Sometimes Dreams Come True


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"Hi Lisa," I smiled, extending my hand, "It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Rick," she genuinely smiled, "Chance has told me some very interesting things about you," and then she turned to Kate smiling and said, "Hi, I'm Lisa Carlson."

"Hi, Lisa," Kate smiled, as the two girls happily greeted one another, "My name is Kate Evans, and I'm Rick's fiancée, and it's so nice to meet you. I've seen you around campus."

"Oh, that reminds me," Lisa suddenly smiled at Kate, "I heard that you were a Cheerleader in your high school, and we lost three girls this last year. I was wondering if you'd be interested in trying out. Besides, you're very pretty, and if what I heard about you was true, then you'll fit in perfectly with us."

"Oh gosh, I really wish I could," Kate politely declined, "But I've got a pretty full load this semester, and I don't have the time. I wouldn't want to make any of you look bad by screwing up the routines because I don't know them either so; please accept my apology this semester. But maybe next fall will be more open."

"That's okay, Kate," Lisa sweetly replied, "But don't think I'm not gonna stay on you about it, girl; I heard that you were damn good in high school," and then she began to grin from ear-to-ear, "Besides, I know that your squad won the nationals two years ago, because ya'll were competing against us."

"Oh, hell, come with me, girl," Kate smiled, as she and Lisa were leaving, "We're going up to my room to talk about this. She was once an adversary of mine so; it requires the two of us, at the very least, to have a drink together," and then Kate kissed me, as did Lisa kiss Chance, and then they were gone, the door slowly closing behind them.


"Damn," I laughed, at Chance, "That wore me out just listening to them. What about?"

"Man, are kidding me?" he chuckled, "Lisa and I have been together for two years so; I deal with it all the time."

"Maybe so," I smiled, as an afterthought, "But you've got to admit, we've got ourselves a couple of beauties, don't we?"

"We sure do, brother," he grinned, "Did I hear Kate call you her fiancée?"

"Yeah," I proudly replied, "We're getting married after we graduate...she's it for me."

"Good for you," Chance smiled, "It took me a while to find Lisa; but now that she's mine, I'm not about to let her go anywhere."

"I want to tell you something," I said, "But you've got to promise me that you won't think that I'm some dumb assed kid."

"There's not a dumb bone in your body, Rick" Chance told me, "And you've earned the right to tell me whatever you want, and you can count on the fact that it won't go outside this room, my friend."

"Okay, here it is then," I began, "I was a virgin until I met Kate. I'm kind of old fashioned I guess, because I wanted my first experience with sex to be with someone that I loved, whom I know loved me, too."

"Man, that's beautiful, brother, it really is," Chance honestly replied, gently patting me on the back, "And just so you know, I think that Kate is a rare beauty, too. I've met her at her family's restaurant when they first opened, and she's always been nothing but nice. I'm glad you two found each other, Rick...good for you, and congratulations."

"Thanks, Chance," I smiled, "That means a lot, coming from you, of all people."

"You're welcome," he grinned, "Oh that reminds me," he chuckled, reaching into is coat pocket and withdrawing an envelope with my name written in it. Then he handed it to me and said, "Here, take these."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Come on, Rick," he chuckled, "Just open it."

I opened the envelope to discover that within it were two season passes for the whole football season. "Holy shit," I widely grinned, "What's this for? You didn't have to do this, Chance; come on man."

"Yes, I did have to do it," he laughed, "Now you don't have an excuse for not coming to see us play this year..."


"So, did you and Lisa have a good time when ya'll went upstairs to your room?" I asked, grinning as I held a slightly tipsy Kate in my arms, after Chance and Lisa had gone.

"Yes," Kate giggled, laying in my arms looking glassy eyed and silly, "I told her what a great guy you were...I love you so much, Rick," and then she let out a loud hiccup, immediately passing out in my arms as a long, deep sigh left her lungs.

"Silly girl," I grinned, knowing that she couldn't hear me, as I very gently rolled her over onto her stomach, "You're going to have one helluva headache in the morning, sweetheart..."


"Oh, my God," Kate groaned, first thing that next morning, as she buried her face into her hands, "My head hurts so bad that I'm afraid to open my eyes, Rick...please help me, baby."

"Uh huh," I chuckled, handing her a couple of Aspirin, and reaching into our refrigerator to give her an ice cold plastic bottle of Gatorade© to wash them down with, "Maybe next time you'll think twice before you start doing that many shots of tequila on an empty stomach, my beauty."

"Dammit, Rick," she whined, "Why do you do that?"

"Why do I do what?"

"Why are you always right?" Kate pouted, "It's not fair."

"I'm sorry, my love," I smiled, leaning down and kissing her lips, "I'm only stating the obvious."

"Oh, I know, baby," she continued pouting, only this time I detected the hint of a smile in there, "Don't pay any attention to me...I'm just being a bitch today because of this shitty hangover."

"I'm not trying to be the bearer of bad tidings, sweetheart," I knowingly smiled, "But I thought by now you would've learned what happened when you drink too much.,"

"I know what happens when somebody drinks too much, Rick," she groaned, gently holding her head in her hands, "But I damn sure don't have to like I?"

"No, you don't have to like it," I grinned, "I guess experiencing it for yourself is a pretty good teacher, huh?"

"Oh, hush," she grinned, throwing a pillow at me, "This is all your fault to begin with, smart ass."

"My fault," I asked, "And exactly how is your hangover my fault?"

"Because," she playfully pouted, "It was your job to stop me before I could get too drunk," which; of course, cause me to laugh like a lovesick fool on the first day of spring.

"Shut up and quit laughing, Rick," Kate snapped, and then buried her head under the covers, "I don't see anything that could possibly be the least bit funny about any of this shit," and although I knew better, I couldn't help but laugh like an idiot, which was met by Kate's wrath, as she lost her temper with me for the first time since we'd been together.


"How dare you talk to me like that," I quietly seethed, turning to leave, "Call me when you've decided to stop acting like a temperamental little child," and then before she could say anything else, I turned and left, telling her, "And I'm already at my dorm, dammit, and because this is my dorm room; make sure that your hateful ass is gone when I get back here," slamming the door hard behind me as I walked out of the room...


As opposed to giving Kate the opportunity to say anymore hateful shit to me, I got into my car and took off to Mr. Kazamatsu's house as quickly as I could. He had always been there before when I sought his counsel, and I knew that this would be no least I hoped so...


Chapter Ten

"Ah, Ricksan," Kazamatsu widely grinned, when he met me at his front door, "What can Kazamatsu do for you today?"

"It's Kate," I told him, "She's extremely pissed off at me, and I think I know why, but it still isn't right. After all, she asked me for my opinion; and then she got madder than an old wet hen when I told her the truth."

"Girls act that way sometimes," he began to horse laugh, "I guess the time has come to take you through to next level of your training, Ricksan."

"What do you mean?" I curiously asked, "And what kind of training are you talking about, Sensei?"

"I speak of the last and final phase of training for all Togakure Warriors," he respectfully answered, in his now more than familiar broken English, "The time has come for you to choose the path of your destiny, Ricksan," and then he smiled and told me, "You come back tomorrow at sunrise...we begin you training bright and early, okay, Ricksan?"

"Yes, sir, Sensei," I respectfully replied, "I'll see you first thing in the morning, rearing to go...okay?"

"Okay Ricksan," Kazamatsu grinned, "Kazamatsu will see you in morning," and then I turned and left before he could say anything else...


When I got back to my dorm it was as quiet as a tomb, and because she'd always been there, I halfway expected Kate to come strolling in at any minute. But I remembered the fight we'd just had earlier, and then I realized she was gone...probably for good, too.

"Dammit," I said to myself, "I shouldn't have been so hard on her," making me pick up the telephone, and dialing her dorm room number..."

"You mean she's not with you?" Sara, Kate's room mate, asked.

"No," I replied, "She and I had a huge argument; and then I stormed out of the room like an ill tempered dumbass."

"Kate never stays mad for too long," Sara smiled, "I wouldn't worry about it, Rick. If I know Kate, she'll be back in your arms before the sun goes wait and see, sweetie."

"Thanks, Sara," I told her, "If you talk to her, would you be sure to tell her I said that I'm really sorry and that I love her with all my heart, please?"

"Of course I will," Sara kindly replied, "I wouldn't worry too much though, Rick, trust me."

"We'll see," I hopelessly replied, "Won't we?"


"It's good to see you, Ricksan," Kazamatsu smiled, greeting me at his front door, "Come in...we have much work to do this morning..."


"Remember," Kazamatsu told me, as he placed a blind fold over my eyes, "You no need eyes to be able to see. You must open your heart to understand what I mean," and once the blindfold was in place, Kazamatsu told me, "Time for defense...okay?"

"Alright," I fearfully replied, "I guess I'm ready," and then the next thing I knew, I felt the tip of a Hong Bo staff sharply jabbing me in the solar plexus, knocking me to the ground, breathless.

"Uh huh," Kazamatsu chuckled, "You no look like you ready to me."

"That's fine," I angrily replied, "Try that shit again," and this time I immediately felt the Bo Staff coming down upon me...I don't know how I knew...I just did; and blocked it, but just barely.

"Very good, Ricksan," Kazamatsu grinned, "But you still little bit slow...we try again."

We spent the rest of that morning sparring with me blindfolded. Granted, I still took a few hits, but at the speed Kazamatsu was striking me, I only missed three times at my worst. However, by the end of the morning, I was at the point that I didn't miss at all. I also discovered that Kazamatsu was right in telling me that I didn't necessarily need the use of my eyes in order to know what was coming...I somehow felt it not only with my heart, but somehow with my mind as well. Little did I realize just how well as how deadly what Kazamatsu was teaching me would be when the time came?


After lunch, which I had at Kazamatsu's house, I drove back to my dorm room and took a nap. I was tired from not only the morning's exercises, but my heart was reaching a fragile point because of the fight that I'd had with Kate. And even though it had only been a few hours since I last saw her, I found myself sorely missing my beautiful Kate...the sound of her voice, the soft touch of her skin, and last but certainly not least, the beauty of her face when she was looking into my eyes, which was something she always did...


I had the strangest dream that afternoon when I laid down to take a nap. In my dream I was walking down a deserted beach, when off in the distance I saw a man walking toward me.

As he drew closer, I began to recognize him from the pictures that Sandy, Kate, and Roger had shown me. It was Kate's brother, Kyle. He was dressed in what were known back then as, South Vietnamese Army, Tiger Camouflage, BDU's. He had a blue bandanna twisted and tied around his head, used as a headband, and last, but most certainly not least, he clearly had blood all over him.

"Your name is Kyle Evens," I asked him, once we were face to face, "Isn't it?"

"Yeah, and your Rick Parker," he smiled, "You're also going to marry my baby sister and that's why I'm here."

"Where is here," I stupidly asked, "I don't understand. Besides, you're supposed to be dead, aren't you?"

"Yes, and don't worry about that," he softly told me, "I'm here because of Katie, as well as how much you two love one another."

But before I could reply, the sky grew very bright, almost blindingly so; and I heard a strange but ever so gentle male voice telling me, "She'll come back to you, my son. But you must first open your eyes."

The next thing I heard was someone calling my name. I knew the voice from somewhere, it was female, yet I just couldn't place where I knew it from as I heard it calling out to me, "Rick...Rick...Rick, please wake up, baby...Rick..."


When I opened my eyes, Kate was standing at my bed, with her soft hand on my shoulder and giant tears rolling down her beautiful cheeks.

"I'm so sorry, Rick," she cried, climbing into the bed with me and laying her head down upon my chest, wrapping her arms tightly around me, "Please forgive me for being such a bitch to you this morning...please, baby?"

"Shh, it's okay, baby," I soothed her, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her tightly against me, "There's nothing to forgive, my love, nothing at all."

"I love you so much, Rick," she sniffled, her voice slightly muffled from where she had her face buried in my chest, "I swear to you that I do, baby, and it's literally killing me that I've hurt you."

"I know you love me," I tenderly replied, "And I love you, too..."

We spoke no more words as Kate slowly yet sensually began taking her clothes off, one piece at a time. Once she was fully naked, she gently pressed her naked body against mine and softly whispered, "Make love to me, my darling..."


Kate and I had spent the whole afternoon in bed together, relishing in the fact that we were so deeply in love with one another; and when she looked out of the window and saw that it was getting dark outside, Katie grinned at me and said, "Can we go out tonight, baby? I have a friend that I want you to meet."

"Of course," I smiled, "I need to get a shower do you."

"Ooo that sounds like fun to me," she seductively giggled, "But we'd better do it in the girls shower, okay?"

"Do what in the girls shower," I stupidly asked, "What're you talking about, Kate?"

"I'm talking about taking a shower together, baby," she purred, rubbing her gorgeous naked tits against my bare chest, "It's going to be so much fun...wait and see."


"I still can't believe I let you talk me into this," I quietly said, as Kate and I stood naked in the girl's shower, "What if we get caught, then what?"

"Relax, baby," she smiled, placing her hand around my cock, making it hard, "Nobody's going to come in here; and even if they do, it will only be another girl coming to take a shower."

"That's what I mean," I quietly replied, "And then she'll go and tell on us."

"Rick, honey, there's something you need to understand," she smiled, jacking off my hard soapy cock, "I've seen more orgies take place in this shower since I've been on campus; and no one has ever gotten caught."

"Maybe not," I uneasily replied, "But there's always a first time for everything."

No sooner had I spoken those words than a very pretty girl came walking into the shower as naked as the day she was born...and looking very good, I might add.

"Hi, Kate," she nonchalantly replied, as she turned on the water below the shower nozzle she was standing beneath, "So, this is Rick, huh?"

"Hi, Roxie," Kate grinned, "Yeah, this is Rick," as she sensually, yet proudly worked my cock up and down in front of this girl, "He's hot, isn't he?"

"Hell yes," Roxanne Carter, a hot brunette with a hot ass nice big tits, smiled, "You don't mind if I watch you two fuck, do you?"

"Not at all," Kate giggled, still jacking my cock, "Why don't you come over here and use the shower head next to us so you can see better, okay?"

"Oh, God," Roxanne groaned, jamming three fingers in her pussy, "Are you sure that you don't mind?"

"Of course not," Kate sensually purred, "Besides I've wanted to lick a pussy for a long time now...I hope you don't mind, Rick."

I was so stunned that I was at a loss for words, as this girl, who, like I just said, was smoking hot in her own right, sensually walked toward us, playing with her own pussy as she did so.

The only thing I could do was loudly groan when I saw Roxanne and Kate sharing what was Kate's first kiss with a woman, making Kate giggle and say, "I'll take that as a yes?"

"Good," Roxanne smiled, when I nodded my head, and then she dropped down onto the shower floor beside Kate, who was on her knees sucking my cock by this time, "May I have a taste of that beautiful cock, Kate?"

"Yes," Kate grinned, manually placing my cock into Roxie's mouth, and then standing up beside me and rubbing her wet body against mine as Roxanne began to suck my cock, "Mmm, does that feel good, Rick baby?"

"Oh, God, Kate," I groaned, "I've never felt anything like this before."

"I know...this is so fucking hot," she moaned, as I fingered her pussy, "And if it's okay with you, I want to take Roxanne back to your dorm room when we finish showering so you can fuck me doggie style while I eat her pussy; okay baby?"

"Ungh, whatever you want, baby," I groaned, as Roxanne continued sucking my cock, "But if she doesn't stop right now; I'm gonna blow all over her face."

"Okay, baby," Kate smiled, as she gently pulled Roxanne away from my cock, "Besides, I want you to save it so that you can cum all over mine and Roxie's faces..."


A few minutes later, I joined Kate and Roxanne in my bed, and the three of us were as naked as the day we were born. I had Kate bouncing up and down on my cock while Roxanne sat on my face. In the background I could hear Kate and Roxanne playing with each other's bodies as they kissed and sucked each other's tits.

However, because Kate's pussy was so tight, I had to stop for a minute and take a break to calm down, as I didn't want to cum too fast and not be able to fully enjoy the experience that Kate had presented me with. However, it was all I could do not to cum when I saw Kate and Roxanne doing a sixty-nine position in order to be able to eat one another's pussies.

After they'd both cum twice, Kate pulled away from Roxanne and placed her in a doggie style position, after which Kate laid back down on her back while Roxanne moved in to start eating her pussy again.

"I want to watch you fuck her, Rick," Kate began panting, "Hurry baby, because I'm about to cum."

I moved in behind Roxanne, and was just about to put my cock into her pussy when I heard a voice telling me not to do it. As opposed to fucking Roxanne, I stepped away from the bed, and said, "I'm sorry, you two, but I just can't do this," after which, I put my pants back on, followed by a tee shirt, socks and shoes; and then I walked out of my dorm room feeling dirty and disgusted, not to mention feeling my heart slowly beginning to break because I thought that Kate had chosen a woman over me...


I figured that Kate and Roxanne were going to be a while before they were finished having sex so; I got into my truck and headed for the nearest bar; which happened to be only three blocks away. It was a place that Kate and I had been to quite often, called, "The Galleon" and after I walked in and took a seat at the bar, I ordered a glass of Jim Beam bourbon over ice.
