Soldier Doll Ch. 02


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All of our consultants are, like me, Mitch or Scotty, ex-Special Forces; the training and mental preparations they have been though makes people like them, like yourself, ideal for the job, and very valuable assets, and we pay them a great deal of money to do that job properly. We even have a few ex-Spetzatz, and a couple of your old SEAL friends from Oman signed-up, so you won't be completely stranded among strangers."

Dylan was in a whirl; he was being offered a chance to work in a role he could actually excel in, utilise all that special training. There was one thing, though.

"How did you know where I was, I mean, I only stepped off the plane at Wooton Basset a couple of days ago...?

Mike grinned. "We've been watching you for a while now, Dylan; people like you are always of interest to people like me, and my employers. You've been investigated and under surveillance since the day after your return off that patrol, and I've been getting detailed progress and evaluation reports on you since. Don't ask me how; just accept that we have our sources too!"

Johnnie Walker, of course...

Dylan was curious what the job entailed, and how much he would be paid, questions Matt was happy to answer.

"The job is as I described it; to avert disruption of the flow of petroleum by any and all means at your disposal short of actual armed involvement; we have people for that...

You will be based in-kingdom, on a three-month on, one-month off rolling deployment, which gives you 3 months at home a year, with all flights back to wherever you consider home; here, I would guess. Initial tax-free salary is fifteen hundred US Dollars a week, paid offshore, if you throw in with us we will set that up for you, rising to up to twenty-five hundred a week, depending on the assignments you carry out, as some of those deployments may well be in other parts of the world where we also operate in a similar role; accommodation and food is provided in the company's own hardened compounds, and a maintenance allowance of five hundred dollars cash a week is also paid. All vehicles are provided; you will be assigned one for your personal use. I would seriously consider this offer, Dylan, we need you and your skills, you need a job and a solid income if you plan on getting married anytime soon, and yes, we know about your situation with your sister here, we can resolve that for both of you."

Dylan was suddenly wary. "What do you mean 'resolve'?"

Mike grinned. "We have ways of making sure that Dylan Lewis suddenly becomes provably no relation to Louise Lewis and completely free to marry her. Think it over, old chap; we need you, and you need us! Plus, Louise is planning a career in the medical field. We also need doctors, Med-techs, specialists, and we pay them well. If you throw in with us, we would look with great interest at a spouse who also has exactly the type of support skills and knowledge was need, and is willing to train further at some of the most advanced medical facilities in the world. Are you interested?"

Dylan couldn't help but ask the question. "So Mike, the fact that Louise is my sister doesn't cause you any...?

Mike grinned. "Dylan, if my sister weighed 200lbs less and had a shorter moustache I might have tried it on with her! Your Louise is a real looker, so no, no problem there!"

Dylan looked at Louise for guidance. Her eyes were shining, and a small smile twitched at the corners of her mouth.

"Um Mike, would you excuse us for a moment, we just want to..." said Dylan, standing up and ushering Louise towards the bedroom.

"By all means, Dylan, talk about it, please, I'll be happy to wait!"

Dylan carefully closed the door. "Lou, what do you think? If I took this I'll be away for 90 days at a time; how do you feel about that?"

Louise smiled. "Dyl, if you take this you'll also be home for three months of the year, every year, and to be honest, from next year you'll hardly see me, that's when the hospital rounds and night lectures start, so you might only cross paths with me now and then. This is better than the army; you get guaranteed leave, at home, so I say take it! If you don't, what are you going to do, be a security guard? All that training, wasted. I think this is what you need, and I'm not going anywhere!"

They walked back out again, and Dylan stuck out his hand. "OK Mike, show me where I sign!"


April 16, 2008

Louise waited nervously in her scholastic cap and gown, queuing with the rest of the graduating class. She scanned the crowd of parents and families of the graduating medical students, trying to see Dylan, but couldn't spot him anywhere. At last her group were called to the podium, and as she filed past and received her degree, she looked, in vain, but still no Dylan. After the speeches were all over, and the new graduates filed down and out to meet the proud families, she was left with a feeling of anti-climax. Her big day, and he hadn't come. As she blinked back the tears, she heard a soft voice behind her.

"Congratulations, Lou!"

She spun around, and there stood Harry and Jane, smiling, Jane's lip quivering as she smiled shyly.

"Uncle Harry, Aunty came, I didn't think...!" she stuttered, close to tears again

Jane hugged her gently. "Did you really think we'd miss this day? You were our little girl, even if it was only for a little while, and we couldn't let you have this day without telling you how proud we are of you! Rydw i mor falch iawn ohonoch chi, gariad!" (I'm so very proud of you, sweetheart!)

Harry stepped up and hugged her too, murmuring "Well done, Louise, we are so proud of you, and happy for you and Dylan!"

She looked at him in surprise. "Do you mean...?"

Harry looked closely at her. "As long as you love him, and he loves you, nothing else matters. I was wrong, and I apologise. Just be happy, Lou, you and Dylan!"

Louise's tears started then. "I'm so sorry, for what I said, I..!"

Harry hugged her close again. "It's OK, Lou; words said in anger should never be the last word. It's gone now, just enjoy your day, after all, look at you, our little girl's a doctor now!"

Louise grinned back. "Well, not quite, but..."

"Louise! I say, Louise!"

Looking around she saw Mike Bruce and Mitch Miller smiling at her.

"Congratulations Louise, Dylan sends his love; he got stuck in Brunei, tropical storm grounded his flight, so we came to be here for you, and to bring you these."

He offered her a package, and she pulled out a wad of papers and a new passport.

"This is your marriage certificate, and your passport showing your change of status. You and Dylan were married last week in church in a small village Brittany, all the parish records reflect that, and here's a letter of congratulation from the mayor!"

She gaped at him.

"You need your marriage certificate if you're going to travel to the middle-east to live with your husband, you know!" he grinned.

"Also there is your Student registration for Sheikh Faid Ibn Faroudh University Medical School, where you'll be studying cardio-thoracic surgery, which I understand was your chosen speciality, your visa, work permit, and your employee registration certificate. You and your husband now officially work for us. Congratulations on your wedding, it was really lovely, I only wish you'd been there to see it!"

She was still gaping when they led her to the large black MPV parked away from the rest of the car park, Jane and Harry walking with them.

"We're going direct to Heathrow, you'll be with Dylan in about 9 hours, I just got a message that he's arrived back in Jeddah and he's waiting for us at the compound, we have a flight waiting, and all your personal effects have been packed and crated for shipping. Your penalty for relinquishing your flat early is paid, and your personal effects here are...ah, there they are. So let's go!"

Louise was in a whirl. "You mean everything is...done? Just like that?"

Mike grinned at her. "Remember how I told you five years ago that we look kindly on spouses who's skills suit our needs? Well you are going to be a very useful asset, just like Dylan, and we'll be paying you a commensurate salary while you finish your training. Oh, and almost forgot..." he handed her a small package. "Dylan picked this out for you in Singapore, I hope you like it."

She opened it and inside was a diamond-inset wedding band.

"You'll need to wear that when we go through Immigration. Once the formalities are over, the guys will be throwing throw you a proper wedding reception at the compound; these big special-forces types are all just big softies really, so try and looked properly surprised!"

Jane hugged her tightly. "Off you go now, go on, he's waiting for you!" she smiled, tears in her eyes, and Harry did likewise, kissing her forehead and hugging her for a moment.

"Come home one day, Lou, both of you, just remember, wherever you are, your home's here too, and it'll always be waiting for our kids if they need it. Now off you go, Dylan's waiting!"


The plane touched down in Jeddah, and they quickly cleared Immigration, Louise answering questions about her husband to reassure the officials that she really was married, and when Mike escorted her through the gate, there was Dylan, her husband, at last.

He smiled as walked up to her, tears in his eyes, reached out and gently stroked her face.

"Hi Soldier Doll, what took you so long?" was all he said, but it was enough, all she needed to hear from her Soldier Man. Tears started in her eyes.

"Hello Soldier, looking for a good time?" she smiled back at him through the tears running down her cheeks, her world complete at last.

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Crusader235Crusader235about 4 years ago

They say Incest is Best, and your story certainly has some of the best of it. Five Stars for both parts. Thank you for it.

JJMemaw0623JJMemaw0623over 5 years ago

I loved it! Juicy to the last. Ended a little quickly for me, but at least they get to be together now. Huge props for a great story! Keep writing!!

Aussie1951Aussie1951almost 7 years ago
Spot on with your comments, tigersman

Even left a tear or two in this old soldiers eye, brilliant story and great ending. Well done.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

TigersmanTigersmanalmost 10 years ago

This story line keeps getting better and better. With all the twists and turns it leaves you in suspense wondering what will happen next.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
You should be writing novels!

You should be writing novels. You are the next Tom Clancy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
this is good story,

you kept me reading, this had a good story line, and a good ending thanks for writing this.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
soldier doll.

absoultly one of the best. thank you so much. looking forward to your next story.

unicorn64unicorn64almost 11 years ago

Great story. Glad for the happy ending. Will there be any more about their future life, babies, visiting their family etc.

Hart_cdnHart_cdnalmost 11 years ago
Great Story

What a great story...lots of love, sex and a happy ending. Well Done!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
whoop whoop..

Loved both parts of this story.. Was kinda afraid you were gonna kill someone off when you had them being tailed but glad with the outcome.. Would loved to have the closing a couple years later with her pregnant but that would have been too rushed.. Congrats on your awesome writing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Bigdady123 stop posting!

This is a great story, lots of love and sex, and very enjoyable. Where do you get off psychoanalyzing the author and churning out half-assed pseudo-intellectual garbage that's almost unreadable because you don't know what you're talking about? If you like the story, fine, say so, but droning-on with this wordy unintelligible bullshit is tiresome and creepy, and trolling on every story that's posted isn't making you any fans; like the stories? fine, post a couple of lines, but blustering on like some tiresome old blowhard is boring, creepy, and just plain weird, just stop it!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Well Done!

Thank you for a very well done story with a happy ending! I would encourage you to continue with further adventures and children! Having served in KSA both as an Adviser and Contractor, there is plenty of grist for your mill, both military and medical!

Sad commentary that the number of readers for this story is so small vs. your other material...Kipling had the right of it, "I went into a public-'ouse to get a pint o' beer,

The publican 'e up an' sez, "We serve no red-coats here."

Thanks again,


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
One thought

Due to the locale the action on the front of the car should have been on the bonnet instead of the hood.

bigdaddyg123bigdaddyg123about 11 years ago
Soldier Doll Ch. 02

Based on the the graciousness, galantry and high quality of this story it deserves as high a rating as the reader can attest to using their risk/reward spectrum to honor this story accordingly. In my opinion this story ranks very high in the range of excellence, from the continuing characterizations of Dylan and Louise, the brother and sister, each others love's of their lives, and also the theme and external forces that forms their lives. This chapter continues to offer the highest quality of literary work with the writer/author's vast knowledge in the medical field, and the literary team he woks with to produce such a celestial rendering to his readers.

Unfortunately I cannot award a "5 Star" rating to this chapter. In Chapter 01, based on my assumption (always a bad idea) and Louise's, the sister, vow of "many babies" I got off my principled stance! Based strictly on the excellent story--and the assumption of many babies in this chapter (Chapter 02)--I rated the previous chapter 5 Stars. In this Chapter 02 the assumption of "many babies" did not materialize, not even the whisper of pregnancy, therefore pregnancy did not occur in this chapter.and is therefore rated less than "5 Stars".

Again, a great and majestic chapter has been toiled over, refined, honed and rolled out to be a monumental production of the writer and author, and his team of fine and knowledgeable experts. Their labor's has offered this lovely, compassionate and most thoughtful story of a brother and sister, Dylan and Louise, and their journey into young adulthood and a "wedding", though only on paper at this time. Maybe at some time, soon hopefully, they will have the real wedding at their home in England, in the presence of their only relatives, their beloved Aunt Jane and Uncle Henry!

What does their future hold for them now, Louise and Dylan? The reader's imaginations will have to answer their own questions. This series, "Soldier Doll", is a remarkable endeavor, for the writer but also an honorable reward to each reader and their heart's and memories.

beachbum1958beachbum1958over 11 years agoAuthor
Why did it take her 5 years?

Because that's how long it took my father to speak to me again after I once told him to F**k off and mind his own business over a girl I was dating - I aplogised the next day, but he looked right through me, and kept on doing it until I finished Medical school too, so I think Louise got kind of the same reception - sometimes the hurt lasts longer than the apology

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