Sometimes Dreams Come True


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I went on for another five minutes telling him that I was not a part of any faction or family, that I was a civilian by his terms, and I simply wanted to be left alone. And once I was finished, Mr. Palone looked at me and told me, "I'll take care of everything, Rick. I want you to go back home and keep doing whatever it was that you were doing before this shit-ball ever contacted you, okay?"

"Yes, sir," I respectfully replied, rising from my seat to shake hands with him, "Peace be with you, Don Vito," and then I turned and walked away. They were kind enough to drive me back to the airport, and per Don Vito's orders, my airline ticket was upgraded to first class, and man, was it great.



9:55 PM

"Jesus Christ, Rick," Kate sniffled, throwing her arms around me the minute I walked through the door, "Where the hell have you been? I was worried sick, baby."

"I'll explain it on the way," I told her, "We have to go to my parent's house tonight."

"Why," she asked, "Have you forgotten that you have an eight o'clock English class tomorrow morning?"

"No, I haven't forgotten," I said, "That's why it's imperative that I go tonight."

"Okay, baby," she chuckled, "But don't you dare complain when I wake you up early in the morning..."




"What in the hell are you doing here at this hour, boy?" Dad asked, as I came into the house through the back door, "Is something wrong, Rick?"

"No, sir," I lied, "I wanted to pick up something I forgot to get when I was here yesterday," heading straight back to my room...the same room I kept all of my hand weapons in, i.e. my shiriken stars, my steel darts, two Magrisaki chains, and two pairs of Nunchucks as well as my sword and both knives.

"Just where do you think you're going with those weapons, Mister?" Dad angrily asked, "And does Mister Kazamatsu know about this?"

"No, Dad, he doesn't," I impatiently replied, "And I don't have the time to explain it right now so; I'm asking you to blindly trust me, please?"

"As long as you promise me one thing," he replied, as he pulled me into his arms and tightly hugged me, "I want you to promise me that you'll be careful...okay?"

"Yes, sir," I replied, fiercely returning the hug, "I promise, Dad..."


We got back to the dorm around two o'clock that morning and went straight to bed. I'd explained to Kate what I'd done in Brooklyn, reassuring her that all would be well and that no one was in any kind of danger.

"Oh, really," she skeptically replied, "If that's the case, then why are packing all of those weapons?"

"That's an easy one," I knowingly smiled, "It's better to be safe than sorry, my love; and these weapons are like a personal insurance policy to me. Besides, it's better to hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst."


That night I lay asleep with Kate one side of me with my sword on the other. Along with my sword, which had a thirty inch kitana; I also kept my Shiriken stars, as well as my steel darts, or throwing pins, as some people call them, right next to my sword.

I'd carried my weapons with me not too long after Kazamatsu had taught me how to use them. However, I changed my mind about being armed all he time the first moment I laid eyes upon my beautiful Kate. She became a form of inspiration for me that, if I hadn't met her, I would've never known...



"I walked into my English class right on time, but just barely. Still though, I was there and that's what counted as far as my professor was concerned. I'd taken the time to skim over the material that I was supposed to know for the pop test that I knew I was going to have to take that morning, and it was a good thing; because as soon as the teaching assistant handed me the test; I knew that had I not looked at the material I was supposed to know, I would've flat out failed the test, pure and simple...


As soon as I was done taking the pop quiz, my professor allowed us to leave, and so, I decided to wait for Kate to finish her statistics class, which convened at the same time my English class did. However, as opposed to sitting outside of the building waiting for her to come out, I went to the cafeteria and got a quick bite to eat.

I was sitting at a table eating when surprisingly, a girl who was in my English class, whom I discovered that day was named Jenna Clarke, approached my table and said, "Hi, your name is Rick, right?"

"Yeah, it's, Rick Parker," I politely smiled, "What's your name?"

"Hi, Rick, my name is Jenna," she smiled, "Jenna Clarke, and we have English together."

"Yes, please join me," I grinned, standing up and pulling out a chair for her, "How do you think you did on the pop quiz we just took?"

"I feel pretty good about it," she replied, "How do you think you did?"

"I know that I passed it," I said, "But I'm not very sure by how much though."

"Can I ask you something Rick?"

"Sure," I smiled, "I'm pretty much an open book. What would you like to know?"

"I was wondering about something," she nervously began, "Do you have a girlfriend?"

"Yes, I do," I proudly replied, "And her name is Kate Evans."

"That's the story of my life," she quietly replied, "All the really good looking guys that I've met so far all have sucks."

"I'm sorry, Jenna," I regretfully told her, "But you're very pretty. Hell, I'm surprised that you're not taken already."

"The only thing that most guys want these days, is an easy piece of ass," she complained, "I heard that you weren't like that though, and that's why I was wondering whether or not you were dating anyone."

"Thank you," I smiled, "I'm very flattered."

"You're also very handsome, too," she smiled, "Tell your girlfriend that I think she's a very lucky girl."

"Thank you," Kate suddenly said from behind me, as she snaked her arms around my neck, "I think I'm lucky, too."

"Hi, baby," I smiled, "Let me introduce you to my friend Jenna Clarke. She and I have the same English class together."

"Hi, Jenna," Kate brightly smiled, as the two of them shook hands, "It's nice to meet you, and any friend of Rick's is also a friend of mine."

"Wow," Jenna grinned, "You're so nice. I figured that you would be angry with me for sitting here talking to your boyfriend when you weren't around."

"I'm not like that," Kate sweetly replied, "Rick and I trust one another without question, and as soon as we graduate, we're getting married; see?" and then Kate showed her the engagement ring that I bought for her.

"Oh, my goodness," Jenna gently told Kate, "I can sure tell that he loves you. Holy cow, look at the size of that diamond. What is it, a karat and a half?"

"No," I proudly replied, "It's two karats...I even got it on sale, too."

"I knew you were smart, baby," Kate teased, "I only hope you still know how to find a bargain once we're married."

"Stop that," I grinned, my face turning beet red, "You're embarrassing me."

"Look at him blush," Jenna giggled, "How adorable."

"Come on, you guys," I said, "Gimme a break, why don't you?"

"What is it you tell me when I tease you?" Kate giggled, "Yeah, yeah, yeah..."



It was Monday so; Kate and I spent the night in "our room" studying. I always loved watching Kate when she studied, because of the different facial expressions she would exhibit when she was concentrating on something. Of course, Kate would always catch me watching her every time, too, and would always have something to say about it.

"Why do you always stare at me when I'm trying to study, Rick?"

"I can't help it," I'd told her, "You're so beautiful."

"Aw, thank you, baby," she sweetly replied, "I love you, too, Rick..."


Chapter Twelve

The next morning marked a turning point in my life that I still remember to this day. I received a phone call, and whoever was on the other end of the line hung up the moment I answered it, making me begin to worry for not only Kate's safety, but the members of her family as well as my own.

"I need you to do something for me, baby," I told Kate, "And I need you to do it without question. In other words, I'm asking you to blindly trust me."

"On one condition," she replied, "You tell me everything after it's over with...okay, Rick?"

"I don't have a problem with that," I said, "But for now, I need you and your Mom and Dad to get out of town...go to my house...I'll tell my folks that you guys are on the way."

"And I suppose you expect Dad to just close up shop with no questions asked," Kate said, "I know my father and he won't do it, baby."

"Tell him that I said that all of your lives depend on it," I quickly replied, "And tell him that I'm very serious about this, too...hell, I'll go tell him myself, come on baby..."

With that being said, Kate went with me, with no questions, to her parent's house, which only took us about twenty minutes to get there...


"Well, hey, Rick," Roger smiled, as he and sandy were getting ready to go open "The Pit", "What brings you here this morning?"

I began explaining, making it as easy to understand as possible, the events which had preceded me when I went to Brooklyn to talk with Vito Palone, and also about the occurrences which had taken place with Frank Spicolli, omitting nothing.

"That's why I need for you, Sandy and Kate to go to my parent's house where you'll all be safe," I pleaded, "Please trust me on this one, Roger...please?"

'What am I supposed to do about the restaurant?" he asked, "I can't just close up...I stand to lose a lot of money, Rick. Surely you understand business principles, yes?"

"Of course I do," I explained, "But what is more important, your money, or the safety of your family?"

"Aw hell," Roger laughed, "I guess when you put it in those terms, I really don't have a choice, do I?"

"Of course you have a choice," I grinned, "But I'm asking you, no...I'm begging you to do as I ask, because if something were to happen to any of would literally kill me, okay?"

"Do your mother and father know that we're coming?" he asked, "I don't want to put anyone out, or be an inconvenience."

"Don't you understand that you, Sandy and Kate are my family, too," I told him, tears beginning to fill my eyes, "Please do this for me...please, Roger."

"We love you, too, Rick," Roger smiled, pulling me into his arms and fiercely hugging me, "And yes, we'll do as you ask, because I know in my heart that you only have our best interests at son," tears now pouring down his face like a summer rain.

"Thank you," I replied, immensely relieved, "It will be one less thing I have to worry about when the proverbial shit hits the proverbial fan, Dad."

"I love you, boy," Roger sniffled, "We all do...very much, Rick."

"As do I you," I warmly replied, "Now please hurry and pack enough clothes to stay until you hear from me. You'll be as safe as can be at my folks' place, I promise...


Once the Evans family had gone, and were on their way, I called Mom and Dad to apprise them of the situation; and of course they happily agreed with my decision to send the Evans' to their house.

If anyone comes anywhere near here, I'll blow them in half," Dad adamantly replied, "I promise you that I'll take good care of them for you, son."

"Thanks, Dad," I said, immensely relieved, "I appreciate this more than you know, and just so you know; I owe you big time for this, Dad."

"No; you don't owe me a thing, kid," Dad cheerfully told me, "I'm just glad that your mother and I are able to help out."

"Well, thanks just the same," I smiled, "Oh, and by the way; they're on their way down there as we speak."

"Good," he grinned, "I'll take great care of them for just make sure that you look out for yourself, boy. Are we clear on this, Rick?"

"Yes, sir," I respectfully replied, "Crystal clear, Dad..."


When I returned to my dorm room, I discovered that my intuition had served me well. I opened the door to find that my room had been ransacked, and looked like a tornado had swept through it. Of course I knew, without a doubt that the person who was responsible for it was that fucking asshole, Frank Spicolli.

The thing about it was, that that grease ball asshole had just signed his own death warrant by not only invading my personal privacy, but also by threatening not only my life, but the life of the one whom I loved the most...Kate; and for that, he was going to pay for it with his blood.

I might've said the words "Death Warrant", but honestly, I'd never killed anyone; and I wasn't about to start now either. However, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was going to make his miserable life even more miserable, because I vowed right then and there, that I was going to beat the ever loving shit out of that grease ball asshole. And when it that was done; Vito Palone would handle it from there. He had promised me that...


I hadn't been in my room for no more than ten minutes at the very most when my phone began to ring. I knew who was calling before I ever picked up the phone so; when I answered it, I acted accordingly.

"What the fuck do you want, Spicolli?" I hatefully asked, "If you think I'm going to fight for you, then you can go fuck yourself, you guinea cocksucker."

"Fuck you, punk," he spat, "I'll squash you like the fucking insect that you are if you don't fight for me."

"Is that right?" I laughed, "Well, for your information, I happened to speak to a man named Vito Palone; and he told me that you were not only a coward, but you're also a fucking rat bastard so; kiss my ass, motherfucker."

"You'd better start growing eyes in the back of your fucking head," he menacingly growled, "Because I'm coming for you, and you'll never see it, you little bastard."

"Is that right?" I scoffed, "Come the fuck on then...I'll cut your fat ass up into fish food, asshole."

"Dream on, shit ball," he told me, "Because I'm definitely coming for you."

"Bull shit," I hatefully replied, "You'd better bring a fucking Army with you...that's all I've got to say," and then I slammed the receiver back down onto the telephone cradle, not giving a flying fuck about anything that asshole had to say to me. In other words, that criminal piece of shit had picked the wrong person to fuck with, and I decided right then that I was going to bring the fight to him, catching him off guard when he least expected it..."


I spent the rest of the day putting my dorm room back together, and then from there, I went to the gym to get a good workout in; because God knew that I was going to need every advantage at my disposal to take that evil bastard down...


I knew that Spicolli wouldn't be attacking right after the heated conversation we'd had over the phone. I'd made certain that Detective Virgil Andrews had been made aware of what all had happened, and that when I went to Spicolli's house to take him down permanently, I was going to provide Detective Andrews with indisputable proof that Frank Spicolli was the one who was solely responsible for the death of Eddie Ross in the process.

"I won't be able to cover you if you go in there, Rick," Detective Andrews told me, "So; you might want to think about that before you do this, and besides, this vigilante attitude of yours is liable to get you killed so; I'm begging you not to do this, kid. I don't care how honorable your motives are. One more thing, if you do this, then you're going to force me to place you under arrest."

"Excuse me, sir," I respectfully replied, "But I haven't done anything least not yet."

"Please don't do this, Rick," he practically begged me, "I don't think you realize what you're getting yourself into; nor do you realize who it is that you're dealing with. These men make the words, Murder, and Danger, sound like something out of a nursery rhyme."

"I hope you don't mind," I politely said, "But is it alright if I call you Virgil, as opposed to Detective Andrews?"

"Not at all, Rick," he chuckled, smiling as he patted me on the shoulder, "I think you've earned the right for the time being."

"Alright then, Virgil," I began, "If you don't know anything about what I'm going to do, then you have no reason to arrest me, correct?"

"Come on, kid," he seriously replied, "I can't sanction something like this; and you damn well know it. Rick."

"Something like what?" I lightly replied, knowingly feigning pure and total innocence, "I don't know what you're talking about, officer."

"Alright, kid...damn," he sighed, "But I don't want to know anything. Do you understand me?"

"Like I said," I again innocently told him, "I have no earthly idea what you mean, Detective."

"Play it your own way, kid," he somewhat, but not totally angrily replied, "But you're on your own on this. Do you understand me?"

"I prefer it that way," I cooly said, "Besides; anybody else would only be in my way..."


Although I'd been mentally prepared for the confrontation with Frank Spicolli, I never thought that it would come about as quickly as it did. I'd just finished my last class for the afternoon when the guy that I'd met upon my first encounter with Spicolli, Bruno; appeared in front of me, right outside the science building, where my Biology class was.

"Frank wants to see you," he gruffly told me, "I was told to take you to him so; why don't you make it easy on everybody and come with me?"

"Is that right?" I began to laugh, "I'll tell you what, Bruno, is it? You go back and tell your boss that I said he can kiss my ass."

"I don't think you understand," he replied, with an evil laugh, "You don't have a choice, kid."

Taking two steps backward away from him, I looked into his eyes and angrily told him, "I don't want to hurt you; but I'm telling you right now, that I'm not going anywhere with you so; go fuck yourself."

"Okay, bad ass," he growled, "Have it your own way then," and with that said, he lunged toward me.

I simply hit the ground and rolled beneath him, out of his reach, giving him an extremely fast and hard kick in the mouth on my way down.

"You little fuck," he angrily growled, tasting his own blood, and reaching for the gun he kept holstered beneath his jacket, "You're a dead man."

Because of the fact that I'd brought my hand weapons back to the dorm with me, I'd begun the habit of carrying not only my Shiriken stars on me, but also the steel darts, as well. And with the speed of a skilled marksman, I threw one of the darts at him, landing it dead center of his right eye, which of course killed him dead, making him drop to the ground where he stood...


Because there were many witnesses to what had just happened, someone, I didn't know who, called the police the moment the confrontation between Bruno and I took place. And needless to say, they arrived before Bruno's body had even had the chance to grow cold.


"I guess I don't have to ask you what happened," said Detective Andrews, who was the first police officer to arrive on the scene, "Do I, Rick?"

"That son of a bitch forced my hand when he pulled a gun on me," I adamantly replied, "I wasn't about to stand by and let him shoot me so; I defended myself the only way I know how. So; if you're going to arrest me, then I suggest you do it now."

"Relax, kid," Detective Andrews chuckled, "Nobody's blaming you for anything; and you sure as hell aren't going to be arrested. I give you my word on that one."

"How can that be?" I asked, bewildered, "I just committed murder, but I did it in self defense, I swear."

"No, you did not commit murder," he knowingly grinned, "This was clearly a case of what we police officers call justifiable homicide."