Some Changes in Amy

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New neighbors cause some unexpected changes in Amy.
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All of my writing is fiction and the stories and characters are all products of my imagination. They were created for my fun and, hopefully, your enjoyment. Some of the events in the stories are not particularly condoned nor encouraged by the author but are there to create and enhance the story of the imaginary characters and their lives. Comments are always encouraged and carefully reviewed, particularly from those who review after reading. Detailing why you evaluated the way you did is a great help in improving future stories. Enjoy!

Luke and his wife, Amy, were a little unique in that they had known each other since about fourth grade but had never looked at each other as possible mate material until senior year of high school. Actually, Luke had always thought Amy was about as nice as they came but was way too shy to ask her for a date. That ended one day in the summer before that senior year started when they were attending a work conference and, on the last day, as they were walking back from their work assignments, Amy suddenly gave Luke a kiss. Nothing passionate or anything like that, just a nice warm and gentle kiss. Of course, that was all it took to get a 18-year old's hormones raging and, within an hour, Luke had gathered all the courage he could muster and had asked her for a date. She said yes.

Amy had actually surprised herself with that kiss, having decided that Luke, despite his shyness, was a pretty interesting guy. He was athletic and obviously intelligent -- his grades gave that away, and not at all bad looking, particularly when you got to know him. She knew he had never really dated anyone. He had told her once when they were just sitting and randomly talking that he did have two dates with one girl but nothing had come of that. She had dated a little, but nothing very exceptional and had never found any of the boys she had dated to be that interesting so, eventually, they had drifted away.

Luke had been so flustered when Amy, totally unexpectedly, had kissed him that he wasn't quite sure what to do. It was like a dream come true if she really meant it and, since she had said yes to his date request, she must have meant it. Actually, she was such a doll that he had never really considered asking her for a date. She was kind of quiet and reserved but seemed to be enthusiastic about life and he couldn't wait to take her out and, could he even imagine it, have her for a girlfriend. It was too good to be true, but it could happen. After all, she had kissed him. After the kiss, he could still taste her lipstick and he couldn't remember how long it had taken him before he washed his face really well. At least his mouth.

That first date was to a football game and dance afterward. The game was close and they both enjoyed that but the dance was special for Luke. He got to hold Amy close, smell her perfume, feel her breath on his face -- he wasn't sure he could stand it. Of course, he had a double problem. First, he had to keep the erection he kept getting from showing and second, he had to keep it from poking her as that might end the relationship right there. He was successful at both and nearly breathed a sigh of relief every time they'd have a short break or sit out a dance and he could get control of himself again. When he took her home and said good night, he got another nice but too short kiss. The second and third dates were much the same as they each ended with a too short kiss. Luke wasn't at all sure what he wanted, he just knew that he wanted more but resigned himself to just wait and see what happened. She was still kissing him and, for right now, that was okay.

The fourth date was a little different. It was a beautiful Saturday and they decided to pack a picnic lunch, go to Greenleaf Woods, eat, watch the animals, walk around and just hang out. They found an empty shelter house, had a very nice lunch of cold cuts, potato salad and chips. They sat and talked for a while, then headed out on one of the hiking paths. Surprisingly for such a beautiful day, there were very few people at the park and they had the path all to themselves. They were holding hands now when they walked and they laughed and teased and talked some more. When they stopped to watch two chipmunks playing, Luke couldn't stand it any longer, took Amy's chin in his hand and kissed her, holding it a little bit longer than the good night kisses usually went. When he backed away, he got a smile from Amy.

More walking and laughing, then another stop to watch some squirrels that were . . . um, well, chasing each other around. Actually, one was chasing the other and they were everywhere, seemingly at once. Since they were standing still again, Luke stepped in front of Amy and kissed her again. He opened his eyes to see her eyes closed and her head tilted just a little before they broke apart. Eye contact with Amy after that, a look he had never seen from her before and he wasn't quite sure what it meant although he hoped he knew. They walked some more, still holding hands, bumping into each other as they laughed and teased. They were deep in the woods now and far from everything and Luke decided he had never been quite this happy in his life, and this girl holding his hand was the cause of it. When they stopped to check some colorful flowers that were growing alongside the path, all the happiness just welled up inside Luke and all he could do was look at Amy and drink her in.

Amy looked up from the flowers -- Luke was watching her. Now she had seen Luke look at her quite a few times but she had never seen a look like the one on his face right now. As long seconds passed, she could feel her heart thumping, her face feeling strangely warm and, once more her head tilting sideways as that look totally swallowed her up. What was going on? She'd never felt like this before. She watched him as he slowly moved toward her. He was going to kiss her again. Why was she having trouble breathing? She felt like she was beginning to tremble as he got closer.

Luke had never seen Amy's eyes like that, partly closed but boring into him like never before. This wasn't an Amy he had seen before but he was going to kiss her whoever she was. Their lips met and instantly, it was different. Her mouth ground against his, her arms went around his neck, her body jammed against his. He must be dreaming as suddenly he felt something, her tongue pushing between his lips and as he responded to its probing, she was exploring his mouth, teasing his tongue, biting his lips. Now his tongue was matching hers as his arms went around her and squeezed her even harder against him. He could feel her very nice breasts squashed against his chest. He had no idea how long they were joined that way nor did he care. Then, she pulled her head away and just looked at him. She was totally delicious, even more so than he had imagined, and he certainly had not yet imagined what had just happened.

"Let's walk some more," she said breathily, still with her arms around him. He wasn't letting go of her either just yet.

"You sure," Luke questioned tentatively. Now she loosened her grip on his neck and he relaxed his grip on her.

"Sure," she responded brightly and gave him a short but very sloppy kiss.

She stepped back on the path and when he joined her, her arm went around his waist followed quickly by his arm around her waist. Now they walked, hips bumping and she would occasionally stop and he'd get another minute of lips and tongue and body. He knew heaven couldn't be better than this. Finally, they retraced their steps and were back at the shelter house where everything was packed up and they headed for Amy's house. During the 30-minute drive they chatted and, at her house, expecting not sure what, Luke got the usual quick good night kiss.

Of course, they continued to date and eventually married and, over time, Luke learned that his very prim and proper "daytime" wife changed completely once her sexual engine was somehow turned on. It could happen any number of ways. He learned he could whisper certain things in her ear as he gently caressed her, if she wasn't doing something too important. When she was showering, he could watch her as she was drying off and, if his look was just right, she melted right into whatever he wanted to do. Her "daytime" self was offended by profanity, by dirty jokes, by suggestive talk, by scantily clad women or women letting their boobs hang out. One day he told her a friend at work had watched some porn on the internet and said that Luke should watch it too. He suggested that to Amy and she was horrified and totally disgusted by the idea. Two days later she admitted to Luke that she had never seen porn and she supposed she could watch just a little just so she could tell herself that she had done it. Luke found the website and they watched together. By the end, Amy was so wound up and wild she nearly ripped Luke's clothes off and, mimicking what she had seen, she rode him cowgirl that night, something she never wanted to do and wasn't satisfied until she had orgasmed three times.

Four years ago, they had bought a nice 2-story house in an older neighborhood thanks to Luke's grandma leaving her only grandson a rather sizable chunk of money. They were 25 now and felt a little out of place in the house at first. The neighbor on the north side was an 87-year old single lady, in poor health and the ones on the south were an older couple. Both had lived in their houses for many years. In a strange stroke of fate Mrs. Brown, the single lady, had been found dead in her bed by her only son who quickly sold the house. One week after Mrs. Brown's death, Mr. Branham, the neighbor on the south had a fatal heart attack and Mrs. Branham moved to Texas to live with a daughter there. So, in a very short time Luke and Amy had two new neighbors.

On the south, a single mother with two daughters had moved in. Mother's name was Jen and the daughters were Anna and Kerry. Jen was 40 and you only knew that if she told you. She could easily pass for 30. And, Luke had decided she was a fine-looking neighbor. Blond, blue eyes, maybe five foot nine, a very nicely preserved body, dimples and a sparkling personality. Amy wasn't too sure about all this but Luke a was happy they had moved in. He loved his wife more than could be imagined, but he did enjoy looking. And the daughters were also nice to look at. Anna, the older one was 21, tall like her mother but with very dark brown hair and brown eyes and a relatively spectacular figure, often on display when she sun bathed in the back yard in her bikini -- a very small bikini at that. Kerry was very different. She was 20, blond and blue-eyed like her mother but only about five foot four. A figure not quite as spectacular as her sister's but very, very pleasant indeed. She also sun bathed but not as much as Anna did.

On the north side, the situation was a little different. Two ladies moved into that house, both probably around 30 as they never mentioned their ages. Both nicely attractive without being anything super special or outstanding, but very pleasant and very neighborly, always willing to help if you needed it. Twice Amy had seen them kiss goodbye as one of them left so she wasn't quite sure how to handle that at all. But they were so nice and friendly it was impossible not to like them.

It was early summer and Luke had seen the two daughters sunbathing, stretched out comfortably on the lounger each had. There was a subtle difference between them that he found fascinating. When they rolled over to get the sun on their back, each would untie the little string on their bikini to keep from getting a tan line. The difference came when they decided to roll over or stand up. Kerry would carefully retie to bikini string and then roll over. Anny, however, would simple sit up, giving Luke a perfect view of those wonderful tits if he happened to be looking, then put the top on and retie it. One day she even stood clear up and stretched before putting the top back on. One other thing she liked to do when she was on her stomach was to carefully gather the very small strip of material that covered her butt and push it down into her butt crack so it was totally invisible. No tan lines there either. Except for the tiny string that ran across her hips, she looked totally naked. Luke now always had his Nikon handy when he was looking out the upstairs window that gave the good view of their yard.

The other thing he had noticed was that, whenever he was working in the back yard, Anna would appear, usually in her bikini, to talk to him. Not at all an unpleasant experience. Today Luke was working on some shrubs in that yard when he heard Anna's voice.

"Hey, Luke, sup?"

"Just trying to catch up on some work that never ends when you own a house." He looked up to see Anna who had obviously just put on sunscreen as she was glistening in the bright sunlight.

"That's what mom always says too," she replied, crouching down beside Luke and bending forward. "You cutting off all those little plants there?"

From the corner of his eye, Luke could see those two sizeable globes nearly exposed and only about a foot from his face. "They're weeds and I need to get rid of them before they spread even more."

She put her hand on his arm just below where the sleeve of his shirt ended to balance herself and then sat down beside him, cross-legged. He couldn't help but take a quick glance even though he knew she'd see him do it. If she wanted to tease, he could too. The tiny bit of the bikini that went up between her legs did a fairly good job of covering her -- a fairly good job. She was obviously shaved, or maybe waxed, he couldn't tell from the quick glance, but definitely a part of one of her labium was showing, just a hint but enough to cause a reaction in Luke.

"I think it's so neat that you two live here and own this house. You're not that much older than I am." Her leg bumped his as she said that.

Now this could be a problem. He could feel the beginnings of an erection and, sitting there, trimming weeds like he was, there wasn't much he could do about it. He glanced down and could see the beginning of a little bulge in his shorts. If she looked, she'd be able to see it to. Somehow, he knew that she had looked.

"Listen, I better go over to my yard and sunbathe and quit bothering you."

Luke looked at the sly smile she had on her face and he knew that she knew just how she was bothering him. She seemed to realize that her 21-year old body was good for tantalizing men and here she had Luke right next door to practice on.

"That's okay, you're not bothering me at all. I'm enjoying your company since Amy went shopping with some girlfriends today." He just wanted her to know that her teasing wasn't going to be interrupted by Amy popping by. If she was okay with seeing his erection develop, he was okay with showing it.

"Well, still," she said, stretching out one leg which squeezed a little more of the bikini into that cleft. Now when he looked, almost all of one nicely puffy lip was showing. He couldn't help but wonder how wet it was there, if she was really just teasing, or was she getting hot from doing it. "I haven't seen the Anderson's for a while and their car isn't in the driveway like usual." She tucked her leg back in but that puffy lip stayed out. The Anderson's were the neighbors on the other side of Anna's house.

"Amy said she saw them putting suitcases in their car a couple days ago, like they were leaving on vacation or something."

"I'll have to ask mom. She talks to them a lot." She seemed to be thinking about something. As she was thinking her eyes drifted to Luke's and that look told him that she was up to something and it somehow involved him. "I'm going to go get something to drink and then just lay around in the yard for a while. Mom and Anna are gone so I'll have things to myself. Now she grinned at Luke. "Bye," she said with a little wave and stood up, fixing the bottom of the bikini to cover herself and headed for her yard.

"See you later," Luke replied, to another grin from her.

Luke waited till she was inside and then headed inside himself, stopping to grab a Coke before heading upstairs to their bedroom with the window that overlooked the backyards. He grabbed his Nikon and sat down on the edge of the bed to wait. He didn't have to wait long.

Anna came out the back door with a Coke and a bottle of sunscreen. She sat both of them down and very carefully turned the lounger so that it was facing the back of the house rather than out toward the alley as it usually was. She lay down on her back, then arched upward and reached behind her, fumbling for a few seconds before lifting her top off and tossing it beside the lounger. Luke's camera began clicking as she was now very topless. Quickly she arched up again and the bottoms slid down her leg and were likewise tossed aside. She was totally naked and Luke, shamelessly, was clicking away as he knew that was what she wanted.

Anna grabbed the bottle of sunscreen and squirted some on her breasts, then began spreading it, squishing those delightful globes together, then side to side supposedly spreading the liquid but mostly putting on a show for Luke. Then another squirt to her belly this time, spreading again and this time a hand disappeared down between her legs and Luke knew that wasn't done to spread the sunscreen. Then she lay back, arms at her sides and legs spread as far as they could go, still staying on the lounger.

Luke zoomed in so that, head to toe, she filled the viewer. Several clicks. Then more zoom so that those breasts filled the view, the nipples a little harder than normal he could tell. Click, click echoed through the bedroom. A tiny bit more zoom as he moved down her body to the clearly visible labia that she had opened to him. Deciding that he had enough photos for now he had another decision to make. After a little thought he decided he'd save it for tonight when Amy was home. He did go to his computer and download the pictures, viewing them one by one and actually deleting a few that were duplicates. He decided he had gotten a little too excited and had just let his finger keep clicking away. That brought a giggle.

He went back to the window. Anna was still laying there, only now on her stomach. He could see the one boob squished out to the side as she lay on it. And her legs were still spread giving him another view this time. Back with the camera and more zooming and clicking, then to the computer and then checking each photo. No deleting this time as he had maintained more control. But he had an idea.

As he went downstairs, he maneuvered the erection that had naturally developed from watching so that it was a little more prominent. He went out the back door, waited a few seconds, then yelled.

"Hey Anna, how's it going?"

She quickly sat up, covering her breasts with one arm. "Oh my gosh, Luke. I'm sorry. I thought you'd gone." No effort to cover up down below. "Turn around and let me put my suit on." Luke dutifully turned around and wondered where she was going to go with this. "Sorry again," she said and he turned to see her walking toward him and eying the bulge in his pants. "I thought with everyone gone I could get a chance to do some nude sunbathing. Never done that before."

"Hey, no problem, Anna. Amy and I have done a little skinny dipping so I know what you mean.

"Really. That's so cool. Just the two of you or were others doing it too?"

"Yes to both," he smiled.

"I need to do that sometime, if I could find someone to do it with me."

Now it was Luke's chance. "Anna, with the way you look, you wouldn't have any trouble at all finding someone to skinny dip with you." Her cheeks actually got a little pink.