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Surprised by soldiers while swimming.
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It was a hot and humid day. Not unusual as I live in the tropics. Fortunately I had a decent insect repellent which meant I was relatively bug-free. Today it was only relatively decent as I'd been tapped to butcher one of the pigs, which was always a fly attraction.

Butchering the pig was minor - a hard blow in the right spot and the pig went from wondering what's going on to lying on the ground, deceased. Unfortunately the subsequent skinning and cleaning of the blasted animal took somewhat longer and was a whole lot messier. Fortunately my father had rigged up a hoist and all I had to do was tie the pig's back legs to it and yank on the pulley and up he came. Then it was a case of skinning and gutting and getting incredibly stinky and messy. I told my father that the pig was done and on the hoist and if he wanted it stored somewhere it was on him. He just grunted and said he'd fix it.

"I am now going down to the river to cool off and clean up," I told him and he waved me on my way.

It was the middle of the day but safe enough to go to the river. The farm hands were all out working the fields and tending the animals so wouldn't be at the river trying to sneak a peek. Pigs weren't the only swine on the farm. You had to keep your eye on the two-legged ones as well. Stupid of them to try it on with me as my father would demonstrate the correct way to use a machete if they actually did anything to me.

I grabbed some clean clothes and my fishing gear and traipsed on down to the river. There's a bend in the river near our farm and this has resulted in a nice pool being carved out on our side of the river. Dad says it's a work in progress and in another hundred years will result in the river having a different course, just as soon as it finished carving its way through the ridge that currently redirects it. Not that I cared about that. I just cared that it was secluded and gave me a place to bathe and fish. The muck I washed off would attract fish and I could catch some after I'd bathed.

The first thing I did was clean myself up on the down-river side of the pond. After that I moved over to the up-river side and simply relaxed and did some swimming in cleaner water. Hopefully the time spent swimming would give some fish time to follow the blood scent and congregate in the pond.

Finally I left the pool and spent half an hour sun drying myself before getting dressed. Then I went to start fishing. That's when I heard a noise in the bushes. The amount of noise seemed to indicate that there was a large animal back there and the only large animals in the area were people. The only one stupid enough to be spying on me was Pietro. I was furious.

"Pietro, if I catch you spying on me I'm going to jam this fishing rod up your ass and catch your lips with these hooks. I'll then tow you home by those hooks and give you to my father to practice his gutting skills."

There was laughter from the bushes and to my surprise three men came out from behind them. Not farm-hands but soldiers. What the hell were soldiers doing here? There wasn't any call for the army to be in the area. They were all about my age, eighteen plus.

"What have you got against me?" one of them asked, "and why do they get off free?"

"What are you doing here and who are you, anyway?"

"We're on deployment for a training exercise. And I'm Pedro who you so cruelly threatened. Don't you like Pedro's?"

"I was threatening Pietro, not Pedro. Pietro is one of the local farm-hands. Still, no need to worry as I don't mind encompassing all three of you peeping Toms in my threats."

"Peeping Pedros, you mean but don't worry. We weren't peeping," denied Pedro. "We were just taking our rest break when you came along and stripped. Not wanting to embarrass you we just stayed quiet. Oh, we also kept watch to make sure no-one sneaked up on you. True gentlemen -- that's us."

I gave them all the evil eye. They'd been deliberately watching.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be going," I snapped, turning towards where the rest of my things were.

"We won't," Pedro said, sounding very happy.

I turned back to face him, confused.

"You won't what?" I asked.

"Excuse you. It seemed to me that you knew we were there and deliberately teased us. Not a very nice thing to do."

"What? I did no such thing and you know it," I snapped indignantly.

"I dunno. It seemed that way to me. What do you think?" The last comment was directed at his two friends.

"I'd have to go along with you, Ped," said one of the men.

"Same here," said the other, smiling and nodding happily.

"See. We have consensus," said Pedro with a laugh.

"Actually, we don't," I snapped, "as I strongly disagree."

I turned away from them again, intending to grab the rest of my things and go.

I didn't get very far. One of the men grabbed me by the right arm and another by the left. Pedro moved around in front of me.

"What do you think you're playing at?" I demanded.

"A bit slow on the uptake, are we?" he said, smiling. "Let me give you a hint."

He grabbed my dress and lifted it up and off, his two friends manoeuvring my arms to help him take it right off. That left me standing there in panties, not having bothered with a bra. I wasn't wearing the panties for long, Pedro promptly removing them. He must have done something like this before because he very deftly avoided the foot I tried to plant in his face.

Pedro took a few steps back, moving away from me but looking me over for all that, smiling brightly.

"Okay, let her go and give her some room"

His two friends did precisely that backing up a couple of paces but running their eyes me. I wasn't tied or constrained in any way but I was very much aware that I was naked and that they weren't and that they were looking at me. Any covering up I was doing was minimal at best.

"Stay back and circle her. We can check her out."

The three of them spread out and started walking slowly around me, making comment on my more salacious features while I blushed and fumed. (I also noticed that they seemed to very much approve of my general figure.)

I didn't try to keep an eye on all of them. I just stayed where I was, facing the same direction, mainly keeping my eyes on Pedro as I had him tagged as the leader of his little gang. I was also taking note of where my dress was and charting a course to the river. If a couple of the men moved too far apart I'd run between them and dive into the river, grabbing my dress along the way. I figured that with the current I'd be able to swim faster than they could keep up with and I'd reach a more heavily populated farm fairly quickly. They probably wouldn't even bother to chase me.

Pedro came to a stop in front of me, still keeping some distance between us. I waited to see what he was going to do.

"Don't scare easily, do you?" he said and nodded his head.

I thought he was nodding to me but it wasn't so. One of the men behind me had slipped up close to me and at Pedro's nod he whacked me behind the knees. He didn't hit me hard, just enough to make my knees buckle, and if left alone I'd have recovered my balance easily. I wasn't left alone. The wretched man caught hold of my arm and with that hold and a hand in the middle of my back he guided me down onto my knees. A slightly firmer push on my back and I was kneeling on all fours his hand holding me there.

I started to yell "what the hell do you think you're doing" but I only managed to say "what the hell..." and I found out exactly what he was doing. The man who was holding me down was kneeling behind me and he must have dropped his trousers before he sneaked up on me. I knew he'd dropped his trousers because he was holding my lips apart and his trouser snake was starting to make itself at home.

I promptly started screaming blue murder but my vocalisations were interrupted by a large hand bouncing off my bottom. I took a deep breath ready to start screaming again when Pedro called out.

"If you start screaming again Marcus will get upset and start spanking you properly. He'll continue his fun and games after you shut up. You might find it easier to just go along with what Marcus wants. Your bottom will certainly prefer it."

So I refrained from screaming while Marcus jammed his erection all the way into me. He didn't have much in the way of style and just kept pushing until his cock had slid all the way home. I could feel it inside me, long and hot and fat. (Okay, maybe not all that long and not really very fat, because as well as a lack of style he also had a lack of equipment. I could handle it, I decided, not that I wanted to.) I made the appropriate sounds of dissatisfaction as he advanced but I was simply ignored - as long as he got to use his cock that was all he cared about.

Once he was fully home he started bouncing about back there, presumably giving it to me hot and strong. As far as I was concerned it wasn't particularly hot and it sure wasn't strong but I tried to do some performance art so he'd think he was a real wow of a lover. That combined with my protestation and some little excited cries that I managed to make seemed enough to satisfy him and he finished off with a flourish, me giving the appropriate moan as he pulled back and out. I'll tell you right now that if I thought that that was all there was to sex I'd run off and become a nun, never noticing the loss.

I was just relaxing and quietening down, relieved that I was now probably free to leave when I found I wasn't. Number two had replaced Marcus. The first I knew of it was when he grabbed me, and started stuffing me with his cock. I started to protest but just barely started before he shut me up.

"Shut up," he snapped, slapping my bottom. "I don't want to hear it. None of us want to hear it. Just keep your mouth closed until I've finished. I have no objection to paddling your bottom as we go if you yap too much."

"Better listen to him," came Pedro's comment. "Carl gets all upset when someone talks to him while he's screwing. He hasn't enough brain cells to do two things at once."

A small minded bully, in other words. Fortunately I was finding out that it wasn't just his mind that was small. He could probably give Marcus a run for his money in that area and they'd both lose. Whatever, he wasn't backward about trying to give it a run for its money.

From my point of view the situation was much the same as with Marcus. An unwanted thug doing his best to fuck me and not achieving much. The only difference was that my protests were a lot quieter, me not wanting to get slapped around by a small dicked bully. (That didn't mean that there weren't protests, there were. No way would I take this indignity without letting those around know my opinion.)

Oh, yes, one other difference. Carl took twice as long to not achieve much. He finally got off me. I couldn't even tell if he'd had a climax or not. I know that I hadn't. All he'd done was help convince me that sex was more trouble than it was worth.

"Now just stay like that for a moment, love," said Pedro. "I'll just wipe you down a little. Terribly messy, those two."

"I can do it," I snapped. "I'll just take a dip in the river."

"No, no. The least I can do since I couldn't restrain those thugs. You just stay there and relax."

With that Pedro produced a damp rag and started wiping me down. He must have dipped it in the river while Carl was busy. That done he heaved me over, rolling me onto my back. Pedro was smiling happily, kneeling between my thighs. I just glared at him.

"If you'll get off me I'd like to get dressed and get out of here."

The rotten man just laughed at that.

"You're not very observant, are you?" he suggested, a hand indicating I should look lower.

It took me a moment or two to come to terms with what I was looking at.

"What the fuck?" I exploded. "What is that thing?"

"It's what it looks like," he said humbly. "Just a little larger than what they had."

"A little larger? That's like saying a horse is bigger than a kitten. That thing is not natural."

"Perfectly natural," he assured me. "I've had it all my life."

Seeing they're handed out when you're born I suppose he had, but still. What made everything worse was that he'd dropped his trousers and his equipment was standing out, larger than life, and his equipment was definitely larger than life. The other two hadn't really been significant. My own fingers had had a greater effect than either of those pencil dicks. (Or possibly not, but that was the story that I'd claim and stick to.)

"You are not using that on me," I flatly stated. "I will bite, kick, scream, hit, and scratch, doing all of those at the same time. You can take that away and rub reducing cream into it. A lot of reducing cream. That thing would split me in two. I would be ruptured. I'd need to see a surgeon for emergency surgery afterwards."

"You'll be surprised to see how you'll adjust to match what I've got. Don't worry. I'll take my time so you can adjust as we go."

I figured the best thing I could do at this stage was get in firstest with the mostest. I didn't think the other two would help Pedro, they'd be more likely to laugh at him since they'd already had their fun. I swung hard and got a clean punch on Pedro's jaw, intending to knock him off me and I was ready to spring to my feet and do a runner.

My punch landed nicely but instead of knocking Pedro off me all I did was bruise my hand. His jaw must have been carved out of a rock. I screamed and snatched my hand back to nurse it while Pedro simply looked sympathetic.

"Just a little tip," he said. "If you're looking to punch someone punch then in the soft bits. The throat, eyes, stomach, and testicles are good. Punching bony places like jaws will only hurt your hand unless you've got a lot more strength than you possess."

Why couldn't he have told me that before I punched him? Selfish man.

He took my hand, opened it up, and lightly rubbed my fingers.

"It'll be fine," he said. "You only connected with a glancing blow, fortunately, or you might have broken a finger. Please remember that I'm a trained soldier so if you do get into a fight with me you'll lose. Not worth the effort."

With that his hands reached for my breasts and closed over them. A bit of pressure and I was flat on my back while he fondled my breasts, his body pressing mine down on the grass. He'd already pushed my thighs apart and he was lying between them, his erection pressing against me. Length-ways. He wasn't trying anything else at this stage.

He very quickly demonstrated that I'd guessed wrong. A hand dropped down and closed over my mound, a finger immediately trespassing inside me. I promptly said "no, don't" and he just as promptly grabbed his erection and steered it into place. Well, he steered the very fat end of it into place anyway.

He started pressing into me and I started trying to wriggle out from under. It was apparent right from the word go that he was winning. He'd lifted up slightly so there was space between our bodies and I could look down the length of my body and see his cock working its way into me. I struggled harder and he laughed and applauded me, telling me that that was the way to take it. The swine had a point because if I struggled any harder I'd have been pronging him with him being able to just lie there and let me wriggle.

Screw that for a joke. I went from active resistance to passive resistance. Please note that passive resistance did not preclude me from explaining his character to him, his parents' characters, assuming that he had any, and the probable character of any children who might be unfortunate enough to have him for a father. He was amused, congratulating me on my use of invective. He also kept on sliding deeper into me, giving an extra little thrust whenever I came up with a specially telling insult, I'm not sure if those extra little thrusts were supposed to be punishment for the things I named him as or a reprimand for the language I used.

I was quite surprised to find that he managed to get the whole thing into me. Was that because he wasn't as large as I thought or was he correct when he said I'd stretch to accommodate him? I was going with the second of those options because I'd now seen his erection up close and personal, you might say, and I felt as though there was a lot of cock inside me. A gentle suggestion that he might like to withdraw now was met by some crude sniggering.

He started moving inside me, pressing deeper and pulling back. This was engendering a complete different sensation to what the other two boys had managed. I wasn't sure how to express my reaction to what was now taking place. He'd come sliding in and my body was giving me a silent yes, keep him doing that. Then he'd pull back and I was getting a no, put it back message. I finished up not saying anything in case I embarrassed myself, but I couldn't stop a certain amount of whimpering taking place.

He was dragging it out and the longer he kept going the louder the whimpering got. It wasn't my fault -- my body seemed to just want him to do what he was doing, each thrust raising thrills deep inside me. This, I decided, was what sex was supposed to be like. After those first two clowns I'd started thinking that I'd been lied to about men's privates and sex generally. Marcus and Carl sure hadn't backed up my expectations. Now I was starting to believe the tales Annie told me. I made a mental note that if I wanted to voluntarily have a closer acquaintance with a boy that boy had better be prepared to show me the whole box and dice. I wasn't wasting my time on someone with nothing to show or use.

It dawned on me that Pedro probably wasn't deliberately dragging things out. He was moving faster, a gradual increase in speed that just kept building, doing terrible thing to me. It just seemed right and natural that I was moving with him, pressing urgently to meet him each time he thrust in.

It reached a point where he was banging away hard and fast and I was simply reacting. I finished up climaxing, rather noisily, too, although I hadn't intended to. He'd done it deliberately, I was sure, because as soon as I started climaxing he gave an extra hard jerk and started spraying my insides, flooding me with his juices.

He lay on me for about a minute, our bodies sort of quivering against each other. Finally he rolled off me and climbed to his feet, fastening his clothes as he did so.

"Okay, guys, rest break is over," he said, chasing the other two men to be on their way. The three of them vanished back into the bushes, presumably to do whatever army things they'd been doing before taking their break.

With them gone I returned to the river to clean up, feeling a little stunned about it all.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 hour ago

Her and her dad should show up at the solder's camp and have them castrated.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Good story but the final words don’t have your usual style and cleverness. It’s the thing that gives your stories extra oomph and it’s missing. Still giving it 5 stars tho.

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