Sometimes Dreams Come True


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I couldn't have been sitting there for more than thirty minutes when I saw Kate walking in looking for me. The moment she saw me, she slowly approached where I sat and took the seat next to me.

"Please tell me that you're not disgusted with me, baby," she began to softly cry, "I just couldn't take it if you were...I'm sorry, Rick."

"I only want to be with you, Kate," I sadly replied, "And if you can't handle that then I see no reason for us to stay together."

"No, Rick, I want to be with you and only you," she quickly told me, "The moment you left your room, I got up and got dressed to come find you."

"What about Roxanne," I asked, "What did you tell her?"

"That this whole thing was a mistake," she said, "A mistake that I made."

"Uh huh," I nodded, "And what did she say?"

"She apologized to me," Kate replied sniffling, "And she asked that I send her apology to you as well."

"Alright then," I said, "Promise me one thing, Kate."

"Anything," she said, "You name it, baby."

"Don't ever pull this kind of thing again, okay?"

"Okay, Rick," she quickly replied, "I promise that I'll never do this again."

"One more thing," I softly asked, "Is this going to cause problems down the road? I mean, are you going to want to be with any more women, or has your curiosity been satisfied?"

"I'm finished with all of it, baby," she sniffled, "Nothing is worth losing you over...I swear, Rick..."


That night Kate went to her parent's house while I slept alone for the first time since Kate and I first got together. Granted, I missed her, but I also needed some down time to process all of the events that had taken place that day. I knew that I loved Kate, no doubt; but I still felt somewhat betrayed, even though I knew I was just as guilty as Kate was when it came to bringing an outsider into our relationship to begin with.

I immediately reached for the phone, because I was going to call Kate, regardless of the time, and apologize to her for getting in her ass when I had no right to in the first place.

It was right then that I realized how much Kate and I think alike, because right before my hand touched it, the phone began to ring. Looking at the clock sitting on my bed table, it told me that it was just a little past two o'clock in the morning when I picked up the receiver and placed to my ear and softly said, "Hello?"

"Hi, baby," Kate sniffled, on the other end, "I can't sleep worth a damn; I love you so much, and I feel like shit," and then she started crying again.

"Shh," I tenderly soothed her, "It's alright, baby. I'm just as guilty as you are for letting this take place to begin with. Is there any way I could talk you into coming back here to be with me, or will it wake your Mom and Dad up if you were to leave?"

"I never went to their house to begin with," she sniffled, "I'm on the floor above you in a friend of mine's room. Can I come down there with you?"

"Of course baby," I told her. However, as opposed to Kate's saying anything further, I heard her squeal like only she can do, and then the line went dead...


After a few minutes had passed, I heard a knock on my door, and the moment I opened it, Kate flew into my arms, holding me tightly like she was never going to let me go.

"I love you, Rick," she softly sniffled, "I love you so much; and it kills me to know that I've hurt you, baby."

"I'm not hurt, sweetheart," I affectionately told her, "And I still love you with all my heart, too. I just don't want to bring anyone else into our relationship, that's all."

"I understand, baby," Kate smiled, leaning over and kissing my lips, "And I don't want anyone else brought into our relationship either; okay baby?"

"That sounds good to me," I sleepily yawned, "Can we go to bed now? I have to be at my parent's house early tomorrow."

"Is that right?" she knowingly grinned, "Can I go with you?"

"Of course, you can," I teased, "But only if we got to bed soon. Hell, it's almost two-thirty in the morning."

"Oh, really," Kate grinned, quickly taking off her clothes, and then jumping into my bed, "I guess we'd better hurry up and get to sleep then, huh?"

"Silly girl, I laughed, leaning over to kiss her lips as I disrobed, "I love you, Kate."

"Mmm," she softly purred, snuggling up next to me the moment I was in the bed, lying down right beside her, "I love you, too...good night, Rick."

"Goodnight, baby girl..."


"Well, I'll be," Mom happily grinned, pulling Kate into her arms as she and I stepped through the front door of my childhood home, "If it isn't my son and soon to be daughter-in-law. Hi sweeties, it's good to see you two."

"Hi, Ms. Jennifer," Kate smiled, hugging her, "How're you doing?"

"I'm good," Mom gently smiled, "It's so good to see you, baby girl."

Suddenly, as Mom was hugging me, I heard Dad somewhere the back of the house say, "Is that my daughter that I hear?"

"Yeah it is," I loudly grinned, "You need to get your ass in here and come say hello, old man."

"Who're you calling old, boy?" Dad smiled, as he suddenly appeared in the front room, "You little shit."

"Hi, Mister Mark," Kate giggled, throwing her arms around Dad's neck and hugging him, "It's good to see handsome thing."

"Hell yeah," Dad laughed, returning Kate's hug, "She can stay."

"Yeah, right," I laughed, teasing, "She needs to get her eyes checked...either that, or she needs glasses if she thinks that you're handsome."

"Oh, hush," Kate firmly replied, "Where do you think that you get your looks from, Rick?"

"That's easy," I smiled, placing my arm around my mother's waist, "I get my looks from Mom."

"Oh, no you don't," Kate emphatically replied, "Yes, Ms. Jennifer is very beautiful, but you look just like your father...and that's the reason that you're so handsome, my love."

"See there?" Dad grinned, "I told you that Kate was smarter than you, didn't I, Ricky boy?"

"You shut up," I laughed, "And stop calling me Ricky boy. I hate that shit."

"Hey now," Mom suddenly spoke up, "You need to watch your language around us ladies, young man."

"I'm sorry, Mom" I told her, "But Dad's being an asshole...again."

"And the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree either," Mom pointedly replied, "Because you're beginning to act just like him. Can you two to behave yourselves for one day...or at least while you and Kate are here?"

"Okay, Mom," I grinned, hugging her, "I'll behave...and Dad will be a good boy."

"Damn kid," Dad playfully grumbled, taking Kate's hand, "Come with me, baby girl; I was just about to make some hot chocolate. Would you like a cup?"

"Yes, please," Kate delightfully squealed, "I love hot chocolate..."


"I meant to tell you, Rick," Dad said, as we all drank some hot chocolate, "Mister Kazamatsu said that he wanted to see you while you were home," and no sooner had Dad mentioned his name, when we heard the doorbell ring.


"Ricksan," Kazamatsu happily grinned, as we shook hands, "It good to see you, but we need to have serious talk."

"What do we need to talk about, sir?" I asked, "I haven't been fighting...much."

"It very important, Ricksan," he said, "I called in favor from old friend and Kazamatsu found out Frank Spicolli is very bad man, connected with organized crime."

"What family," I fearfully asked, "It's not the Palone family, is it?"

"No," Dad politely interrupted, "Joey Boy Palone kicked Frank Spicolli out of the Palone family right before he died. Now Spicolli operates out of Atlantic City and is using the Palone family name to throw his weight around the state of New Jersey."

"New Jersey," I exclaimed, "Then what the hell is he doing all the way down here, and how did you come by this information, Dad?"

"I would like to know that myself," Mom insistently replied, "You'd better tell me exactly what's going on Mark, and you'd damn well better do it right now..."

"It's kind of like this," Dad angrily began, "I've got a friend of mine at work who bets on sports games through this bookie that Frank Spicolli just happens to run. He told me all this shit, Jennifer so; don't bite my head off for it, okay?"

"I'm sorry, baby," Mom sweetly told him, kissing him on the lips, "Do you forgive me, Marky baby?"

"Jeez," I complained, "You two need to get a room...come on you guys."

"You shut up, boy," Mom growled, "You're not too old for me to still paddle your little ass," as Kate giggled alongside her...


Chapter Eleven

"Frank Spicolli is very dangerous man, Ricksan," Kazamatsu warned, "Must be very careful when you around him, okay?"

"Okay, Sensei," I respectfully replied, "But I'm not afraid of him."

"Kazamatsu know you no afraid of nothing," he began, "Being no afraid have nothing to do with it. You remember lesson on having respect for opponent?"

"Of course I do," I laughed, rubbing the right side of my face, "That was the day I got my fist black eye."

"That lesson apply here," he warned again, "Frank Spicolli is very bad man...this man is hired killer, and must be respected."

"No problem," I said, "If he leaves me alone...I'll leave him's that simple..."


Later that morning, I was in the dojo with Mr. Kazamatsu where I was receiving some more advanced training, as Kazamatsu later called it. What he was basically doing was teaching me a faster, more efficient means of disarming someone at close quarters. In all honesty, I was being taught how to not only take a weapon from someone, but also how to permanently disable in kill them in case I was left with no other choice.

And while it didn't sit quite so well with me, I knew that Kazamatsu wouldn't be teaching me this unless he feared for my safety; but because I knew him so well, I could sense a slight fear in him. However, I didn't say anything to him about it because of the fact that he was like a member of my family; hell, we all felt that way about him.


"Mister Kazamatsu," Kate asked, "Is there any way that I could get you to teach me how to defend myself."

"Of course, Katesan," he happily smiled, "But must have permission from parents first."

"What for?" she asked, "I'm twenty and old enough to be responsible for my own actions, sir."

"Okay then," he smiled, then looked at me and said, "Take Katesan to martial arts supply store and get her ghee..."


"It says it's a size three," Kate told me, "That's way too small for me. I wear a size six."

"It's a little different," I explained, "These ghees are designed to fit both male and female so; it's kind of like a universal size...sort of."

"Oh, okay," she grinned, "You're the expert, not me..."


We got back to my house around one o'clock in the afternoon, which was perfect timing for Kate to receive her first lesson. Mr. Kazamatsu and I agreed that I would be her teacher when she and I were at college, and that I was to bring her to see him every other weekend to make sure that her training was up to par. In other words, I was going to become her Sensei, but Mr. Kazamatsu would be the one to administer all tests that concerned her belt rankings.

"That's not right," I objected, "You never tested me for belts...why not?"

"That easy, Ricksan," Kazamatsu laughed, "Katesan much smarter than you," and then he continued to laugh, with Kate giggling right alongside of him. Hell, I didn't care even if it was at my expense. All I cared about was my beautiful Kate...


After Kate's first karate lesson, she had to be back in time to get ready for work that night so; we said our goodbyes, and then headed out for the dorms...


"Wow," Kate smiled, still full of adrenaline from her first lesson, as I drove us back to campus, "I feel differently now...I feel powerful."

"I'm glad to hear that," I smiled, "But I want you to keep in mind what Sensei said about not telling anyone that you're taking lessons, okay baby?"

"I know, sweetie," she gently smiled, "I understand the responsibility that comes with this kind of training, and I wouldn't disrespect Mister Kazamatsu, or you. You're my Sensei just like Mister Kazamatsu is ya know."

"Damn, I forgot," I grinned, "You'll be my very first student...this is gonna be so much fun, I promise you, Katie."

"Hey now," she playfully pouted, "What did I say about calling me Katie?"

"I haven't forgotten," I knowingly teased, "I'll stop calling you Katie when you stop calling me Ricky, fair enough?"

"Shit," she laughed, "Okay, I guess I'm gonna have to agree to this one."

I said nothing more other than to wear a satisfied grin on my face as we drove back to campus.

"What," Kate asked smiling," What're you grinning about?"

"Oh, nothing really," I told her, "I was just thinking about how it's going to be when you finally do earn your black belt."

"That's right," she teased, "I'll be able to whip your ass then."

"Uh huh," I chuckled, "Keep dreaming, girlie girl."

"I'm not dreaming," she kept teasing, "I'm planning on it, just you wait and see..."


That night while Kate was at work, Mike and Sara came to what unofficially, and without the college knowing, was mine and Kate's room. The same thing was going on with Mike and Sara, and to be honest, nobody really cared back then. We all kept to ourselves, making it a point to stay out of the radar of the Resident Advisor, or R.A. as it's called.

"So, Rick," Sara smiled, "How does it feel to be engaged to Kate?"

"Are you kidding me?" I excitedly grinned, "I don't know if you know this or not; but Kate and I were both virgins when we met; and as far as I'm concerned, Kate was my first and last."

"Aww," Sara tenderly smiled, "That's so sweet; and just so you know, and you didn't hear this from me, but you're broke a lot of hearts when you got engaged to Kate."

"Girl please," I laughed, "I know better than that."

"I'm serious," Sara said, "I heard your name mentioned by several different girls, several times last year."

"Don't tell him that, Sara," Kate said, as she suddenly appeared in the door way smiling, "His head is big enough as it is."

"Hi, sweetie," I grinned at Kate, excited to see her, "I thought you had to work."

"It was slow tonight," she smiled, walking into the room and kissing me, "So, Daddy let go early."

"Good," I sighed, pulling her into my arms, "Tell him that I said, Thank You."

"I will," she smiled, "He told me..."

All of a sudden the phone rand, interrupting her, but Kate simply reached over and picked up the phone and said, "Hello...yes he is...just a moment please, and then she handed me the phone and fearfully whispered, "It's Frank Spicolli, Rick."

"This is Rick," I said, into the phone.

"Hello, Rick, this is Frank Spicolli," he replied, in a sickening, friendly voice, "Have you given my offer any more thought?"

"Yes, sir, I have," I replied, "And I'm going to have to pass on your offer, sir."

"I don't think that's a very wise decision, Rick," he warned, "Let me put it to you this way. You've got five days to make up your mind, or else I'll have both of your legs broken, boy. Now, how is that for an offer?"

"Don't you dare threaten me, asshole," I viciously replied, "Or I'll give you a war like you've never seen."

"Is that right," he laughed, "Are you prepared to take on the Palone Family, you little punk?"

"You're no longer a member of the Palone Family, motherfucker," I growled, "Joey Boy kicked you out before he died, and if I'm not mistaken, Vito Palone put a quarter-of-a-million dollar price on your fucking head, you son of a bitch."

"That's it," he snapped, "Grow eyes in the back your head, kid. I'm coming for you soon."

"Come the fuck on," I goaded him, "You're dead man if you keep pushing this. You've been warned, asshole." And then I abruptly hung the phone up.

"Are you crazy, Rick?" Kate said, aghast, "Did I just hear you threaten Frank Spicolli?"

"Fuck him," I spat, "That fucking grease ball doesn't scare me one bit."

"I hate to tell you this pal," Mike quietly warned me, "But you just pissed off a very bad man."

"Ask me if I give a fuck?" I growled, "But you're right. I need to get you three out of here right now, come on," and taking my advice, the four of us went back to Kate and Sara's room, where I knew we would all be least for the night anyway...


The next morning I took Kate back to her parent's house, making sure that I wasn't being followed in the process. Once that was finished, I went to the bank and withdrew enough money for a plane ticket to New York City, where I would take a cab from JFK to a meeting that I'd set up to take place in Brooklyn.




The taxi took me all the way from John F. Kennedy airport, into Brooklyn down East 98th street to where Rockaway Parkway turns into Livonia Avenue. Then the taxi driver took the first right, going half a block to a normal, unassuming looking house which sat on a half acre lot.

A tall, large, clearly Italia man, stood waiting at the curb when the taxi pulled up. He opened my door, taking the small bag I was carrying with me. I must say, he was very polite and extremely nice.

"Are you Mister Parker," he asked, "Mister Rick Parker?"

"Yes, sir," I smiled, as we shook hands, "I'm him...who are you?"

"My name is Joseph Palone the third," he smiled as we shook hands, "I'm Don Vito's younger brother, Mister Parker. Please, right this way."

"So, what would you prefer that I call you?" I politely asked.

"Just call me, Little Joe," he chuckled, "That's what the rest of the family calls me. My brother is very anxious to meet you after your phone call..."


I followed Little Joe into the house, where he led me to a room in the very back. Once in the room, I saw three men, two sitting on either side of a large oak desk with one man sitting directly behind it. All three of them very large men, bigger than me, and I'm not a small guy.

"Welcome, Mister Parker," smiled the man behind the desk, who now stood to shake my hand, "My name is Vito Palone, what can I do for you?"

"My name is Rick Parker, sir," I told him, "And I think that this is more like something that I can do for you?"

"How refreshing," he laughed, his peers laughing with him, "Alright then, what is it that you can do for me?"

"I can give you the exact location of Frank Spicolli," I replied, "And if you want, I'll even set him up for you."

"Is that right," he evilly grinned, "And what do you want in return for this...uh...this service."

"Nothing at all, Don Vito," I respectfully replied, "That putano threatened me with bodily harm, and when I told him to kiss my ass, he threatened me again, only this time he did it using the Palone Family name."

"He'll pay for that with his life," Don Vito viciously, yet still politely assured me, "And I suppose you know that I've put a two hundred and fifty-thousand dollar price on his head."

"I mean no disrespect, sir, but you can keep your money," I plainly replied, "I just want to be left alone to go to college, sir. That way, I won't be in your debt, Mister Palone."

"That's fair enough, kid," he smiled, "Why is he bothering you to start with?"

"I'll tell you if you give me your word that I won't be forced to do anything I don't want to do," I replied, "Otherwise, I'll turn and walk away, and forget we ever had this conversation, sir."

"You guys see this kid?" he told his men, "You should be more like him...he's a very smart and cool customer, and I for one, give him my word that nothing will happen to him...ever. Do I make myself clear, gentlemen?"

"Si, Don Vito," They each replied in Italian.

"Okay, kid," he said, "You have my word."

"Alright then, here it is," I said, and then told him about having been under martial arts instruction from the time I was very young. I also told Mr. Palone how Frank Spicolli was trying to exploit my talent for his own devices and purpose.