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It was just the way she was. Bobbi had more ex-boyfriends that were still friends than any other person Karen had ever met. She could only think of one ex that had parted with Bobbi on bad terms and it was entirely due to him being so toxic. She hadn't wanted to sleep with him on the first date and he had spread around rumours that she was a whore. It hadn't worked and he had had to transfer to a school on the other side of the country for all of the threats and hate that he had received in return. Really, he was just a douchebag and Karen hadn't heard anything about him in years. But Bobbi was that perfect person that everyone dreamed of meeting. She was like the first warm breath of summer after a long winter and a cold spring, always welcome and always amiable.

Karen sighed again and glanced down at the street and then at her phone and then back at the street just in time to see the familiar red hair bob past below and vanish into the building. Karen heaved a sigh of relief and turned back to the long table with the eight people seated there, her best fake smile in place.

"Sorry for the delay, but she's here now." She shared and the leader of the group, an elderly gentleman in his seventies looked skeptical to say the very least.

Karen didn't try to steer them toward a better mood, she knew that she was too annoyed to be successful, so she got things ready for Bobbi. When her friend stepped into the room it was like the day got brighter and her smile, normally beaming and bright, was radiant, she almost literally glowed as she swept in as if nothing was out of the ordinary and set her bag down. Karen could see that there was a little muddy water on the hem of her friend's skirt and on one sleeve, but otherwise Bobbi was fine.

"So sorry I'm late. I ran into someone... quite literally..." She said with a bright little laugh "And I was delayed to apologize for dunking him in one of our famous Toronto potholes. I think we displaced a family of ducks and a tour group in a paddle boat." And just that easily she was the belle of the ball.

Karen sighed as she watched her friend work. This was why Bobbi was the face of their business, because within a minute she had all eight of their prospective clients smiling and laughing and focused on her as she spoke and even the elderly patron of the group was focused on her and in a clearly good mood. It was so easy for her that Karen rolled her eyes and relegated herself to handing things over and flipping charts. Bobbi flowed from her story of meeting someone, something she did so often and so casually that Karen was always bewildered and a little concerned when Bobbi told her about them, and right into their sales pitch. It was a perfect transition and Karen had to admire the charisma and diplomacy her friend brought to the table.

", Mr. Davis, tell me what you're looking for." Bobbi said as she settled in at a chair across from the man in question and the elderly man was beaming with pleasure at being the focus of her attention.

It was that approachability that Bobbi had working on him. The way she gave him her attention made him think that he was looking at his next wife while his current wife of three decades was sitting right next to him, and undoubtedly the woman would feel almost honoured to be replaced by Bobbi if that was what the redhead wanted. But at the same time Karen knew that her friend would never do that sort of thing, it just wasn't in her nature.

"Well, Miss Reynolds." He said a little awkwardly. "My family had been looking for a new venue for our business. We've been growing steadily for the last year and our current offices are just too small. But we haven't got the time to do a proper search for a space to fit our needs." He said and Bobbi nodded, real estate acquisitions for sale and lease were a speciality of Karen's. "And there is one other thing, my grandson is turning twenty three next month and I've been looking for something unique and special for him. He isn't here at the moment and this must remain a surprise for him. So I'm looking for someone to find a new space for our business so that we can continue to work but still move into a new space, a company to help us move and something special for my grandson. Do you think this will be up your alley?" He said, but it was clear to Karen that he was besotted with Bobbi and the contract was as good as signed.

"Well." Bobbi said as she reached for her portfolio and opened it on the desk, took out a sleek silver pen and clicked it open so smoothly that Karen almost sighed at the gesture. Bobbi made everything look easy. "Let's have a look at what you have for space already and get some idea of what you're looking for against your future projected growth. I have a few places that are looking for new tenants and one or two that are for sale if you are looking for a more permanent home. As for the relocation, I happen to know a top-notch company that can have a space up to twenty thousand square feet moved in just two days and they specialize in working weekends or holidays to minimize impact to their clients work schedules. They aren't the cheapest company, but they have a better business bureau reference and a Canada's top fifty businesses award to their name and I can personally say that they are the best in the business."

Bobbi should know, the owner of the company had been a fairly serious boyfriend of hers and they had parted under amicable terms after more than a year of dating. They had also been an exclusive mover for Bobbi and Karen whenever it was needed. Karen could only shake her head at how easy Bobbi made it look as she and Howard Davis went over floor plans and square footage and the rest of the business partners and family members at the table put in their input. A lot of people thought Bobbi was a bit flighty at first. She was always happy and upbeat, bubbly and infectious and those she didn't win over instantly pegged her as a pretty girl using her looks to get by. Then they talked to her, or they worked with her and they found out she had three masters degrees. Bobbi was smart and personable and she never took the easy way just to get out of work. When there was work to be done, she did it without complaint and Karen was glad to have her there.

Howard Davis looked over papers for the moving company and didn't need to see any others. He had found what he needed in them and it was just a matter of finding a property to move into. He had been thinking of leasing, but when showed a property for sale that was four times what his current property was, and for less in payments than his current lease, he was sold. It fit all of his needs perfectly and all that was left was the paperwork. Bobbi made notes and Karen tapped at her laptop to start things in motion as Bobbi took out her phone with her trademark amused, crooked smile.

"Now, the gift for your grandson maybe a bit tricker. I have a few ideas but tell me what he likes and I'll look around and get in touch with you." She said and just like that they had a new client.


Karen saved her document and shut down her laptop as Bobbi tidied up the last of her papers, humming as she worked. When she saw Karen watching her, she blushed a little and looked suddenly nervous.


"You're awfully happy." Karen said and Bobbi looked away pointedly.

"We just closed a huge deal, K. I mean, that was a four million dollar deal and our commission..." She started but Karen interrupted her.

"Nuh-uh." She said with a shake of her head as she stood up and walked over to her friend. "There's something else. I mean, you're always in a good mood, but today you are almost vibrating with energy." She said and Bobbi just shrugged.

"I... may have met someone." She said as she tucked the last of her things into her bag. The smile on her face was all the sign that Karen needed.

"Really, red, just between the office and here?" She said and Bobbi shrugged. "How do you do it?" She asked and Bobbi looked at once innocent and guilty, something only she could manage.

"We sort of ran into each other." She said and Karen sighed in exasperation. "What?!" She asked and Karen laughed. "It's the truth. I was talking to you on my cell and he was talking on his and we just bumped into one another. He grabbed me as we fell and I landed on him in the puddle. He was soaked and I felt horrible for not watching where I was going and I offered to do something to apologize at the same time that he asked me to dinner to apologize for the same thing and..." She shrugged. "It just kind of happened." She said and Karen shook her head.

Things 'Just Kind Of Happened' to Bobbi a lot. She was angel-kissed as Karen's grandmother would have said. Just damn lucky as Karen put it and she sighed and rolled her eyes at her friend's good fortune.


The two of them had a bit of paperwork at their office and then they headed home together, Karen driving because Bobbi was too flighty at the moment to really focus on the task herself. They got home and Bobbi fixed a light dinner for her friend before going to shower. When she re-emerged from the bathroom her hair was brushed until it shone and her contacts were out, which Karen knew meant Bobbi really liked this guy. There wasn't a lot that Bobbi was self-conscious of, but her glasses were the main one. She never wore glasses around clients, and only rarely on a date, and never before had she worn them out on a first date. She was wearing a loose skirt and the sleeveless top that Karen had gotten her for her birthday a few months before with a light jacket. It was amazing how easily she looked good and Karen was suddenly very curious about this guy. There was something there that no one else had ever had before and that made her both nervous and a little jealous.

Bobbi was family by now, Karen knew. Not all family was blood and not all blood was family, that was something that Karen had understood from a young age and Bobbi was the closest person she had in the world. She didn't want anything to happen to her, and as anyone who knew Karen would tell you, she was very protective of her friends. Bobbi kept glancing at her phone and then out the window. When the redhead gave a little squeal of excitement, Karen sighed and walked over as Bobbi went outside to greet the guy she had met. She heard a little of the exchange between the two and watched as they fell silent and just looked at one another. Karen knew right then and there that she had better get used to this guy, because he was the last one that Bobbi would be dating. She could already see them married and that made her feel at once sad and happy. Bobbi deserved someone that she could be happy with, even if that meant leaving Karen behind. When the pair of them kissed, it was such a sweet and innocent gesture that Karen felt a tear slip down her cheek. This was the one for Bobbi without a doubt and she smiled as she wiped the moisture from her face.

"Will you two get a room, or do I need to turn the hose on you like a couple of cats in heat?" She said to break the tension in herself and she could tell how focused Bobbi was by how her friend stiffened and seemed to levitate a few inches straight up. Karen's friend shot her a look that could have withered grass and caused paint to peel, but Karen was interested to see that the new love interest was smiling at the reaction.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist." She said apologetically and Bobbi introduced them to one another before the pair of them got into his car and left for their date. Karen smiled as they left and turned back to the house to murder a tub of ice cream and her Netflix queue.


Karen felt very alone that night, and part of it was knowing that Bobbi was probably going to be with this guy for a long time. She liked living with the petite, energetic little redhead but there was never room for a roommate when things went from casual to intimate and Karen knew that it was just a matter of time. They had practically been having sex on the front porch.

Well, that might have been a bit of an exaggeration, but there was more than just casual interest in the looks and that soft, almost innocent kiss. She was going to lose Bobbi in one way, but keep her in another and she was going to have to get used to that. She sighed as she watched all the way through the credits of a movie she had barely paid attention to then she glanced at her watch and gave a little moan of distress. It was past one and she was still wide awake, and there was no sign of Bobbi. She picked up her phone and called her friend only to hear amusement and arousal in the redhead's voice when she answered.

"Yes mother?" Bobbi asked and Karen fell back on her sense of humour to cover her own loneliness and anxiety.

"Tell Dan to stop making out with you, that's all I can hear." She said and smiled as she perfectly pictured Bobbi and the exact shade of red her friend was turning at that moment. "Listen, I'm sure that you are enjoying having your bosom's worshipped, but we have a client coming by at nine AM." She said and she heard Bobbi groan.

"What time is..." The redhead started and Karen answered.

"It's past one, and you need your rest, little miss." She said in her best Mom voice and she sincerely wished that she had someone there to worship her own bosoms. "So tell Dan to get his hand out of your skirt and bring you home." She added that last just to make her friend blush again. Bobbi said goodbye in the voice she used when she was mortified in embarrassment and hung up and Karen smiled a bit, fond of her friend and wondering why she always did this to Bobbi. It was just a reflex, a habit and she knew that there was a good chance that Bobbi didn't appreciate it. She made a mental note to give her friend a bit more room, and not to stick herself so much into this relationship in the future. Bobbi deserved to be happy and she sounded like she was very happy indeed.



Karen realized that he had stopped crying and she looked down at him. She had grown to love Dan as much as she loved Bobbi in the four short years the pair had had together. Seeing him this way was acutely painful to her, but she had to admit that she hadn't really tried too hard to stay in touch with him. He had had his pain and she had had hers, and they both dealt with it in different ways. She had needed the distance and solitude to put the pain behind her and focus the blame where it had belonged, on the man that had killed Bobbi and her children. She felt the tight pull of the scars on her arms and ignored it as she soothed Dan and when he sat up again she let him go reluctantly. She wasn't the same person that she had been a year ago and it showed. He smiled at her a bit and leaned back against his battered Toyota.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." He started and she cut him off with a shake of her head.

"It felt like you needed that badly." She said and he shrugged and nodded at the same time.

"Look, there are some things that Bobbi wanted you to have." He said and she glanced at him. "I bought the place we were trying to get when she..." The words were still too painful and he left them unsaid, knowing that Karen, if anyone, would understand. "You want to come by and I'll give them to you?"

"Yeah." She said as she worked her way to her feet.

She felt unbelievably weak and clumsy, and he realized that she was as gaunt and wasted as he was. She had been all curves and muscles and every inch a woman when they had met, clearly proud of how she looked, and now she was slat-ribbed and wasted and he felt an acute pang of pain at the sight of her. But he said nothing; it would be beyond his ability to care soon enough. He stood as well and waited as she went to her car and carried three little potted flowers up to the marker, carefully planting them at the grave and watering them with a bottle she had in her pocket. He watched as she prayed and saw that she was weeping and when she came back down they had nothing to say. She got in her car and he got in his and they started driving. She followed him, but she knew just where he was going, she had seen the house before. But along the way she wasn't thinking of that, she was thinking of the past again, thinking of her dead friend and the day she had found out that Bobbi was pregnant.



Karen was just filing away a stack of papers when she heard the door open and then close again. Bobbi was home by the sound of things and she smiled a bit and went back to her work. She heard the soft voices downstairs and knew that Dan had come in for a visit as well, and likely for dinner if the hour was anything to go by. Still, Karen wanted to finish this work before she went downstairs so she tuned them out and finished up. When she finally came down the kitchen already smelled great and she suddenly realized that she hadn't eaten all day. She swept into the room and smiled at Dan then glanced at Bobbi and saw her friend sitting at the table, hands folded on top of a piece of paper and eyes watching expectantly. She had her glasses on and she looked like she was meeting with a client.

"What happened?" Karen asked immediately as she looked at the pair and Bobbi looked so innocent that Karen instantly knew something was up.

"What makes you think anything happened?" Bobbi asked in the higher pitched voice that said she was hiding something and Karen narrowed her eyes at the pair of them. Bobbi was trying hard not to giggle and Dan was keeping his back to her as he busied himself at the stove with whatever he was cooking.

"Yeah, you're up to something." She said and Bobbi shook her head in mock mystification. "Out with it... what are you, pregnant or something?" She asked and Dan dropped what he had been holding and started swearing as he moved to the sink to plunge a burned hand under cold water while Bobbi turned to see what had happened then got up to get ice from the freezer. Karen watched them and it dawned on her what had just happened.

"HOLY SHIT!" She said as she crossed to where Dan was at the sink. "You knocked her up didn't you?" She asked and he looked sheepish and smug at the same time. "Jesus fuck, you've only been together for five months." Karen said and Dan and Bobbi looked at one another. "How long?" Karen asked as she looked at Bobbi.

"About two months." The redhead said as she took Dan's hand and applied the ice.

"Wait, didn't you two just start... start being intimate two months ago?" Karen asked, knowing very well that Bobbi had waited before having sex with Dan despite her attraction to him. When the redhead nodded Karen groaned. "So you're Fertile Myrtle huh?" She asked and Bobbi gave a big, nervous, toothy grin.

"In my defence." Dan said as Bobbi soothed his burned hand with ice. "I wasn't really trying to get her pregnant. It was just a sort of... happy accident." He said and Karen sighed heavily as she rested a hand on his shoulder.

"You do know what causes this, right? I mean, you seemed bright to me at first but now you're making me doubt." She had her most condescending tone and she could almost feel Bobbi blushing as she went on. "When the thingy between your legs and the place between hers meet and you both feel happy, babies can happen as a result."

"Thank you for that enlightening bit of clarification, Karen." Bobbi said coldly and Karen, as a true friend, didn't cut her any slack at all.

"So are you planning to marry her over this?" She asked Dan and he shook his head.

"I want a relationship for her, and I know that someday we'll take the next logical step, but it won't be over this alone. I've known too many people who married over a pregnancy and it was only tragedy for everyone involved. So if and when we get married it will be because we want to get married, not because we think we have to get married. But this is my child too, so I'll always be there for her and for the child even if our relationship doesn't go anywhere else." He said and the look she gave him was so flat and cold that he was sure she was going to scream at him. But she surprised both Dan and Bobbi.
