Something in the Water Pt. 06


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"Wait." Patrick skidded his bike to a stop behind the house. From this angle, they could see the back windows on both stories of the house; bedrooms upstairs and the kitchen and living room downstairs. This was usually a private view for the Goodens, except when someone was cutting across their back lawn. "That's Mrs. Gooden, right?" Patrick was looking through the big picture window in one of the bedrooms.

David made a U-turn, stopped next to Patrick, and looked up at the house. "Yeah, it is." Roberta Gooden was a demure woman, wearing a housedress that looked like it belonged to a much smaller lady. Her blonde hair was spread around her head wildly as she pressed her back against the closed bedroom door. "What's she doing?"

"Seems odd right?" Patrick looked over at David and then back to the house. He was just in time to see the door push open behind her, sending the poor woman stumbling into the bedroom. "Is that?" A tall naked form stalked into the room after her. Roberta turned and held up her hands in front of her. Patrick wished they could hear them. The tall figure had quite the enormous boner.

"Yes, that's Ralph." David watched in amazement.

Ralph walked up to his mother and pushed her hands out of the way. Roberta shook her head and took another few steps backward, but Ralph reached down and swept her up into an embrace that took her feet off the ground. He pressed his lips to hers. Patrick and Ralph watched her struggle at first, but then go limp in his arms. After a few minutes, she placed her arms around Ralph's shoulders and actively kissed him back.

"What the heck?" Patrick got off his bike and stood next to it, squirming as he fought with a dick that wanted to inflate in his pants.

"He's going to do her." David also got off his bike, struggling with the same thing as Patrick. "Right there in her bedroom." This was not the revelation for David that it was for Patrick, since he had done something similar to his mother.

Ralph put her down and roughly disrobed Roberta. The onlookers got a nice view of her sizable tits and ass. Ralph picked his mother back up in the air and turned her upside down. He buried his face in her pussy. Without missing a beat, Roberta grabbed his dick and pulled the head up into her mouth.

Both Patrick and David's jaws dropped.

"Sweet Jesus," Patrick shook his head. "Should we help her?"

"No," David whispered. Although, whispering wasn't going to do them any good. With the windows closed, the couple couldn't hear them. But if the Goodens looked outside, the boys would have been spotted. Even so, David's feet didn't move. "It looks like she likes it."

"Wow. You're right. I didn't know that kind of sex existed?" Patrick was a virgin, and he had often thought about what sex might be like, but he'd never imagined the act he was watching.

"Me either." David was taking mental notes for the next time he could get his mother alone.

"Hey, Dave." Patrick's eyes were fixed on the mutual oral behind the picture window.

"Yeah?" David tucked his dick under his waistband.

"Have you had ... you know ... sex?"

"Yes. But not like them," David said.

"Oh, okay."

Ralph turned Roberta right side up facing him and held her under her knees. She reached down and fed his cock into her exposed pussy. She started bouncing up and down with long, jerking thrusts.

"Holy shit." Patrick had a notebook in his backpack for clues. He thought he should be writing things down as he watched, but he didn't want to take his eyes off the action. And was this really the kind of thing he could share with the investigators? He didn't know. "Have you done that position?"

"Yes." David thought back to holding his mom up in the air and punishing her pussy. He needed to do that again.

The boys watched in silence for a while, shifting their weight from one foot to the other. Their pants were uncomfortably tight.

Ralph pulled Roberta off his dick and held her up in the air. Her hips continued moving like she was still getting pumped. He turned her upside down again, still facing him, and lowered her head to the floor. Roberta supported herself with arms. While holding her hips, Ralph slid his dick back into her pussy. Roberta bent her legs and let him pound her upside down.

"Holy moly," Patrick said. "You ever done that position?" Patrick was pretty sure that he was too weak and skinny to have standing sex, let alone upside-down standing sex. But David could probably pull it off.

"Not like that." David started to feel uneasy. They were pressing their luck standing out in the open. "Maybe we should go."

Ralph pulled out of Roberta's vagina again and lifted her into the air. He tossed her gently onto her bed, turned her around, and mounted her from behind. The way Roberta's blonde hair tossed about, it was obvious to anyone she was in the throes of ecstasy.

"Yeah, okay." Patrick turned and walked his bicycle past David over the lawn. It was awkward going and there was no way he could ride the thing with his stiffy. "Say, Dave, who's the girl you had sex with? You never told me." Patrick frowned, thinking his friend usually told him everything.

"Sorry, Pat." David took one last look at the Gooden home and walked his bike next to Patrick. "It's ... it's just a little embarrassing." It was also probably a clue. Seeing Ralph and Roberta was too much of a coincidence given what was happening with his own mother. Either they were really lucky to see it, or that sort of thing was happening all over town. Even though he knew it would help Patrick with his mystery, David couldn't bring himself to tell his best friend. "Maybe I'll tell you about her later."

"Oh." Patrick kept his eyes down on the green grass. "Okay. I understand." But he didn't understand. Even if the girl was a dog, he wouldn't judge his friend for it. They passed the lawn and reached the dirt trail on the other side. One way was David's home, the other Patrick's. "I gotta head home. Sally's coming for dinner. Thanks for helping me out today." He was soft enough now that he felt he could mount the bike. He got on and peddled off without so much as a wave.

"Okay," David called after him. "See you soon." He waved, but Patrick never made eye contact. Oh well. He'd smooth it over with his friend later. Now it was time to head home and face Linda. He gingerly got on his bicycle and rode home.


When Patrick arrived home, he was a sweaty mess. They had spent too much time watching Roberta Gooden succumb to her son. Now Patrick was late for dinner.

Patrick snuck into the house and entered the kitchen. Sneaking in wasn't a very good plan, he was late, whether he was silent or not and Susy was sure to notice.

Susy worked in the kitchen by herself, putting the finishing touches on dinner. There was a casserole sitting out and she mixed together a chef's salad. "Patrick Lannit. You're late." Susy looked up from her work when she spotted her son. "Everyone's in the dining room. We're all waiting for you." She lowered her eyebrows and glared.

"Sorry, Mom." Patrick hung his head.

"Come here. You're filthy." Susy grabbed a dishtowel and soaked it under the faucet. "Let's get you cleaned ... up." She turned back to her son as he walked up to her. She could tell he was clearly abashed. Her nose tingled and her body suddenly felt quite strange. He smelled of teenage boy, and a day spent in the autumn breeze, and something darker, too. Her vagina gave a quick spasm. She ignored it. "Now what sort of mischief have you been getting into?" She looked down into his sweet face and dabbed at the dirt on his forehead with the towel.

"I was investigating, Mom." Patrick cracked a half-smile. "And I might have found a big clue."

"You and your mysteries, Pat." Susy's face warmed into a soft, bright smile. Her brown eyes filled with good humor. "You're ..." As Susy dabbed at his cheek with the towel, she lost her train of thought. "... such a handsome boy." She bent down and gave Patrick a peck on the lips.

"Mom?" Patrick's eyes widened.

"Shh." Susy pulled back and winked at him. "Just a little kiss for my handsome boy." She leaned back in and kissed him again, sliding her tongue into his mouth.

The conversation in the dining room echoed into the kitchen. Sally was laughing at some joke.

Patrick pushed on Susy's shoulders and broke the kiss. "I'm too dirty, I need a quick shower before dinner." He sprinted out of the kitchen, past the dining room, and up the stairs.

"Oh, my." Susy put a hand to her chest and felt her heart thumping hard. "I don't know what came over me," she said to herself. She still felt so strange. Horny. Horny was the word. Susy turned to the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. Was she going to have to share this incident with Dr. Epman? Probably. Eventually, her body returned to normal and she finished up with her salad.

That night at dinner, Susy did her best to forget all about the kiss.

So did Patrick.

Sally monopolized the conversation, anyway. She was six months into her marriage with Jack and she couldn't be happier. They were shopping for a new house and Jack had a promotion at work. Sally sipped at her water, and picked at her casserole, and talked and talked.

Jack sat to her side, smiling with admiration. After a time, he started up a conversation with Fred about baseball.

To one side, Patrick had men discussing sports. To the other, the women talked about Susy's shopping trip earlier that day and the newest fashions. Patrick was bored out of his mind. So, he quietly ate his dinner and thought about the various clues he'd gathered. It all added up to something, but he wasn't sure what it was. Yet.


David arrived home and dropped his bike in the garage. His dad's auto was there, so he was home. David frowned at that. Oh, well. David sighed and walked inside. He found William in the living room watching a football game.

"Want to watch the game?" William looked up at his tall son and nodded to an empty spot on the sofa.

"No thanks, Dad." David wiped his brow. His face was red from riding home in the cold. "Where's Mom?"

"In the kitchen, reading one of her magazines." William turned back to the little black-and-white men running around on the television. "I think."

"Thanks." David stepped past him and walked into the kitchen. "Hello, Mom."

"Hello, sweetheart." Perched on a kitchen chair, Linda looked up at David. She had been trying to distract herself from thinking about all the milk she'd fed that poor salesgirl earlier in the day. "How was your day?"

"My day was good. And it got me thinking." David stopped and looked at Linda. She was radiant, her round cheeks glowing, and her blue eyes bright. "Say, that's a nice dress."

"Thank you, Davey." Linda put down the magazine on the kitchen table. "I got it today on a shopping trip with Susy Lannit."

"You look really good." David closed the distance between them, bent down, and kissed her on the lips.

Linda pushed her chair back. Her vagina was more than moist. Reality just kept twisting around her. God was testing her. She held the cross that dangled on her bracelet up between her and David. "Jesus commands ... something ... something. Oh, no. I forget the words."

"Did you say something, dear?" William yelled from the living room.

"No, Bill," Linda yelled back. Her anxiety ratcheted way up. Her palms were slick, and the hairs on the back her neck rose.

"What's that?" David reached out and held her wrist, looking down at the little silver cross. He caught a whiff of her response to his presence, and his dick practically turned to steel.

"It's supposed to help." A trickle of cold sweat slid down Linda's cheek.

"Well forget about that." David pulled her to her feet by her wrist. "I saw something today." He dragged her into the laundry room, turned on the light, and closed the door behind them.

"What did you see?" Linda looked up into his desperate eyes and bit her lower lip.

"Ralph Gooden having sex with his mother," David whispered. He pulled her close, pushing her large breasts into his belly.

"That's ... that's not possible. I know Roberta. She's on the Sunday School Curriculum Council with me." Linda felt so small next to her son. She could feel his lean muscles through his sweater. "I just ... can't believe -"

"Don't you get it, Mom. It means we're not the only ones." David lifted her into the air, pressing his hands into her lower back. "It's okay."

"But Jesus ..."

"Forget Jesus." David kissed her with passion and Linda kissed back.

William sat in the other room watching his game, but he might as well have been on Saturn for all Linda cared. They kissed for while like that, swirling their tongues together.

David pulled back from the kiss. "I want to show you something else I saw today." He turned his surprised mother upside down and her dress fell to her waist. He put one hand on the small of her back and one on her butt, moving her panties to the side. He licked up the length of her wet pussy. She tasted perfect.

"Oh, Davey." Linda knew what had to be done. She frantically unbuckled his pants and dropped them. She caught a glimpse of the cross around her wrist, but it gave her no pause. She pulled his long penis from his underwear. Waves of pleasure spread from her vagina. She could hear the smacking sounds as David sucked and licked her. She got the head of the penis into her mouth and began returning the favor. This was all so crazy and incomprehensible. But she surrendered to it completely.

After several minutes, David turned her right side up and put her on the ground.

"Go ahead, sweetheart." Linda let him turn her around and bend her over. She leaned forward, her feet and hands both on the ground, her legs straight and her butt high in the air. "Put it in." This position was also new to her.

"I want to give you a baby." David lowered his hips and slid his dick into her waiting pussy.

"Oh, yes." Linda watched the sweat drip off her nose onto the tile floor. "Give me your baby with your big, long thing." Her insides stretched to accommodate him. "Uuugggghhhhhhhh. So ... deep."

"I'm ... going to fill you up, Mom." David gripped her hips tightly and slid her back and forth on his dick. "Here it ... comes. Oooooohhhhhhhhh." He emptied his balls inside her.

Linda screamed total incoherence. Asking to be seeded had brought on a whole new high for her. Linda's eyes rolled back, her mouth hung open, and she took David's cum. When she had recovered some, she found herself still impaled on his penis, but standing straight up. David reached around and groped her boobs. He started moving inside her again. She took him to completion standing from behind again, but this time with him kissing her neck and whispering all sorts of naughty thoughts about their would-be baby in her ear.

When they finished, Linda staggered out of the laundry room, horrified. She was sure William must have heard them. How could he not?

"Do you think Dad heard?" David pulled up his pants and followed her into the kitchen.

"Oh my, gosh." Linda crept toward the living room. "He'll kill us, Davey." The thought of her normally gentle husband in a homicidal rage played in her mind. Linda peeked around the corner, and there was William still sitting on the sofa watching the game. "Bill?"

"He's in one of his moods again. Thank God." David peeked in at him over her shoulder.

"Yes." Linda looked up at David. "That was lucky. But if we're going to keep doing this, we have to be more careful."

That was music to David's ears. "Sure thing." He dropped his pants again and waddled over to one of the kitchen chairs. He sat down, his dick straight up in the air.

"Really? Again? This is not what I meant by careful." Linda lifted her dress, dropped her panties, and straddled him. "But this is the last time." She put him inside her and bounced on his lap. "The very last time ... for today."

David came inside her again. After, they went and showered together.

By the time William came out of his daze, the game was almost over. How had that happened? He heard David chatting with Linda as they set the table in the dining room. William got himself up, lumbered into the dining room, and sat down. "I must have dozed off again. Dinner smells good, dear."

"Thank you, Bill." Linda came in and served them. It was a crazy day, but she wouldn't have wanted it to go any differently.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The nursing was orgasmic. But it would have been hotter if David was sucking her milk. Well, keep the mother-son sex flowing in newer ways and in all the holes.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Love the nursing

The nursing scene was hot!!! I hope you plan on the son coming home finding his mother nursing his sister and the sales clerk, a teacher, or perhaps his aunt.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
More Nursing!!

Hopefully, Linda does more nursing and feeds her son A LOT!! make her bug boobs grow HUGE.....

rawlyrawlsrawlyrawlsalmost 5 years agoAuthor
More on the way

I've finished Chapters 7 - 11. I post each of my chapters on Literotica three weeks apart.

If you want to read them sooner, or feel like supporting my writing, you can do that here:

Thanks for reading!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
love this series

i hate roy but love the rest of these characters :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Absolutely love the nursing! Please keep exploring!

rim4u2rim4u2almost 5 years ago
Loved it!!!

Absolutely love these stories!!! And, her nursing the girl...... way too hot!! Keep them coming!!

TSreaderTSreaderalmost 5 years ago
Another fun chapter!

Very yummy! Thank you!

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