melanie set her alarm and turned off the lights and got in bed with Katie. Melanie said "Thank you for agreeing to tonight. I had a great time and it looked like you did too." Katie didn't say anything so Melanie just gave her a quick peck on the lips. Then she turned over and cuddled back into a spoon with Katie, who draped her arm over Melanie. She took hold of Katie's hand and cuddled back even more so she could feel Katie's breasts pushed against her back. She loved the feelings of warmth and touch that sleeping like this brought to her. Melanie's last thought as she quickly fell asleep was that while she had really enjoyed her romp with Margaret and how it was sexy as hell watching Katie with Margaret, the best part of her night was right now.

When Katie woke up, her feelings were very different. She felt guilty about how good she felt the night before and how she felt looking at Margaret. Somehow she felt as if she had been disloyal toward Melanie. She hadn't cheated on her, they had both agreed and that was okay. But even if Melanie didn't know it, Katie had let her down. Katie got out of bed and sat at her desk thinking and rethinking what she was going to do about this.

When Melanie woke up she did not see Katie next to her. That was very unusual. Either Katie was still asleep next to her or she was laying there staring at Melanie and waiting for her to awaken. So when she looked over and saw Katie at her desk she ask "Hey, are you okay?"

Katie jumped not realizing that Melanie was awake. She replied "No I'm fine. Well, maybe not fine. I think I am going to take off for my first class and see how I feel later."

"Okay well, I don't have class first thing so I usually come back here after breakfast. Do you want me to go to the library?"

"No Melanie, thanks though. Don't do that. I will just lay down and you can study while I am here. I promise I won't make any noise."

Confident from the conversation and how Katie looked that whatever it was could not be too serious, Melanie proceeded to get ready for the day. As she went out to breakfast she called out "Do you want me to bring you anything back?"

"No thanks. I'm just going to lay here and hopefully I feel better before practice."

Melanie ate her breakfast and came back to the room. Katie was in the bed pretending to be asleep. Melanie could tell she was awake but let her go, hoping that whatever was wrong Katie would let her know soon enough.

Melanie got out her books and began working. However, Katie tossing and turning on the bed was proving distracting. Finally, Melanie had to say something, so she turned her chair around and said "Katie baby, what's wrong."

"Nothing's wrong. Why do you think there is something wrong?"

"Because I can read you like a book Katie. So you can either tell me or lay down and I'll figure it out in about ten or fifteen minutes."

Katie didn't want to say anything, so she laid back down. Since the only thing that had happened recently was the sex last night, Melanie was pretty sure it had something to do with that, but she wasn't sure exactly what. And since Margaret was the new element, she started there.

"So Margaret is really great, isn't she?"

"What do you mean?" was Katie's reply. She sounded almost defensive and that was the final tipoff for Melanie. She looked over at Katie and Katie seemed reluctant to meet her gaze.

"Katie, sit on the edge of the bed with your feet on the floor." Katie was not sure why Melanie was asking this, but she quickly complied as she felt as if she had to reprove her loyalty to Melanie.

Melanie got on the bed behind her and kneeled up and began massaging Katie's shoulders. "You very tense, baby. Why?"

"I don't know."

"Can I take a guess?" Melanie continued to massage Katie's shoulder and neck and Katie was beginning to relax a little. "I think you feel guilty you had so much fun last night." Melanie felt Katie tense up as soon as she said this. Melanie knew she was on the right track.

Melanie continued to massage Katie's shoulders and waited until Katie was again starting to relax. When her fingers could feel the easing of the tension, she continued. "What's the matter baby? Were you jealous seeing me with Margaret?"

"No. I don't know. That's kind of the problem. I wasn't jealous at all. I liked it."

"Well, that's great. So we both enjoyed ourselves."

"I don't know. Maybe I shouldn't have liked it as much. Seeing you with someone else, just watching."

"You've seen me with Jo?"

"Yeah but then when Margaret gave me the best orgasm of my life..." Katie stopped feeling like she had gone too far and said something she hadn't wanted to say.

"So what are you saying Katie? Do you like Margaret more than me?"

"Oh god no. Not at all."

"She is very pretty girl."

"She's okay."

"Okay? Come on Katie. You can say it. I don't mind. I'm saying it. She was gorgeous."

"She's not you." And that was the final piece for Melanie. She started to tear up a little as she realized now exactly what was bothering her lover, her soulmate. Those three words meant the same as three other words and it touched Melanie's heart.

She got of the bed and stood in front of Katie. With Katie sitting down she was looking down at her and Katie was still reluctant to look back at her. So Melanie put her hand under Katie's chin and picked her head up. Katie looked into those eyes she loved and saw in them the love and piece of mind they always gave her.

Melanie leaned down and gave Katie a big wet kiss right on the lips. Then she pulled back just a few inches so they were eye to eye. "You are afraid that somehow you let me down because you had so much fun and you had great sex and it wasn't with me."

Katie went to avert her eyes again, but Melanie again picked Katie's chin up and tilted her head back up so they were again eye to eye. "Baby you're wrong. It's just the opposite. I hope this doesn't make you feel worse, but you need to know that the sex I had with Margaret was the best sex I ever had too."

Katie's eyes did show a little hurt in them when she heard this but she did not move and Melanie continued "But my favorite part of last night was when I laid down next to you and spooned into you and you put your arm around me. That's what I need. The sex was great, but it doesn't compare to that. And I could lay down next to Margaret or Jo or anyone else for that matter and it could never be as wonderful as it was with you last night. As it is with you every night. And I think you feel the same way about me. And if I am right about that, then you're having great sex with a gorgeous little cheerleader, as great as it was, doesn't detract from what we share every day."

Katie still marveled at how Melanie always knew how to say things to her that seemed to cut through all the fog of uncertainty and doubt that Katie would have about something and make her understand how everything she was worried about, she didn't need to worry about them. And as the clarity of it all struck home, Melanie could see in Katie's eyes the realization of what this all meant. Whomever else came into their life, it was their life, a single entity. She didn't love Melanie because she was pretty (although she was) and she didn't love her because she was a great sexual partner (although she was). She loved Melanie because she was Melanie. And Melanie didn't love her for her beauty (even though Melanie thought Katie was very beautiful) and Melanie didn't love her because of her sexual abilities which were adequate (Melanie would have said excellent). Melanie loved her because she was Katie.

Seeing that Katie had finally realized the truth of the matter, Melanie asked "Okay so now that you understand all this, tell me you didn't think Margaret was incredibly hot."

"God Mel, watching you on top of her...I just couldn't look away. Jo and I were talking but I never stopped watching you the whole time."

"Well, I would love for you to watch me from a different angle and up close, but I do have to go to class. But I think we need to set a time limit after dinner for studying so we have some time to make that happen tonight."

"What about Jo?"

"Jo is on her own tonight. Something tells me she'll find something else to do. But tonight, you are all mine and I am all yours. Deal?"


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

A nice story line might be that it turns out that Jo had been plotting to get Melanie and Katie in these other relationships so she could cause trouble between them,and maybe steal Katie away from Melanie.

Heybuddy65Heybuddy65almost 2 years agoAuthor

I am so very sorry to hear about your loss. I am also encouraged to hear that you have not given up hope on love and are still out there looking for someone. I wish you luck.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This story reminds me of my life a few years ago, I was in a long term relationship with my girlfriend who I loved very much. A friend of hers was in a open relationship and was telling my girlfriend how good it was. My mate wanted us to try it, and I did not want to do it but I was afraid of losing her if I didn't give in. It was the worst mistake of my life, she ended up leaving me for the friend that got us in to this to start with. It just crushed me, and then five months later they had broken up and she was wanting me back again. I told her I would never be able to trust her anymore and I had fell out of love with her. I hope someday to find my true love and soulmate,and it will definitely be a monogamous relationship.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Same theme as every other chapter so far. Have sex for fun with lots of people no one ever gets jealous, no one ever gets hurt, no one ever gets mad, and no one ever gets a std.

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulsteralmost 2 years ago

Just an erotic, beautiful story connecting Katie and Melanie on a different physical and emotional level.

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